Title: System C
1System C
- By
- Brendan Leddy
- Ken Seto
- Darren Stone
- Gordon Vuong
- SystemC History
- Early development done at Synopsys, CoWare/IMEC,
UC Irvine - Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) formed in 2000
- OSCI LWG developed SystemC 2.0 specification and
implementation in - 2000-2001, greatly extending the language
capabilities - SystemC Organization Today
- Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) is incorporated as
a California non-profit - organization with formal bylaws, a significant
budget, etc. - Licensing model is Open Community Licensing.
(Unlike GNU, it is OK to - build proprietary products from SystemC code.)
- Well-organized public relations efforts for
SystemC are on-going (e.g. - SystemC Tech Forum at DAC 2002).
- Website and source code maintenance for
reference implementations are - located on SourceForge, and key developers from
different companies - can access/modify code.
3SystemC Alternatives
- Raw C
- All hardware support has to be built manually
- IP exchange is difficutl
- SpecC
- Lack of support
- No RTL modeling
- Neither C or C
- Seems to be dropping off
4SystemC Alternatives
- Superlog, SystemVerilog
- Good RTL support
- Similar to C/C but not quite
- Lacks standardization
5Why SystemC
- Provides system level and HDL modeling
capabilities - Controlled by a board which including ARM,
Fujitsu, NEC, and Sony - OpenSource
- Used by many major companies
6What is SystemC
- Not a separate language
- Essentially a C library
- Gives a notion of timing and event driven
simulations - Sequential in Nature
- Allow description and integration of complex
hardware and software
7System on Chip
8System on Chip
- An SOC is literally a system on a chip,
consisting of both silicon and embedded software - Having the whole system embedded into a die
9Old methodology
- Functional model is divided into 3 parts for
separate development/ test/ verification
10System Design Methodology
- System hardware are modelled on block and signal
(RTL) level - test software/ firmware on simulation CPUs (eg.
FPGA) with - Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) or cycle-accurate
CPU models
11Old Methodology
- Productivity aspect
- Specification between architect and
implementer - Manual simulation and prototyping
- Refinement requires translation into hardware
- System level aspect
- Limiting the design scale of system requires
engineers being familar with the whole system
hardware and software - cannot Co-design, co-simulation,
co-verification, co-debugging, ... - Re-use aspect
- firmware are hardware customized and difficult
for re-use - need to rewrite the testbench
13Single Modeling Platform
- System behaviors are designed in the early stage.
- System engineers co-design with RTL development
- Define hardware in modules Isolate unnecessary
hardware details in early system design - Integrated platform for high simulation speed
- One environment for both hardware and software
- design
- development
- debug
- Support for hardware/software testing scenarios
- Repository/ archive for all parts of a simulation
scenario - Modeling on architecture level
14SystemC Core Language
15Core Language Features
- Structure defined by modules, ports, interfaces
and channels - Interfaces and ports also describe communication
- Simulation dictated by results of events and
process interacting
- Modules base unit of structure
- Channels describe a method of communication for
modules - Ports used by modules to access channels in
other modules - Interface describes the features a channel must
implement - Processes concurrent threads of execution
- Events control the timing of processes
- The basic unit of SystemC
- Contains ports, channel instances, internal data,
member module instances, additional helper
functions - Can only be constructed during the elaboration
phase - Sealed unit communication by ports
- Macro recommended but not required
- Connecting unit for modules
- Specified by an interface
- Two types
- Primitive
- sc_signal, sc_fifo, sc_mutex, sc_semaphore
- Hierarchical
- Actually a module (modules, ports, channels
contained within)
- Rigidly define what channels must implement
- Like Java implement all of the functions to
implement interface - Abstraction for the channels (OO Design)
- Channels can implement multiple interfaces
- Multiple channels can be defined by the same
- Provide access to channels across modules
- Port specifies which interfaces are required by a
module - sc_inltboolgt A, B // input signal ports
- sc_outltboolgt F // output signal ports
- Pseudo-concurrent threads
- Processes are sensitive to events
- Static sensitivity
- Dynamic sensitivity
- Two types of processes
- sc_thread
- sc_method
- sc_thread
- Used for processes not expected to halt
- To facilitate fair time sharing, wait() is called
- wait() waits for default event before continuing
execution - wait() can be called with an argument to override
default sensitivity (dynamic sensitivity)
- sc_method
- Much like other languages, sc_methods run
completely then return - sc_methods cannot be terminated
- Dynamic sensitivity with next_trigger() function
- sc_event single
- sc_event_or_list multiple any may notify
- sc_event_and_list multiple, all must notify
- sc_time timed event
- Events can do two things
- wait
- fire
- Examples positive clock edge, negative edge etc.
