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The fall of the Northern Kingdom was the ... Some may find that statement odd when you read the Books of Jeremiah and ... 4. An eternal relationship with Yashua ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Israel

  • A Colonial Nation
  • Part I

(No Transcript)
Fall of Samaria
  • The fall of the Northern Kingdom was the most
    devastating event in the history of the Hebrew
    people. Some may find that statement odd when
    you read the Books of Jeremiah and Lamentations
    or read the great historian Josephus on the fall
    of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Both of these authors
    wrote about the impact of Judea and the house of
    David, but very little is written in both the
    scriptures and secular sources on how devastating
    the fall of Samaria was.
  • The fall of the Jewish kingdom in the minds of
    the Jews and the loss of their temple continues
    to ring in their hearts because they never forgot
    their heritage. However, the loss of life and
    culture still pale into comparison to the fall of
    Samaria. The Israelites of the northern kingdom
    in a very short period after Samaria was
    destroyed would lose much of their identity, and
    any attachment to their land.
  •  However unknown to many, they would attempt to
    regain control of their former territory only
    under a different name many times throughout

Fall of Samaria
  • From a spiritual aspect the complete divorce of
    the 10 tribes from the land (Hosea 1 2-10 and 2
    Kings 173-6,18) would have the most impact on
    our world today.
  • It was never Gods intention to remove his people
    from the land, but was prophesied even before
    they were to conquer the land of Canaan.
    (Deuteronomy 28 49 66) God foretold the
    eventual scattering of the 12 tribes.
  • The Purpose of this presentation is to show how
    the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom were
    colonial in nature dating back to their time in
    Egypt. Once they were exiled they continued to
    act in the same way as they had for centuries
    conquering and exploring to the corners of the

Josephs Birthright
The Birthright of Joseph
  • Many readers of the scriptures have skipped over
    or explained away Genesis 4819-20 where Manasseh
    and Ephraim, the sons of Joseph were promised
    they would form nations. These would be nations
    far from the promise land. In the prophetic
    words of Moses in Deuteronomy 3317, the tribes
    of Joseph were promised they would push other
    people to the corners of the earth, and would
    control thousands perhaps millions of people
    through their leadership. In Genesis 2729 and
    Psalms 473, Israel was to rule over other
    nations. Some of this rule would take place
    while they were in the land, but as Deuteronomy
    3317 states, along their migratory path to the
    corners of the earth, they would rule over other
  • Perhaps the most significant verses in scripture
    come from Isaiah. In Isaiah 426 and 498,
    Israel, primarily the tribes of Joseph would go
    into covenant with the coming Messiah, and be a
    light to the Gentiles as his servants. The fall
    of the northern kingdom, their exile and eventual
    forming of nations at the corners of the planet
    were all part of Gods design to spread his word
    to the lost gentile nations.

The Birthright of Joseph
  • The Birthright of Joseph involved two aspects a
    spiritual and a physical one.
  • The Spiritual portion of the birthright was 1.
    possession of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the
    Covenant. 2. A double portion of the promised
    land. 3. The leadership over all 12 tribes. 4.
    An eternal relationship with Yashua
  • The physical portion of the birthright involved
    1. Wealth and prestige 2. Military prowess-
    which included many military disciplines and
    discoveries 2. Rights to all overseas colonies
    3. The ability to make treaties and expand the
    physical boundaries of the promised land. 4.
    Inventions and discoveries 5. Impact in music
    and other cultural settings such as art and
    architecture. 6. Great wealth from natural
    resources 7. Control of the seas and sea lanes.
    8. The physical inheritance of Abraham, Isaac,
    and Jacob 9. An extremely large population.

The Birthright of Joseph
  • The two tribes of Joseph would lose their
    spiritual birthright in two phases
  • The rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph (1
    Chronicles 52).
  • Little by little the spiritual rights would be
    taken from them
  • Around 980 BC the Philistine city states attacked
    the Armies of Saul and took the Ark of the
    Covenant from Shiloh. Once the Ark was
    recovered, it never returned to Ephraimite
    country. From then on Judah became the custodian
    of the Ark.
  • In Psalms 78 9- 70 David tells us that Joseph
    rejected the Mosaic covenant and as a result they
    lost the most important portion of their
    birthright The presence of God Tabernacled with
  • The final spiritual portion of their birthright
    was tied to the Mosaic covenant and a future
    exile from the land. (Deuteronomy 28 25, 41, 52,
    and 64). This came at the hands of Assyria.
    Their deportation lasted between 740 BC and 720
    BC when finally their capital of Samaria was
    stormed and destroyed.

