Title: Feature Writing Profiles: Beyond the Basics
1Feature Writing Profiles Beyond the Basics
- Gene Mustain, Director,
- Reporting Writing Programme
2Profiles Beyond the Basics
- Adapted from Creative Interviewing The Writers
Guide to Gathering Information by Asking
Questions by Ken Metzler, University of Oregon,
Allyn and Bacon.
3Profiles Beyond the Basics
- In a profile, a writer wants more than the basic
facts of a persons life. - A writer wants to understand the persons
essential character. - A writer wants to find ways to illustrate that
persons character.
4Profiles Beyond the Basics
- Understanding character is not easy.
- A person may be uncomfortable talking about such
issues as what he or she really believes or
feels. - The person may demonstrate contradictory actions
and thoughts.
5Profiles Beyond the Basics
- Still, the writer tries, by portraying character
in a way similar to the way an actor plays a
role. An actor looks at a character he might
portray and asks - Who am I, and why am I here?
- Where did I come from, and how did I get here?
- Where am I going?
- A writer seeks the material that illustrates the
answers to those questions.
6Profiles Beyond the Basics
- All interviews proceed differently, and depend in
large part on the communication established
between the writer and the person being profiled. - It takes time to establish good communication
writers invest the time.
7Profiles Beyond the Basics
- A few general ideas
- --Talk to others about the person.
- --Search the public record, if any.
- --Observe the person in a context linked to the
setting and/or theme of your story. - --But also meet with the person at a separate
time and place.
8Profiles Beyond the Basics
- The questions writers ask vary greatly according
to the person being profiled. - But writers are looking for important moments and
issues in peoples lives. - When people talk about important issues and
moments, they tell stories and that gives the
writer anecdotes, events, examples.
9Profiles Some Basic Questions
- And now here is a list of some basic questions
for the writer to ask. A writer would never ask
them all, and maybe none until the person being
profiled feels comfortable. - To feel the impact of such questions, imagine how
you would answer them. Here goes
10Profiles Some Basic Questions
- What were the best times of your life (or of your
involvement with the topic under discussion) and
the worst? - What makes you angry? Frightened?
11Profiles Some Basic Questions
- What makes you laugh? Or cry?
- What were the major events of your childhood?
What childhood experiences explain what you are
today your successes, failures, your beliefs,
opinions, your personality, your character?
12Profiles Some Basic Questions
- What are your best character traits?
- What are your worst character faults?
13Profiles Some Basic Questions
- What kinds of material goods do you surround
yourself with? What meaning do you attach to
them? If your flat caught on fire, what would you
try to save? - What do you read? What do you watch? In either
case, why?
14Profiles Some Basic Questions
- Who do you admire the most? Why?
- What are your major goals and problems, both
professionally and personally, and what are you
doing about them?
15Profiles Some Basic Questions
- Where and how do you spend leisure time?
- What issues and ideas matter most to you, on both
personal and professional levels. What would you
fight for? - What would you die for? Why?
16Profiles Some Basic Questions
- What actions have you taken in support of your
beliefs? - What is a typical day like for you?
- What do you dream or fantasize about?
17Profiles Some Basic Questions
- What do you most regret in your life? Why?
- What are you most proud of? Why?
18Profiles Some Basic Questions
- How do you react to common problems? If somebody
insults you, how do you respond? Do you ignore
it, or what? How do you behave at a party where
you do not know anyone? What happens if someone
pushes ahead of you in a cafeteria line?
19Profiles Some Basic Questions
- If you could erect a large sign in Central to
describe yourself in a few words, what would it
say? -
20Profiles Some Basic Questions
- Okay, final question
- How would you like to be remembered?