Title: Hahnemann
1happy birthday
2Tributes to the greatest medical reformer, the
poetic, prophetic, philanthropic prodigy, who led
a one mans fight against empiricism
speculation, opening a novel path of solace to
humanity emanating a ray of hope with safe,
simple scientific medication. Dr. Christian
Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (10.04.1755
3 My mission permits me not to point out the
means of ennobling the mind it behoves me only
to preach upon the greatest of corporeal
blessings, health, which scarcely any take the
trouble to seek after, and few know how to value
until it is lost. (Friend of Health)
4Sad is the thought, that the noblest, the most
indispensable of arts, is built upon accident,
which always pre-supposes the endangering of many
human lives. (Essay on a new principle )
5Repeat the experiments carefully accurately,
and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every
step and it does what no medical doctrine, no
system of physic, no so called therapeutics ever
did or could do, it insists upon being judged by
the result. (Notabene for my reviewers)
6Refute these truths if you can, by pointing out
a still more efficacious, sure agreeable mode
of treatment than mine and do not combat them
with mere word, of which we have already too
many. But should experience shew you, as it has
me, that mine is the best, then make use of it
for the benefit, for the deliverance of humanity,
and give God the glory (Necessity of
Regeneration of Medicine)
7to become better myself as far as possible and
to make better everything that is within my power
to improve
Non inutilis vixi
Dr. R. Rejikumar www.homoeopatthyhome.com drrejiku
mar_at_gmail.com Ph 09895981530