Title: Modeling Consumer Decision Making and Discrete Choice Behavior
1(No Transcript)
2Econometrics in Health Economics Discrete
Choice ModelingandFrontier Modeling and
Efficiency EstimationProfessor William
GreeneStern School of BusinessNew York
UniversitySeptember 2-4, 2007
3Frontier and Efficiency Estimation
- Session 5
- Efficiency Analysis
- Stochastic Frontier Model
- Efficiency Estimation
- Session 6
- Panel Data Models and Heterogeneity
- Fixed and Random Effects
- Bayesian and Classical Estimation
- Session 7
- Efficiency Models
- Stochastic Frontier and Data Envelopment Analysis
- Student Presentation Silvio Daidone and
Francesco DAmico - Session 8 Computer Exercises and Applications
4The Production Function
- A single output technology is commonly described
by means of a production function f(z) that gives
the maximum amount q of output that can be
produced using input amounts (z1,,zL-1) gt 0. - Microeconomic Theory, Mas-Colell, Whinston,
Green Oxford, 1995, p. 129. See also Samuelson
(1938) and Shephard (1953).
5Thoughts on Inefficiency
- Failure to achieve the theoretical maximum
- Hicks (ca. 1935) on the benefits of monopoly
- Leibenstein (ca. 1966) X inefficiency
- Debreu, Farrell (1950s) on management
inefficiency - All related to firm behavior in the absence of
market restraint the exercise of market power.
6A History of Empirical Investigation
- Cobb-Douglas (1927)
- Arrow, Chenery, Minhas, Solow (1963)
- Joel Dean (1940s, 1950s)
- Johnston (1950s)
- Nerlove (1960)
- Christensen et al. (1972)
7Inefficiency in the Real World
- Measurement of inefficiency in markets
heterogeneous production outcomes - Aigner and Chu (1968)
- Timmer (1971)
- Aigner, Lovell, Schmidt (1977)
- Meeusen, van den Broeck (1977)
8Production Functions
- Production is a process of transformation of a
set of inputs, denoted x ? into a set of
outputs, y ? - Transformation of inputs to outputs is via the
transformation function T(y,x) 0.
9Defining the Production Set
- Level set
- The Production function is defined by the
isoquant - The efficient subset is defined in terms of the
level sets
10Isoquants and Level Sets
11The Distance Function
13Production Function Model with Inefficiency
14Cost Inefficiency
- y f(x) ?? C g(y,w)
- (Samuelson Shephard duality results)
- Cost inefficiency If y lt f(x), then C must be
greater than g(y,w). Implies the idea of a cost
frontier. - lnC lng(y,w) u, u gt 0.
16Corrected Ordinary Least Squares
17Modified OLS
- An alternative approach that requires a
parametric model of the distribution of ui is
modified OLS (MOLS). The OLS residuals, save for
the constant displacement, are pointwise
consistent estimates of their population
counterparts, - ui. suppose that ui has an
exponential distribution with mean ?. Then, the
variance of ui is ?2, so the standard deviation
of the OLS residuals is a consistent estimator of
Eui ?. Since this is a one parameter
distribution, the entire model for ui can be
characterized by this parameter and functions of
it. The estimated frontier function can now be
displaced upward by this estimate of Eui.
19Deterministic Frontier Programming Estimators
20Estimating Inefficiency
21Statistical Problems with Programming Estimators
- They do correspond to MLEs.
- The likelihood functions are irregular
- There are no known statistical properties no
estimable covariance matrix for estimates. - They might be robust, like LAD. Noone knows
for sure. Never demonstrated.
22A Model with a Statistical Basis
- Cost frontiers, based on duality results
- ln y f(x) u ?? ln C g(y,w) u
- u gt 0. u gt 0. Economies of scale and
- allocative inefficiency blur the relationship.
- Corrected and modified least squares estimators
based on the deterministic frontiers are easily
24Data Envelopment Analysis
25Methodological Problems
- Measurement error
- Outliers
- Specification errors
- The overall problem with the deterministic
frontier approach
26Stochastic Frontier Models
- Motivation
- Factors not under control of the firm
- Measurement error
- Differential rates of adoption of technology
- frontier is randomly placed by the whole
collection of stochastic elements which might
enter the model outside the control of the firm. - Aigner, Lovell, Schmidt (1977), Meeusen, van den
Broeck (1977)
27Stochastic Frontier Model
ui gt 0, but vi may take any value. A symmetric
distribution, such as the normal distribution, is
usually assumed for vi. Thus, the stochastic
frontier is ??xivi
and, as before, ui represents the inefficiency.
