Title: GTSTRUDL Version 28 and Beyond
1GTSTRUDL Version 28 and Beyond
- Kenneth M.(Mac) Will
- CASE Center
- GTSUG 2005
- June 2005
2Presentation Outline
- Version 28 status
- Additional features added to Version 28 since
last Junes presentation - Enhancements planned for Version 29
- Future enhancements
- Demonstration of some of the new features
3Version 28 Release Status
- QA complete
- Documentation complete including electronic pdf
documents - Release Guides Volumes 1 2
- Installation Guide
- Getting Started
- Analysis Guide
- Design Guide
- Revision R of Reference Manuals (Volumes 1,
2A,2B,3,4,5,7,8 and Abstract of Commands) - CDs are being duplicated
- Student Version of 28 (Student Edition 9.0) will
be available in September
4Additional Features in Version 28
- Several additional features have been added to
Version 28 which were not included in the 2004
presentation. These additional features are
briefly described on the next slides.
5Additional Features in Version 28
- New feature added to File pulldown to Create a
New Text Input File. This allows you to create
a text input file as you would from GTMenu
without requiring you to enter GTMenu.
6Additional Features in Version 28
- The Modeling pulldown has been restructured and
new features have been added under the Loads and
Create Joint Constraints options.
7Additional Features in Version 28
- A new option is available under Loads to create
Area loads. The next few slides illustrate the
new Area load dialogs.
8Additional Features in Version 28
9Additional Features in Version 28
10Additional Features in Version 28
11Additional Features in Version 28
- New Joint Constraints dialog
12Additional Features in Version 28
- The Results pulldown has been modified. A
Datasheets option has been added. Also, new
features have been added to the Static Results
13Additional Features in Version 28
- New List Sum Forces dialog
14Additional Features in Version 28
- A new option has been added to the Section Forces
dialog to include the output of corresponding
forces. For example, for the section location
and loading that causes the maximum value of MZ,
the associated values of other force and moment
components will also be output.
15Additional Features in Version 28
- The results datasheets have been further enhanced
to allow the ability to write a tab delimited
file. This file may then be opened in Excel. An
example of the new Member End Force datasheet is
shown on the next slide. Then, the following
slide shows the new File pulldown and the Print
and Write ltTabgt file dialogs.
16Additional Features in Version 28
17Additional Features in Version 28
18Additional Features in Version 28
- The List and Compute dialogs under Dynamic
Analysis results have also been modified.
Separate buttons for the selection of Members and
Elements now appear at the bottom of the dialogs.
19Additional Features in Version 28
- A new option has been added to the Create Cross
Section Property Database dialog to allow the
display of results generated during the creation
of the Property Database (profile table). This
new option is shown on the next slide.
20Additional Features in Version 28
21Additional Features in Version 28
- A new feature has been added to the GTSTRUDL
Output Window. Right clicking the mouse in the
GTSTRUDL Output Window will bring up the
following pop-up
22Additional Features in Version 28
- A new Display Options button has been added to
the Element Contours dialog in GTMenu. The
Contour Display Options dialog is shown on the
next slide. Then, an additional slide
illustrates the use of this option to display
contours only in a range of stress.
23Additional Features in Version 28
- New Contour Display Options dialog. Example
illustrating setting the minimum stress to
display inside the limit to 5.0.
24Additional Features in Version 28
Contour stresses inside range (gt 5 )
25Additional Features in Version 28
- A number of changes have been implemented in the
Input File created in GTMenu - The Material Command is now used for standard
properties. - Excessive comment lines () have been removed.
- Joint Coordinates and Member Incidences now
generate only one blank initial spacing line.
26Additional Features in Version 28
- Adjacent joints with the same spring values are
now grouped together under Joint Releases. - Element Incidences are now written with the
element name and up to 8 incidences on a single
line. - A Beta Angle of 0.0 is no longer listed.
27Additional Features in Version 28
- If you End GTMenu while in a view other than
Views 1 to 4, a new dialog will appear as show
below. Also, shown is the dialog from Version 27
which is replaced by the new dialog
Version 27
Version 28
28Additional Features in Version 28
- Additional enhancements in GTMenu
- The contour legend is redrawn when a contour is
refreshed. - The prompt asking if you would like to update the
View database has been removed. - A larger dot is drawn for the grid points when
using Create Members or Elements Using a Grid.
29Additional Features in Version 28
- Additional enhancements in GTMenu (cont)
- The material, Prismatic, and Pipe Property Group
dialogs now have an option to bring up a
calculator. Also, the Property Group dialogs
will now display the longnames. - A larger X is now used to indicate if a joint has
been selected.
