Title: HSARPA%20Cyber%20Security%20R
1Dept. of Homeland Security Science Technology
Homeland Security Cyber Security RD Initiatives
ACM CCS Alexandria, VA November 8, 2005
Douglas Maughan, Ph.D. Program Manager,
HSARPA douglas.maughan_at_dhs.gov 202-254-6145 /
2General DHS Organization (prior to 7/13/05)
- Coast Guard
- Secret Service
- Citizenship Immigration Ombuds
- Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
- Legislative Affairs
- General Counsel
- Inspector General
- State Local Coordination
- Private Sector Coordination
- International Affairs
- National Capital Region Coordination
- Counter-narcotics
- Small and Disadvantaged Business
- Privacy Officer
- Chief of Staff
Secretary (Chertoff) Deputy Secretary
Management (Hale)
Science Technology (McQueary)
Information Analysis Infrastructure
Protection (Stephan, act.)
Border Transportation Security (Beardsworth,
Emergency Preparedness Emergency
Response (Paulison, act.)
3Department of Homeland SecurityOrganization
(proposed end state)
4Department of Homeland SecurityOrganization
(proposed end state)
5Science and Technology (ST) Mission
Conduct, stimulate, and enable research,
development, test, evaluation and timely
transition of homeland security capabilities to
federal, state and local operational end-users.
6ST Organization Chart
Under Secretary for Science Technology (McQuear
Office of Plans Programs and Requirements (Evans,
Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects
Agency (Kubricky, act.)
Office of Research and Development (McCarthy)
Office of Systems Engineering
Development (Kubricky)
- Centers
- Fellowships
- Scholarships
Stewardship of an enduring capability
Development Engineering, Production, Deployment
Innovation, Adaptation, Revolution
8Crosscutting Portfolio Areas
- Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
- Nuclear
- High Explosives
- Cyber Security
- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
9Legacy of HSARPA NameHow is it different from
- Differences
- 85-90 of funds for identified DHS requirements
- 10-15 of funds for revolutionary research
- Breakthroughs,
- New technologies and systems
- These percentages likely to change over time, but
we need to meet todays requirements
10HSARPA Funding
HSARPA funding is allocated from Appropriated
line items
11Cyber Security RD Portfolio Scope
- We focus on threats and issues that warrant
national-level concern - Asymmetric capabilities make cyberspace an
appealing battleground for our adversaries - Cyberspace presents an avenue to exploit
weaknesses in our critical infrastructures - The most significant cyber threats are very
different from script-kiddies or virus writers - Terrorism
- Organized crime
- Economic espionage
12RD Execution Model
13RD Execution Model
14Rapid Technology Application Program (RTAP)
- Similar to the existing Technical Support Working
Group (TSWG) approach - Requirements Generation Panel
- Identify general technology needs
- Reduce collection of general needs
- Explore issues and draft Statement of
Requirements (SoR) - Write an SoR for each technology need in detail
suitable for prototype procurement
15Cyber Security RTAP Topics
- 1 BOTNET Detection and Mitigation Tool
- Customer IAIP/NCSD
- 2 Exercise Scenario Modeling Tool
- Customer IAIP/NCSD
- 3 DHS Secure Wireless Access Prototype
- Customer ST OCIO
- Pre-solicitation at http//www.hsarpabaa.com
16HSARPA Cyber Security Broad Agency Announcement
(BAA 04-17)
- A critical area of focus for DHS is the
development and deployment of technologies to
protect the nations cyber infrastructure
including the Internet and other critical
infrastructures that depend on computer systems
for their mission. The goals of the Cyber
Security Research and Development (CSRD) program
are - To perform research and development (RD) aimed
at improving the security of existing deployed
technologies and to ensure the security of new
