Title: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching in the Buffalo Schools
1Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching
in the Buffalo Schools
- Urban Forum
- Rochester, New York
- December, 2008
- Examine national, state, and local (Buffalo) data
- Review Buffalo Public School initiatives
- Familiarize participants with the
- Cultural Proficiency Continuum and the Five
Essential Elements of Cultural Competence. - Discuss the implications of CRT for our schools
and districts
3The Achievement Gap
Why Culturally Responsive Teaching?
- Every year, thousands of children head toward
school already behind.
4Framing the National Picture
52007 NAEP Grade 4 ReadingAll Students, Nation
Source National Center for Education
Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer,
62007 NAEP Grade 4 Readingby Race/Ethnicity,
Source National Center for Education
Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer,
72007 NAEP Grade 8 ReadingAll Students, Nation
Source USDOE, NCES, National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP) Summary Data Tables
8By Race, Ethnicity NAEP 8th Grade Reading 2007
Source USDOE, NCES, National Assessment of
Educational Progress (NAEP)
9- By the end of high school?
10African American and Latino 17 Year-Olds Do Math
at Same Levels As White 13 Year-Olds
11African American and Latino 17 Year-Olds Read at
Same Levels As White 13 Year-Olds
12Access Gap
13Minority High School Graduates Are Less Likely to
Have Completed Advanced Math and Science Courses
Source U.S. Department of Education, NCES,
Advanced Mathematics and Science CourseTaking in
the Spring High School Senior Classes of 1982,
1992, 2004 Statistical Analysis Report, 8/2007
14African American, Latino Native American youth
are less likely to be enrolled in full college
prep track
Source Education Trust, 2005
15Poor and Minority Students Get More
Inexperienced Teachers
Teachers with 3 or fewer years of experience.
High and low refer to top and bottom
quartiles. Source National Center for Education
Statistics, Monitoring Quality An Indicators
Report, December 2000.
16And now?
17Black, Hispanic, and White under representation
and overrepresentation by gifted, mental
retardation, and suspensions
USDOE Office for Civil Rights 1998 Elementary
and Secondary School Civil Rights Compliance
Reports National Projections 2000
18The issue is not new!
19Racial Disparities in Special Education Inclusion
USDOE Office of Special Education Programs 2001
20Framing the New York State Picture
212007 NAEP Grade 4 ReadingAll Students, New York
Source National Center for Education
Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer,
222007 NAEP Grade 4 Readingby Race/Ethnicity, New
Source National Center for Education
Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer,
232005 NAEP Grade 8 ReadingAll Students, New York
Source National Center for Education
Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer,
242007 NAEP Grade 8 Readingby Race/Ethnicity, New
Source National Center for Education
Statistics, NAEP Data Explorer,
25NY 9th Graders Graduating 4 Years Later (2004)
Includes both Regents and Local Diplomas Source,
26Schott Report 2008
- New York State is the 6th of the 10 lowest
performing states for black male graduation
(39). The Latino rate is 38. - Buffalo is 8th of the 10 lowest performing large
districts for black male graduation (31).
27Framing the Local Picture
28BPS Demographics
- 28.8 students with disabilities (10,522)
- 78 free/reduced lunch
- 7 ELLs (approximately 3,000 students)
- Over 70 languages spoken
29BPS English Language Arts District
Results Percent At or Above Proficiency (Levels 3
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
30BPS English Language Arts (ELA) African
American Students District Results Percent At or
Above Proficiency (Levels 3 4)
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
31BPS English Language Arts (ELA) Hispanic
Students District Results Percent At or Above
Proficiency (Levels 3 4)
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
32BPS English Language Arts (ELA) Limited English
Proficiency Students District Results Percent At
or Above Proficiency (Levels 3 4)
226 Students
226 Students
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
33NYS ELA at or above standard3 Year
SummaryFormerly Limited English Proficient
OSA wck Sources Standards, Data
34BPS Mathematics District Results Percent At or
Above Proficiency (Levels 3 4)
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
35BPS Mathematics African American Students
District Results Percent At or Above Proficiency
(Levels 3 4)
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
36BPS Mathematics Hispanic Students District
Results Percent At or Above Proficiency (Levels 3
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
37BPS Mathematics Limited English Proficiency
(LEP) Students District Results Percent At or
Above Proficiency (Levels 3 4)
Verified data as of 6/19/08
OSA/GMA 6/08
Source NYSED 6/08
38NYS Math at or above standard 3 Year Summary
Formerly Limited English Proficient Students
39Highest Performing District Schools
40Low/High Performing District Schools
41Individual Activity Write a one-minute
reflection of your thoughts, questions, concerns
after seeing the national, state, and local
---Partner Activity What policies, practices,
and beliefs might contribute to these disparities?
42 - What is our District doing to address the issue?
Reading to Learn
Writing in the Content Areas
Culturally Linguistically Responsive Teaching
Reading in the Content Areas
44What do we need to do to be culturally responsive?
- Consider our own attitudes, biases and
assumptions - Recognize that the culture of the school and the
culture of the childs family may not be well
synchronized - Value childrens language
- Recognize and value the diverse cultural
characteristics children bring to school.
- Complete the Cultural Proficiency Continuum
self-assessment - Identify where you fall on the continuum.
- Jot down 3 things you might do to help yourself
move to the next level. - Share your ideas with a partner.
46Addressing Culturally Linguistically Responsive
Teaching District Leadership
- Book studies
- They Cant Teach What They Dont Know White
Teachers, Multiracial Schools by Gary Howard - Division Heads
- Cross Functional Team
- Leadership Academy
- Principals
- Professional Learning Opportunities
- Administrators Retreat, 2007
- Beyond Language
- Administrators Retreat, 2008
- Gary Howard
47Addressing Culturally Linguistically Responsive
Teaching Coaches Teachers
- Book studies
- Culturally Proficient Coaching Supporting
Educators to Create Equitable Schools - Lindsey, Martinez, Lindsey, 2007
- Division Heads
- Cross Functional Team
- Leadership Academy
- Principals
- Introductory module presented
- New Teachers
- Superintendents District (SURR) schools
- Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP)
- Complete the Five Essential Elements of Cultural
Competence self-assessment. - Complete the reflection on the back of the page.
- Discuss your thoughts with a partner.
49Ticket out the Door
- List aspects of the presentation you considered
to be positive. - ?
- List aspects you would change to make the
presentation more effective or meaningful.
50Thank You!