Title: High Performance Buildings: Lessons Learned with LEED
1High Performance Buildings Lessons Learned with
From a presentation originally given by Leith
Sharp, Director of the Harvard Green Campus
Initiative David Somervell 28 April 2006
2 The Underpinning Framework
3 Building Design Construction Process
4 Building Life Cycle Pre-Design
5 Building Life Cycle Design
6 Building Life Cycle Construction
7 8HGCI Green Building Services
9Harvard High Performance Buildings
Continuous Learning and Innovation
Harvard Real Estate Services 1 Western Ave
Harvard Real Estate Services 90 Mt Auburn
Harvard Real Estate Services 60 Oxford St
Harvard School of Public Health Landmark Center
10Harvard Real Estate Services One Western Avenue
LEED Silver
Graduate Housing 1st LEED Silver - 235,000
sqft student residence, for 350 post-graduates.
Using LEED rating system, green features include
11Harvard High Performance Buildings
Continuous Learning and Innovation
- Key Lessons Learned
- Go for LEED before Pre-Design
- Ensure adequate client education
- Select architects engineers with
experience in green design LEED - Included HGCI or other 3rd party in design
team to monitor and administer LEED - Integrated design, bldg modeling and life
cycle costing need work. - Human health and productivity important
factors to consider
Harvard Real Estate Services 1 Western Ave
Harvard Real Estate Services 90 Mt Auburn
Harvard Real Estate Services 60 Oxford St
Harvard School of Public Health Landmark Centre
1290 Mt. Auburn Street Redevelopment Project for
University Library Services office is pursuing
LEED Silver. Sustainability strategies include
Geothermal heat pumps with discharge water to
drinking fountains Storm water retention
storage tank Optimized energy performance use
by 15 ASHRAE standards Variable speed drives
on hot water and chilled water pumps Efficient
motors Energy star roof No permanent
irrigation system Bike storage Recycled
local materials Daylighting views throughout
Water use 30 below Std Extensive
commissioning Low VOC-emitting materials 30
fly ash in cement mixture No HCFCs
Construction IAQ Mgt Plan Recycling 90 CD
13Harvard High Performance Buildings
Continuous Learning and Innovation
- Key Lessons Learned
- Geothermal heat pumps included due to favorable
pay-back period, aesthetic and design
constraints. - Construction and demolition waste recycling
successful with waste mgt plan. - Ongoing research required during project to
identify material options, innovation credits. - Confirmed importance of HGCI role in organizing
and administering LEED design submission
Harvard Real Estate Services 1 Western Ave
Harvard Real Estate Services 90 Mt Auburn
Harvard Real Estate Services 60 Oxford St
14Harvard High Performance Buildings
Continuous Learning and Innovation
- LEED Legacy
- LEED Gold included in RFP
- Sustainability consultant hired to assist with
aspects of LEED - Geothermal heat pumps included
- Materials from previous projects
- Attention to integrated design
- Previous CD waste recycling vendor contracted
for initial design
Going for Gold!
Harvard Law School and Faculty of Arts
Sciences Museum Complex under negotiation
Harvard Business School Hamilton Hall
University Operations Services Blackstone
2005 Under negotiation
15Harvard High Performance Buildings
Continuous Learning and Innovation
- Key Lessons Learned
- LEED experienced Architects engineers still
learning - A strong HGCI role monitoring and administering
LEED projects is most cost and time effective. - Masterspec identified as key tool for incorporate
LEED into Design Devt Construction Docs - Integrated design, building modeling and life
cycle costing still not well developed - Need for a Harvard specific LEED reference Guide.
Harvard Law School and Faculty of Arts
Sciences Museum Complex under negotiation
Harvard Business School Hamilton Hall
University Operations Services Blackstone
2005 Under negotiation
16Harvard High Performance Buildings
Continuous Learning and Innovation
Harvard Business School Hamilton Hall
University Operations Services Blackstone
2005 Under negotiation
17Harvard has 11 Certified LEED Building Projects
How to institutionalize full transferal of
lessons from one project to the next?
18 Specific Lessons learned at Harvard
- Integrate into construction docs
- Do adequate research ahead of time
- Design Development and Construction documents,
- Must get team to adopt integrated design
approach - Systems thinking
- Life cycle costing
- Health productivity
- Must include green building commitment at this
stage - Client commitment
- Integrated into all RFPs
- Budget for sustainability expert to administer
and verify efforts
- Must involve operations staff in design process
to ensure operability - Align design with operations requirements
- Provide adequate info to operations staff
- Continuous commissioning approach
- Must have a thorough accountability structure to
ensure all contractors and subcontractors build
to spec - Make all green building (LEED) submittals a
requirement for payment.
19 Average Green Cost Premium vs. Level of Green
Certification 33 buildings US-wide
Source USGBC, Capital E Analysis
20 Cost of LEED Reduces as Experience Increases
- Of 20 LEED buildings in California, average price
premium dropped from 3.3 in 1995, to 2 in
2004. - City of Portland completed three LEED Silver
buildings in 1995, 1997 and 2000 incurring
premium costs of 2, 1 and 0 respectively - The City of Seattle has seen additional cost of
LEED Silver buildings drop from 3-4 initially to
only 1-2 in 2003.
For the full report The Costs Financial
Benefits of Green Buildings see http//www.cap-e.
21- Resources
- www.csbr.umn.edu/B3/
- Minnesota Green Building guidelines process
guide - www.usgbc.org
- For LEED resources
- www.buildinggreen.com
- For wide range of resources
- www.buildinggreen.com/ecommerce/gs.cfm
- 5th edition of GreenSpec Directory includes
information on more than 1,850 green building
products carefully screened by the editors of
Environmental Building News.