emerging systems - To develop new and enhanced technologies for the
detection of, prevention of, and response to
cyber attacks on the nations critical
information infrastructure. - To facilitate the transfer of these technologies
into the national infrastructure as a matter of
urgency. - http//www.hsarpabaa.com
17BAA Technical Topic Areas (TTAs)
- System Security Engineering
- Vulnerability Prevention
- Tools and techniques for better software
development - Vulnerability Discovery and Remediation
- Tools and techniques for analyzing software to
detect security vulnerabilities - Cyber Security Assessment
- Develop methods and tools for assessing the cyber
security of information systems - Security of Operational Systems
- Security and Trustworthiness for Critical
Infrastructure Protection - 1) Automated security vulnerability assessments
for CI systems - 2) Improvements in system robustness of critical
infrastructure systems - 3) Configuration and security policy management
tools - 4) Cross-platform and/or cross network attack
correlation and aggregation
18BAA TTAs (continued)
- Security of Operational Systems
- Wireless Security
- Security tools/products for todays networks
- Solutions and standards for next generation
networks - Investigative and Prevention Technologies
- Network Attack Forensics
- Tools and techniques for attack traceback
- Technologies to Defend against Identity Theft
- RD of tools and techniques for defending against
identity theft and other financial systems
attacks, e.g., phishing
19BAA Program / Proposal Structure
- NOTE Deployment Phase Test, Evaluation, and
Pilot deployment in DHS customer environments - Type I (New Technologies) Funding NTE 36 months
- New technologies with an applied research phase,
a development phase, and a deployment phase
(optional) - Type II (Prototype Technologies) Funding NTE 24
months - More mature prototype technologies with a
development phase and a deployment phase
(optional) - Type III (Mature Technologies) Funding NTE 12
months - Mature technology with a deployment phase only.
20BAA 04-17 Proposal Summary
- http//www.hsarpabaa.com/ Solicitation Awards
BAA04-17 Awards
21Small Business Innovative Research (SBIRs)
- http//www.hsarpasbir.com
(SB04.2-001) - Objective Develop a system to efficiently
correlate information from multiple intrusion
detection systems (IDSes) about stealthy
sources and targets of attacks in a distributed
fashion across multiple environments. - REAL-TIME MALICIOUS CODE IDENTIFICATION
(SB04.2-002) - Objective Develop technologies to detect
anomalous network payloads destined for any
service or port in a target machine in order to
prevent the spread of destructive code through
networks and applications. These technologies
should focus on detecting zero day attacks, the
first appearance of malicious code for which no
known defense has been constructed.
22SBIR FY05.2 Submission
- Hardware-assisted System Security Monitoring
- OBJECTIVE This topic seeks technologies that
provide a hardware-assist for the monitoring of
system security. It is expected that the
resulting solutions would be some type of
inexpensive coprocessor board that would work
with existing hardware and software, resulting in
a system with much higher assurance than
currently available. By putting the monitoring
capability in hardware it is much more difficult
for an attacker to disable this part of the
system because the board is isolated from
potential remote attackers and would require
physical access to compromise the hardware-assist
board, thus, providing the owner/user technology
that can monitor the security health of the
system in near real-time. This will ensure that
even when the machine is on, but the user is not
using the machine, the system will be monitored
and can even be "shut down" so unknown
communications is not sent while the user's away.
