1A Way to Innovation Innovation distinguishes
between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs
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EU Projects Life Cycle
3Increasing The Competitive Advantage
Science and Technology
Competitive Advantage
Company Management
International Activities and EU Integration
Industry and SMEs
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4Role of TAGES
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EU Projects Life Cycle
6Strategic Partnerships
Technology Development Foundation of Turkey
Machine Manufacturers Association of Turkey
Turkish Informatics Foundation
Turkish Information Technology Services
SAEF-FIN Consulting and Training Italy
Turkish Informatics Industry Association
Hyperion Consulting Ireland
Eymir Culture Foundation Turkey
HELP-Forward NCP-IRC Greece
API, SME Association Italy
AB Haber Belgium
TESEO Consulting Belgium
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7Strategic Partnerships
TUBITAK Scientific Technological Research
Council of Turkey
Technobee Turkey
IRC EGE Innovation Relay Center, Turkey
Yeditepe University RD Activities Group
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Proposal Writing Experiences
RD Collaboration Portal
Certificates and Awards
Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
IST Development Turkey
IST Development Turkey
Tile Ceramics Manufacturing Turkey
Ultrasonik Machine Manufacturing Turkey
IST Development Turkey
IST Development Turkey
Pharmaceuticals Turkey
IST Development Italy
Nebim Software Development Turkey
IST Development /Industrial Automation Turkey
InformationTechnologies / Mechatronics Turkey
IST Development Turkey
IST Development Turkey
Media and Content Development Turkey
Diamond Knife Manufacturing Turkey
Constuction Firm Turkey
IST Development Turkey
Fisheries Turkey
Construction Firm Turkey
Insurance Agency Turkey
Automation, Electronic, Telecommunication Turkey
Script Writers Association Turkey
White Goods Manufacturing Turkey
IST Development Turkey
Industrial Automation Industrialists
Association Turkey
Media Turkey
IST Development Turkey
Health Turkey
Anadolu Industrial Holding Turkey
Home, Personal, Care, Food Product Turkey
Defence, Energy Turkey
Robotics, Automation Turkey
Media Turkey
e-learning Solutions Turkey
ICT Turkey
ICT Turkey
Mobile Communications Turkey
ICT Turkey
ICT Turkey
Health Turkey
Women Entrepreneurs Association of Turkey Turkey
ICT Turkey
ICT Turkey
ICT Turkey
Machine Tool Industrialist and Businessmens
Association Turkey
AgroFood Turkey
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EU Projects Life Cycle
14EU Projects Life Cycle
Presentation of the Company and Project Idea
Information on Innovation and Funds
Project Proposal Preparation Training
Modelling and Developing Project Idea
Project Proposal Preparation and Submission
Forming Project Consortia
Finding Projects and Partners
Project Evaluation and Negotiation Processes
Project Coordination and Management
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Certificates and Awards
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EU Projects Life Cycle
16Project Experiences
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about projects
AGFORISE Project funded by EU 7th Framework
Programme RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Ongoing TAGES role- Partner
SUMMIT II Project funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci
Programme RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Ongoing TAGES role- Partner
FIRE Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Ongoing TAGES role- Partner
EASIER Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Partner
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17Project Experiences
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about projects
Development of Expertise on Acquis Communautaire
in Turkish
Machinery Sector Project funded by EU Bridges of
Knowledge Programme RD Project Owner- MIB
(Machine Manufacturers Association) Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
18Project Experiences
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about projects
IT-LEGISWH-IS-H Project funded by EU Leonardo da
Vinci Programme Owner- Istanbul Technical
University Status- Completed TAGES role-
Dissemination Core Partner
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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EU Projects Life Cycle
20VERITAS Project
FP6/ SSA Project Started on 1st of July 2004,
duration 18 months
The project aims to disseminate virtual
enterprise concept, which offers more flexible
and more manageable cooperation models, among
machine manufacturers.
