Title: Standards for
1Standards for Community Engagement
Standards for Community Engagement
A Partnership Commitment
A Partnership Commitment
2Key policy drivers
Community engagement is at the heart of
policy Civic participation is an essential
tool of modern government.. (Civic
Participation - Policy Unit Scottish Executive
2000) Community Planning is essentially a
process to secure greater engagement from
communities in the planning and delivery of
services (Policy memorandum on the Local
Government Scotland Act 2003)
3Reflected in the Community Plan for Borders
- Priority projects include to
- engage with communities to enable new
opportunities for regeneration in our Border
towns - New Ways Partnership believes that to achieve
the vision (outlined in the CP) we need to listen
to communities and ensure that they have a real
voice.. when it comes to shaping services
4Local Community Action Planning
- Seeks to support local communities to identify
needs and problems in their area and to develop
local solutions
5Why were the standards needed?
- Negative feedback about community engagement from
communities - Short time scales, too formal, not addressing
community priorities, lack of accessible
information, poor skills etc - Critical research evidence
- tokenism, modest impact, focused on
officials priorities etc - Lack of confidence expressed by agency staff
- Need to develop tools to support participatory
governance policies
6How were the standards developed?
- Through community and agency engagement
- Focus groups highlighted issues
- Working groups developed draft standards
- An advisory group commented on them
- National conferences reviewed them
- 6 Pilot projects tested them
- The process reflected the standards !
7 8 9 10 115. Working Together
126. Sharing Information
137. Working with Others
148. Improvement
15 1610. Monitoring and Evaluation
17Measuring performance
Each standard has a set of indicators that can be
used to check that it is being met e.g.Methods
standard Indicator 2 Methods used identify,
involve and support excluded groups e.g. Working
Together standard Indicator 1 The participants
behave openly and honestly there are no hidden
agendas, but participants also respect
18Support resources http//www.communitiesscotland.
- Standards booklet setting out standards and
indicators - Users Guide explaining the standards and
helping you get started - Using the standards illustrating each standard
in practice - Starter toolkit
- Case studies
- Reference Manual
- Advice note on equalities groups
19The Standards Indicators
Each standard has a set of indicators that can be
used to check that it is being met e.g.Methods
standard Indicator 2 Methods used identify,
involve and support excluded groups
20How can the standards be used?
- To plan engagement
- To assess readiness
- To monitor and review progress
- To evaluate performance
- As a set of ground rules
- The standards pack contains illustrations of each
- Key question how are we going to go about
engageing the community? - e.g. Early Years Partnership Craigshill West
Lothian - Key standards Involvement, Support and Methods