30Additional Features in Version 28
- New features added to Dynamics
- Assembly of the mass matrix for dynamic analysis
no longer forces the mass matrix to be consistent
mass when joint constraints are present. - The Compute Composite Damping Ratios command has
been extended whereby the composite modal damping
ratios can now be computed assuming that the
damping is proportional to stiffness and mass. - Efficiency improvements have also been made for
the assembly of dynamic mass and composite modal
damping matrices for models which contained rigid
bodies and damping ratios for joint inertias.
31Additional Features in Version 28
- New features added to Finite Elements
- The element name in the Element Properties
command is no longer required to be in upper case
or to have single quotes around the name. - The temperature gradient loading capabilities on
elements has been brought to a release status.
32Additional Features in Version 28
- New General features added
- New commands have been added to delete joints,
elements or members that do not have any data
associated with them - Delete Joints Without Coordinates
- Delete Members Without Incidences
- Delete Elements Without Incidences
- The Summary option for List Section Forces has a
new option to include the output of Corresponding
Forces - List Section Forces Summary and Corresponding
Forces - An example is shown on the next slide.
33Additional Features in Version 28
FORCES MEMBER 27 - The following is the output produced by the above
command - -------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------- - Max/min Section Forces for member 27 ,
locations are fractional. - Value Load Location
Value Load Location - ------------- -------- --------
------------- -------- -------- - Max FX -0.5 4 1.0000
Min FX -2. 2 1.0000 - Max FY 10. 2 1.0000
Min FY -0.1E02 2 0.0000 - Max FZ 0.0E00 4 1.0000
Min FZ 0.0E00 4 1.0000 - Max MX 0.0E00 4 1.0000
Min MX 0.0E00 4 1.0000 - Max MY 0.0E00 4 1.0000
Min MY 0.0E00 4 1.0000 - Max MZ 3. 4 0.0000
Min MZ -0.2E02 2 0.0000 - Corresponding Forces for FX FY FZ MX MY MZ
- Max FX -0.5040967 0.6305282
0.0000000E00 0.0000000E00
0.0000000E00 -3.548704 - Min FX -2.147321 9.721370
0.0000000E00 0.0000000E00
0.0000000E00 -12.43836 - Max FY -2.147321 9.721370
0.0000000E00 0.0000000E00
0.0000000E00 -12.43836 - Min FY -2.147321 -10.27863
0.0000000E00 0.0000000E00
0.0000000E00 -15.22468
34Additional Features in Version 28
- New enhancements to Offshore
- Dramatic efficiency improvements have been made
to the processing of wave load data for fatigue
analysis. - Offshore punching shear output has been modified
to print the largest stress actual/allowable
ratio and also the largest geometry check
actual/allowable ratio. - Two new options have been added to the punching
shear code check command to print a summary of
the punching shear code check results and the
largest actual/allowable ratios.
35Additional Features in Version 28
- New Steel Design Enhancements
- A special Ninth Edition AISC allowable stress
design code called ASD9-E has been implemented
for W shapes. The equations have been modified
to include E. This is useful for structures
where E and possible other material data must be
modified to account for high temperature. - The List Code Check Results command has been
modified to display the members which failed
member constraints checks.
36Additional Features in Version 28
- New Steel Design Enhancements (cont)
- Automatic K-factor computation output has been
enhanced to display the support status at the end
of a column. - CW computation in the NF83 code has been modified
to check the table database to see if CW exists
and to use the database value if it exists. - Commands with Joint, Member, and Load List
options are now checked for non-existent joints,
members, or loads. An error message is output if
a user specifies non-existent data in a list.