- With the consortium of
- MIB Machine Manufacturer Association, Turkey
- Sylvie Feindt Consulting, Germany
- Agoria vz, Belgium
- University of Vienna, Austria
- FMS Machinery and Steel Manufacturers, Austria
TAGES is charged of the coordination of the
VERITAS Project in Turkey for MIB
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21Project Experiences
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about projects
FIRE Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Ongoing TAGES role- Partner
EASIER Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Partner
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
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22Project Experiences
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about projects
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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23Project Experiences
Please click buttons for detailed information
about projects
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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Company Profile
Project Experiences
Proposal Writing Experiences
RD Collaboration Portal
Certificates and Awards
Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
25Speeches by TAGES
Networking methods for benefiting from EU RD
funds Forum_at_Bilisim, October 07, TUYAP
Beylikdüzü Exhibition and Congress Center,
Istanbul International innovation cooperation in
ICT Turkish-German ICT Forum, October 07,
Marmara University, Istanbul Trends to Increase
Competition and Innovation in the World Meeting
of Turkish Industrial Engineering Students,
September07, Istanbul Commerce University,
Istanbul Development of Expertise on Acquis
Communautaire in Turkish Machinery Sector
Project International Experience Sharing on the
CE Directives in the Machinery Sector Conference,
June 07, Foreign Trade Complex, Istanbul
EASIER project- Engaging regional SMEs within
the ICT sector in EU research Istanbul ICT
Congress. Institutional Software 2007, June 07,
Bahçesehir University, Istanbul Living Lab of
SMEs for Enterprise Interoperability Cluster
Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability Research,
May07, Brussels EU 7th Framework Programme
Projects Bilgi Çagi Radio Programme, May 07,
Open Radio, Istanbul EU 7th Framework Programme
Projects Dogruyu Söyle TV Programme, March 07,
HaberTürk, Istanbul
Establishing a Living Lab in Turkey eChallenges
2009, 21st- 23dh October 2009, The Marmara
Hotel, Istanbul Successful Ldv Projects of
TAGES Leonardo da Vinci Information Day, 17th
November 2009, Enterprise Europe Network,
Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Istanbul Being
Innovative, Cooperation and Open
Innovation SIEMENS HYPE, 30th July 2009, Are You
Ready for the Innovation Journey with SIS?,
Sapanca Best Practices and Lessons Learned in
FP7 18th June 2009, KAGIDER EU Days Managing
Finances and Reporting in Grant Funded Projects -
Main Issues and Best Practice 7-8th May 2009,
Research Connection 2009, Prague Water,
Innovation and Sustainability March 2009, 5th
World Water Forum, ITU, Istanbul "Project
Funding Supports and Collaboration" 2nd ICT
Congress of Istanbul, July 08',Harbiye Askeri
Müze ve Kültür Sitesi, Istanbul
Interdisciplinary Applications at
University-Industry Cooperation Project and
Research Summit'08 Interdisciplinarity, May 08,
Garanti Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul Assessment of
Turkeys EU Accession Process DRC TV Programme,
December 07, HaberTürk, Istanbul
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26Speeches by TAGES
Project Proposal Preparation, Submission
Experiences Lütfi Kirdar Congress Center, FP6
Launching Conference, April03, Istanbul
"Cooperative Networks in Machine Manufacturing
Industry" Second SMEs and Productivity Congress,
December'05, Istanbul European Union Grants
and Projects "Bu Topragin Sesi" TV Programme,
November'05, TRT3, Ankara Cooperative Networks
Creation Experiences in Manufacturing Industry in
Turkey 13th International Forum on Technology
Management, September'05, Sabanci University,
Istanbul No Chance for Enterprises who can not
September05, Istanbul M-LATIS Design of a
Multimodal Attractive European real time
Traveler IST 2004 Event, Networking Session,
October04, The Hague Project Proposal
Preparation, Submission Experiences Lütfi Kirdar
Congress Center, FP6 Launching Conference,
April03, Istanbul
Experiences and Suggestions to SMEs EU 7th
Framework Programme Turkish Forum, February 07,
TUBITAK, Ankara Innovation and RD Studies for
the EU Integration Eczacibasi Group, November
06, Istanbul EU and Innovation with
Participative Approach Training at ARI
Teknokent, Istanbul Technical University, August
