Title: Yet Another Predefined Class Strings
1Yet Another Predefined Class - Strings
2Topics to Cover
- Modeling Strings
- Objects of type String
- The Empty String
- A String Example
- String Methods
- Method Prototypes
- Variable Names and Objects
- More String Methods
- Conversions Numbers ? Strings
- Strings and Equality
3Modeling Strings
- A string is any sequence of characters (letters,
digits, punctuation marks, spaces, and so on) - Consider a string object
- What attributes would it have?
- Sequence of characters
- What behaviours would it have?
- Get length,
4Modeling Strings
- We have seen String constants as actual
parameters to the methods print and println. - For exampleSystem.out.print("Welcome to
Java")System.out.println(" and to CS026!) - Java uses the double quotation mark to delimit
strings. - Remember the quotation marks are not part of the
String - Java has a predefined class, String, which models
a string of characters
5Modeling Strings
- Note the Java String class has subtle
differences in usage from other predefined
classes - Why? Because Strings are used so often, they are
designed to save space - The differences will be pointed out as we go
along watch for them!
6Objects of Type String
- Recall the steps we have seen so far to acquire
an object - Declare a reference variable of the class type
from which we want an object - Use the keyword new to create the object and to
invoke the constructor - The String class is different!
- We can have String constants (i.e. we can have a
String object without having a reference
variable) - Example"Welcome to Java" is a constant
(literal) String object
System.out.println("Welcome to Java")
7Objects of Type String
- The keyword new is not typically required (and,
usually, should not be used) to create a String
object - The previous example demonstrated this with a
String constant - Moreover, the keyword new is not required when we
create a reference to a string with a reference
variable, e.g - Remember because the variable welcomeMessage
refers (points) to a String object, it is called
a reference variable
String welcomeMessagewelcomeMessage "Welcome
to Java"System.out.println(welcomeMessage)
8Objects of Type String
- Discussion Points
- Considering the previous example,what does a
trace look like after each statement is executed?
9Objects of Type String
- The keyword new can be used to create String
objects and invoke the String constructor
however, the keyword new may cause more memory
than is really necessary to be required (more on
this in a moment ) - The previous example could be written as
- How do the two differences discussed make using
String objects easier? - How do reference variables differ from simple
String welcomeMessagewelcomeMessage
new String("Welcome to Java")System.out.printl
10The Empty String
- The empty string
- Sometimes we want to initialize a String variable
to nothing, that is, to contain no characters
at all - Examples
- String message new String()
- or
- String message ""
- When might one want to initialize a string to the
empty string?
String firstName, lastName, usualNamefirstName
"Donald"lastName "Duck"usualName
- To what does the variable firstName refer?
- To what does the variable lastName refer?
- To what does the variable usualName refer?
- Recall What happens when there is a variable
name on the right hand side of the assignment
operator? - Show what a trace would like after each statement
12String Methods
- What can we do with String objects? In other
words, what behaviours do they have? - Where do we find information about predefined
13String Methods
- Example toUpperCase is a predefined method of
the String class - What kind of method is toUpperCase static or
instance? - Are there any parameters required by the method
toUpperCase? - What happens when the first println is executed?
String wordword "java"System.out.println(wor
14String Methods
- What happens when the method toUpperCase is
executed? - It does not change the variable word itself
- Instead, it creates a new String object with
attributes "JAVA" - It then returns the new String object
- What is printed on the screen?
- What happens if the following statements are
executed after the previous code segment? - All instance methods in the String class are
accessor methods therefore, String objects are
said to be immutable that is, unchangeable
word word.toUpperCase() String anotherWord
15Reference Variables and Objects
- A reference variable refers to exactly one
object - An object can be referred to by many reference
variables - Example
- The variable names firstName and usualName both
refer to the same String object (what is it?) - Show a trace after each statement
String firstName, usualNamefirstName
"Donald"usualName firstName
16Reference Variables and Objects
- What happens if we now make firstName refer to a
different String object? - What happens to usualName?Nothing, it still
refers to the same String object "Donald" - Perform a trace to clearly show the contents of
the variables
firstName "Ronald"
17More String Methods
- We can manipulate String objects in many ways,
using other predefined String methods e.g.
method concat - Concatenation means joining together
- What object is concatenated with lastName?
- What is the return type of the method concat ?
- What will be printed in the above example? (Be
String firstName, lastName, fullName firstName
"Donald"lastName "Duck"fullName
firstName.concat(lastName) System.out.println(ful
18More String Methods
- We have seen the term concatenation in class
before. - Java has the concatenation operator which
can be used instead (in fact, its easier to
use!) - Rewrite the previous example using the
concatenation operator - Draw diagrams of main memory (i.e. perform a
19More String Methods
- Method substring
- The character positions in a string are numbered
from left to right, starting at 0 - In the string "Donald", what character is at
position 0? - At what position is the last character in the
string? - Example 1
String shortNameshortName firstName.substring(
20More String Methods
- substring is an overloaded method it has two
versions, depending on the number and type of
parameters! - The two-parameter version specifies position1 and
position2 - The substring will consist of all characters
starting at position1, up to but not including
the character at position2 - What is the return type of the method substring?
- What will be printed in Example 1?
- Rewrite Example 1 as a single statement
21More String Methods
- Example 2
- The one-parameter version specifies a starting
position - The substring will consist of all characters
starting at the given position, up to the end of
the string - What is the operator in this context?