The Birthright of Joseph
  • Around 1625 BC in a house built by Joseph for his
    father Jacob. Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph
    and passed on the Abrahamic covenant that he
    inherited from his father and his grandfather.
  • Josephs son, Manasseh and Ephraim became tribes
    of Israel as Reuben and Simeon and received the
    birthright of Israel.
  • The land of Goshen was divided up in 12 regions
    with Ephraim getting the region of Zoan and the
    capital of Avaris. Josephs palace and the
    second capital of Egypt was located at Avaris.
  • All the feudal lords of Egypt and the city-state
    kingdoms of Canaan lost much of their sovereignty
    during the great famine and would continue paying
    tribute to the Egyptian central Government.
    Around 1600 BC one of the Canaanite city-states
    of Gath rebelled and refused to pay their tribute.

Palace of Josephat Avaris
Palace of Josephat Avaris
Birthright of Joseph
  • 1 Chronicles 721 Two sons of Ephraim, Ezer and
    Elead led the Egyptian army into Canaan to regain
    tribute from the city-state of Gath and were
    killed. This example shows from the very early
    days, Ephraim was leading the Army and in control
    of the nation of Egypt and Canaan.
  • The story doesnt end there. Ephraim has another
    child Beriah. Beriahs daughter Sherah,
    Ephraims granddaughter takes her family with the
    help of her tribe and establishes 3 cities for
    Ephraim and Israel (Beth Horon, Upper-Sherah, and
    Uzzen-Sherah) in the land of Canaan. This action
    while Egypt was in control of Canaan, gave Israel
    the legal right to claim the entire land of
    Canaan 200 years later.
  • When it came to the physical birthright, Ephraim
    took this very serious. They would continue
    claiming territory and colonizing for the next
    3500 years.

House of Israel
  • Before we begin to talk, about the Exile of the
    10 northern tribes, a brief summary of their
    geopolitical situation needs to be discussed.
  • Around 931 BC the 10 northern tribes centered on
    the leadership of the tribe of Ephraim and
    Jeroboam I, led a tax revolt that separated the
    tribes of Manasseh, Ephraim, Dan, Naphtali, Gad,
    Asher, Reuben, Isaachar, Simeon, Zebulon and
    elements of Benjamin from the tribe Judah.
    Judah, which would include much of Levi and
    Benjamin, would form the Southern Jewish kingdom.
    Jeroboam who had fled from Jerusalem for fear of
    King Solomon, settled in Egypt until the death of
    the King. God stirred his heart and led him back
    to Israel to take charge of the eventual Northern
    Kingdom. Jeroboam, was heavily influenced by the
    politics and the religion of Egypt. He brought
    with him a counterfeit religion centered around
    Bull worship. Jeroboams desire was for the
    tribes under his leadership to make a clean break
    from Judah, and that included religion as well as
    political alliances. He no longer wanted
    Jerusalem to be a place of pilgrimage. He feared
    a loss of political power if his people
    recognized their spiritual roots and continued to
    make their yearly pilgrimages for the feasts.
    Jeroboam set up two centers of worship one in
    Bethel in the heart of Ephraim and the other on
    the northern end in the city of Dan.

House of Israel
  • The Northern Kingdom quickly rose in power and
    prestige with their new-formed alliance with
    Egypt and the Phoenician city-states of Tyre and
    Sidon. This alliance was one of the most
    significant economic alliances of the ancient
    world. These three nations would build a
    maritime navy that would stretch commerce from
    the Near East to points of call as far away as
    the Americas, up and down the African coast and
    as far away as Australia (Land of Sinim).
  • From the inception of the conquest of Canaan, the
    tribes of Dan, Manasseh, Asher, and Zebulon who
    were allotted land along the coast of the Levant,
    would build ships of commerce to navigate the
    Mediterranean. There is both biblical evidence
    as well as secular evidence that the ancient Sea
    People were none other than Philistine, and
    Israelites who were attempting to establish
    colonies to bring trade and natural resources
    from areas as far away as Tarshish (modern day
    Spain) and the northern coast of Africa.

House of Israel
  • In the east, the half tribe of Manasseh known as
    Gilead, Gad and Reuben had settled and controlled
    the spice trade routes. During the time of King
    Solomon these tribes began pushing northeast and
    would eventually control the crossing points of
    the Euphrates River. Hamath on the Orontes River
    would become a northern boundary used in the
    horse trade with Hittites (1 Kings 865), and
    ancient Damascus (known as Meskene), which at one
    time was located on the Euphrates River (2 Kings
    1428), was used in commerce with Assyrians,
    Aramaens and Chaldeans. The clans of Machir and
    Yair of Manasseh had established two major
    trading outposts on the Euphrates River, one
    called Makrisu and the other Yaru (2 Kings