06, Istanbul VERITAS- Virtual Enterprises for
Integrated Industrial Solutions TÜBITAK Science,
Technology and Innovative Projects Sharing
Conference, June06, Ankara Future Vision for
FP7 Industry Workshop on Business Relations in
European Industry Trends, Visions, Future
Scenarios and Key Issues, European Commission,
June06, Brussels New Learning Methods and
Innovation EU and New Learning Methods, Dogus
University, April'06, Istanbul Competition,
Trends for Increasing Innovation Cooperative
Networks Dynamics 2006, Project Management 7th
Congress, ITU, April'06, Istanbul EUROPUMP
Annual Meeting, May06, Antalya 26th National
Congress of YA/EM 2006, July06, Kocaeli
University, Izmit
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EU Projects Life Cycle
28Industrial and Information Technology Research
Development and Implementation S.A.
Head Office
EU Contact Office
Istanbul /TURKEY Tel 90 212 223 21 01 Fax 90
212 223 36 42
Via Milano, 15/i 20060 Bussero Milano/
Italia Tel 39 02 95038260 Fax 39 02 9503550
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EU Projects Life Cycle
30Project Experiences
Please click buttons for detailed information
about projects
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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31Project Experiences
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about projects
IT-LEGISWH-IS-H funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci
Programme Owner- Istanbul Technical University
Status- Completed TAGES Role- Dissemination
Core Partner
EASIER project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES Role- Partner
FIRE Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status- Ongoing TAGES
role- Partner
Establishing Competence Center on Acquis
Communautaire in Machine Manufacturers
Association Project funded by EU Bridges of
Knowledge Programme Owner- MIB (Machine
Manufacturers Association of Turkey) Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
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EU Projects Life Cycle
33TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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34TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Leyla Arsan Born in 1966 in Ankara, graduated
from Middle East Technical University Statistics
Department, after developing and managing many
Information Technology projects in banking and
finance sector for 11 years, developed and
managed analytical CRM projects based on
strategic 1to1 marketing consulting and solution
services for 2 years. Developed B2B e-business
project for the manufacturing SMEs industry. She
developed European Union Communication Platform
as a portal namely euturkey.org.tr and managed
the project. Being one of the main founders of
TAGES Industry and Information Technology
Research Development Implementation, Istanbul,
she develops new business lines for meeting SMEs
requirements in order to increase their
competitive advantage by science, technology and
international activities. She provides project
development and management consulting to SMEs on
EU funded technology projects in collaboration
with technology foundations and public SME
organisations enabling technology transfer and
knowledge dissemination activities through SMEs.
She natively speaks Turkish and Italian, very
good English and poor French and Japanese.
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
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35TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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36TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Born in 1983 in Zonguldak,
Turkey. She graduated from Istanbul Bilgi
University, Department of International
Relations, in 2005 with a double major in Media
and Communication Systems. She got her Masters
degree from Sabanci University in European
Studies, in March, 2007. She worked as a teaching
assistant at Sabanci University, Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences. She worked as an intern at
European Commission's Communication Project in
Turkey, and TRT (Turkish Radio and Television).
She has participated international conferences on
Turkey's EU membership and Model United Nations
conferences both in Turkey, Europe and the USA.
She has over 2 years of expertise in EU 7th
Framework Programme, Life Long Learning
Programme, and other European RD, culture and
civil society development funds. She has provided
training to renewable energy SMEs on
participation in EU Framework Programme projects.
She also has experience in working with SMEs on
their participation in EU funding programmes.
She speaks native Turkish, fluent English and
intermediate French.