The hardware-assist system should have the
capability to collect and store information for
forensic purposes and the system should also have
capability to report security related events to a
central monitoring station. - Solicitation at http//www.hsarpasbir.com
23RD Execution Model
24DHS / NSF Cyber Security Testbed
- Justification and Requirements for a National
DDOS Defense Technology Evaluation Facility,
July 2002 - We still lack large-scale deployment of security
technology sufficient to protect our vital
infrastructures - Recent investment in research on cyber security
technologies by government agencies (NSF, DARPA,
armed services) and industry. - One important reason is the lack of an
experimental infrastructure and rigorous
scientific methodologies for developing and
testing next-generation defensive cyber security
technology - The goal is to create, operate, and support a
researcher-and-vendor-neutral experimental
infrastructure that is open to a wide community
of users and produce scientifically rigorous
testing frameworks and methodologies to support
the development and demonstration of
next-generation cyber defense technologies
25DETER Testbed Architecture
Cyber Defense Experiments run on Virtual Internet
- 3 major sites over 200 nodes
- GOAL By end of FY07 to have 1000 nodes
distributed at possibly up to 6 sites
26A Protected REpository for Defense of
Infrastructure against Cyber Threats
- PREDICT Program Objective
- To advance the state of the research and
commercial development (of network security
products) we need to produce datasets for
information security testing and evaluation of
maturing networking technologies. - Rationale / Background / Historical
- Researchers with insufficient access to data
unable to adequately test their research
prototypes - Government technology decision-makers with no
data to evaluate competing products
End Goal Improve the quality of defensive cyber
security technologies
27Industry Workshop 2004
- Verio PREDICT participant
- XO Comms
- Akamai
- Arbor Networks
- System Detection
- Cisco
- PCH PREDICT participant
- Symantec
- USC-ISI PREDICT participant
- Univ. of WA PREDICT participant
- LBNL PREDICT participant
- Internet2 PREDICT participant
- CAIDA PREDICT participant
- Merit Networks PREDICT participant
- Citigroup
- Begin the dialogue between HSARPA and industry as
it pertains to the cyber security research agenda - Discuss existing data collection activities and
how they could be leveraged to accomplish the
goals of this program - Discuss data sharing issues (e.g., technical,
legal, policy, privacy) that limit opportunities
today and develop a plan for navigating forward - Develop a process by which data can be
regularly collected and shared with the network
security research community
28Data Collection Activities
- Classes of data that are interesting, people want
collected, and seem reasonable to collect - Netflow
- Packet traces headers and full packet (context
dependent) - Critical infrastructure BGP and DNS data
- Topology data
- IDS / firewall logs
- Performance data
- Network management data (i.e., SNMP)
- VoIP (1400 IP-phone network)
- Blackhole Monitor traffic
29PREDICT Information
- https//www.predict.org
- Recent Workshop
- http//www.hsarpacyber.com/public/PREDICT/
30Internet Infrastructure Security Motivation
- The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (2003)
recognized the DNS as a critical weakness - NSSC called for the Department of Homeland
Security to coordinate public-private
partnerships to encourage the adoption of
improved security protocols, such as DNS - The security and continued functioning of the
Internet will be greatly influenced by the
success or failure of implementing more secure
and more robust BGP and DNS. The Nation has a
vital interest in ensuring that this work
proceeds. The government should play a role when
private efforts break down due to a need for
coordination or a lack of proper incentives.
31Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC) Program
- DNSSEC Program Objective
- Carry forward to completion the recommendation
from the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
by engaging industry, government, and academia to
enable all DNS-related traffic on the Internet to
be DNSSEC compliant - Rationale / Background / Historical
- DNS is a critical component of the Internet
infrastructure and was not designed for security - DNS vulnerabilities have been identified for over
a decade and we are addressing these
End Goal Greatly increase the security of the
Internet (as critical infrastructure) by securing
the DNS through the use of crypto signatures