28Least Squares Estimation
- Average inefficiency is embodied in the third
moment of the disturbance ei vi - ui. - So long as Evi - ui is constant, the OLS
estimates of the slope parameters of the frontier
function are unbiased and consistent. (The
constant term estimates a-Eui. The average
inefficiency present in the distribution is
reflected in the asymmetry of the distribution,
which can be estimated using the OLS residuals
29Application to Spanish Dairy Farms
N 247 farms, T 6 years (1993-1998)
30Example Dairy Farms
31The Normal-Half Normal Model
32Normal-Half Normal Variable
34Standard Form
35Estimation Least Squares/MoM
- OLS estimator of ß is consistent
- Eui (2/p)1/2su, so OLS constant estimates a
(2/p)1/2su - Second and third moments of OLS residuals estimate
36A Problem with Method of Moments
- Estimator of su is m3/-.218011/3
- Theoretical m3 is lt 0
- Sample m3 may be gt 0. If so, no solution for su
. (Negative to 1/3 power.)
37Likelihood Function
Waldman (1982) result on skewness of OLS
residuals If the OLS residuals are positively
skewed, rather than negative, then OLS maximizes
the log likelihood, and there is no evidence of
inefficiency in the data.
38Alternative Model Exponential
39Normal-Exponential Likelihood
40Truncated Normal Model
41Normal-Truncated Normal
42Other Models
- Other Parametric Models (we will examine gamma
later in the course) - Semiparametric and nonparametric the recent
outer reaches of the theoretical literature - Other variations including heterogeneity in the
frontier function and in the distribution of
43Estimating ui
- No direct estimate of ui
- Data permit estimation of yi ßxi. Can this be
used? - ei yi ßxi vi ui
- Indirect estimate of ui, using Euivi ui
- vi ui is estimable with ei yi bxi.
44Fundamental Tool - JLMS
We can insert our maximum likelihood estimates of
all parameters. Note This estimates Euvi
ui, not ui.
45Other Distributions
47Application Electricity Generation
48Estimated Translog Production Frontiers
49Inefficiency Estimates
50Estimated Inefficiency Distribution
51Confidence Region
52Application (Based on Costs)
53Multiple Output Frontier
- The formal theory of production departs from the
transformation function that links the vector of
outputs, y to the vector of inputs, x - T(y,x) 0.
- As it stands, some further assumptions are
obviously needed to produce the framework for an
empirical model. By assuming homothetic
separability, the function may be written in the
form - A(y) f(x).
54Multiple Output Production Function
Inefficiency in this setting reflects the failure
of the firm to achieve the maximum aggregate
output attainable. Note that the model does not
address the economic question of whether the
chosen output mix is optimal with respect to the
output prices and input costs. That would
require a profit function approach. Berger (1993)
and Adams et al. (1999) apply the method to a
panel of U.S. banks 798 banks, ten years.
55Duality Between Production and Cost
56Implied Cost Frontier Function
57Stochastic Cost Frontier
58Cobb-Douglas Cost Frontier
59Translog Cost Frontier
60Restricted Translog Cost Function
61Cost Application to CG Data
62Estimates of Economic Efficiency
63Duality Production vs. Cost
64Multiple Output Cost Frontier
65Allocative Inefficiency and Economic Inefficiency
Technical inefficiency Off the isoquant.
Allocative inefficiency Wrong input mix.
66Cost Structure Demand System
67Cost Frontier Model
68The Greene Problem
- Factor shares are derived from the cost function
by differentiation. - Where does ek come from?
- Any nonzero value of ek, which can be positive or
negative, must translate into higher costs.
Thus, u must be a function of e1,,eK such that
?u/?ek gt 0 - Noone had derived a complete, internally
consistent equation system ?? the Greene problem. - Solution Kumbhakar in several recent papers.