House of Israel
  • In the years just before the fall of Samaria, the
    tribe of Simeon and elements of the clan of Bela
    from Benjamin, attempted to occupy areas east of
    the Jordan (1 Chronicles 4 42 and 43, and drove
    the remaining Amalekites completely out of the
    eastern Jordan. Maps by Ptolemy show these clans
    extending to the Babylonian border along the
  • To get an idea in modern day terms the extent of
    the Israelite empire. Under Jeroboam the II (786
    746 BC), they controlled most of the area of
    modern day Israel, Jordan, most of Lebanon, and
    half of Syria. They had colonies along the coast
    in Spain, northern Africa in Carthage, colonies
    in Greece such as Argos, and Corinth, operational
    control over most of Cilicia in modern day Turkey
    and other minor colonies worldwide. Most secular
    historians dont associate Israel with these
    areas because they never understood how the
    various tribes would break down into clan names
    when they were colonizing. It is through these
    clans mentioned in the book of Chronicles that we
    are able to recognize the migrating Israelites to
    their modern day nations.

Tribe of Dan
  • Before we get to the reasons behind the fall of
    the northern kingdom, a brief summary of the
    tribe of Dan must be mentioned. During the
    conquest of Canaan, the tribe of Dan was one of
    the most numerous according to Moses final
    census. (Numbers 2642). Jacob and Moses
    prophecy two very interesting prophecies about
    the future of the tribe of Dan. (Genesis 4916,17
    and Deuteronomy 3322.) Both Prophecies must be
    taken as one because it foreshadows the migration
    of the 10 tribes. Jacob tells Dan that the seed
    of Dan would judge Israel. Like all scripture
    there is sometimes multiple meanings to each
    verse. The very obvious meaning is that at some
    point in the future Dan would be involved in
    bringing judgment on the other tribes. The other
    possible significance of this scripture is that
    the future identity of Israel would be unveiled
    through the migration and markings left behind by
    this tribe. Jacob continues to tell his son Dan,
    he would be like a serpent marking his way along
    his path of migration.

Tribe of Dan
  • Dan militarily could inflict great harm to any
    army or people that attempted to stop their
    migratory progress. Which brings us to the words
    of Moses, that Dan would spring forth out of
    Bashan. Now Bashan is considered the area of the
    Golan, a portion of Gilead. (Area around Mt
    Hermon). Dans tribal allotment was not in the
    Northeast of Israel but in the central coastlands
    near modern day Ashkelon and Tel Aviv. They were
    initially able to take control of the coastland
    with the help of Judah. During the time of
    Deborah the Judge, she relates in her song that
    Dan refused to fight against the Canaanites in
    the north choosing to continue in their commerce
    of the sea. Dan was a tribe of sea merchants and
    metallurgist. (Exodus 316, 2 Chronicles 214,
    Ezra 37 and Judges 517)

Tribe of Dan
  • During the period around 1200 BC, the Danites
    were involved in exploring and colonizing the
    Mediterranean, specifically the Greek Islands.
    The prophet Ezekiel links Dan with Greece (Javan)
    in Ezekiel 2719, as going to and fro, or simply
    trading in goods via ships throughout the Greek
  • Greek tradition relates that a Danaus, the
    father of fifty daughters on coming to Argos took
    up his abode in the city of Inarchos and
    throughout Hellas (i.e. Greece) he laid down the
    law that all people hitherto names Pelasgians
    were to be named Danaans (Strabo 5.2.40 quoting
  •  According to Diodorus Siculus They say that
    those who set forth with Danaus, likewise from
    Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest
    city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of
    the Colchi in Pontus and that of the Jews, which
    lies between Arabia and Syria, were founded as
    colonies by certain emigrants from their
    country. (Diodorus Siculus I28 1 5) Both of
    these accounts collaborate with the scriptures
    that Dan was integral in establishing the first
    colonies in Greece. Later they would be involved
    in transporting much needed natural resources
    back to the land of Israel as the population grew
    and became stronger.

Tribe of Dan
  • The Philistines also known to be Sea Peoples
    began settling along the Philistine coast in the
    1100s. The island of Cyprus and Crete suffered
    sever destruction as a result of the Eruption of
    Mt. Thera. Many Philistines and Cretans were
    forced to flee their homes. This brought a huge
    influx of people to the area of Ashdod, Ashkelon
    and Gaza. This large influx of people to the
    coast of Israel severely hampered the Danites
    ability to settle and live in their land. God
    raised a Judge from the tribe of Dan to rule over
    Israel. His name was Sampson. As long as Samson
    was alive, the Danites lived in relative peace
    and were able to continue their commercial
    interest. Once he was killed the lives of the
    Danites became precarious and they chose to
    migrate north. The scriptures does not mention
    anything about Danites migrating to Greece, but
    one can only speculate that the portion of tribe
    that was involved in maritime commerce migrated
    away into Greece and other areas, while the rest
    resettled in the north at Laish. The tribe of
    Dan flourished in this area, and built a very
    close relationship with the rising Phoenician
    city-states. The Danites populated the area, and
    would stretch from the Galilee all the way north
    to the Orontes River near Hamath. The character
    and nature of this tribe would continue to thrive
    in the use of metallurgy and sea commerce, and
    would eventually assist the nation in the future
    building of the temple. (2 Chronicles 213).

