Title: Restoring the Image of Christ in the church
1Restoring the Image of Christ in the church
2Rekindling the love renewing the passion
3Its beauty is indescribable its power is
breathtaking its potential unlimited. It
comforts the grieving heals the broken in the
context of community. It builds bridges to
seekers offers truth to the confused. It
provides resources for those in need opens its
arms to the forgotten, the downtrodden, the
4It breaks the chains of addictions, frees the
oppressed, offers belonging to the marginalized
of this world. Whatever the capacity for human
suffering, the church has a greater capacity for
healing wholeness Bill Hybels Courageous
5Revelation 21-7 Revelation 314-22
6- Ephesus - Revelation 21-7
7 8 9- Laodicea Revelation 314-22
10 11- I counsel you to buy from me gold refined
- in the fire, so that you can become rich
- white clothes to wear, so that you can
- cover your shameful nakedness salve
- to put on your eyes, so that you can see
- Revelation 318
12- Here I am! I stand at the
- door knock. If anyone
- hears my voice opens the
- door, I will come in and eat
- with him, and he with me
- Revelation 320