37New Features for Version 29
38GTSTRUDL Model Wizard
- New Model Wizards for
- Braced Frames
- Circular Plates
- Rectangular Tanks
39Model Wizard (cont)
40Braced Frame Model Wizard
- X and Chevron Bracing
- User may select the bays to be braced
- User may select releases on beams and braces
41Braced Frame Model Wizard (cont)
42Braced Frame Model Wizard (cont)
43Circular Plate Model Wizard
- Generates a finite element plate model using
SBHQ6 and SBHT6 elements - User may control the number of divisions in the
radial and circumferential directions - Plate may have hole at the center
- Supports at edges or soil springs under plate
with an option for compression only springs - Self weight and pressure loadings
44Circular Plate Model Wizard (cont)
45Circular Plate Model Wizard (cont)
46Circular Plate Model Wizard (cont)
47Rectangular Tank Model Wizard
- Generates a finite element plate model using
SBHQ6 and SBHT6 elements - User may control the number of spaces in the X,
Y, and Z directions for the finite element mesh - Pinned or fixed supports on all bottom joints or
elastic soil springs on all bottom joints - Self weight, internal pressure and hydrostatic
48Rectangular Tank Model Wizard (cont)
49Rectangular Tank Model Wizard (cont)
50Rectangular Tank Model Wizard (cont)
51Additional Model Wizard Enhancement
- The Plane Frame and Braced Frame Model Wizards
allow you to specify the vertical direction to
facilitate using the Model Wizard multiple times
for the same model with frames in different planes
- New cylindrical coordinate systems (cylindrical
system with the X, Y or Z axis as the axis of the
53GTMenu (cont)
- Member Releases are now output using a rotated
font instead of being drawn as shown on the next
slide - This permits selecting and editing the text in
the Scope Editor
54Example showing GTMenu Member Releases in Version
55The Same Example Showing GTMenu Member Releases
in Version 28
Note the drawn symbols for releases
56GTMenu (cont)
- Ability to Move all or part of the model
- Move based on distance between two joints or
- Move based on incrementing coordinates in current
coordinate system (Cartesian, Cylindrical, or
Spherical) -
57GTMenu Move Model (cont)
58GTMenu (cont)
- New Mirror option on Copy Model Dialog
- Mirror about XY, XZ, or YZ planes
- Planes can be identified as passing through a
coordinate value or by selecting a joint - Option to maintain incidence order
59GTMenu Mirror Option on Copy Model Dialog (cont)
60Mirror Example using FE mesh
Mirror about YZ plane through this joint
61Mirror Example using FE mesh -After mirroring
62Mirror Example using FE mesh -After mirroring
with incidence order maintained
63GTMenu (cont)
- New Extrude Model option available under Edit
New Extrude option
64Extrude Model Dialog
- Extrude frame model with members connecting each
extrusion repetition - Extrude selected 2D members to 2D finite elements
- Extrude all 2D finite elements to 3D solid finite
65Extrude Model Spacing Dialog
- Uniform or variable spacing
- Add downward columns columns below a floor level
66Extrude Selected Joints Dialog
67Resulting Model from Extruding Selected Joints
68Extrude 2D Finite Elements to 3D Solid Finite
Elements Starting 2D model
69Extruded 3D Solid Model
70Other GTMenu enhancements
- Add the ability to automatically label the
maximum and minimum values on force diagrams and
envelopes. To accomplish this, a new check box
is added to the Member Forces dialog as shown on
the next slide. An example is also shown on a
subsequent slide.
71Label Max and Min Values on Diagrams and Envelopes
- New dialog with option to label maximum and
minimum values
72Example Showing Labeling of Maximum and Minimum
Values and Locations on Moment Diagram
73Other GTMenu enhancements
- CQSHELL6 plate element
- Models can be created using this new element in
GTMenu - Element Loads can be applied in GTMenu
- Stress results can be contoured
- Highlight an entire element when it is selected
- Left click an item (joint, member, or element) a
second time to deselect it - Add Punching Shear code check result to GTMenu
74Other GTMenu enhancements
- Add a Display Options capability to the Principal
Vector display for principal stress vectors
similar to the one shown here for contouring
75Other GTMenu enhancements
- Global Plane menu allows hitting a joint.
Previously, the user had to specify a coordinate
76Other GTMenu enhancements
- Addition of the following items to the input file
created by GTMenu - Joint Ties, Rigid Bodies, and Slave Releases
- Dynamic Loadings
- Eigenparameters
- Dynamic Modal Damping Data
- Nonlinear Effects
- Nonlinear Spring Properties
- Nonlinear Solution Parameters
- Cable Network Data
77Linear Buckling Analysis
- Implement space truss members for linear buckling
analysis - Implement space frame members with member
releases for linear buckling analysis
78Dynamic Analysis
- A new version of the out-of-core GTLANCZOS
eigenvalue analysis solver called GTHCLANCZOS has
been implemented and is currently undergoing
testing. GTHCLANCZOS does less to improve
efficiency than it does to significantly increase
the size of the eigenvalue problem that can be
solved. To date, we have successfully solved
eigenvalue problems having 240,000 DOFs as shown
on the next slide.