Tribe of Dan
  • During the time of the divided kingdom, the tribe
    of Dan would establish two major colonies outside
    of Israel. The first Danite center was located
    on the island of Cyprus known as the Yadnana
    (Isle of the Dana). This was a Phoenician
    island, but you can see an overlap between them
    and the Phoenicians. The other region that was
    ruled by both the tribe of Dan and Judah was the
    area of Cilicia in Anatolia. There are both
    Egyptian and Greek accounts linking the Dananu of
    Cilicia with the Dan of Israel. According to
    Strabo 14 4 3, a tribe of Mopsus (form of
    Moses) invaded eastern Mediterranean area on the
    coast of Cilicia and established the city of
    Adana. According to Strabo, this band of warriors
    was famous for riddles and according to Xanthus
    died in Ashkelon of snakebite. Samson was also
    famous for his riddles (Judges 1512) and gave up
    his life in Gaza. In Genesis 4917, Dan shall
    be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path
    that bites the horses heels, so that his rider
    shall fall backward.

Tribe of Dan
  • Until the rise of the Assyrian empire, the tribe
    of Dan had built an extensive network of colonies
    all through the Mediterranean. They would lay a
    path where their brother tribes would eventually
  • They began to abandon many of their colonies
    around the Mediterranean. By 720 BC they had
    left much of their former colonies to other
    Hebrew tribes such as Judah or to the Phoenicians
    who continued their use until the time of
    Alexander the Great.
  • The scriptures never mention the exile of any
    portion of the tribe of Dan. Just like the
    prophecy of Moses, Dan would leave the Bashan
    area and migrate completely out of Israel to
    Cilicia and eventually to northern Anatolia and
    establish their last colony in Asia, a city
    called Sampson.
  • By the time of Alexander the Great, the Danites
    lived north of the Black Sea. The Greek army
    enlisted many Danites as mounted archers to fight
    the Mallians in 326 BC. (Peter Tsouras
    Alexanders Most Heroic Moment)

Tribe of Dan
  • Very little detail about Danites in Greece is
    found after 700 BC. According to legend, as the
    Assyrians began to conquer Israelite colonies
    with the aid of the Philistines and Phoenicians,
    the Danites abandoned Argos, Greece and sailed to
    Ireland, the Island once known as the Isle of
    Hibernia. According to the author, ("On the
    Ancient Races of Ireland" by Sir William Wilde)
    Irish legends spoke of the tribe of Dana (Tuatha
    de Danaan) who were renowned metallurgists, and
    scientifically adept Man of Metal. According
    to the author they arrived from northern Isles
    (Scandinavia) after some disaster. The author
    described them as such Danann certainly sounds
    very Grecian and if we consider their remains,
    we find the long, bronze, leaf-shaped sword, so
    abundant in Ireland, identical with weapons of
    the same class found in Attica and other parts of
  • Other Irish sources said they originally came
    from the region of Mt. Lebanon, sojourned in
    Greece, and after a great battle with the
    Philistines fled north and came to Ireland. All
    the colonies that had been formerly controlled by
    Dan had to be abandoned for fear of the Assyrian
    Army and the Philistine naval ally who was
    attempting to enslave them.

Tribe of Dan
  • The Danites who served in the Armies of Alexander
    and lived on the plains of Scythia along the
    Black Sea, eventually were forced to migrate
    northwest to the Jutland Peninsula. The
    descendants who destroyed Laish and built Tel-Dan
    came to their final resting place, the land of
  • Before they migrated this tribe left their mark
    all over Europe The Don, Dnieper, Dniester and
    Danube are rivers that all flow into the Black
    Sea. The territory they once inhabited. As they
    migrated north several cities are named after
    their tribal patriarch, such as Danzig, Dunnkirk
    and others
  • From all evidence only a few Danites in the
    Galilee were ever taken into exile. There was a
    group in Iran known as Dangalai (Dan of the
    Galilee) However, the vast majority of them
    learned from the early days as a nation, their
    biggest ally would always be their ships.
  • Today much of the tribe of Dan can be found in
    Denmark, Ireland, Wales and in the United States.
    The path they left along their migration, was
    marked by the name of their patriarch Dan. In
    locating the tribe of Dan you will be able to
    Judge by which path the other 9 tribes took.

