Title: Applet Methods
1Applet Methods
- public void init()
- public void start()
- public void stop()
- public void destroy()
- public URL getCodeBase()
- public URL getDocumentBase()
- public AudioClip getAudioClip(URL url,
- String name)
- public Image getImage(URL url,
- String name)
2Events and Listeners
- A event is an object that represents some
occurance which we may want to handle. - Often generated by user actions keyboard, mouse,
etc. - Can also can be generated by other programs.
- There are different types of events represented
by different classes MouseEvent, ActionEvent,
3Events and Listeners
- A listener is an object that waits for and
responses to events. - There are different types of listeners
represented by different listener interfaces
MouseListener, ActionListener, etc. - A listener class should implement one of the
listener interfaces.
4Events and Listeners
When an event occurs, the generator calls the
appropriate method of the listener, passing an
object that describes the event
5Interface MouseListener
- void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
- void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
- void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
- void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event)
- void mouseExited(MouseEvent event)
6Class MouseEvent
- Point getPoint()
- int getX()
- int getY()
- int getClickCont()
7Example Dots.java
import java.applet.Applet import
java.awt. public class Dots extends Applet
private final int APPLET_WIDTH 200 private
final int APPLET_HEIGHT 100 private final
int RADIUS 6 private Point clickPoint
null public void init()
DotsMouseListener listener new
DotsMouseListener(this) addMouseListener(list
ener) setBackground(Color.black)
8Example Dots.java
public void paint(Graphics page)
page.setColor (Color.green) if (clickPoint
! null) page.fillOval(clickPoint.x -
RADIUS, clickPoint.y -
2) public void setPoint(Point point)
clickPoint point
9Example DotsMouseListener.java
import java.applet.Applet import
java.awt. import java.awt.event. class
DotsMouseListener implements MouseListener
private Dots applet public DotsMouseListener(Do
ts applet) this.applet applet
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
Point clickPoint event.getPoint()
applet.setPoint (clickPoint)
applet.repaint() public void
mousePressed(MouseEvent event) public void
mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) public void
mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) public void
mouseExited(MouseEvent event)
10Interface MouseMotionListener
- void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event)
- void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event)
11Example RubberLines.java
import java.applet.Applet import
java.awt. import java.awt.event. public class
RubberLines extends Applet implements
MouseListener, MouseMotionListener private
final int APPLET_WIDTH 200 private final int
APPLET_HEIGHT 200 private Point point1
null private Point point2 null public
void init() addMouseListener(this)
12Example RubberLines.java
public void paint(Graphics page)
page.setColor (Color.green) if (point1 !
null point2 ! null) page.drawLine
(point1.x, point1.y,
point2.x, point2.y) public void
mousePressed(MouseEvent event) point1
event.getPoint() public void
mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) point2
event.getPoint() repaint()
13Example RubberLines.java
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event)
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event)
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event)
14Handling Key Presses
- Interface KeyListener
- void keyPressed(KeyEvent event)
- void keyReleased(KeyEvent event)
- void keyTyped(KeyEvent event)
- Class KeyEvent
- int getKeyCode()
- constants for all keys
15Example Direction.java
import java.applet. import java.awt. import
java.awt.event. public class Direction extends
Applet private final int APPLET_WIDTH 200
private final int APPLET_HEIGHT 200 private
final int JUMP 5 // increment for image
movement private final int IMAGE_SIZE 31
private Image up, down, right, left,
currentImage private AudioClip bonk private
int x, y
16Example Direction.java
public void init() requestFocus()
// make sure the applet has the keyboard focus
addKeyListener(new DirectionKeyListener())
x y 0 up getImage (getCodeBase(),
"cyanUp.gif") down getImage
(getCodeBase(), "cyanDown.gif") left
getImage (getCodeBase(), "cyanLeft.gif")
right getImage (getCodeBase(),
"cyanRight.gif") currentImage right
bonk getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "bonk.au")
setBackground (Color.black) setSize
paint (Graphics page) page.drawImage
(currentImage, x, y, this)
17Example Direction.java
private class DirectionKeyListener
implements KeyListener public void
keyPressed (KeyEvent event) switch
(event.getKeyCode()) case
KeyEvent.VK_UP currentImage up
if (y gt 0) y - JUMP break case
KeyEvent.VK_DOWN currentImage down
y JUMP break case
KeyEvent.VK_LEFT currentImage left
if (x gt 0) x - JUMP break
18Example Direction.java
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT
currentImage right if (x lt
break default bonk.play()
repaint() public void
keyTyped (KeyEvent event) public void
keyReleased (KeyEvent event)
- An animation is a constantly changing series of
pictures or images that create the illusion of
movement - We can create animations in Java by changing a
picture slightly over time - The speed of a Java animation is usually
controlled by a Timer object - Timer class
- Timer(int delay, ActionListener listener)
- void addActionListener(ActionListener listener)
- boolean isRunning()
- void start()
- void stop()
20Example Rebound.java
import java.applet.Applet import
java.awt. import java.awt.event. import
javax.swing.Timer public class Rebound extends
Applet private final int APPLET_WIDTH 200
