Title: There have been many misconceptions about Christianity
1There have been many misconceptions about
- Mixed up ideas about pride, prejudice and
3Does being a good person get you to Heaven?
4As odd as it may seem, no.
- For all have sinned and fell short of the glory
of God - Romans 323
5For the wages of sin is deathRomans 623
6Sounds depressing, I know
7But wait!
8The rest of Romans 623!
9The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God
is eternal life.
10For God so loved the world that whosoever
believeth in Him shall not perish but have
everlasting life.
11The wages of sin is death
- Jesus Christ paid those wages for the whole world
when He died on the cross 2 000 years ago.
12But the gift of God is eternal life!
- Remember, it is a gift. Free for the taking. The
choice is yours, whether you want to accept it or
13You can accept him today! He wont deny you.
- Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and if
anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will
come in. - Revelation
14Dear Jesus
15I know I am a sinner.I know I have broken Your
law and deserve death.
16 Because I know this, I am grateful for the
sacrifice you paid in my place.
17Jesus, I accept Your gift of eternal life. Come
into my heart and change me, make my heart new.
18Thank you for your saving grace. Right now, I
give my heart to you.
19 If you just prayed that prayer, you have just
made the most important decision of your life!
20If you did not, just remember all paths lead to
21 One day you will meet God, as Savior or as
22The truth does indeed set you free.