(No Transcript)
Sea Peoples
  • As you have seen the tribe of Dan set a precedent
    of maritime travel and colonialism. To this very
    day, Israelites are still being accused of
    Imperialism and Colonialism. Ideas like the sun
    never sets on the British Empire and Americas
    Manifest Destiny, are all part in a long
    historical pattern of exploration and an inherent
    desire to extend their rule far beyond their
    boundaries. As Joseph rose to power in Egypt, he
    showed a God given ability to organize and lead a
    nation in both good and bad times. He was able
    to break down the feudal system in place in Egypt
    and Canaan and establish a strong central
    government by simply controlling the resources of
    the land. This trait was passed on to
    generations of Hebrew leaders who realized that
    if you were going to build an empire, you must
    have a labor force willing to do the job, and
    natural resources even if your own land would not
    provide what was necessary. The need for natural
    resources and their ongoing struggle with the
    Canaanite people laid the groundwork for their
    westerly expansion.

Sea Peoples
Sea Peoples
  • Historically, almost all rulers or forms of
    government of Israel came from the leadership of
    Ephraim, Manasseh or Judah. (Psalms 607 and
  • Ephraim and Judahs tribal allotments were
    primarily in areas that were mountainous and were
    less inclined toward maritime activity. It was
    from these mountains, they ruled over the entire
    land. Since the various capitals of Hebron,
    Bethel, Shechem and later Samaria were in the
    mountains the perception was that Israel was
    mainly a land based people.
  • The tribes of Asher, Zebulon, Manasseh, Dan and
    to a lesser degree Simeon and Isaachar were
    situated at the gateway to the Great Sea, they
    were much more inclined toward sea exploration.
  • There is evidence that many Hebrews would escape
    Assyrian exile by using the fleet of ships
    available before the Assyrians conquered the
    Northern Kingdom.

Sea Peoples
  • So Where does the belief that Israel wasnt a sea
    power come from?
  • Over the years many historians and archaeologist
    have either ignored or glossed over the evidence
    that the Hebrews truly were a sea power.
  • As you can see in the following quote, when
    evidence is found that Hebrews did have a great
    navy, they try to tell us they werent really
  • According to Yigael Yadin in Biblical Archaeology
    Review stated The Danites were originally not
    members of the Israelite confederation They
    seem, rather, to have been connected with a group
    of the Sea Peoples called Danuna or Denyen in
    Egyptian sources, and known to the Greeks as the
  • He found clear evidence that the tribe of Dan was
    seafaring but yet couldnt connect the dots with
    the other tribes.
  • Mr. Yadin does allow us to see that the Danites
    showed a streak of independence, but so did many
    of the other tribes The desire to discover is
    an inherent God-given Hebrew trait. Whether its
    in a laboratory or at sea, this characteristic
    prevails to this very day.

Sea Peoples
  • The Egyptians around 1200 BC, state peoples known
    as People of the Sea or simply Sea Peoples
    attacked them from the Libyan coast. The
    Egyptians mentioned among the Sea Peoples, groups
    of people known as the Peleset (Philistines),
    Sardana (Sered of Zebulon), Sakaresh (leaders of
    Isaac), the Deny or (Dananu), Ekwesh, Teresh or
    Tulisha (Tola of Isaachar), Zakkar (Isaachar),
    Menesen (Manasseh), and others. According to
    evidence found during the rule of Ramses III, the
    Sea Peoples used Libya as a base of attack on
    Egypt. Records stated that non-Libyan people who
    attacked them were circumcised, and their local
    Libyan allies were not. The Sakara, Tulisha,
    Ekwesh and Sardana were said to be all
    circumcised. The Egyptians tell us that the Sea
    Peoples settled in the Lands of Israel after
    their attack on Egypt fails and Ramses III drives
    them out. The Egyptians did not use the word
    Israel instead they tell us they were driven
    back to thier homes in the land of Peleset. This
    region could easily encompass land from Gaza all
    the way up to Mt. Carmel.
  • What is interesting the Zakkar (Isaachar) were
    said to at one stage to have completely conquered
    the Phoenician city of Sidon. Is it possible,
    that Israelites of the Northern Kingdom who were
    said to intermarry with Sidonians, had simply
    married Israelites of Isaachar who had been
    absorbed into the Phoenician culture centuries