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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37TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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38TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Born in 1986 in Malazgirt,
Turkey. She graduated from Yildiz Technical
University, Department of Statistics. She worked
as an intern at Deva Holding in June 2008 , at
Turkish Statistical Institute in July 2008 and at
TAGES from August 2008 to June 2009. She has been
working as an Assistant Consultant at TAGES since
July 2009. She speaks native Turkish, fluent
English and intermediate Italian.
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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39TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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40TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Born in 1985 in Malatya, Turkey.
She graduated from Yildiz Technical University,
Department of Statistics. She worked as an intern
at Garanti Bank in June 2008 and at TAGES from
August 2008 to June 2009. She has been working as
an Assistant Consultant at TAGES since July 2009.
She speaks native Turkish and fluent English.
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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41TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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42TAGES Team
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Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Hikmet Barutcu Born in 1964 in Kütahya, Turkey.
Graduated from Hacettepe University Economics
Department in 1985 and has got her masters degree
in banking and capital system and the
relationship with enterprises, in the same
university. She performed economical research
studies on Ankara Manufacturing Industries
between 1986-1990 in Ankara Chamber of Industry
and consultant to the Board. She worked as a
branch manager of Yapi Kredi Investment
Securities Company in Ankara for from 1990 to
2000. She is working on entreprenuership and
employment policies as an expert consultant with
the certification from Ankara University ATAUM
Jeannet Monent Social Policies Training on
European Union Social Policy and Projects and
still working as Ankara Operations Coordinator in
TAGES since 2003. She natively speaks Turkish and
fluent in English.
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Please click here to return to Main Menu
43TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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44TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Selen Akçali Born in 1981 in Istanbul- Turkey.
She graduated from Marmara University, Department
of Political Sciences and Public Administration
in 2003. She fulfilled the international exchange
programme of European Studies in Sciences-Po
Paris, in 2002. She received her master's degree
from the Political Science and International
Relations Department of Bogaziçi University in
2006. She is currently continuing her PHD in
history at Bogazici University. She internshed at
the Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's
Association (TUSIAD) in Brussels, which plays an
important role in defending the unitary interest
of Turkish Business along the EU. She has
attended many conferences and European think-tank
meetings during this internship and carried out a
research on the perceptions of Europeans towards
Turkey. She is interested in EU communication
strategies and European lobbying. She speaks
native Turkish, fluent French and English, and
beginner's Spanish.
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Please click here to return to Main Menu
Please click here to return to Main Menu
45TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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46TAGES Team
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Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Prof. Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan He received his BSEE
and MSCS degrees from Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, in 1973 and 1975
respectively, and his PhD degree from
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
in 1981. He worked as an instructor at DePaul
University and Northwestern University, USA
between 1978 and 1981. He also worked as an Asst.
Prof. at University of Petroleum and Minerals in
Saudi Arabia and Bogazici University between 1981
and 1989. He continued his carreer as a computer
scientist in BASF AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Dr.Caglayan is currently a full time professor in
the Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici
University, Istanbul. He has many publications on
computer and network security, computer
communications, computer networks and
internet,wireless and mobile networks,
distributed systems, operating systems, and
software engineering.
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Please click here to return to Main Menu
47TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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48TAGES Team
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Görkem Çetin BornBorn in 1974 in Ankara, he
graduated from Middle East Technical University
Faculty of Education, Mathematics Education
Department. After establishing The Gelecek A.S.,
he helped more then 250 companies to meet with
the Linux solutions as technical manager and
general manager. Since 1993 he has been
conducting seminars on independent software,
administrated workshops in universities and
provided generalization of Linux in Turkey. He
became founder of Linux Users Group in 2000. He
worked as a project director in TUBITAK UEKAE and
as a consultant in Vestel. At the same time he
took charge in 2 EU projects, 1 EUREKA/CELTIC
project and 2 national TEYDEB projects to improve
Linux products. He has 15 published articles, 5
published books, 3 published book parts and a
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Please click here to return to Main Menu
49TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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50TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Born in 1966 in Ankara, he
graduated from Gazi University Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business
Administration Department. He started his
academic life in the year 1990 in Dokuz Eylül
University, Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences as a Research Assistant.
