Title: Presenting Information on WWW
1Presenting Information on WWW using HTML
2Presenting Information on the Web with HTML
- How Web sites are organized and implemented
- A brief introduction to HTML
- A Closer Look at HTML Document
- How to use URLs, Anchor Tags, and Document
References - Tables, Lists, Forms
3The Architecture of Web Sites
4Introduction to HTML
- An HTML document consists of lines of text with
embedded markup tags that specify Web-page
formatting and links to other pages - Invented by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN 1989
- The birth of the World Wide Web
5Introduction to HTML
- In 1993, students, faculty, and staff of the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
(NCSA) developed the first graphical browser - Mosaic Web browser and Web server
- Became Netscape
- Current version is HTML (HTML 4.01
- http//www.w3.org/TR/html401/
- 10 minutes for new commers http//www.w3.org/Mark
6A Closer Look at HTML Documents
- HTML documents are structured using tags,
attributes, and nesting - Tag with text lttagname attrvalue
gttextlt/tagnamegt - lttitlegtBigHit Video Online Reservation
Systemlt/titlegt - lta href"reservation.html"gtEnter Video
Reservation Systemlt/agt - Tag with no text lttagname attrvalue /gt
- ltimg src"images/bighit.jpg" alt"BigHit Video
logo/gt - Nested tags lttag1gtlttag2gtlt/tag2gtlttag3gtlt/tag3gtlt/tag
1gt - lttable border"0"gt lttrgt lt!-- this is a
comment --gt lttdgtltimg src"images/bighit.j
pg" alt"BigHit Video logo"/gtlt/tdgt
7URLs, Anchor Tags, and Document References
8URLs, Anchor Tags, and Document References
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- A protocol, a mechanism used to fetch the desired
object. - In this case http (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol). - The host machine, the computer that contains the
requested object. - In this case, the host computer is www.w3.org.
- Special host name for browser computer localhost
- The object name.
- In this case, /TR/REC-html40/.
9Relative URLs
- Relative URL contains only object name
- Refers to object on the same server as the page
with the reference - For page URL http//www.web4data.com/dbmgmt/bighit
/fig1002.html - Base URL is http//www.web4data.com/dbmgmt/bighit/
- Protocol http, host machine www.web4data.com,
directory /dbmgmt/bighit/
10Relative URLs
- Relative URL not starting with /
- Refers to object relative to directory containing
the page - Create full URL by appending relative URL to base
URL - images/bighit.jpg becomes
- http//www.web4data.com/dbmgmt/bighit/images/bighi
t.jpg - Relative URL starting with /
- Refers to object relative to home directory of
server - Create full URL by appending the relative URL to
the protocol and host machine - /dbmgt/bighit/index.html becomes
- http//www.web4data.com/dbmgmt/bighit/index.html
11Fundamentals of HTML
- HTML, HEAD, Title, Body
- Headings and paragraphs
- Add emphasis to your text
- Use various kinds of lists
- Add links to other pages
- Add images
- Add links to other pages
12ltHTMLgt and lt/HTMLgt
- ltHTMLgt
- The ltHTMLgt tag is the first tag in your
document. It tells the Internet browser that it
is reading an HTML document (without it, the
browser would think it was viewing a text
document). - lt/HTMLgt This is the closing tag for the ltHTMLgt
tag. This should be the last line in your HTML
13ltHEADgt and lt/HEADgt
- ltHEADgt
- Used to contain information such as title, style
sheets - lt/HEADgt This is the closing ltHEADgt tag.
14ltTITLEgt and lt/TITLEgt
- ltTITLEgt and lt/TITLEgt
- It is used to make the title of the page. The
title of the page will appear in the blue bar
across the top of your active window - Example
- ltTITLEgt Basic HTML lt/TITLEgt
15ltBODYgt and lt/BODYgt
- ltBODYgt and lt/BODYgt
- We put all your text, images, and links between
the opening and closing ltBODYgt tags.
16Headings and paragraphs
- There are up to six levels of headers that can be
used in your document, H1 through H6. Header 1 is
the largest header and they get progressively
smaller through header 6.
- lth1gtThis is a header 1 taglt/h1gt
- This is a header 1 tag
- lth2gtThis is a header 2 taglt/h2gt
- This is a header 2 tag
18Add emphasis to your text
- Boldface
- This is a ltbgtboldfacelt/bgt tag.
- This is a boldface tag.
- Italics
- This is an ltigtitaliclt/igt tag.
- This is an italic tag.
