Title: Anniston Army Depot Leadership
1Anniston Army DepotLeadership Management
ProgramClass 4 - Spring 2008
Partnering Together for Tomorrows Leaders
2ANAD Leadership Program Class 4 Agenda
- Student Professor Introductions
- Mission Statement
- Curriculum Overview
- Individual Internship Briefings
- Group Recommendations
3ANAD Leadership Program Class 4 Participants
4JSU Professors
- Ed Bellman
- Pat Borstorff
- Richard Cobb
- Jess Godbey
- Mark Hearn
- Dana Ingalsbe
- Robert Landry
- Terry Marbut
- David Palmer
- Bill Scroggins
- Joanne Williams
5ANAD Leadership Program Class 4
- Mission Statement
- To embrace and build on this training for
establishing a work force that embraces Lean/Six
Sigma values and promote a customer focused
6 7Lean Concepts
- Kanban, Muda, 6S, JIT, Jidoka, Poka Yoke
- 5 Whys
- Visual Factory
- Fact Based Decision
- Value Stream Analysis
- Sustainment
8Six Sigma
- Provides disciplined approach to problem solving
- Targets single CTQ issue utilizing defined
parameters of acceptance and repeatability - DMAIC - FMEA
- Quality/workload potential is highest when costs
are absolute lowest for customer/supplier - Quality is free
9Safety Management
- Why Safety?
- Incident Not Accident
- Proactive Safety Measures
- Safety Culture
- Reinforcement
Class 4 - Spring 2008
10Project Management
- Inter-related Objectives
- Schedule, Budget, Meet Specifications
- Project Lifecycle
- Initiate
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring
- Controlling
- Close out
11Production Planning
- Benchmarking
- Just-in-time
- POM software Introduced
- Materials Requirement Planning
- Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- Layout Strategy
12Government/Industry Partnership
- Varieties of GIPs
- Industry
- Science and Technology
- Partnerships within Government
- Why Government Seeks GIPs
- Military Readiness
- Resource Expertise Limitations
- Flexibility of Private Industry
13Business Communications
- PowerPoint Presentations
- Extemporaneous Oral Presentations
- Presentation Stages
- Planning
- Preparation
- Polishing
- Questionnaire Design
14Human Resource Management
- Equal Opportunity and the Law
- Employee Testing and Selection
- Interviewing Candidates
- Performance Management and Appraisal
- Equal Justice and Fair Treatment
- Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining
15Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- Management and Leadership
- Personality Differences Relater, Socializer,
Thinker, Director - Embrace Diversity
- Consider perception
- Who emerges as Good Leaders?
- Self aware
- Self managers
- Self motivators
- Empathic with social skills
16Team Building
- Decision Making Process Consensus
- Involves Everyone
- Incorporates Knowledge, Experience and Ideas of
All - Non-competitive
- Group Decision Making Superior to Individual
- Synergy
- Gestalt
- Group Result Better than Any Individual Best
17Financial Management Cost Accounting
- Army Working Capital Fund ANAD
- Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
- Statement of Operations (Income Statement)
- 112 Report (Statement of Cash Flows)
- GAAP Annual Report
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Investments
18Supply Chain Materials Management
- Supply Functions
- Communications Helps Suppliers Meet Demands
- Transportation Roles in a Supply Chain
- Information
- Decision Phases in a Supply Chain
19Internship Overview
20Program Internships
- Khristopher Reynolds - Force Protection Inc.
- Kay Adams Allison Transmission
- Barry King Phillip Coleman Bridgewater LLC
- George Lewallen John Crane Inc.
- Linda Dial Parker Hannifin
- Jerrod Kirkpatrick U S Pipe
- Jeff Dawson Standard Aero
- Sara Rutledge Lear Corp
21Khris Reynolds
- Founded in 1997
- Located in Ladson, SC
- 10 miles from Charleston Air Force Base
- 260-acre campus
- 400,000 sq ft manufacturing facility
Class 4 - Spring 2008
22Khris Reynolds
- Deming Philosophy
- Integrated In-Process Work System -- BOSS
- Ergonomics Design Work Place
- Company Pride in Building Vehicles that Save Lives
Class 4 - Spring 2008
23Allison TransmissionKay Adams
- Founded in 1915 by James Allison
- 80 market share of all medium- and heavy-duty
commercial fully automatic transmissions - Over 4,000 Employees
- Purchased in 2007 by Carlyle Group and Onex
24Allison TransmissionKay Adams
- Over 600 Patents
- Facilities in Europe, Brazil, Far East
- Lean
- Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle
- ISO 90012000
25Barry King
- Bridgewater Company Overview
- Human Resource
- Operation Overview
- Performance Measurements
26Phillip Coleman
- Continuous Improvement/Six Sigma
- Engineering Process
- Lean Manufacturing
- Health/Safety Ergonomics
- Quality
27George Lewallen
- Worlds largest manufacturer of mechanical seals
and associated products - Subsidiary of Smiths Group, London
- Smiths Business Goals
- Maximize Shareholder Wealth
- Maximize Cash
- Decrease Inventories
- Key Supplier to the Oil Gas Industry
28George Lewallen
- Cribmaster (Tool Crib) Vending Machines
- Organic Lean/Six Sigma
- Master Black Belts
- Internal White Belt Program
- DMAIC-R (Realization)
- Keys to Success Focus and Follow-through
29 Parker Hannifin
Linda Dial
- 72,000 ft2
- 37 Acre Site
- 101 Production Employees
- 25 Support Employees
- Average 15 years experience
30 Parker Hannifin Jacksonville Products
Ball Plug
Check, Relief, Filter
31- Jerrod Kirkpatrick
- 100 year old company
- Raw material to finished product
- 3 Facilities in Central Alabama
- Supplies Nationwide and International
Class 4 - Spring 2008
32Jerrod Kirkpatrick
- Lean/Six Sigma
- Controlling Massive Variation
- Culture Change
- Employment Challenges
- Aging Workforce
Class 4 - Spring 2008
33Jeff Dawson
- Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) Company
- 1.4 billion in annual revenue
- 14,000 customers worldwide
- First authorized Rolls-Royce repair center
- 358,400 sq. ft. building
- 2500 employees globally, 700 in San Antonio
- ISO 9001-2000 14001 certified
34Jeff Dawson
- LEAN designated by clusters not value streams
- Matrix boards were magnetized individualized
- Two inspector designation DI QI
- Immune program taught to all employees
- Self designed cleaning, finishing plating
facility - 98 waste water treatment re-use on site
- Engineer support was superb
35Sara Rutledge
- Worlds Fifth Largest Automotive Supplier
- 289 Facilities in 34 Countries with 111,000
Employees - Exclusive People-Vehicle-Interface Methodology
36Sara Rutledge
- Montgomery Plant Constructed 2004
- Hyundai Sonata Santa Fe Seating
- Self-directed Work Teams
- World Class Technology Enablers
37Observations Recommendations
- Overall Course Survey
- CPAC Safety Reps located in GMPO
- Depot Managers Leadership and Management Style
- Ergonomics in Production Areas
- Internship in Pairs
- Training Office to Issue Thumb Drives to Each