Sea Peoples
  • Egyptians at various times write about their
    battles waged against Philistines, Canaanites and
    Hebrews, but the scriptures seem to rarely
    mention Israels battles against Egypt in their
    land. However, in Judges 69, states I
    delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians
    and out of the hands of all that oppressed you
    and drove them out before you, and gave you their
    land. It is possible the author of Judges is
    referring entirely to local events that were
    happening during a specific period of conflict
    with Egypt. This verse could be an account of
    the raids the Sea Peoples were conducting
    against Egypt, and God delivered the Israelites
    out of Ramses III hands. Whats fascinating
    about the historical account written by the
    Egyptians, a group of people with names very
    similar to clans and tribes of Israel, were known
    to be circumcised, came from bases in Libya, and
    returned to Philistine coast could be none
    other that Israelites colonizing well beyond
    their own boundaries.
  • The implication is very profound because it shows
    at a very early stage in their development as a
    nation they used their favorable location on the
    Mediterranean to look for resources and land, and
    were not constrained to their physical boundaries
    within their tribal allotment. The other obvious
    synopsis, is Israels rise to a monarchy and
    eventual empire status was built on the backs of
    these early Hebrews who laid the groundwork for
    both a land conquest of Canaan and a control of
    the Mediterranean, in their pursuit of resources.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Before we go into the maritime navy of King
    Solomon and the future kings of Israel, we need
    to highlight a promise made to Abraham about his
    descendants. In Genesis 2217 it states that the
    descendents of Abraham, the Hebrews would control
    the gates of their enemies. A promise passed on
    to future Hebrews generations. They would have
    the ability to control key choke points or
    strategic locations that kept their enemies at
    bay. Examples of key choke points would be
    places like Panama and Suez canal, the Straits of
    Gibraltar, Guatanamo Bay Cuba, in ancient times
    the Daryiel Pass in the Caucus Mtns., Islands in
    the Sea, such as Cyprus, or Hawaii, or Diego
    Garcia. As mentioned earlier, fording sites on
    the Euphrates River, and key areas along the
    caravan routes, dominating the Persian Gulf and
    many others. These are all examples of locations
    where Abrahams descendents would physically
    place their army or navy in a certain location or
    colonize an area to keep their enemy from
    expanding and becoming a threat to their nation
    either militarily or economically.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • As the Israelites migrated or traveled to foreign
    nations when speaking to foreigners they
    referred to themselves as Hebrews. (Exodus 53,
    Jonah 19)
  • Colonies of Israel such as Tarshish (Spain) was
    referred to as Iberia, Ireland as Hibernia and
    after Israels exile the Caucus Mountains as
    Iberia. Other nations recognized these areas as
    major Israelite concentrations. So when you look
    at Ptolemy maps, or maps of the Roman Empire you
    will see the above listed names.
  • When an individual clan or tribe would colonize
    or form a nation they would refer to themselves
    by their tribal or clan name. Examples of this
    were the Sicambri (Shechem of Manasseh) or
    Yasubgalli (Exiles of Joseph) and the Barbarian
    tribe Usipetes (Josephites) and Moesia
    (descendents of Moses).
  • The name of Israel was rarely used outside of the
    boundaries of the promise land. However the name
    of Isaac would become more common. In Part 3,
    after exile we will show how the name of Isaac
    became the predominant name used by Israelites,
    and the use of Israel or Hebrew was for all
    intensive purpose abandoned.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • The Legacy of Solomon Empire on Judea
  • King Jehoshaphat of Judah attempted to
    reestablish the Judean kingdoms maritime fleet
    but it was destroyed by a great storm. 1 Kings
    2248 stated that Jehoshaphat attempted to send a
    fleet of ships out to bring gold from Ophir. His
    reign was estimated to be from 873 849 BC. Now
    what is interesting about this was King
    Jehoshaphat pursued an alliance with the Northern
    Kingdom to pull gold out of mines in a land of
  • The Northern Kingdom had continued to use these
    mines well after the time of Solomon. There has
    been much speculation as to where Ophir was
    located. Some have said Mozambique, Africa and
    even some maps have it located in India. Both
    are plausible choices, which at one stage or
    another were major gold mining operations. Both
    locations show that a maritime fleet was needed
    that could travel long distances 3000 years ago.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Another plausible argument for Ophir is the Peru
    Brazil region. According to Craig White (Origin
    of Nations), the name of Peru, originates from
    the Inca Dynasty name Pirua or Ophirua. Was this
    the location of Ophir, is this where the sons of
    Joktan finally settled? They may for a time been
    located in Mozambique, Africa and then moved on
    to the Americas? Even if the location where they
    searched for gold was Africa or India, the
    Israelites with their Phoenician partners
    demonstrated their ability to use large ocean
    going ships that could transport substantial
    amounts of natural resources.
  • There wasnt a port of call or place throughout
    the world that the Israelite/Phoenician navy
    wouldnt visit. 425 years later Daniel tells us
    that the Chaldean Empire reached to the ends of
    the Earth. (Daniel 422) Most minimalist tend to
    dismiss and think the end of the world was
    possibly the fertile crescent, Persian Gulf and
    the Mediterranean. In my opinion, during the
    time of Solomon and later, the nations were
    building ships that could cross any ocean and
    bring whatever resource that was required.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Under the reign of King David and Solomon, Israel
    was able to extend their empire and usher in what
    is known as the golden age of Israel. According
    to historians the rise of the Phoenician empire
    rose during the same period of 1000 BC to 700 BC.
    Ironically, their rise also coincides with the
    rise of the Israelite empire. This empire was a
    land empire as well as a sea empire. 1 Kings 9
    26-27 states King Solomon built a fleet of
    ships in Ezion-Geber, which is beside Eloth on
    the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.
    And Hiram sent with the fleet his servants,
    seamen who were familiar with the sea, together
    with the servants of Solomon. Solomon
    established a major Port on the Red Sea at Ezion
    Geber. This port after the death of Solomon
    would fall into the hands of Edom, however most
    of the time is was controlled by the Northern
    Kingdom as a southern port to Africa and to
  • Corroborating evidence indicates King Solomon
    built one of the most advanced smelting
    facilities in ancient times. According Daniken
    in Chariots of the Gods states the biggest
    smelting installations in the ancient
    Eastconsisting of a regular ultramodern furnace
    with a system of air channels, chimney flues, and
    openings for specific purposes.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Werner Keller in his book, The Bible as History,
    states the following ..remains of an extensive
    settlement were excavated. The most interesting
    things were casting-moulds and a vast quantity of
    copper slag In the middle of a square walled
    enclosure an extensive building came into view.
    The green discoloration on the walls left no
    doubt as to the purpose of the building it was
    a blast furnace. The mud-brick walls had two
    rows of openings. They were flues a skillful
    system of air passages was included in the
    construction. The whole thing was a proper
    up-to-date blast furnace, built in accordance
    with a principle that celebrated its resurrection
    in modern industry a century ago as the Bessemer
    system. Flues and chimneys both lay along a
    north to south axis. For the incessant winds and
    storms from the Wadi el-Araabah had to take over
    the role of bellows. Keller continues, Nowhere
    else in the Fertile Crescent, neither in
    Babylonia or Egypt, was such a great furnace to
    be foundEzion-Geber was the Pittsburg of old