- Custom signals possible
- Example wait(data_read_event).
28Simple Example
- include "systemc.h"
- SC_MODULE(nand2) // declare nand2
sc_module -
- sc_inltboolgt A, B // input signal ports
- sc_outltboolgt F // output signal ports
- Â
- void do_nand2() // a C function
- F.write( !(A.read() B.read()) )
- Â
- SC_CTOR(nand2) // constructor for
nand2 -
- SC_METHOD(do_nand2) // register do_nand2
with kernel - sensitive ltlt A ltlt B // sensitivity list
29SystemC Data Types
30SystemC Data Types
- C Built-in Types
- bool
- char
- int
- float
- strings
- pointers / references
not synthesisable
31SystemC Data Types
- bit and bit vector
- sc_bit, sc_bvltNgt
- four-state logic
- sc_logic, sc_lvltNgt
- 0 Logical 0
- 1 Logical 1
- Z High Impedance
- X Unknown
- Fixed Precision ints
- 64 Bits
- sc_intltNgt
- sc_uintltNgt
- Arbitrary Precision
- Up to 512 Bits
- sc_bigintltNgt
- sc_biguintltNgt
32SystemC Data Types
- Fixed Point Types
- Useful in DSP applications
- Specify Quantization and Saturation Behavior
- sc_fixedltwl, iwl, q_mode, o_mode, n_bitsgt
- wl Total WorD Length
- iwl Integer Word Length
- q_mode Quantization Mode
- o_mode Overflow Mode
- n_bits Number of Saturated Bits
33SystemC Data Types
- Common Characteristics
- Native C types (int, float, string) and SystemC
types may be mixed. - Equality and bitwise operators (, ltlt, gtgt)
- All SystemC Data Types
- Arithmetic and relational operators (, -, lt, gt)
- Numeric data types only
- Overloaded assignment operators
- Provides conversion between different data types.
- Conversion may truncate data when necessary.
- e.g. myInt myFloat
34SystemC Data Types
- Utility Methods
- Bit Select get and set specific bits
- Range Select get and set a range of bits
- Concatenation join bits
- Bitwise Reduction
- Integer Conversion
- String input and output
35SystemC Data Types
- Bit Select
- Read or write to a specific bit in a variable.
- C operator overloaded to provide read/write
access. - e.g.
sc_intlt4gt myInt // 4-bit signed
integer myInt1 true // Set bit 1 to
true.bool myBool bool b1 myInt0.to_bool() //
Read bit 0
36SystemC Data Types
- Part Select
- Read/write a contiguous subset of bits within the
variable. - Available methods
- range(int, int)
- C operator()
- e.g.
sc_intlt8gt myInt 2 //
00000010 myInt.range(3, 2) myInt.range(1, 0)
// 00001010
37SystemC Data Types
- Concatenation
- Concatenate the bits of two variables together.
- Available methods
- concat(arg0, arg1)
- C comma operator operator,
sc_intlt8gt U1 2 // 00000010 sc_intlt2gt U2 1
// 01 sc_intlt8gt U3 (true, U1.range(3,0), U2,
U20) // U3
10010011 (U20, U10, U1.range(7,6))
U1.range(3, 0)
38SystemC Data Types
- Bitwise Reduction
- Performs bitwise operation on all bits in integer
or vector. - Returns bool.
- Operations
- and_reduce() - Bitwise AND between all bits
- nand_reduce() - Bitwise NAND between all bits
- or_reduce() - Bitwise OR between all bits
- nor_reduce() - Bitwise NOR between all bits
- xor_reduce() - Bitwise XOR between all bits
- xnor_reduce() - Bitwise XNOR between all bits
39SystemC Data Types
- Integer Conversion
- All SystemC data types
- accept C integer assignment.