- Very complicated near to impractical
- Apparently not of interest to practitioners
69Observable Heterogeneity
- As opposed to unobservable heterogeneity
- Observe Y or C (outcome) and X or w (inputs or
input prices) - Firm characteristics z. Not production or cost,
characterize the production process. - Enter the production or cost function?
- Enter the inefficiency distribution? How?
70Shifting the Outcome Function
Firm specific heterogeneity can also be
incorporated into the inefficiency model as
follows This modifies the mean of the truncated
normal distribution yi ??xi vi -
ui vi N0,?v2 ui Ui where Ui
N?i, ?u2, ?i ?0 ?1?zi,
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72Heterogeneous Mean
73Estimated Efficiency
74One Step or Two Step
- 2 Step Fit Half or truncated normal model,
compute JLMS ui, regress ui on zi - Airline EXAMPLE Fit model without POINTS,
LOADFACTOR, STAGE - 1 Step Include zi in the model, compute ui
including zi - Airline example Include 3 variables
- Methodological issue Left out variables in two
step approach.
75WHO Health Care Study
76Application WHO Data
77One vs. Two Step
78Unobservable Heterogeneity
- Parameters vary across firms
- Random variation (heterogeneity, not Bayesian)
- Variation partially explained by observable
indicators - Continuous variation random parameter models
Considered with panel data models - Latent class discrete parameter variation
79A Latent Class Model
80Latent Class ApplicationBanking Costs
81Heteroscedasticity in v and/or u
- Varvi hi ?v2gv(hi,?) ?vi2
- gv(hi,0) 1,
- gv(hi,?) exp(?Thi)2
- VarUi hi ?u2gu(hi,?) ?ui2
- gu(hi,0) 1,
- gu(hi,?) exp(?Thi)2
82Application WHO Data
83A Scaling Model
84Model Extensions
- Simulation Based Estimators
- Normal-Gamma Frontier Model
- Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic Frontiers
- Similar Model Structures
- Similar Estimation Methodologies
- Similar Results
Very flexible model. VERY difficult log
likelihood function. Bayesians love it.
Conjugate functional forms for other model parts
86Normal-Gamma Model
z N-?i ?v2/?u, ?v2.
q(r,ei) is extremely difficult to compute
88Simulating the Likelihood
?i yi - ?Txi, ?i -?i - ?v2/?u, ? ?v, and
PL ?(-?i/?) and Fq is a draw from the
continuous uniform(0,1) distribution.
89Application to CG Data
This is the standard data set for developing and
testing Exponential, Gamma, and Bayesian
90Application to CG Data
91Bayesian Estimation
- Short history first developed post 1995
- Range of applications
- Largely replicated existing classical methods
- Recent applications have extended received
approaches - Common features of the application
92Bayesian Formulation of SF Model
Normal Exponential Model
vi ui yi - ? - ?Txi. Estimation proceeds (in
principle) by specifying priors over ?
(?,?,?v,?u), then deriving inferences from the
joint posterior p(?data). In general, the joint
posterior for this model cannot be derived in
closed form, so direct analysis is not feasible.
Using Gibbs sampling, and known conditional
posteriors, it is possible use Markov Chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) methods to sample from the marginal
posteriors and use that device to learn about the
parameters and inefficiencies. In particular,
for the model parameters, we are interested in
estimating E?data, Var?data and, perhaps
even more fully characterizing the density
93Estimating Inefficiency
- One might, ex post, estimate Euidata
however, it is more natural in this setting to
include (u1,...,uN) with ?, and estimate the
conditional means with those of the other
parameters. The method is known as data
94Priors Over Parameters
95Priors for Inefficiencies
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98Gibbs Sampling Conditional Posteriors
99Bayesian Normal-Gamma Model
- Tsionas (2002)
- Erlang form Integer P
- Random parameters
- Applied to CG
- River Huang (2004)
- Fully general
- Applied (as usual) to CG
100Bayesian and Classical Results
101Methodological Comparison
- Bayesian vs. Classical
- Interpretation
- Practical results Bernstein von Mises Theorem
in the presence of diffuse priors - Kim and Schmidt comparison (JPA, 2000)
- Important difference tight priors over ui in
this context. - Conclusions?