He received his masters degree with his thesis
named University-Industry Collaboration Within
the Framework of European Community Comett
Program from Dokuz Eylul University in 1992.
Between 1993 and 1995, he conducted studies for
his doctorate thesis in the University of North
London and he completed his doctorate degree in
1998. both of his mastre and doctorate theses
were published as books. In the year 2005 he
received the title of Associate Professorship
with his book named Globalization On the Axis
of Poverty, Development and Labour Markets. he
continues his academic life in Istanbul
University, Faculty of Political Sciences,
International Relations Department. He has more
than 20 published articles, papers in many
national and international conferences and four
published books. He speaks native Turkish, fluent
English and French.
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
51TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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52TAGES Team
You can access resumes by clicking over names
Leyla Arsan Partner/ CEO
Özlem Çevik Independent Consultant
Gurbet Deniz Yavuz Projects Consultant
Ogul Zengingönül Independent Consultant
Aslihan Kagnici Assistant Consultant
Özlem Çevik Born in 1971 in Kayseri. Özlem
received her B.Sc. degree in Public
Administration from METU, Turkey in 1993 and
became a M.Sc. in Responsibility and Business
Practice at The University of Bath, U.K. in 2009.
She has worked for various Turkish Banks as
relationship manager for corporate banking,
financial institutions and international trade
finance in Turkey and the Netherlands. Since
2008, she has been combining her commercial
skills and experience in banking with her
knowledge around social change and sustainable
development, as facilitator and consultant to
enable organizational and individual development
towards socially and environmentally sustainable
futures. She helps companies create and implement
sustainability and corporate responsibility
strategies. Özlem is based in Amsterdam. She
speaks native Turkish, fluent English and Dutch.
Görkem Çetin Independent Consultant
Merve Yilmaz Assistant Consultant
Mehmet Ufuk Çaglayan Independent Consultant
Hikmet Barutcu Coordinator
Selen Akçali Independent Consultant
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EU Projects Life Cycle
54Technology RD Virtual Network
A Working Platform for RD Project Groups
Reaching The Innovative Projects Participating to
Projects Collaborating on Projects Opening to
Innovative Markets
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Certificates and Awards
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EU Projects Life Cycle
56Certificates and Awards
Acredited Technology Auditor by TUBITAK,
Technology Audit Training Programme, Oxford
FP6 Project Proposal Preparation, Myer W. Morron
Encouragement Awarding by TUBITAK
FP6 Project Proposal Preparation, Hyperion
ISIS Project, 3rd Turkish-Greek IT Forum
Sustainable Development Projects Writing, FFG
Consulting- Austria
HERMES Project Workshop, National Technical
University of Athens
International Funding Project Preparation, METU
KOSGEB Teknopark
Science, Technology and Innovation Projects
Sharing Conference, TÜBITAK
Second SMEs and Productivity Congress, Istanbul
26th Nation Congress of YA/EM 2006, Kocaeli
University, Izmit
Certificate for the "Istanbul Technology
Foresight for Organizers, UNIDO,Izmit
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Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
58LEGISW-IS-H Project
Leonardo Programme/ Mobility Project Started on
1st of June 2004, duration 22 months
Traineeship of ITU Graduate Informatics Students
in Italy with the aim of improving
university-industry relationship, enhancing
mobility and facilitating innovation and RD
within the EU.
- With the consortium of
- ITU (Istanbul Technical University) EU Center,
Informatics Institute, ARI Teknokent and IAESTE,
Turkey - TAGES, Turkey
- Inspiring Software, Italy
- Indeks Media and Content Development, Turkey
TAGES will take role in dissemination of
knowledge derived from the project.
