Title: Homeopathic Treatment
1 About Homeopathy
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2History Of Homeopathy
- Homeopathy was founded by Samuel Hahnemann
(1775-1843) as a viable alternative to
conventional medicine. Hahnemann, a medical
doctor, supplemented his income by translating
medical texts for clients.
Hahnemann believed that "like cures like" and
that minute concentrations of a particular toxin
could cure the very same symptoms it would cause
in larger doses. Think poison ivy to treat
rashes. This notion of "like cures like" was
similar to the emerging science of inoculation
and vaccination.
3History Of Homeopathy
- Homeopathy is an alternative method of
treatment based on the law of healing nature,
namely similar treatments. The truth of this
law was discovered by a German scientist, Dr.
Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, and has been
experimentally and clinically verified for 200
years. Homeopathy is revolutionary and natural
medical science. Homeopathy is a gentle and
effective medical system. The remedies are
prepared from natural substances according to
precise standards and stimulate the healing power
of the body.
4What is Homeopathy?
- Homeopathy is necessarily a natural healing
process, providing remedies to help the patient
regain their health by stimulating the bodys
inherent strengths or recovery.
Homeopathy is an overall system of medicine that
heals the natural tendency of the human body. It
is a natural approach to the treatment of the
5Sources Of Homeopathy
- Homeopathic remedies are made from plants,
animal products, minerals and (sometimes)
conventional medicines or diseases. The remedies
are scientifically proven.Â
6Process Of Homeopathy
- The process of making Homeopathic medicine
is simple and the more dilute Homeopathic
remedies are, the stronger and gentler the
effect. Therefore, there are no side effects like
there are with conventional medicines. Clinical
trials have validated this process, results from
patients and those who initially tested the
- Treatment is individualized, as no two people
are alike, and works in conjunction with
conventional medicine. Homeopathy can be used to
treat babies, adults, the elderly, animals,
terminally ill patients, and chronic conditions.
8 Homeopathy works on three Basic Principles
- A medicine, which in large doses produces the
symptoms of a disease, will in a small dose cure
a disease with similar symptoms. By extreme
dilution, the healing properties of the drug are
improved, and all toxic side effects are lost.
Homeopathic Treatment and medicines are
prescribed by the study of the whole individual
and according to your necessary temperament. - Homeopathy Treatment and medicine services gently
stimulate the bodys natural healing powers to
restore the body to health gently and
effectively. - Homeopathy uses the principle of like cures
like. If you peel an onion, you usually cry, and
if you drink too much coffee, you typically dont
sleep. Onion remedies (Allium Cepa) are used to
treat conditions characterized by excessive
laceration, such as hay fever and colds.
9 Best Homeopathic Doctor in Chandigarh
- In practice since 2004, Dr. Vikas Singhal
commitment and involvement in research have
changed the face of homeopathy. Dr. Vikas is one
of the Best Homeopathy specialists in India.
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