- Numbered
- ltolgt
- ltligt list item 1
- ltligt list item 2
- ltligt list item 3
- lt/olgt
- Unumbered
- ltulgt
- ltligt list item 1
- ltligt list item 2
- ltligt list item 3
- lt/ulgt
- Definition lists allow you to indent without
necessarily having to use bullets. - ltdlgt
- ltdtgt This is a term
- ltddgt This is a definition
- ltddgt And yet another definition
- ltdtgt Another term
- ltddgt Another definition
- lt/dlgt
- You can center text, images, and headings with
the center tag - ltcentergtThis is a centered sentencelt/centergt
- The center tag automatically inserts a line break
after the closing center tag.
23File names
- Use lowercase file names
- User proper extension
- .html or .htm
24Designing a web site
- Determine the purpose of the web site
- Determine the target audience
- Determine numbers of pages
- Sketch the site on paper
- Open TextPad
- for editor
- Create a Web page
- Save as index.html
- Open IE
- File -gt Open the file
26Project 1 (parts 4-5-6)
27Lesson plan
- Tables and Links
- Practice
28Presenting Information in HTML Tables
- Table tags provide the primary method of
organizing information on pages - Table tags create a regular, rectangular layout
- Table tags present tabular information
- Table is surrounded by lttablegt lt/tablegt
- Attributes border and bgcolor
- lttable border1 bgcolor"lightcyan" gt
29Table tags (continue)
- Row is surrounded by lttrgt lt/trgt
- Data cell is surrounded by lttdgt lt/tdgt
- Table heading is surrounded by ltthgt lt/thgt
- Example
- lttable border"1"gt lttrgtltthgtYearlt/thgtltthgtSaleslt/thgt
lt/trgt lttrgtlttdgt2000lt/tdgtlttdgt18Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt
lttrgtlttdgt2002lt/tdgtlttdgt36Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt - lt/tablegt
30Tables (continue)
31Cell spading
- You can increase the amount of padding for all
cells using the cellpadding attribute on the
table element - lttable border"1" cellpadding"10"gt
- lttrgtltthgtYearlt/thgtltthgtSaleslt/thgtlt/trgt
lttrgtlttdgt2002lt/tdgtlttdgt36Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt - lt/tablegt
32Table cell spading (continue)
33Table width
- The value is either the width in pixels or a
percentage value representing the percentage of
the space available between the left and right
margins - Example
- lttable border"1" cellpadding"10" width"80"gt
- lt/tablegt
34Table width (continue)
35Text Alignment within Cells
- lttable border"1" cellpadding"10" width"80"gt
- lttr align"center"gtltthgtYearlt/thgtltthgtSaleslt/thgtlt/tr
gt - lttr align"center"gtlttdgt2000lt/tdgtlttdgt18Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt
- lttr align"center"gtlttdgt2001lt/tdgtlttdgt25Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt
- lttr align"center"gtlttdgt2002lt/tdgtlttdgt36Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
36Empty cells and Cell span
- Empty cells
- lttdgtnbsplt/tdgt
- Cell span
- lttable border"1" cellpadding"10" width"80"gt
- lttr align"center"gtltth rowspan"2"gtYearlt/thgtltthcol
span"3"gtSaleslt/thgtlt/trgt - lttr align"center"gtltthgtNorthlt/thgtltthgtSouthlt/thgtltt
hgtTotallt/thgtlt/trgt - lttr align"center"gtlttdgt2000lt/tdgtlttdgt10Mlt/tdgtlttdgt
8Mlt/tdgtlttdgt18Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt - lttralign"center"gtlttdgt2001lt/tdgtlttdgt14Mlt/tdgtlttdgt1
1Mlt/tdgtlttdgt25Mlt/tdgtlt/trgt - lt/tablegt
37Cell spans
38Coloring your tables
- Use Style sheet
- Use background color attribute
- Determine HEX value for color
39Coloring a table
- lttable border"0" cellspacing"0"
cellpadding"10"gt - lttrgt ltth bgcolor"CCCC99"gtYearlt/thgt
- ltth bgcolor"CCCC99"gtSaleslt/thgt lt/trgt
- lttrgt lttd bgcolor"FFFF66"gt2000lt/tdgt
- lttd bgcolor"FFFF66"gt18Mlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt lttd bgcolor"FFFF66"gt2001lt/tdgt
- lttd bgcolor"FFFF66"gt25Mlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
- Each color is identified by its
- Red- Green- Blue (RGB) values,
- three numbers that range from 0 to 255, each of
which represents the intensity of the Red, Green,
or Blue component of the desired color. - We need to represent each color in hexadecimal
- http//www.cookwood.com/html/colors/backflapcolors
- Linking to another web page
- ltA HREF http//www.cs.uwm.edugt UW-Milwaukee
Computer Science Department lt/Agt -
- 1. Open TextPad for editor.
- 2. Cut and paste (or type) the following
codelthtmlgt ltheadgt - lttitlegt Sample HTML file with table lt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lt! Please insert your HTML code here --gt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
- 3. Insert the HTML code so that it
- Display the link to Math and CS department in
the center of the page - Then create a table
- (see picture below)