Title: Simple Resistive Circuits
1Simple Resistive Circuits
2Digital vs. Analog
- What is the difference between the two?
3Measuring Voltage and Current
4Measuring Voltage and Current
- Ammeter an instrument used to measure current
which is placed in series with the circuit
element whose current is being measured. An
ideal ammeter has zero equivalent resistance. - Voltmeter and instrument used to measure
voltage which is placed in parallel with the
circuit element whose voltage is being measured.
An ideal voltmeter has infinite equivalent
5Measuring Voltage and Current
6Measuring Voltage and Current
- dArsonval Movement Analog meter
7Measuring Voltage and Current
8Using a dArsonval Movement
- A 50 mV and 1 mA dArsonval movement is being
used in an ammeter with a full scale reading of
100 mA. Determine RA.
9Design Challenge
- You have an ammeter rated for 0 100 mA (50 mV
and 1 mA dArsonval movement), but you need to
measure a current from approximately 165 195
mA. Can you design a circuit that will allow you
to use your existing ammeter? When looking for
parts in your toolbox you only can find a packet
of 2 O resistors.
10Using a dArsonval Movement
- If we assume that our 0-3V or 0-15 V analog
voltmeter uses a 50 mV and 1 mA dArsonval
movement determine the resistors Rv for each
11Lecture Example Design a dArsonval voltmeter
that will have three voltages ranges as shown.
Specify R1, R2, and R3.
12Measuring Resistance with a Wheatstone Bridge
13Measuring Resistance with a Wheatstone Bridge
- What are the limitations of a Wheatstone bridge?
14Delta-to-Wye or Pi-to-Tee
Determine the equivalent resistance of the
following circuit.
15Delta-to-Wye or Pi-to-Tee
16Delta-to-Wye or Pi-to-Tee
17Delta-to-Wye or Pi-to-Tee
18Delta-to-Wye or Pi-to-Tee
19Lecture Example Use Delta-Wye transformations
to solve for v1 and v2.