79Dynamics (cont)
- Bandwidth 1179
- Joints 39765
- Members and Elements 46587
- Number of Modes 100
- Solution data for GTHC-LANCZOS Solver
- Number of dynamic degrees-of-freedom 236640
- Number of modes requested 100
- Eigenvalue tolerance
1.00000E-06 - Number of terms in skyline
1,111,926,227 (over 8 Gigabytes of data) - Average column height of skyline 4699
- Number of hypercolumns 112
- Rank of mass matrix 236640
- Number of Lanczos vectors computed 187
80Dynamic Analysis (cont)
- Efficiency improvements are being implemented for
response spectrum analysis, transient analysis,
and harmonic analysis when the USE EXTERNAL FILE
SOLVER command is used. - These improvements include the ability to
store and retrieve results data limited only by
the amount of hard drive space available. In
addition, improvements are also being made to the
efficiency of the maximum value file search
algorithm used for the LIST TRANSIENT MAXIMUM and
81Dynamics (cont)
- Sample output from a 100-mode RS analysis of that
large model using the GTHCLANCZOS out-of-core
eigenvalue solver is shown on the next slide.
The response spectrum analysis reflects the
efficiency improvements to the external file
solver. The total virtual memory requirement was
1.5 Gbytes and the total length of the
displacement and force results files are 3.6
82Dynamics (cont)
- 17 gt TRANSL X 1.0 FILE 'S.7GD51'
- 18 gt END
- 21 gt TRANSL Y 1.0 FILE 'S.7GD51'
- 22 gt END
- 25 gt TRANSL Z 1.0 FILE 'S.7GD51'
- 26 gt END
- 27 gt
- 28 gt DAMPING RATIOS 0.05 100
- 29 gt
- 32 gt END
- 33 gt
83Dynamic Analysis (cont)
- Response Spectra widening capablility
- Multi-support acceleration time history
- Change output format for Response Spectrum File
Data one column - The List Response Spectrum Base and Story Shear
capability will be brought to release status - The Form Static, Form UBC97 Static, and Form
IS1893 Static Load commands will be brought to
release status.
84Finite Elements
- Implement new eight node six degree of freedom
curved shell element for thin and moderately
thick shells CQSHELL6 - Surface, temperature, and body forces
- Lumped and Consistent Mass matrix for dynamic
analysis - Geometric stiffness for linear buckling analysis
- Standard finite element output LIST, CALCULATE
AVERAGE - Integration into GTMenu (geometry, loads, input
file, contour results)
85Nonlinear Analysis
- Incremental nonlinear analysis to facilitate the
use of nonlinear analysis to solve construction
sequence problems - Add models for multi circular spirals in
rectangular columns for pushover analysis - Add options for users to type in rebar
coordinates or automatic equal spacing for
pushover analysis
86Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis will be brought to
release status. - The nonlinear hysteretic spring element, NLS4PH,
will be brought to release status. - The viscous damper element for linear and
nonlinear dynamics will be brought to release
- The efficiency of the PSD and DISCRETE fatigue
analysis algorithm has been improved
significantly by the implementation of a
joint-by-joint analysis algorithm. A PSD fatigue
analysis for 200 joints and 700 wave loads that
once took days only to discover that 2 Gb of
memory was insufficient to solve the problem can
now be solved in approximately 15 minutes on a
3.0 GHz computer having 2 Gb RAM.
88Reinforced Concrete / Finite Element Analysis of
- New command to check or design the reinforcement
in a finite element model of a slab subjected to
bending using ACI 318-02. - User defines the section (cut ) in the slab by
specifying two joints and an element in the plane
of the cut - User can specify the steel and/or spacing
- The new command and sample output are shown on
the next few slides
89Reinforced Concrete / Finite Element Analysis of
Slabs (cont)
90Reinforced Concrete / Finite Element Analysis of
Slabs (cont)
- 188 gt design slab joints 6 50 element 5
- POSITIVE MOMENT 1036799.95 lb-in
- NEGATIVE MOMENT -691200.02 lb-in
- Width (in) Depth (in) FCP
(psi) FY (psi) Cover (in) - _____________________________________________
________________________________________________ - 96.00 6.00 4000.00
60000.00 0.75
91Reinforced Concrete / Finite Element Analysis of
Slabs (cont)
- 190 gt design slab joints 6 50 element 5 top
face bar 7 -
- POSITIVE MOMENT 1036799.95 lb-in
- NEGATIVE MOMENT -691200.02 lb-in
- Width (in) Depth (in) FCP
(psi) FY (psi) Cover (in) - _____________________________________________
________________________________________________ - 96.00 6.00 4000.00
60000.00 0.75
92Steel Design
- Torsion and Warping check or design for ASD9 and
LRFD3 codes. - Cross-sections considered for ASD9 code are
- I shapes, Channels, Single Angles, and Structural
Tubes - Cross-sections considered for LRFD3 code are
- I shapes, Channels, Single Angles, Pipes, and
Structural Tubes - Warping stress computations are based on Cases 1
and 2 of the Torsion Analysis of Rolled Steel
Section by Bethlehem Steel or the AISC Torsional
Analysis of Structural Steel Members, Steel
Design Guide Series 9. The following boundary
conditions will be implemented - FIX-FIX, FIX-PIN, PIN-FIX, PIN-PIN
93Steel Design (cont)
- Modify the FORM load command to automatically
update itself during analysis when self weight
exists in the FORM load command. This is similar
to Load Combination implementation. - Add Solid Round, Rectangular, and Square Bars to
LRFD3 code
94Steel Design (cont)
- Add maximum moments and/or forces to the user
specified sections for code check or design.