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Keller dates the blast furnace to around 1000 BC.
    Only David or Solomon could have ruled this area
    during this time. As you can see, these deep
    ocean going ships built by Solomon navigated out
    into the Red Sea, whether they traveled to India
    or Africa, or chose to circumnavigate the African
    continent, there main purpose was to bring back
    gold, silver, iron ores, copper and tin to build
    the incredible projects Solomon would need.
    After the death of Solomon, the southern kingdom
    remained relatively land locked and the Northern
    Kingdom under Jeroboam I, would continue in
    search of resources from this port.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Three verses that stand out in scripture further
    demonstrating the knowledge Israel had of the
    oceans the first one is in Psalms 10723-30
     23 Others (Hebrews) went out on the sea in
    ships they were merchants on the mighty waters
    (Oceans).  24 They saw the works of the LORD, his
    wonderful deeds in the deep. 25 For he spoke and
    stirred up a tempest that lifted high the waves.
     26 They mounted up to the heavens and went down
    to the depths in their peril their courage
    melted away. 27 They reeled and staggered like
    drunken men they were at their wits' end.  28
    Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
    and he brought them out of their distress. 29 He
    stilled the storm to a whisper the waves of the
    sea were hushed.  30 They were glad when it grew
    calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • David is talking about his own people, because
    only they would cry out to the God Yahweh. Where
    did Davids knowledge of the sea come from, some
    was from his own people, the rest came from a
    group of Sea Peoples. Cretans, and Philistines
    had come from Cyprus and Crete and settled along
    the southwest coast of Israel. 2 Samuel 1518
    Davids mercenary force came from the Philistine
    city of Gath who was made up of Pelethites and
    Kerethites, immigrants who were known to have
    great knowledge of the sea. The knowledge of the
    Seas was common and wide spread during King
    Davids time and before.
  • In the next verse the author refers to the
    Phoenician city of Tyre. 1 Kings 1011(Hiram's
    ships brought gold from Ophir (Peru?) and from
    there they brought great cargoes of almugwood,
    and precious stones.

