1Expanding the Use of Surveillance Data the
colorectal cancer monograph project, chapter
one J Jackson-Thompson, MSPH, PhD, Missouri
Cancer Registry University of
Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
- Background
- In late 2003, a group of Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention/National Program of Cancer
Registries (CDC/NPCR) staff and faculty/staff
affiliated with a number of CDC/NPCR and
National Cancer Institute/Surveillance,
Epidemiology and End Results (NCI/SEER)
registries began discussing preparation of a
monograph on colorectal cancer (CRC). - It was felt that research and general
communities would have great interest in a
compilation of articles on CRC, utilizing
high-quality data from a national database. - Objectives
- To present an overview of the project, with a
focus on the introductory chapter and - To present some findings.
- Methods
- Invasive cases of CRC for diagnosis years
1998-2001 were used for most analyses - 39 states, the District of Columbia and SEER
Atlanta met publication criteria for data
quality. - CDC/NPCR staff carried out the analyses reported
here. - Rates are per 100,000 and age-adjusted to the
2000 U.S. (19 age groups) standard. - Results
- A total of 542,149 cases were included,
representing 89 of the U.S. population.
- Chapter 1 Descriptive Epidemiology of Colorectal
Cancer in the United States, 1998-2001 - Lead Author J. Jackson-Thompson, MSPH, PhD
- (Missouri Cancer Registry)
- Co-authors Robert R. German, DrPH, MPH Ahmed
Faruque, MD, PhD, MPH - Sue-Min Lai, PhD, MS, MBA Carol Friedman, DO
- Purpose of the CRC Monograph
- Excluding cancers of the skin, CRC is one of the
most common cancers in the United States - Overall, CRC ranks third in incidence for both
U.S. men (after prostate and lung cancers) and
women (after breast and lung cancers). - CRC is the second leading cause of death from
cancer in the U.S. - We chose to focus on CRC because
- It is a common cancer
- CRC incidence rates could be reduced through
diet and lifestyle changes - CRC is amenable to screening (e.g.,
sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, etc.) and - Mortality rates could be lowered by more
widespread use of screening, leading to earlier
diagnosis and treatment.
CRC Incidence is Declining, 1998-2001
542,149 CRC cases (89 U.S. population coverage)
- Case ascertainment 90 complete, i.e., each
registrys data includes at least 90 of the
expected, unduplicated cases - 5 of cases are death certificate only (DCO)
cases, i.e., ascertained solely on the basis of a
death certificate - 3 of cases missing information on sex
- 3 of cases missing information on age
- 5 of cases missing information on race
- 97 of registrys records passed a set of
single-field computerized edits. - Criteria are for all cancer sites combined.
Geographic Coverage of CRC Monograph
Source NPCR and SEER high-quality data, 1998-2001
- CRC Monograph Collaborators
- NPCR- and SEER-funded cancer registries
- National Cancer Institute
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- American Cancer Society
- ORC Macro
- Expected Uses of the CRC Monograph
- Monograph will provide high quality, national
population-based data that can be used in the
control of CRC. - Population subgroups can be identified and
targeted for informed decision making, screening
practices, treatment therapies, etc. - Intended Publication supplement to the
journal CANCER - Expected Publication Date May 2006
This project was supported in part by a
cooperative agreement between the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
(DHSS) (U55/CCU721904-04) and a Surveillance
Contract between DHSS and the University of
I gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance
of MCR staff Nancy Cole, CTR Gentry White, MS
and Dr. Chetan Wasekar.
- For further details about the CRC Monograph,
contact - Ahmed Faruque, MD, PhD (CDC) fba5_at_cdc.gov
- Robert R. German, DrPH (CDC) rrg1_at_cdc.gov
- J. Jackson-Thompson, PhD (MCR)
Thanks to the co-authors of Chapter One for their
support Robert R. German, DrPH, MPH and Faruque
Ahmed, MD, PhD, MPH (CDC/NPCR) Sue-Min Lai, PhD,
MS, MBA (Kansas Cancer Registry KU) and Carol
Friedman, DO (CDC/NPCR).
Related 2005 NAACCR poster Case Completeness and
Data Quality in the National Program of Cancer
Registries (NPCR). Lead author KK Thoburn, NY
State Cancer Registry. (Originally a chapter in
the monograph, this will now be published