Title: Unplugged:
- How Portable Wireless Technology Has Transformed
the Use and Integration of Technology - Inter-Lakes School District
- Meredith, NH
- Dick Dumais, District Technology Coordinator
- Jeremy Hillger, Grade 6 Math/Science Teacher
- Brad Allen, HS Business and GenWhy Teacher
- Kathleen Hill, Curriculum Coordinator
3Wireless Technology
- History
- One or two computer classroom
- Computer labs
- Computers moved to central location to set up lab
(SCS) - Little tech support
4Wireless Technology
- Consequences
- Labs used for computer application instruction
are unavailable for class projects - One computer in the room does not allow groups to
use computer - SCS teachers without computers for 2 days
5Wireless Technology
- Consequences
- Teachers slow to adopt technology as part of the
curriculum - Early adopting teachers have little support
- Early adopting teachers do not have tools needed
to work
6Wireless Technology
- Consequences
- frustrated teachers
- frustrated administrators
- frustrated students
7Todays problems come from yesterdays
solutions. -Senge
- Prior to wireless technology, the best solution
was to give every classroom one or two computers
and train teachers to do the best they could in
the one computer classroom.
8The harder you push, the harder the system pushes
back. -Senge
- Adding computers to classrooms did not increase
computer use in the classroom.
9Behavior grows better before it grows
worse. -Senge
- Labs allowed students to learn fundamental
applications but there was not enough time to use
the skills in an integrated way. With limited
access to computers, teachers could not expect
students to complete projects using integrated
10The cure can be worse than the disease. -Senge
- Teachers grew to believe that technology skills
are best taught in a pull out format (computer
lab) without the use of integration.
11The easy way out usually leads back in. -Senge
- Teachers continued to use computers as fancy
typewriters (word processors) and call that
12Cause and effect are not closely related in time
and space. -Senge
- Teachers failed to see that student application
of skills is often lost.
13Limited tools
Limited budget
Limit integration
Limited need for new computers
Limited student use
14There is no blame. -Senge
- The goal
- Find a way to provide teachers with the tools
needed for technology integration.
15Small changes can produce big results-but the
areas of highest leverage are often the least
obvious. -Senge
- Wireless computer labs looked like a luxury at
16Wireless Technology
Classroom tools
Support for technology in school district budget.
Increased integration
Teachers asking for new computers
Increased student use
17Wireless Technology
- Whats next
- Improved professional development
18Wireless Technology
Professional Development
Classroom tools
Support for technology in school district budget.
Increased integration
Teachers asking for new computers
Increased student use
19Wireless Technology
- Results
- Increased integration of technology
- Web CT
- Mayaquest
- Gen Y
- Classroom web pages
- EBD Classroom Challenges
20Wireless technology
- Results
- Increased integration of technology
- Classroom projects
- Cooperative learning
- Integration between computer application classes
and classroom projects
- The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge
- How Teachers Learn Technology Best, Jamie
MacKenzie - The Unwired Classroom Wireless Computers Come of
Age, Jamie MacKenzie