Title: DECS Implementation Code of Conduct
1DECS Implementation
Presenters Adrian Nippress
Ethical Standards and Merit Protection Unit,
August 2005
2The Code of Conduct
Principles Integrity the intent or meaning
behind your actions Respect - how you treat
others Accountability - fulfilling
responsibility to government, community DECS
Principles in Practice
Ethical Decision Making Model
As public sector employees we are required to act
(and are entitled to be treated by colleagues) in
line with the Code of Conduct
3Whole of Government Implementation
- Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment
- coordination across all government agencies.
- Chief Executives
- Distribution to individual employees
- Develop appropriate policies and training as
required to give the Code effect in their agency - Apply the Code in general management practice.
4CONTEXT The Legislative Framework
Parliament of Australia
Disabilities Discrimination Act 1992
Parliament of South Australia South Australian
Acts and Regulations
Honesty and Accountability Bill, amending PSM
Act 2004 Public Sector Management Act 1995 Equal
Opportunity Act,1984 Education Act 1992 Education
Regulations 1997 Freedom of Information Act
1991 Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act
1986 Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 1993
Organisational Values
- Cooperation
- Excellence
- Fairness
- Integrity
- Respect
- Responsibility - Accountability
6From DECS Strategic Directions
Policy and Procedures
- Induction
- Performance Management
- Professional Standards for Teachers in South
Australia - Merit Selection
- Anti Racism Policy
- Sexual Harassment and Antiracism (Handbook)
- Managing Diversity
- Grievance Procedures
8DECS Implementation in three stages
- Initial Awareness Raising and Distribution
- (July to August 2005)
- Awareness Raising/Development
- (July 2005 to April 2006)
- Systemic Integration
- Work on this phase has begun and will be ongoing
9Systemic Integration On-going Compliance
- Areas of critical and immediate focus
- Recruitment
- Merit Selection
- Induction
- Performance Management
- Grievance Procedures
- Systemic training packages Merit Selection,
PAC, Grievance Management, Anti-racism and Anti
Sexual Harassment
10Extract from joint AEU / DECS Merit Selection
Code of Conduct Integrity the intent or meaning
behind your actions Respect - how you treat
others Accountability - fulfilling
responsibility to government, community DECS
As public sector employees we are required to act
(and entitled to be treated by colleagues) in
line with the Code of Conduct (Honesty and
Accountability Bill, amending PSM Act 2004)
11Extract from joint AEU / DECS Merit Selection
Legislative and regulatory framework contd
Clarifications within the Code of Conduct
identify a number of principles particularly
relevant to merit selection
12Ethical Decision Making Model Pg 4
- Define the Problem
- Identify the underlying principles, legislation
and policies - Identify and consider the options
- Apply the Sunlight Test - Ask yourself
- What would your family or chief executive say if
your actions were reported on the front page of a
newspaper? - How will the decision be viewed by future
generations? - Would you be happy if this action was performed
on you?
- Choose your course of action
If you are unsure, seek advice before you act
you are responsible for your actions
13OPC Staff Meeting 26th October 2004
A conversation about
- Ethics Resource Kit for the South Australian
Public Sector, 2003 - Available for loan from ESMPU
- Copies to be provided to District Offices
- Guideline for the South Australian Public
Service Ethical Conduct, 2001 - OPE website http//www.ocpe.sa.gov.au/ref_docs/et
hical_conduct.pdf - OPC Ethics Kit for managers
- from HR website www.decs.sa.gov.au/HR1/pages/def
ault/conduct - Leading and Building Culture A learning Journey
- Activity cards developed by SACLE, 2000
15ESMPU Training Package
- Designed to
- Provide a context
- links between the Code of Conduct and the DECS
Statement of Directions - Support leaders in
- applying the principles to their general
management practice - developing their own staff development programs
- establishing and maintaining ethical
environments, ethical behaviours and ethical
decision making processes in the work place - Provide
- Tools and strategies for establishing and
maintaining ethical environments, ethical
behaviours and ethical decision making processes
in the work place - Resources
16Group Activity Determine Priorities for Action
- Objective Develop a culture that values staff
wellbeing by - Promoting best practice in OHSW practices in all
sites - Develop district and state-wide networks for
collaborative development and sharing of best
practice - Implement Family Friendly workforce policies
- Implement Performance Management programs
- Identify and address key issues raised in
Incident Reports ED155
17ESMPU Support
- Training Package
- Sessions for leaders / managers
- Collation of resources
- Consultancy Service
- Advice
- Policy Procedures
- Training Training Packages
- Recruitment - liaise re Code requirement
- Induction
- Grievance Management