Title: Introduction to the Tool
1Introduction to the Tool
- About the 360 Development Tool
- Getting Started / inside the Website
- Evaluating yourself others
- Starting the Evaluation
- Evaluating
- After the Evaluation
- Results Graph/Web
- Follow Up on Results
- Strengths / Areas for Improvement
- Schematic Overview of the Tool
- Further Information
3About the 360 Development Tool
The 360 Development Tool is a common tool to
evaluate behaviors and attitudes in daily working
situations. This tool is built on the 8 main
competence areas for an IKEA Manager, developed
in the New Horizons programme.
4Getting Started
You have been invited to do a 360 Feedback about
your self or a colleague. Follow these simple
steps to get the most comfortable experience
1. Go to the 360 Development Tool Website
2. You are now at the start page and can login
with the username and password provided to you in
your email. 3. You can also change the
language here into German
5Inside the Website
- Now youre inside the 360 Development Tool
website. - Options
- If you have been requested to evaluate a
colleague, please continue to the next slide. - If you want to start your own 360 Feedback, you
can - Invite your manager, peers co-workers
- Evaluate yourself
- View the total results
- We advise you to use
- 6 8 respondents
PS1 The 1st manager you enter has to approve
all evaluators, this is done by mail. PS2 - If
your peers/co-workers dont have email, you can
use your address. Their username/password will
then be sent to your email.
6Evaluating yourself others
To start an evaluation of yourself or a
colleague, click in the menu
Your colleague
7Starting the Evaluation
Now you are at the beginning of the evaluation.
Here you can read more about the tool and the
scoring possibilities...
8Evaluating 1/2
- You can now do the evaluation. There are 6 or 8
categories (depending if the person you evaluate
is currently leading a team or not). - These categories also correspond with the
criteria used in New Horizons for an IKEA
Manager. These categories are - Commitment and Action
- Business Minded
- Relating Communicating
- Customer Oriented
- Promoting Values Ethics
- Handling Change
- Strategic (leading people only)
- Leading People (leading people only)
9Evaluating 2/2
The factor you are evaluating
The person you are evaluating
The meaning of the scores
Space for extra comments (your name will be shown
with the comment to the person you evaluate in
the result section)
To score, just click on the line, behind the
If you have completed and submitted a category,
you can always log off and resume at another time
If you are ready with a category, click to submit
and save the results
10After the Evaluation
- If you have evaluated your colleague and have
come to the end of the test, you can now log out
or evaluate another colleague. - If you are being evaluated and everyone has
filled in your evaluation - You can view and discuss the results (with your
manager) - Decide with your manager on steps to take in
your development
You can view the results in Graphic or in a Web
11Results - Graph
- You can see the score per factor
- You can see the scores per group (self, manager,
peers, co-workers)
- Factors where you are scored under average (lt3)
by your evaluators ,
are in red
- You can click on a factor to see the score per
question in the category
- Under the general scores are the comments per
- You can print all the results, including the
questions by clicking on print my results
12Results - Web
The Web has the same functionality as the Graph,
but it shows in a different visualization.
- Click on an axis to see the questions that
belong the respective factor
- Click on the right of the Web to see scores for
a certain group of evaluators (self, manager,
peers, co-workers) or for all of them at the same
- The green bullet points (?) mark the average
(3) score in the Web
13Follow Up on Results
To get most benefit from the tool
- Analyze it together with your manager so
together you can discuss all your - developing points
- Concentrate on finding patterns of behavior and
- Find out similarities and differences (gaps)
between your self assessment and the evaluation
of your manager, peers and co-workers
- Gather your strengths and areas for improvement
and put them into your Personal Development Plan
- Do a Follow Up with your manager after 6 months,
record your findings in your PDP
- Most probably you find the biggest
- developing potentials where you are
- unaware of how other people regard you
14Schematic Overview of the Tool
Super user
- can evaluate Self
- can invite managers / peers co-workers to do
360FB - can view results
- can invite users to start 360FB
- can delete user
- can view results
- can evaluate User
- can authorize peers co-workers to do 360FB
for User - can view results fpr User
15Further Information
If you require further assistance or would like
more information about the tool, please
contact ? Ilja Rijnen (LIIR) 31-(0)23-5151405
Learning Development IKEA Distribution
Services West