Israels Colonial Navy
  • 1 Kings 928 They (Phoenician and Israelites)
    sailed to Ophir (Peru?) and brought back 420
    talents of gold, which they delivered to King
  • 1 Kings 927 And Hiram sent his mensailors who
    knew the seato serve in the fleet with Solomon's
  • As you can see, Tyre and Sidon (Phoenicians)
    served in a joint fleet captained by both Israel
    and Phoenicia. The root of this alliance dates
    back to the period of Judges when Isaachar
    established a colony in Sidon. David formalized
    this alliance after defeating Assyria, Edom, the
    sons of Lot (Moab and Ammon) and the Ishmaelites.
    In Psalms 83, David speaks of a major Middle
    East conflict with these nations, which included
    some Philistines, and Phoenicians from Tyre and

Israels Colonial Navy
  • Once this relationship was formalized with Tyre
    and Sidon, it would continue until the fall of
    Samaria. The last scripture, which shows you,
    the extent of the Phoenicians and Israelites
    maritime activity is found in Chapter 27 of
    Ezekiel. Tyre had a global trading operation,
    which made them very wealthy. The Northern
    Kingdom was allied to them through both marriage
    and trade. Ezekiel 27 25 " The ships of
    Tarshish serve as carriers for your wares. You
    are filled with heavy cargo in the heart of the
    sea.  26 Your oarsmen take you out to the high
    seas. But the east wind will break you to pieces
    in the heart of the sea.  27 Your wealth,
    merchandise and wares, your mariners, seamen and
    shipwrights, your merchants and all your
    soldiers, and everyone else on board will sink
    into the heart of the sea on the day of your
  • Ezekiel predicts a coming destruction of this
    massive maritime fleet. Keep in mind the fate of
    Tyre was intricately tied to that of Samaria.
    Once the Northern Kingdom fell, the army that
    protected these coastal cities, it would not be
    long before they fell as well. Israel could no
    longer come to the aid of Tyre, 400 years later,
    their final destruction would come at the hands
    of Alexander the Great.

(No Transcript)
Ships of Tarshish
  • Finally, I would like to end with the Ships of
    Tarshish. A people by the name of Tarshish,
    sons of Javan, had established themselves on the
    southern coast of Anatolia in the area known as
    Cilicia. There was a city by the name of Tarsus
    well into the Roman period. These sons of
    Japheth (Genesis 104) migrated to what we know
    today as Spain and Portugal. At one stage Javan
    (Ionians) and Tarshish maintained a trading
    network between Anatolia and the coasts of modern
    day Spain. The population of these people was
    not very significant, and very little
    archaeological evidence of them has been found.
    However, once the Hebrews and Sidonians realized
    the vast natural resources that this peninsula
    had, it became a major colonial base for both the
    Phoenicians and the Israelites. Eventually they
    would establish several ports along the coast,
    some run by Israelites others run by Phoenicians.

Ships of Tarshish
  • The peninsula or land of Tarshish or Tartessus
    became a jumping off point for ships sailing into
    the Atlantic. These ships of Tarshish were both
    an Ocean going type of vessel, as well as ships
    referring to a destination. 1 Kings 1022
    states once in three years came the navy of
    Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and
    apes and peacocks. The important point to
    mention here is it does not take three years for
    ships to travel from the port cities of Israel to
    Tarshish (Spain) and back. These ships would use
    ports in Ezion-Geber on the Red Sea, Joppa, Dor,
    and Tyre to begin their voyages. The ships that
    left the ports on the Mediterranean may have
    stopped for cargo in Tarshish (Spain), but it was
    only in-route to locations throughout the world.

Ships of Tarshish
  • A verse that always caught my attention was 2
    Chronicles 9 22-24  22 King Solomon was greater
    in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of
    the earth. 23 All the kings of the earth sought
    audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had
    put in his heart. 24 Year after year, everyone
    who came brought a giftarticles of silver and
    gold, and robes, weapons and spices, and horses
    and mules
  • This period of history, every nation had the
    ability to travel by sea, and traveling across
    great oceans was as common then as it is today.
  • It is true that Jonah when attempting to run from
    God did leave out of Joppa and head to Tarshish
    (Spain), but it is also possible he may have been
    searching for a land further west than this.

  • From the early days in Egypt the tribes developed
    their merchant skills. In David Rohls book A
    Test of Time, he shows how pottery from Crete was
    found in Hebrew burial sites at Goshen and in the
    capital, Avaris. The famous Minoan Frescoes
    common only to Crete, were also found inside
    their burial tombs and throughout Avaris. The
    Hebrews in Goshen had developed trading partners
    with the Mediterranean states such as Crete.
  • The tribe of Ephraim demonstrated that not even
    one generation removed from the death of Joseph,
    they were leading an Egyptian Army into Canaan,
    and establishing 3 cities in the heart of that
  • Once they took the land of Canaan, they would
    colonize the world until they were exiled.
  • The Israelites were Colonist - either by land or
    sea, from early times down to the present day.
    Today their legacy can be found in space or in
    the depths of the sea. They were given a
    God-given gift of Discovery This is the legacy
    of Israel!
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