Title: HungaryCroatia IPA Crossborder Cooperation Programme
1Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation
Programme Szentlorinc, 1 September 2008
2Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation
Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border
Co-operationProgramme will be operating as a so
called IPA Programme (Instrument for
Pre-accession Assistance). The assistance is
implemented through five components (a)
Transition Assistance and Institution
Building (b) Cross-Border Co-operation (c)
Regional Development (d) Human Resources
Development (e) Rural Development.
3Eligible area
- Zala
- Somogy
- Baranya
- Medjimurska (Muraköz)
- Koprivnicko-Krievacka (Kapronca-Körös)
- Viroviticko-Podravska (Veroce-Drávamente)
- Osjecko-Baranjska (Eszék-Baranya)
- Adjacent regions
- Varadinska (Varasd)
- Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska (Belovár-Bilogora)
- Poesko-Slavonska (Pozsega-Szlavon)
- Vukovarsko-Srijemska (Vukovár-Szerémség)
4Programme management bodies
Managing Authority National Development Agency,
Hungary Certifying Authority Ministry of
Finance, Hungary Audit Authority Government
Audit Office, Hungary Joint Technical
Secretariat set up within VÁTI Kht.,
Hungary Information Point to be contracted by
the Ministry for Regional Development, Forestry
and Water Management, Croatia Joint Monitoring
PRIORITY 1 Sustainable environment and Tourism
PRIORITY 2 Economy and Intercommunity Human
Resources Development
1.1 Sustainable and attractive environment
2.1 Co-operative economy
1.2. Sustainable turism in the Mura-Drava-Danube
River Area
2.2 Intercommunity Human Resources Development
PRIORITY 3 Technical Assistance
6Financial table
7Financial table
8Actualities in the Programme
- 13 March 2008 approval of the Programme
- 11 April 2008 appointment of members of the
Joint Monitoring Committee - Joint Technical Secretariat 4 members head in
2008 - 10 June 2008 first Joint Monitoring Committee
meeting -
- Discussion and approval of rules of procedures
- Discussion and approval of TA manual
- Group of Auditors Set up within 3 months from
the approval of the Programme - Nominated by the Ministry of Finance, Croatia
- Nominated by the Audit Authority directly in
Hungary - Clarification of the public procurement
procedure with the European Commission
9Tasks for the future
- Written procedure Approval of the TA budget and
the TA forms. - Setting up the Control System Each participating
country sets up a control system to verify the
products or services co-financed by the
programme. - Control Bodies
- VÁTI Kht., Hungary
- Designated by the Ministry for Regional
Development, Forestry and Water Management,
Croatia - Call for proposals at the end of 2008.
10- Thanks for your kind attention!
- Brigitta Mikulás
- Mikulas.Brigitta_at_meh.hu
- H-1077 Budapest, Wesselényi u. 20-22.
- Tel (36) 1 474 9202