32The Domain Name System
- DNS database maps
- Name to IP addresswww.dhs.gov
- And many other mappings (mail servers, IPv6,
reverse) - Data organized as tree structure
- Each zone is authoritativefor its own data
- Minimal coordination between zone operators
33DNS Attacks
- Attacks via and against the DNS infrastructure
are increasing - Attacks are becoming costly and difficult to
remedy - Consumer confidence in Internet accuracy is
decreasing - Financial/large enterprises are seeing a
significant increase in online attacks for
fraudulent purposes - Hijacking (virtual theft of domain names)
- http//www.icann.org/announcements/hijacking-repor
t-12jul05.pdf - Phishing (look-alike fraudulent emails and web
sites) - Pharming (phishing combined with DNS attacks)
- Other attacks include DNS name mismatches or
browser tricks aimed at careless users
34DNSSEC What it provides
- Provides an approach so DNS users can
- Validate that data they receive came from the
correct originator, i.e., Source Authenticity - Validate that data they receive is the data the
originator put into the DNS, i.e., Data Integrity - Approach integrates with existing server
infrastructure and user clients - DNSSEC awareness by application
- Results of DNSSEC validation functions provided
to applications - Applications can take different actions based on
DNSSEC validation results, e.g. wont connect to
www.bankofamerica.com without good validation but
will connect to www.cnn.com without it. - Examples
- Web browsers
- Email servers and clients
35DNSSEC Initiative Activities
- Roadmap published in February 2005
- http//www.dnssec-deployment.org/roadmap.php
- Multiple workshops held world-wide
- DNSSEC testbed developed by
- http//www-x.antd.nist.gov/dnssec/
- Involvement with numerous deployment pilots
- Working with Civilian government (.gov) to
develop policy and technical guidance for secure
DNS operations and beginning deployment
activities at all levels. - Working with the operators of the .us and
.mil zones towards DNSSEC deployment and
36DNSSEC Design / Use
- Secure DNS Guidance Documents
- NIST 800 Series Documents for operators and
policy/decision makers. - Define the problem space
- Outline BCP for securing current DNS operations
- Guidelines for deployment and use of DNSSEC
- Series of outreach efforts
- Announcement fromÂ
- http//csrc.nist.gov/publications/drafts.htmlAu
gust 11, 2005 Draft NIST Special Publication
800-81, Secure Domain Name System (DNS)
Deployment GuideRequest for Comments closed
Sept. 29th, 2005
37Secure Protocols for the Routing Infrastructure
- BGP is the routing protocol that connects ISPs
and subscriber networks together to form the
Internet - BGP does not forward subscriber traffic, but it
determines the paths subscriber traffic follows - The BGP architecture makes it highly vulnerable
to human errors and malicious attacks against - Links between routers
- The routers themselves
- Management stations that control routers
- Work with industry to develop solutions for our
current routing security problems and future
38SPRI Activities To Date
- Formation of government and industry steering
committee - DHS, DOD, DOCommerce, NIST, ICANN, IETF
- Held first industry requirements workshop March
15-16, 2005 in WDC - Held second workshop on operational security May
18-19, 2005 in Seattle in conjunction with NANOG. - Held third workshop on registry operations Sept.
13-14, 2005 in WDC Outputs submitted at recent
ARIN mtg
39Cyber Security Assessment Activities
- Cyber Economics Study
- Dept. of Treasury Key Business Processes in
the event of a Crisis Study
40Economic Analysis of Cyber Security and
Private-Sector Investment Decisions
- The objective of the study is to investigate
Internet stakeholders investment decisions for
bolstering the security of their information
technology (IT) networks. - To achieve the study objectives, RTI will
- review existing studies to assess the economics
of cyber security, - conduct a series of interviews within eight
industry sectors to assess companies investment
decisions related to securing their IT networks,
and - identify potential areas for government
involvement and/or support for the deployment and
adoption of existing cyber security technologies.
- DHS/Cyber Security IMPACT
- DHS is interested in economic decisions that may
lead to inadequate investment in cyber security
measures. - Better information on the costs and benefits of
security technologies and adverse events will
help inform private investment decisions. - Understanding the public goods nature of Internet
security may inform governments involvement in
cyber security.
