Title: Inventory Pooling
1Inventory Pooling
2Distributed versus Pooled Inventory
Distribution center 1
Assembly factory
Assembly factory
Consolidated distribution center
Distribution center 2
3Examples of Inventory Pooling
- Centralized warehousing (physical/virtual)
- Common components
- Delayed differentiation
- Product/component substitution
- E-tailing
4The Impact of Inventory Pooling
- Impact on safety stocks
- Impact on cycle stocks
5Impact on Safety Stocks
The distributed system A system with N different
inventory locations, each facing independent
demand Xi (i1,, N), normally distributed with
mean m and standard deviation s and each with
similar shortage and overage costs cs and co.
6Impact on Safety Stocks
The distributed system A system with N different
inventory locations, each facing independent
demand Xi (i1,, N), normally distributed with
mean m and standard deviation s and each with
similar shortage and overage costs cs and co.
7Impact on Safety Stocks (continued)
The pooled system A system with a single
inventory location from which all demand is
8Impact on Safety Stocks (continued)
The pooled system A system with a single
inventory location from which all demand is
9Impact on Safety Stocks (continued)
Inventory pooling reduces both the optimal cost
and the optimal amount of safety stock by a
factor of ?N.
10What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
Consider two locations with demand X1 and X2 with
mean m1 and m2, standard deviation s1 and s2. Then
Let Then
11What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
- If Cov(X1, X2) gt 0, X1 and X2 are positively
correlated - If Cov(X1, X2) lt 0, X1 and X2 are negatively
correlated - If Cov(X1, X2) 0, X1 and X2 are uncorrelated
12What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
13What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
If the demands X1 and X2 are pooled in a single
location, then
14What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
If the demands X1 and X2 are pooled in a single
location, then
15What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
If the demands X1 and X2 are pooled in a single
location, then
If the demands X1 and X2 are satisfied from
separate locations, then
16What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
If the demands X1 and X2 are pooled in a single
location, then
If the demands X1 and X2 are satisfied from
separate locations, then
17What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
18What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
19What Happens if the Demands are Correlated?
20The Case of Identical demands (m1m2m s1s2s)
21The Case of Identical demands (m1m2m s1s2s)
22The Case of Identical demands (m1m2m s1s2s)
23The Case of Identical demands (m1m2m s1s2s)
24Inventory pooling is most beneficial when the
demands have perfect negative correlation. On the
other hand, there is no value to pooling when the
demands have perfect positive correlation.
25Impact on Cycle Stocks
The distributed system A system with N
different inventory locations, each facing a
deterministic demand rate D and each with
ordering cost A and holding cost h
26Impact on Cycle Stocks
The pooled system A system with a single
location, facing a deterministic demand rate ND,
ordering cost A and holding cost h
N 2 Total cost is reduced by 29. N4 N
5 N 10
28The Square Root Law
Average inventory increases proportionally to the
square root of the number of locations in which
inventory is held.
29The Square Root Law (Continued)
There is a diminishing effect to pooling. Most of
the benefits of pooling occur by consolidating
few locations. In most cases, total pooling may
not be necessary.