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59Project Experiences
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about projects
IT-LEGISWH-IS-H funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci
Programme Owner- Istanbul Technical University
Status- Completed TAGES Role- Dissemination
Core Partner
EASIER project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES Role- Partner
FIRE Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status- Ongoing TAGES
role- Partner
Establishing Competence Center on Acquis
Communautaire in Machine Manufacturers
Association Project funded by EU Bridges of
Knowledge Programme Owner- MIB (Machine
Manufacturers Association of Turkey) Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
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EU Projects Life Cycle
61ISIS Project
FP6 Programme/ IST Accompanying measure Started
on 1st of March 2002, Duration 30 months
The project aims to develop awareness about IST,
facilitate the formation of project consortia and
promote cooperation between partners in the South
Eastern European area and the European Union.
With the consortium of TBV, Turkey SEPE,
Greece SEPVE, Greece BAIT, Bulgaria ARIES,
Romania BIT, Austria ISIK University, Turkey
Planet Ernst Young S.A. , Greece
TAGES is the consultant of the project in the
name of Turkish Informatics Foundation (TBV)
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62Project Experiences
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about projects
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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EU Projects Life Cycle
64Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project
KOSGEB Funded RD Project Started on July 2003,
Duration 24 months
Innovation and development of a washing machine
which works with ultrasonic based technology.
TAGES is the owner of the project and is managing
RD activities
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65Project Experiences
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about projects
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
67Please click here to return to main menu
Proposal Writing Experiences
CapitalIST-SME (Facilitating access to finance
for European innovative ICT SMEs), Support Action
(SA) EU 7th Framework Programme OPENTOUCH
(Towards networked immersive technology
adoption), Coordination Action (CA) EU 7th
Framework Programme Establishing a Highly
Competitive SME Development Programme and a
Consulting Center for the Mobile Communication
Sector IPA Project SIBES (Single Innovative
Business Model for European Manufacturing SMEs)
EU 6th Framework Programme- Integrated
Project SIRENE (Innovative Technology on Waste
Water Treatment) EU 6th Framework Programme-
Integrated Project BBS-IEAS (Baltic Black Sea
Regions Intelligent Export Agent System for SMEs)
EU 6th Framework Programme- Cooperative Research
Project for SMEs INNOMED (Innovation Awareness
of SMEs for Mediterranean Candidate Countries)
EU 6th Framework Programme- Specific Support
Action Project
68Please click here to return to main menu
Proposal Writing Experiences
COLLABORIST (Collaboration of IST Researchers in
Strategic Regions) EU 6th Framework Programme-
Specific Support Action Project ISKUR,
Kagithane Region Information Technologies
Training Center EU Active Employment Power
Programme- Training Project IT-LEGISWH-IS-H
(The High Learning Experience and Getting
Integration for Students Working on Information
Society)EU Leonardo da Vinci Programme- Mobility
Project The Prevention of Gender Discrimination
in Education against Young Girls through the
Advancement of Societal Awareness in Turkey EU
EIDHR Programme, Fostering a Culture of Human
Rights Project Call- Training and Awareness
Raising Project Scriptwriters Intellectual
Property Rights Defense Campaign in
Istanbul Strengthening Civil Society in Turkey
Supporting Networks, Capacity Building and
Participatory Local Projects Project Call-
Awareness Raising Project Development of
Expertise on Acquis Communautaire in Turkish
Machinery Sector Civil Society Dialogue Europa
Bridges of Knowledge Programme Construction of
a High Technology Village of Industrial
Automation Industry Project, Pre-Proposal
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EU Projects Life Cycle
70TR- Access Project
FP6 SSA Project funded by EU Commission Started
on May 2004, Duration 36 months
The project aims to increase the participation of
Turkish researchers, SMEs and Industrials to EU
FP6 projects, by creating a network and gathering
together these actors.