41Prototyping of a Business Process Model (A
Computer Simulation) of the Finance Sector
- Proof of Concept activities are designed to
assess initial technical and operational
feasibility, including scoping and development of
a concept of operations, before stakeholders
invest substantial resources in full-scale
development. - Various private and public-sector stakeholders
have determined the immediate operational need
for this capability it meets several gaps
defined by the Treasury Department and
sector-level coordinating councils. - The research involves 4 phases Engage SMEs to
help define the logical and physical extent of
the sector at a high level Determine an
appropriate subset of sector transactions to
model as a proof of concept Use rapid
prototyping to define simulation requirements
Report on technical and operational feasibility
- DHS/Cyber Security IMPACT
- This project addresses the requirement for a
man-in-the loop simulation that emulates
sector-wide disruptions and their operational
(business) impact. - Sector-level simulation of impacts resulting from
cyber and physical disruptions of business
processes and transactions between critical
entities in the Finance Sector will provide
government and industry stakeholders and users
with unique insight of operational risks, single
points of failure, and mitigation strategies. - Potential users include risk managers responsible
for the operational health of the sector also
enterprise risk managers
Proof of Concept (Feasibility)
Phase 1 Requirements Definition
Phase 1 Simulation Design
Phase 1 Implementation, Integration, Testing,
and Roll-out
42Rapid Prototyping Authoritative SSL Auditing
Client Machine
- Goal Enable organizations to audit secure
communications to prove policy compliance,
investigate attacks, and arbitrate
disputes.Approach Use a passive network device
to record SSL traffic, sign it with a hardware
security module, and open communications when
necessary. Requires the cooperation of the
original secure sever to keep its keys secure.
Web portal restricts access to authorized
personnel. - Status Alpha Aug 15, 2005 Beta planned for Dec
15, 2005 - End Users Information technology and security
officers in government agencies and commercial
organizations, especially those that need to
comply with regulations such as HIPAA, FACTA, and
Client Machine
Client Machine
Server Machine
Client Machine
Server Machine
Client Machine
Server Machine
Client Application
Server Application
Network Switch
SSL Client
SSL Server
Key Shield
Auditing Device
Portal Device
Auditing Portal
Recording Application
Signing Application
- DHS/Cyber Security Impact
- Complete, authoritative records of electronic
transactions - Ensure users/organizations follow security
policies - Better investigate attacks and fraud over SSL
- All records remain confidential until
specifically reviewed - Very low total cost of ownership encourages
Reqmnts. Design Alpha System Beta System Final
43Emerging Threats VME-DEP
- Virtual Machine Environment - Detection and
Escape Prevention - VME use is increasing in industry and government,
and is starting to be used in classified networks - Goals of this project are to
- Gain a better understanding of where VMEs are
used and for what purpose - Determine how an attacker might break the
security models defined by a VME - Develop techniques for preventing those attacks
- Develop a secured open source VME
44Emerging Threats - NGCD
- Next Generation Crimeware Defenses
- Crimeware Malicious software specifically
designed to steal identity information and other
associated financial information - Goals of this project are
- Gain an understanding of the nature of crimeware
technologies and how to defend against their
increasing sophistication - Collect and analyze crimeware samples
- Build threat and vulnerability models based on
the attack types and goals of stealing access
credentials and identity information and
correlated to popular computing environments - Develop a secure computing environment web
browser (based on open-source Mozilla), secure
keyboard and embedded co-processor to proactively
prevent crimeware
45The Institute for Information Infrastructure
Protection (I3P)
- The I3P is a consortium of 24 academic and
not-for-profit research organizations - The I3P embodies a concept developed in studies
between 1998 and 2000 by PCAST, IDA, and OSTP - The I3P was formed in September 2001 and funded
by congressionally appropriated funds assigned to
Dartmouth College - DHS/ST/HSARPA now oversees the I3P funding
- 17.883 M Congressional Earmark for the Institute
for Security Technologies Studies (ISTS) at
Dartmouth College - Inherited from Office of Domestic Preparedness
(ODP) during RD consolidation activity
46Other Activities Institute for Infrastructure
Protection (I3P)
- Creation of two research plans for cyber
security, one in Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems, and one in economic
and policy issues - Two Independent Research Advisory Boards (RABs)
established to review final research plans
submitted for I3P support. - Two-year, 8.5 million research program to
protect SCADA systems in the oil and gas industry
and other critical infrastructure sectors. - Led by Sandia, comprises 10 research institutions
with expertise in cyber security, risk
management, and infrastructure systems analysis. - Kickoff meeting held April 14-15 at Sandia
National Laboratories Center for SCADA Security
in Albuquerque - Attended by project researchers along with oil
and gas experts from ChevronTexaco, Ergon
