Title: ER Modeling Exercises Transformation Solutions
1ER Modeling Exercises Transformation Solutions
2ER Modeling I handout - Q1
- DIVISION (DivisionID,ManagerID)
- DEPARTMENT (DeptID,DivisionID)
- PROJECT (ProjectID,)
Case 4
Case 6
Case 7
Case 10
Case 3
null allowed - all others not null
3ER Modeling I - Q2
- INSTRUCTOR (InstructorID, HighestDegree, )
- COURSE (CourseID, ClassTitle, )
- CLASS (ClassID, CourseID, InstructorID, Term)
- TRAINEE (TraineeID, )
- ENROLL (TraineeID, ClassID, Term)
Case 6
Case 6
Case 3
Optionally, create an EnrollmentID attribute to
use as primary key.
All foreign keys not null.
4ER Modeling I - Q3
Case 4
- CUSTOMER (CustomerID, )
- INVOICE (InvoiceID, CustomerID, SalesRepID,)
- LINE (InvoiceID, LineID, ProdID,)
- PRODUCT (ProductID, )
- SALESREP (SalesRepID, )
- VENDOR (VendorID,)
- SHIP (ShipID, ProductID, VendorID,)
Case 1
Case 4
Case 1
All foreign keys not null.
5ER Modeling I - Q4
- AGENT (AgentID, LName, Region)
- CLIENT (ClientID, LName,)
- MUSICIAN (MusicianID, AgentID, Name,
DaysAvailable,) - EVENT (EventID, ClientID, MusicianID, Date, Time,
Location) - INSTRUMENT (InsturmentID, )
- MUSICIAN_INSTRUMENT (MusicianID, InstrumentID,
All foreign keys not null.
6ER Modeling I - Q5
- CITY (CityID, )
- TEAM (TeamID, CoachID, CityID, )
- PLAYER (PlayerID, TeamID,)
- COACH (CoachID, TeamID,)
- GAME (GameID, HomeTeamID, VisitorTeamID,)
All foreign keys not null.
7ER Modeling II - Q1
- COMPANY (CompanyID, )
- DEPARTMENT (DepartmentID, CompanyID)
- EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, DepartmentID, )
- DEPENDENT (EmployeeID, DependentID, )
- EMPLOYEE_HISTORY (EmployeeID, HistoryID, )
All foreign keys are not null
8ER Modeling II - Q2
- MEMBER (MemberID, )
- WORKOUT (WorkoutID, MemberID, Date)
- EXERCISE (ExerciseID)
- WORKOUT_EXERCISE (WorkoutID, ExerciseID,
NumberSets, NumberReps,)
9ER Modeling II - Q3
- EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, NamePositionID)
- PART_TIME_EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, HourlyRate)
- FULL_TIME_EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, Salary,
OfficeRoom, ) - POSITION (PositionID, Title, Job_Description)
All foreign keys not null.
10ER Modeling II - Q4
- USER (UserID, Name, Department,)
- PROBLEM (ProblemID, TimeSpent, UserID,
ResolverID,) - HARDWARE (ProblemID, Description, Solution)
- SOFTWARE (ProblemID, SoftwareVersion, )
- RESOLVER (ResolverID, Name, Phone, Level, )
All foreign keys not null.
11ER Modeling II - Q5
- EMPLOYEES (EmployeeID, SupervisorID, )
- SKILLS (SkillID, SkillName, )
- EMPLOYEE_SKILL (EmployeeID, SkillID,
DateAcquired, Certification,) - PROJECTS (ProjectID, ProjectName, ManagerID,
StartDate) - EMPLOYEE_PROJECT (EmployeeID, ProjectID, Role)
- PROJECT_SKILL (ProjectID, SkillID,
SkillLevelRequired, NumberStaff,) - DEPENDENTS (EmployeeID, DependentID,
DateOfBirth) - WORK_HISTORY(EmployeeID, HistoryID,)
- BENEFITS (BenefitID, BenefitType, Company,
Contact,) - EMPLOYEE_BENEFIT (EmployeeID, BenefitID,)
All foreign keys are not null.
Optionally, create a ProjectSkill_ID attribute
to use as primary key.
12ER Modeling II - Q6
- ORCHARD (OrchardID, Location, )
- SPECIES (SpeciesID, Name, OrchardID)
- DISEASE (DiseaseID, Symptoms, Treatment,)
- SPECIES_DISEASE (SpeciesDiseaseID, SpeciesID,
DiseaseID, Date,) - CUSTOMER (CustomerID, )
- ORDER (OrderID, CustomerID, )
- ORDERDETAILS (OrderID, DetailID, SpeciesID,)
Optionally, use the combination of SpeciesID,
DiseaseID and Date as primary key and remove
SpeciesDiseaseID entirely.
All foreign keys not null.