Title: Tianjin
2The colored tacks show the locations of three
banded Siberian Cranes that researchers tracked
during the fall migrations of 1995 and 1996.
The Bohai Sea to the east of Tianjin is an
important region for migrating waterbirds in
eastern China. Thousands of waterbirds, including
Siberian (above right) and Red-crowned Cranes
stop to rest and feed in the regions wetlands
during their long migrations.
3The diverse habitats within Bohai Bay near
Tianjin include salt water coastal wetlands
4and fresh water inland wetlands.
5- Conservation Threats
- The filling and draining of wetlands for
development (left) is a serious threat to
remaining habitat for migratory birds along the
Bohai Sea.This sea wall (below left) was built
to protect developed areas from storm surges, but
it also cuts off nearby wetlands from the sea and
the tidal flows that help keep the wetlands
6- Conservation Threats
- Some wetlands have also been modified for
agriculture and aquaculture, especially for rice
and shrimp farming. - The Bohai Sea is an important area for oil
production in China, and leakages or spills from
oil production is a possible threat to the
wetlands. Fortunately, oil companies in the
region take precautions to reduce this risk.
Oil drilling in Tianjin
7Conservation SolutionsResearch
Researchers are surveying migratory waterbird
populations in Bohai Bay. The surveys identify
the species found in the Bay and help researchers
identify important wetlands to protect in the
8Conservation SolutionsProtected Areas
Nine nature reserves were established between
1984-2000 to protected over 155,000 hectares near
Tianjin. The reserves protect coastal wetlands,
forests and migratory birds and other wildlife
that depend on these ecosystems.
9Conservation SolutionsCommunity Education
- Local teachers developed a handbook (above) for
middle and high school biology teachers in
Tianjin. The handbook includes background
information on wetland biology and conservation
that teachers can use in their classes. - Chinese educators also organized an
environmental camp at Tianjin to teach students
about wetland conservation.
- Two students from Wei Shan Lu Middle School in
Tianjin are helping to educate other students
about conservation by writing articles and
encouraging them to stop using disposable
products (such as disposable chopsticks).
- Name the sea to the east of Tianjin.
- List two main threats to the wetlands near
Tianjin. - List two solutions for these threats.
- Bonus question Increasing development in eastern
China is a threat to the remaining wetlands along
the east Asia flyway in this region.
Interestingly, though, some of the important
migration stop-over locations for migratory birds
in the Bohai Bay are man-made reservoirs that the
birds have learned are safe places to stop and
rest. Do you think we should expect wildlife to
adapt to our development (e.g., use reservoirs
rather than natural wetlands) or should we
consider the needs of wildlife when developing
our cities? What are the benefits of protecting
remaining natural areas?