Refining, Public Utility of New Mexico, and
Williams - Provided training on SCADA hardware, software,
and typical system configurations, as well as
common threats and vulnerabilities associated
with these systems
47I3P Cyber Economics Project
- Two project goals
- How to quantify the cost of cyber security and
the effects of cyber attacks? - How to measure the effectiveness of current
security tools and policies? - Three intertwined threads
- National perspective
- Views the information infrastructure as an
element of national security, where cyber
security incidents can disrupt, impair or destroy
critical economic capabilities. - Enterprise or corporate perspective
- Considers the effects of degraded or destroyed
infrastructure on the degree to which an
enterprise can maintain its bottom line by
developing and delivering products and services. - Technological perspective
- Addresses those technologies that protect the
infrastructure, by deterring particular threats,
preventing certain classes of attacks, or
mitigating the consequences of attack. - Participants RAND Corporation, University of
Virginia, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, George Mason
University, Dartmouth
48RD Execution Model
49Experiments and Exercises
- Experiments
- U.S. / Canada Secure Blackberry Experiment
- PSTP-agreed upon deployment activity
- Oil and Gas Sector
- Working with DOE and industry
- Finance Sector
- CWID 2005 (originally known as JWID)
- Exercises
- National Cyber Security Exercise (Cyber Storm)
- National Critical Infrastructure Exercise (NCIE)
- Exercise led by industry
50US-CAN Secure Wireless Trial
- Objective
- Test effectiveness of US/Canadian cross-border
secure wireless architecture to cope with
real-time communication in variety of scenarios - Technologies
- PKI (S/MIME), Identity-based encryption,
enforcement of policy and compliance - Trial Activity
- July U.S.-only initial four-day test period
- October Four-day test period with 35 activities
and with 40 participants acting out homeland
security scenarios using BlackBerry devices
51LOGI2C Linking the Oil and Gas Industry to
Improve Cybersecurity
- LOGI2C is a 12-month technology integration and
demonstration project driven by industry,
supported by DHS - Technical goal Attack indications and warnings
through event analysis and correlation across
business and process control networks - Approach
- Identify new types of security sensors for
process control networks - Adapt a best-of-breed correlation engine to this
environment - Integrate in testbed and demonstrate
- Transfer technology to industry
52LOGI2C Partners
- LOGI2C is a model for how DHS ST and industry
can work together in a public-private partnership
to address a critical RD need - Industry contributes
- Requirements and operational expertise
- Project management
- Product vendor channels
- DHS ST contributes
- Independent researchers with technical security
expertise - Testing facilities
53ST and Cyber Storm
- Exercise Objectives
- To incorporate elements of cyber defense and
response technology into the exercise moving it
gradually away from the table top format. - To socialize the DETER test bed with the exercise
participants and make them aware of its
capability and its potential value to their
respective organizations. - Success criteria
- Recognizing the complexity of the exercise and
its key focus, ST would consider their objective
met if the DETER test bed were used in the
planning of the exercise (to lend realism to
scenario elements) and if one or more session can
be arranged during the exercise, where the
players could see the test bed in action being
used to test exercise relevant problems or
decisions. The session(s) should show the value
of the tool and add defensive technology to the
54National Critical Infrastructure Exercise (NCIE)
- Exercise is co-managed by BearingPoint and Yoran
Associates - Funded by the private sector with public/private
technology demonstrations - Objectives
- Conduct a private sector exercise
- Exercise threat scenarios against SCADA
operations - Test and evaluate organizational plans, policies,
and procedures - Capture performance data to evaluate Critical
Infrastructure Resiliency metrics and models
U.S. comparison against other countries - Primary participants senior operations managers
and corporate executives from utility/energy
sector - Secondary participation industry collaboration
groups, government agencies, first responders,
and others identified by primary participants
during planning
55Commercial Outreach Strategy
- Assist commercial companies in providing
technology to DHS and other government agencies - Emerging Security Technology Forums (ESTF)
- Assist DHS ST-funded researchers in transferring
technology to larger, established security
technology companies - DHS Mentor / Protégé program
- Partner with the venture capital community to
transfer technology to existing portfolio
companies, or to create new ventures
56Emerging Security Technology Forum
- ESTF held April 13-14, 2005 in Arlington, VA
- Opportunity to introduce government
representatives to smaller-sized information
security technology vendors with innovative
technology approaches - For this ESTF vendors presented and demonstrated
current and emerging information security
technologies that defend against DDOS and worm
attacks - Next ESTF to be held in May 2006
- Topic Identity Management technologies
- Audience will include industry and government
57Emerging Security Technology Forum
- IntruGuard Devices, Inc.
