Title: Runway 8L-26R
1George Bush Intl Airport (IAH)
Runway 8L-26R
Most Aircraft Catastrophes Occur Within 2 Miles
of the end of a runway
First Responders Campus Police
Within 1 nautical mile
Wood Creek Subdivision
North Harris College Campus
52 MILLION? Why Sink It at the end of the Runway?
2Inbound to Runway 8L at 300 ft. or less over
North Harris Campus
3Olde Oaks Subdivision
North Harris College Campus
Wood Creek Subdivision
Runway 8L
Runway 8R
Provided and Pd. By Fred T. Blanton P. O. Box
73645 Houston, TX 77273-3645
489 to 106 decibels at takeoff by any number of
engines of Stage 3 aircraft.
594 103 decibel noise at sidelines of Stage 3
aircraft based on aircraft weight.
698- 105 decibel noise level of incoming Stage 3
aircraft based on weight of aircraft.
7February 2004 Federal Interagency Committee on
Aviation NoiseResults of Pilot Study on Aircraft
Noise in Schools
- Verbal Test Results
- Change in failure rate associated with noise
reduction - High School- High 60 before, 48 after, 99.9
confident - High School- Medium 40 before, 30 after, 99
confident - High School- Low 15 before, 8 after, lt90
confident - Middle School- High 60 before, 59 after, lt50
confident - Middle School- Medium 40 before, 41 after,
lt50 confident - Middle School- Low 15 before, 19 after, lt90
confident - Elementary High 60 before, 60 after, lt50
confident - Elementary Medium 40 before, 42 after, lt 50
confident - Elementary Low 15 before, 20 after, 90
8February 2004 Federal Interagency Committee on
Aviation NoiseResults of Pilot Study on Aircraft
Noise in Schools
- Approach
- 3 airports in study.
- Used just school months, rather than full year.
- Used just school hours, rather than 24 hours.
- Above metrics are closely linked with actual
student noise exposure. - Source data came from FAA Part 150 studies,
Official Airline Guide air-carrier aircraft
inventories. - Noise-reduction group Each school,
before-to-after the year of noise reduction. - Control group Same schools, but for all years
prior to noise reduction.
9February 2004 Federal Interagency Committee on
Aviation NoiseResults of Pilot Study on Aircraft
Noise in Schools
- Conclusions
- Substantial associations between noise reduction
and decrease in failure rates, only for high
school students - Weaker associations between noise reduction and
increase in failure rates, for middle and
elementary schools.