TAGES is the technology audit subcontractor of
the project and is executing technology audit
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71Project Experiences
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about projects
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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Science and Technology
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EU Projects Life Cycle
75Project Experiences
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about projects
Ultrasonic Washing Machine Project funded by
KOSGEB RD Project Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
VERITAS Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- MIB (Machine Manufacturers
Association of Turkey) Status- Completed TAGES
role- Project Coordination and Consulting
TR-Access Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TÜBITAK Status- Completed TAGES
role- Technology Audit Subcontractor
ISIS Project funded by EU 5th Framework
Programme Owner- TBV (Turkish Informatics
Foundation) Status- Completed TAGES role-
Networking Sessions Consultant and Coordinator
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EU Projects Life Cycle
77Science and Technology Services
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Science and Technology
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EU Projects Life Cycle
80Science and Technology / Consulting
- Technology Watch
- Technology Audit
- Networking
- EU Funding Projects
- National Funding Projects
- Cooperative Network Management
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Technology Services
81Science and Technology Services
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Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
84Science and Technology / Training
- EU RTD Project Proposal Writing
- EU RTD Project Management
- Networking Forming Consortium
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Technology Services
85Science and Technology Services
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Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
88Science and Technology / Project Management and
- EU RTD Projects
- National RTD Projects
- EU Networking Events
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Technology Services
89Science and Technology Services
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EU Projects Life Cycle
92International Activities Services
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EU Projects Life Cycle
95Company Management Services
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EU Projects Life Cycle
98International Activities / Consulting
- EU Training Social Funding Projects
- Business Networking
- Cooperative Network Management
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Activities Services
99International Activities Services
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EU Projects Life Cycle
102International Activities / Training
- EU Integration Innovation Training
- Networking Training
- Project Management Training
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Activities Services
103International Activities Services
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EU Projects Life Cycle
106International Activities / Project Management and
- EU Funding Projects
- EU Networking Events
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Activities Services
107International Activities Services
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110Company Management / Consulting
- Innovation Strategy Design
- Cooperative Network Management
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Management Services
111Company Management Services
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Strategic Partners
EU Projects Life Cycle
114EASIER Project
FP6 SSA Project funded by EU Commission Ongoing,
Duration 36 months
The aim of the project is to engage regional SMEs
within the ICT sector in EU research in all over
TAGES is a consultant partner from Turkey and It
will support Turkish ICT SMEs to be engaged in EU
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115Project Experiences
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about projects
IT-LEGISWH-IS-H funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci
Programme Owner- Istanbul Technical University
Status- Completed TAGES Role- Dissemination
Core Partner
EASIER project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES Role- Partner
FIRE Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status- Ongoing TAGES
role- Partner
Establishing Competence Center on Acquis
Communautaire in Machine Manufacturers
Association Project funded by EU Bridges of
Knowledge Programme Owner- MIB (Machine
Manufacturers Association of Turkey) Status-
Completed TAGES role- Project Management
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EU Projects Life Cycle
- FP6 SSA Project Funded by EU Commission, Ongoing,
Duration 36 months
The aim of the project is to facilitate and
foster the participation of SMEs from the
Renewable Energy Sector (RES) in relevant calls
of FP6 and the future framework programme (FP7).
TAGES is project partner from Turkey and its role
is to target the Turkish SMEs to participate in
the project. It is responsible of screening and
selecting suitable SMEs by carrying out
innovation audits in Turkey.
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118Project Experiences
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about projects
IT-LEGISWH-IS-H funded by EU Leonardo da Vinci
Programme Owner- Istanbul Technical University
Status- Completed TAGES Role- Dissemination
Core Partner
EASIER project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status-
Completed TAGES Role- Partner
FIRE Project funded by EU 6th Framework
Programme Owner- TAGES Status- Ongoing TAGES
role- Partner
Establishing Competence Center on Acquis
Communautaire in Machine Manufacturers
Association Project funded by EU Bridges of
Knowledge Programme Owner- MIB (Machine
Manufacturers Associat