- Kerio Technologies
- netZentry, Inc.
- Prolexic Technologies
- Q1 Labs Inc.
- Top Layer Networks, Inc.
- V-Secure Technologies
- Arbor Networks
- CounterStorm, Inc.
- Cs3, Inc.
- CyberShield Networks, Inc.
- Determina, Inc.
- ForeScout Technologies
58DHS Mentor/Protégé Program
- Objective
- Provide start-up emerging security companies
with mentor support in sales marketing to
government - Existing Mentor/Protégé programs in government
are procurement oriented. New ST Mentor/Protégé
program will focus on rapidly transitioning cyber
security technologies into government through
existing relationships. - Mentors will be large, established government
contractors with cyber security experience - Protégés will provide innovative cyber security
technology. There are no set-aside requirements
(e.g. disadvantaged, HubZone business) - Selection Process
- The Cyber Security RD Center will solicit
government/industry technology requirements to
identify gaps in the US cyber infrastructure. - These requirements will guide selection of
mentors. Protégés, with technology to meet
infrastructure gaps, will be proposed to the
mentors by the Center.
59ITTC The DHS-SRI Identity Theft Technology
- ITTC is a revived and expanded Silicon Valley
expert group originally convened by the U.S.
Secret Service - Experts and leaders from
- Government
- Financial and IT sectors
- Venture capital
- Academia and science
- ITTC works closely with The Anti-Phishing Working
Group (APWG)
- Consultant and ITTC Coordinator Robert
Rodriguez, retired head of the Secret Service
Field Office in San Francisco - The ITTC was formed in April, and has four active
working groups - Phishing Technology Report
- Data collection and sharing
- Future threats
- Development and deployment
60Tackling Cyber Security ChallengesBusiness Not
as Usual
- Strong mission focus (avoid mission creep)
- Close coordination with other Federal agencies
- Outreach to communities outside of the Federal
government - Building public-private partnerships (the
industry-government dance is a new tango) - Strong emphasis on technology diffusion and
technology transfer - Migration paths to a more secure infrastructure
- Awareness of economic realities
- DHS ST is moving forward with an aggressive
cyber security research agenda - Working with industry to solve the cyber security
problems of our current infrastructure - DNSSEC, Secure Routing
- Working with academe and industry to improve
research tools and datasets - DHS/NSF Cyber Security Testbed, PREDICT
- Looking at future RDTE agendas with the most
impact for the nation - SBIRs, BAA 04-17, RTAP
62Other Areas of Interest (were available)
- Cyber Situational Awareness Indications
Warnings - Insider Threat Detection Mitigation
- Information Privacy Technologies
- Large-scale network survivability, rapid recovery
and reconstitution - Secure operating systems (open source)
- Network modeling and simulation security policy
reconfiguration impact on networks - Highly scalable identity management
63Douglas Maughan, Ph.D. Program Manager,
HSARPA douglas.maughan_at_dhs.gov 202-254-6145 /