Title: In-Car Entertainment System Market
1MarketsandMarkets Presents
Global In-Car Entertainment (Infotainment) ICE
System Market worth 14.4 Billion by 2016
2According to the market research report In-Car
Entertainment (Infotainment) ICE System Market
- Global Forecast Analysis by OEM Aftermarket
(2011 2016) by Products (Audio, Display, GPS,
Software Platform, Service, Accessories), by
Applications (Entertainment, Location Based
Services, Communication) published by
MarketsandMarkets (www.marketsandmarkets.com),
the total In-Car Infotainment (ICI) Market is
expected to reach 14.4 billion by 2016 at a CAGR
of 12.1 from 2011 to 2016. Browse 86 tables and
in-depth TOC on In-Car Entertainment
(Infotainment) ICE System Market - Global
Forecast Analysis by OEM Aftermarket (2011
2016) by Products (Audio, Display, GPS, Software
Platform, Service, Accessories), by Applications
(Entertainment, Location Based Services,
Communication). http//www.marketsandmarkets.com
stems-market-538.html Early buyers will receive
10 customization of reports.
3Individual products like radio, DVD players,
display screens, navigation systems are being
used by car users. However, In-Car Entertainment
Information systems have offered a new option
to the user of using all the products in the same
system. This has offered customer a new and
enriched experience, which has been accepted it
worldwide. In-Car Entertainment Information
systems are being positioned in the luxury cars
rapidly. Auto-OEMs are using Entertainment
Information systems as differentiation tool and
planning to extend the trend in the mid-segment
cars. In-Vehicle Entertainment Information
systems offer both entertainment and information
services. Such a system replaces multiple
products and offers enhanced user experience to
the customer. Better user experience, better
connectivity, more options of entertainment are
the major features of In-Vehicle Entertainment
(ICE) Information System market. ICE system
market includes products such as audio system
including radio, DVD players with the video
screen, rear seat entertainment, navigation
devices like GPS, software platforms, and its
accessories. These services are unavoidable
entities, whose significance is increasing day by
4 Radio services, internet services, and the
navigation services are the major services
offered for In-car Entertainment Information
systems. ICE systems can be connected to the
external world to offer more options to the
customer for entertainment as well as information
based services. Privacy-security and river
distraction are hampering the growth of the
In-Car Entertainment System Market. In near
future, location based products like finding next
fuel station, restaurant, etc. are going to get
introduced. Besides, all the products are likely
to run on a single processor, which will increase
the efficiency of the Entertainment (ICE)
Information system. In-Car Entertainment
Information systems are being sold though
auto-OEMs and aftermarket. However, ICE products
are likely to sell more through auto-OEM than
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