- What will be printed in Example 2?
- Rewrite example 2 as a single statement
String letter, newNameletter "R"newName
letter firstName.substring(1)System.out.printl
22More String Methods
- Recall String objects are immutable once they
are created, they do not change - Therefore the String methods toUpperCase,
concat, and substring return a new String object - They do not change the existing String object
23More String Methods
- Method length
- length returns the number of characters in the
string - What is the return type of length?
- What would be output by this statement?
firstName "Bob" System.out.println(firstName.l
24Conversions Numbers ?? Strings
- int to String We have seen this before
- How are the numbers 1983, 6, and 20 represented
in main memory? - What parameter type is required by println?
- Each integer value is converted to a String
object with the use of the concatenation operator
int birthYear 1983int birthMonth 6int
birthDay 20 System.out.println(birthYear "-"
birthMonth "-" birthDay)
25Conversions Numbers ?? Strings
- Observe using the concatenation operator causes
the conversion, for example - What is ""?
- Recall it is the empty string
- What are the differences between birthYear and
String birthYearString "" birthYear
26Conversions Numbers ?? Strings
- Now suppose we want to create a string called
birthDate of the form 20-6-1983 - Each number is converted to a String object
- Then what?
- Now suppose we want birthDate to be of the form
20-6-83 (fill in the blank)String birthDate
String birthDate birthDay "-"
birthMonth "-" birthYear
27Conversions Numbers ?? Strings
- Conversion String to int
- We have seen this before too!
- Use the static method parseInt from the Integer
class - Example (fill in the blank)int birthYear
Integer.parseInt (birthDate.substring(
28Conversions Numbers ?? Strings
- Conversion String to double
- Similar to String to int
- Use the static method parseDouble from the Double
class - Example (fill in the blank)String priceString
"49.99"double price Double.parseDouble
(priceString.substring( ))
29Conversions Numbers ?? Strings
- When might it be useful to convert from a String
to a number? - Hint In what form is all input from the
30Strings and Equality
- Recall identity vs. state equality
- Recall strings are different! (e.g. they are
immutable) - Consider StringEquality.java
/ StringEquality.java CS026 Lecture Notes
Example Task demonstrates that String
equality is different than equality of
other objects/ import
java.io.import java.awt.Rectangle
31Strings and Equality
public class StringEquality public static
void main(String args) throws Exception
BufferedReader keyboard new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in),1)
/ dimensions for rectangle objects
/ final int WIDTH 5 final int
HEIGHT 10 / first, compare objects to
themselves / System.out.println("COMPARE
"UWO" compare("Compare a string object to
itself", name1, name1) Rectangle shape1
new Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
compare("Compare a rectangle object to itself ",
shape1, shape1)
32Strings and Equality
/ second, compare objects to other objects with
different states / System.out.println("COM
name2 "London" compare("Compare a
string to another string composed of different
characters ", name1, name2) Rectangle
shape2 new Rectangle(1, 1, WIDTH2, HEIGHT2)
compare("Compare a rectangle object with
another rectangle in a different position of a
different size ", shape1, shape2)
33Strings and Equality
/ third, compare objects to other objects with
the same states / System.out.println("COMP
"THE SAME STATES ") String name3
"UWO" compare("Compare a string to
another string " "composed of
the same characters ", name1,
name3) Rectangle shape3 new
Rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT)
compare("Compare a rectangle to another rectangle
" "with the same
characteristics ", shape1,
34Strings and Equality
public static void compare( String message,
Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
System.out.println(message) Â if (r1
r2) System.out.println(" identity
equality") else
System.out.println(" identity inequality") Â
if (r1.equals(r2))
System.out.println(" state equality")
else System.out.println(" state
inequality") Â System.out.println()
35Strings and Equality
public static void compare( String message,
String s1, String s2) System.out.println(m
essage) if (s1 s2)
System.out.println(" identity equality")
else System.out.println(" identity
inequality") Â if (s1.equals(s2))
System.out.println(" state equality")
else System.out.println(" state
inequality") Â System.out.println()
36Strings and Equality
Screen shot of BlueJ running the StringEquality
37Why Is It So???
- Because Java strings are said to be interned
- Recall strings are immutable
- Therefore, when multiple strings have the same
state, it makes sense to have them refer to
exactly the same object. For example - The two objects are equivalent with respect to
both state and identity. That is
String name1 "UWO"String name2 "UWO"
38Why Is It So???
if (name1 name2) System.out.println("identity
equivalence")if (name1.equals(name2)) System.ou
t.println("state equivalence")
- will result in the output
- This referred to as interning of the strings,
which is done to avoid duplicates (therefore,
saving memory and making equality checks faster)
identity equivalencestate equivalence
39Why Is It So???
- Observe if one has the following
- then the objects are only equivalent with
respect to state, that is,will result in the
String name1 new String("UWO")String name2
new String("UWO")
if (name1 name2) System.out.println("identity
equivalence")if (name1.equals(name2)) System.ou
t.println("state equivalence")
state equivalence
40Why Is It So???
- In other words, to avoid the interning of
strings, one can create strings with the keyword
new - It might not be as efficient to do this however
- Think of a situation where one would want to
avoid the interning
41Further Reading
- The following sections from the Java 5.0 Program
Design text supplement these notes nicely - Section 7.6 (omit Listings 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10
and discussions thereof)