User can specify from the maximum of FX, FY, FZ,
MX, MY, MZ, or all of them. When user specifies
maximum force or moment, the maximum locations
are added to the list of sections that the user
has already specified.
95Steel Design (cont)
- Add an option to code check and design for a
maximum envelope. This means first finding the
maximum FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, and MZ. These
maximums are then assumed to act at a single
location for the code check or design.
96Steel Design (cont)
- Implement new Displacement Constraint Design
Procedure to select members to satisfy joint
displacement constraints. An example of some of
the new parameters, commands and resulting output
are shown on the next slides.
97Steel Design (cont)
98Steel Design (cont)
99Steel Design (cont)
100Steel Design (cont)
101Scope Editor
- Automatic insertion of items from a template
- Date
- File name
- Title with a prompt for user input
- True paragraph data as opposed to current
acceptance of multi-line input - Library of symbols to use for copy and paste
102Scope Editor (cont)
- Increased resolution
- Multi-page document
- Allow margin specification on import from GTMenu
- Implement Undo function
103Antenna Tower Program
- Simplified modeling of tower and monopole
geometry - Simplified appurtenance input
- Automatic ice and wind load calculations
- Nonlinear analysis for guyed towers and monopoles
104Antenna Tower Program (cont)
- Concise result reporting including twist, sway
and displacement for antennas - Code check by ASD9 along with TIA/EFA-222-F
adjustments - Investigating code check based on 222-G
- We need your input on this!
105Antenna Tower Program (cont)
- - Tabbed spreadsheet-like input
- Graphical display of current model
- Menu selections for
- File input
- GTSTRUDL processing
- Results review
106Antenna Tower Program (cont)
- Modeling
- Tower type Monopole, 3- or 4-sided
- Tower height
- Base and top widths
- Additional inflection (slope change) points
107Antenna Tower Program (cont)
State and county drop-downs for wind speed
108Antenna Tower Program (cont)
- Results
- Base reactions
- Displacement of tower joints
- Twist, sway and displacement of antennas
- Member end forces
- Code check results
- Printed reports
109Future Enhancements
- Graphically specify Area Loads in GTMenu
- Allow a 2-point line to be specified using "Start
and End" mode, as for Member generation.
Currently "End to End" mode is assumed. - Expand the Member and Element generation Spacing
option, "Defined by Line/Curve", to accept an
n-point line of up to 500 segments. Currently it
is limited to 50 segments
110Future Enhancements (cont)
- Multiple windows to allow for result display in a
separate window than the model display - Graphically specify joints and elements to be
used with CALCULATE RESULTANT - List the contents of a Group in an Inquire box.
Currently the contents can only be displayed
111Future Enhancements (cont)
- Add the option to Split Members to interpolate
eccentricities between the start and end of the
split members - Ability to click on a member and have a graphical
summary of the results on just that member in a
separate Window that can be printed
112Future Enhancements (cont)
- ACI 318-2002
- AISC LRFD 4th edition depending on release date
113Future Enhancements (cont)
- Continue expanding the model data and results
which are available in Datasheets. Use the new
datasheets which allow printing and facilitate
exporting to Excel.
114Future Enhancements (cont)
- IBC 2000 equivalent static earthquake load
- Hysteretic behavior for plastic hinges and
nonlinear member end connections - Custom cross-section fiber geometry specification
for plastic hinges using basic circles, rings,
and rectangle areas - Graphically display plastic hinge status and
other pushover information
115Future Enhancements (cont)
- Generalizing nonlinear frame member model to
support large finite rotation behavior - Center of stiffness computation in dynamic
116Your assistance is needed to help us improve
GTSTRUDL while you are here
- Please provide us with a prioritized list of the
features that you would like to see. Please be
specific especially when requesting model wizard,
design codes (which codes and which cross
sections) or datasheet requests. - Sketches of wizards, output, and graphical
displays help us tremendously.