private final int APPLET_HEIGHT 100 private
final int IMAGE_SIZE 35 private final int
DELAY 20 private Timer timer private
Image image private int x, y, moveX, moveY
21Example Rebound.java
public void init() addMouseListener(new
ReboundMouseListener()) timer new
Timer(DELAY, new
ReboundActionListener()) timer.start()
x 0 y 40 moveX moveY 3
image getImage(getCodeBase(),
"happyFace.gif") setBackground(Color.black)
public void paint(Graphics page)
page.drawImage(image, x, y, this)
22Example Rebound.java
private class ReboundMouseListener
implements MouseListener public void
mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) if
(timer.isRunning()) timer.stop()
else timer.start() public void
mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) public void
mouseExited(MouseEvent event) public void
mousePressed(MouseEvent event) public void
mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
23Example Rebound.java
private class ReboundActionListener
implements ActionListener public void
actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) x
moveX y moveY if (x lt 0 x gt
-1 if (y lt 0 y gt APPLET_HEIGHT-IMAGE_S
IZE) moveY moveY -1
- An array is an ordered list of values, which are
of the same type. That type can be primitive
types or reference types (class or interface). - Arrays are objects. Array types are reference
types. - Arrays are of fixed size and are always bound
checked. - The length of array ia.length
- Index starts from 0. An array of size N is
indexed from 0 to N-1
25Array Examples
int ia new int3 ia0 1 ia1 2
ia2 3 int ia new int3 ia0 1
ia1 2 ia2 3 int ia 1, 2, 3
float mat new float44 for (int y
0 y lt mat.length y) Â for (int x 0 x lt
maty.length x) Â Â Â matyx 0.0
26Arrays as Parameters
- An entire array can be passed to a method as a
parameter - Like any other object, the reference to the array
is passed, making the formal and actual
parameters aliases of each other - Changing an array element in the method changes
the original
27Arrays of Objects
- The elements of an array can be object references
- The following declaration reserves space to store
25 references to String objects - Â String words new String25 Â
- It does NOT create the String objects themselves
- Each object stored in an array must be
instantiated separately
28Example GradeRange.java
public class GradeRange public static void
main (String args) String grades
"A", "A-", "B", "B", "B-",
"C", "C", "C-", "D",
"D", "D-", "F" int cutoff 95, 90, 87,
83, 80, 77, 73, 70,
67, 63, 60, 0 for (int
level 0 level lt cutoff.length level)
System.out.println (gradeslevel "\t"
29Command Line Arguments
public class CommandLineArguments public
static void main(String args) int length
args.length System.out.println("args.lengt
h" length) for (int i 0 i lt length
i) System.out.println("args" i
"" argsi)
30Command Line ArgumentsOutput
C\Examplesgtjava CommandLineArguments
args.length0 C\Examplesgtjava
CommandLineArguments Hello World! args.length2
args0Hello args1World!
31Selection Sort
public class Sorts public static void
selectionSort(int numbers) int min,
temp for (int index 0 index lt
numbers.length-1 index) min
index for (int scan index1 scan lt
numbers.length scan) if
(numbersscan lt numbersmin) min
scan // Swap the values temp
numbersmin numbersmin
numbersindex numbersindex temp
32Example SortGrades.java
public class SortGrades public static void
main (String args) int grades 89,
94, 69, 80, 97, 85, 73, 91,
77, 85, 93 Sorts.selectionSort(grades)
for (int index 0 index lt grades.length
index) System.out.print (gradesindex
" ")
33Sorting Arrays of Objects
public class Sorts public static void
insertionSort(Comparable objects) for
(int index 1 index lt objects.length
index) Comparable key
objectsindex int position index
// shift larger values to the right while
(position gt 0 objectsposition-1
.compareTo(key) gt 0) objectsposition
objectsposition-1 position--
objectsposition key
34Example Contact.java
class Contact implements Comparable private
String firstName, lastName, phone public
Contact(String firstName, String lastName,
String phone) this.firstName
firstName this.lastName lastName
this.phone phone public String toString
() return lastName ", " firstName
"\t" phone
35Example Contact.java
public int compareTo (Object other) int
result if (lastName.equals(((Contact)other).l
astName)) result
else result
return result
36Example SortPhoneList.java
public class SortPhoneList public static void
main (String args) Contact friends
new Contact7 friends0 new
Contact("John", "Smith", "610-555-7384")
friends1 new Contact() friends2 new
Contact() friends3 new Contact()
friends4 new Contact() friends5 new
Contact() friends6 new
Contact("Marsha", "Grant", "243-555-2837")
Sorts.insertionSort(friends) for (int index
0 index lt friends.length index)
System.out.println (friendsindex)
37Vector Class
- A varaible-sized list of objects.
- Methods
- void addElement(Object obj)
- void insertElementAt(Object obj, int i)
- void setElementAt(Object obj, int i)
- Object remove(int i)
- boolean removeElement(Object obj)
- void removeElementAt(int i)
- void clear()
- boolean contains(Object obj)
- int indexOf(Object obj)
- Object elementAt(int i)
- boolean isEmpty()
- int size()
38Example Beatles.java
import java.util.Vector public class Beatles
public static void main (String args)
Vector band new Vector() band.addElement
("Paul") band.addElement ("Pete")
band.addElement ("John") band.addElement
("George") System.out.println (band)
band.removeElement ("Pete")
System.out.println (band) System.out.println
("At index 1 "
band.elementAt(1)) band.insertElementAt
("Ringo", 2) System.out.println (band)
System.out.println ("Size of the band "
39Example Beatles.javaOutput
C\Examplesgtjava Beatles Paul, Pete, John,
George Paul, John, George At index 1
John Paul, John, Ringo, George Size of the
band 4