- convert to C interger types
- Conversion Methods
- to_int() - Convert to native int type
- to_uint() - Convert to native unsigned type
- to_long() - Convert to native long type
- to_ulong() - Convert to native unsigned long type
- to_uint64() - Convert to native 64-bit unsigned
integer - to_int64() - Convert to native 64-bit signed
40SystemC Data Types
- String input and output
- All SystemC data types
- can be set by reading from a C input text
stream - can print their value to a C output text stream
void scan(istream input) void print(ostream
42Text-based Debugging
printf(Hello World) cout ltlt Hello World ltlt
43Text-based Debugging
- Constructor Debugging
- Find out how your design is built up when the
simulation starts. - Use the name() method to identify SystemC classes
SC_CTOR(nand2) cout ltlt Constructing nand2
ltlt name() ltlt endl ... ... OUTPUT Construc
ting stim Constructing nand2 exor2.N1 Constructung
nand2 exor2.N2
44Text-based Debugging
- Debugging methods available on all SystemC
objects - const char name()
- Returns the name of the object
- const char kind()
- Returns the objects sub-class name
- void print(ostream out)
- Prints the objects name to the output stream
- void dump(ostream out)
- Prints the objects diagnostic data to the output
45Text-based Debugging
- Debugging threads and methods
- All SystemC data types can be printed to cout.
- e.g. print inputs A, B, and F to cout in a table
OUTPUT Time A B F 10 ns 1 0 0 20 ns
1 1 0 30 ns 1 1 1 40 ns 0 0 1
46Text-based Debugging
SC_MODULE(mon) sc_inltboolgt A,B,F
sc_inltboolgt Clk void monitor() cout
ltlt "Time A B F" ltlt endl while (true)
cout ltlt sc_time_stamp() ltlt ", "
cout ltlt A.read() ltlt ", " cout ltlt
B.read() ltlt ", " cout ltlt F.read() ltlt
endl wait() // wait for 1 clock cycle
SC_THREAD(monitor) sensitive ltlt Clk.pos()
47Advanced Debugging
- Standard C debugging tools
- GDB, etc...
- SystemC-specific debuggers and visualizers.
48Advanced Debugging
49Wave-form Debugging
- Requires adding additional SystemC statements to
sc_main() - Wave-form data written to file as simulation
runs. - Sequence of operations
- Declare and create the trace file
- Register signals or events for tracing
- Run the simulation
- Close the trace file
50Wave-form Tracing
int sc_main(int argc, char argv)
sc_signalltboolgt ASig, BSig, FSig sc_clock
TestClk("TestClock", 10, SC_NS,0.5, 1, SC_NS)
// Set up simulation ... // Set up trace
file sc_trace_file Tf Tf
sc_create_vcd_trace_file("traces") //
Create Trace File ((vcd_trace_file)Tf)-gtsc_set_
vcd_time_unit(-9) // Set time unit
sc_trace(Tf, ASig , "A" ) // Register
signals sc_trace(Tf, BSig , "B" )
// and variables. sc_trace(Tf, FSig ,
"F" ) sc_trace(Tf, DUT.S1, "S1")
sc_trace(Tf, DUT.S2, "S2") sc_trace(Tf,
DUT.S3, "S3") sc_start() // run
forever // Start the simulation
sc_close_vcd_trace_file(Tf) // Close the trace
file return 0
51Wave-form Tracing
52Hardware Software Codesign
- Hardware used for performance
- Software used for flexibility
- Almost everything consist of both hardware and
software - Hardware and software designed separately
- Lack of a unified hardware-software
representation - A priori definition of partitions
- leads to sub-optimal designs
- Lack of a well-defined design flow
- makes specification revision difficult
55Traditional Design Path
- Hardware designed first
- Software designed after completion of HW
- Designed completely by separate teams
56HW/SW Design Path
- HW SW designed simultaneously
- Allow the evaluation of tradeoffs
57How SystemC helps
- HW and SW exist in a homogenous environment
- Allow stepwise refinement of HW design without
language barrier - HW syntheses can be done directly
- Verification can be done early and frequent
58How SystemC Helps
- Describe HW in higher level of abstraction
- Provides library for describing HW
- Create fast prototype of the HW
- Encapsulates a HW/SW description
- Same as Verilog modules
- Describes input and output ports
- Allows for hierarchical design
- Allows creation of complex systems
- Sim instructions usually located in main function
(sc_main) - Set resolution, channels, etc
- http//embedded.eecs.berkeley.edu/Respep/Research/
hsc/abstract.htmlmotivation - http//www.esperan.com/pdf/Esperan_SystemC_tutoria
l.pdf - http//www.doulos.com/knowhow/systemc/tutorial/
- http//www.comelec.enst.fr/hdl/sc_docs/systemc_qui
ckreference.pdf - http//www.ecsi-association.org/ecsi/projects/odet