Application Specific Integrated Circuits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Application Specific Integrated Circuits


An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is an integrated circuit (IC) ... input gates are known, they can be re-arranged to obtain better timing delay. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Application Specific Integrated Circuits

  • Application Specific Integrated Circuits

What is an ASIC?
  • An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
    is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a
    particular use

The design cycle for an ASIC follows a number of
main stages
  • design entry
  • functional simulation
  • Synthesis
  • Design verification
  • Layout

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Design Description
  • At initial stage of design process designer
  • provides a Behavioral description of the
  • functionality intended.
  • Behavioral model does not care about the
  • structure of the design, and does not include
  • timing information.

Design Description cont.
  • RTL description (Register Transfer Level)
  • In this model the entire design is split into
    registers with flow of information between these
    registers at each clock cycle.
  • All the registers are updated at the same time in
    a clock cycle.
  • RTL captures the data flow but fails to give a
    good description of control flow.

Design Description cont.
  • Structural Description
  • Structural description consists of a network of
    instances of logic gates and registers described
    by a technology library.
  • Technology library is a description of simple
    AND, OR, NOT and complicated multiple
    functionality cells.
  • The description of a cell includes its geometry,
    delay and power characteristics.

functional simulation
  • There are mainly three classes of logic
  • simulators
  • compiled code logic simulators.
  • event-driven logic simulators.

functional simulation cont.
  • Compiled code logic simulator
  • Compiled code logic simulation algorithm
  • evaluates every logic element in the design at
  • each time step.
  • In a compiled code simulator a combinational
    circuit is topologically ordered and equation is
    generated for each gate output in terms of its
    inputs using Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT.
  • since circuit activity is very low at each
    element, run time of such algorithm is huge for
    big circuits.

functional simulation cont.
  • Interpretive Event Driven logic simulator
  • Event-driven logic simulator works on the
    principle that output of a logic element changes
    only when one of its inputs change.
  • Statistical data shows that event activities in
    large circuits are very low and with increase in
    size of the circuit percentage activity on a
    logic element decreases.
  • one major class of event driven logic simulation
    algorithms is Asynchronous Simulation Algorithms.

functional simulation cont.
  • This algorithm has two different conservative
  • and optimistic approaches
  1. In conservative schemes only safe evaluation time
    is allowed, evaluations which guarantee correct
    result. A logic element is evaluated only after
    it receives all its input tokens. As a logic
    element is evaluated its output is decided on the
    basis of its inputs and time stamp of output is
    decided by time stamp of last arriving token and
    delay of the logic element.

functional simulation cont.
  • One disadvantage of Conservative scheme
  • is that it can lead to deadlock. If an input of a
  • logic element is driven by one of its output or
  • output of a forward logic element then it
  • leads to deadlock.

There exist both deadlock detection and deadlock
prevention schemes to take care of this situation.
functional simulation cont.
  1. In optimistic scheme evaluation of a logic
    element takes place as soon as an input token
    arrives at its input. If the output produced
    turns out to be incorrect then roll back takes
    place to return to previous know correct state
    and messages are sent to forward elements to
    cancel effect of incorrect message sent earlier.
    This algorithm does not lead to deadlocks but has
    an added cost of state saving and more complex
    control mechanism because of rollback. Optimistic
    scheme is most efficient as long as rollbacks are

ASIC Synthesis
  • RTL Synthesis involves three major steps
  • Transition from RTL description into gates and
    flip-flops. (in order to reduce number of gates
    in the design)
  • Optimization of logic.
  • Placement and routing of optimized netlist.

ASIC Synthesis cont.
Area Optimization
  • With shrinking system size ASIC should be able to
    accommodate maximum functionality in minimum
  • Area can be optimized by having lesser number of
    cells and by replacing multiple cells with single
    cell that includes both functionality.

ASIC Synthesis cont.
Timing Optimization
  • Designer specifies maximum delay between primary
    input and primary output.

Power Optimization
  • Development of hand-held devices has led to
    reduction of battery size and hence low power
    consuming systems.
  • Low power consumption has become a big
    requirement for lot of designers.

ASIC Synthesis cont.
  • Transition from RTL to FSM to Gates
  • First step in synthesis process is to convert a
    given RTL into a finite state machine (FSM), in
    order to reduce number of states.
  • Some of the common transformations applied to FSM
    are constant propagation, gate merging, dead code
    elimination, arithmetic merging.
  • Next step is to generate hardware.

RTL to FSM(or graph)
FSM(graph) to Gates.
ASIC Synthesis cont.
  • Gate Level Logic Optimization
  • Timing and area constraints are provided by the
  • Slack is defined as difference between the
    expected arrival time and actual arrival time of
    signal at a particular output port.
  • Slack is calculated for input to output paths.
  • The aim of timing optimization is to reduce the

ASIC Synthesis cont.
Optimizations to reduce area include following
  • Constant propagation Boolean minimization may
    lead to dissolution of certain section of code
    into constants. Such constants should be
    propagated at this stage in order to reduce gate
    count and area.
  1. Eliminate redundant logic For example a ab
    should be replaced by a.0
  • 3) converting all Boolean logic to 2 level
  • produces very fast designs but increases
  • For example (a b) ( c d) ac bc ad

ASIC Synthesis cont.
Some optimizations to improve timing are as
  1. Restructuring If arrival times of signals at
    various input gates are known, they can be
    re-arranged to obtain better timing delay.
  • 2) Buffer insertion to improve timing along
  • path. Replacing cell with a cell of higher
  • strength can improve delay along critical

ASIC Synthesis cont.
  1. Pin assignment can be changed to match the late
    arriving input pin with pin having faster
    propagation delay to output.

ASIC Synthesis cont.
  • Area Reclamation
  • Certain timing optimizations might lead to area
  • escalation. Area Reclamation algorithms try to
  • area which does not affect timing on critical
  • Downsizing the gates which contain extra pins.
  • Buffers which were inserted to reach fan-out
    constraint and are unnecessary are removed.

  • Biggest challenge in IC design is verification
    because the cost of single error is huge.
  • One type of verification methods include
    Simulation, and Emulation and hardwareacceleratio
  • Emulator is a hardware device that can be used to
    emulate a piece of hardware functionality. It is
    commonly used as a debugging tool to test a
    system under development for functional

- cont.Verification
  • Emulation is a faster solution to verification
  • problem. In Emulation a portion of emultable
  • design is synthesized and optimized.
  • Emulators are able to provide execution
  • speed close to real time. This allows
  • verification engineers to reduce Verification
  • time.

Gate-level simulation and Extraction
  • Placement and routing involves placement of
    modules on chip area and routing interconnect
    between various modules.

Gate-level simulation and Extraction cont.
  • Various aspects of signal integrity include
  • Technology scale down
  • Aluminium has been used until recently to
  • manufacture interconnects but increasing
  • contribution of interconnects in signal
  • propagation has forced IC manufacturers to
  • replace it with material like copper with lower
  • resistance.

Gate-level simulation and Extraction cont.
  1. CrossTalk When two wire segments are closer to
    each other more than a minimum threshold, they
    will interfere in each other's functioning.
    Signal on one wire may weaken due to
    electromagnetic effects of signal carried by
    other wire. With diminishing technology size
    Crosstalk is major contributor to high speed IC

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