Title: Control of UAVs
1Control of UAVs
- Raja Sengupta (sengupta_at_ce.berkeley.edu)
- Assistant Professor
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Systems
- UC Berkeley
- Joint Work with the C3UV team
2Challenge of Flying Low
- Helicopter pilots fly low
- FAA requires see and avoid
- Find the freeway and follow it
3Used Sectionals to build a Manhattan model at 300
feet (approx.)
- Simulation testing of Control
4Flying Low Strategy
- Helicopter pilots fly low
- Find the freeway or waterway and follow it
- Avoid few remaining obstacles
5Cal Freeway Detection on MLB Video(No Control)
- Generic corridor
- detection by one-
- dimensional
- learning
- Roads
- Aqueducts
- Perimeters
- Pipelines
- Power Lines
6Road FollowingClosed Loop Control, August 2003
7Generalization Vision Based Following of Locally
Linear Structures(Closed Loop on the California
Aqueduct, June 2005)
8Obstacle Avoidance
9Tailored to..
- For most UAV applications (gt50 m), the obstacles
of concern will be large objects such as towers,
buildings or large trees - For these cases, the problem of obstacle
detection is different from that of ground
vehicles in environments cluttered with many
10Flight Demonstration
- Experiment flown on a Sig Rascal airframe with a
Piccolo avionics package and vision processing on
an onboard PC104. - An 8.5 foot diameter balloon was used as the
obstacle (distance currently calculated using
11Flight Demonstration
12Flight Demonstration
13Distributed Information Management for
14Objective Distribute the data objects shared by
the team across the members of the team
Operation decomposer
Team Level
Resource allocation/scheduling
Operation monitor
Formation Navigation
UCB Rathinam 2004
15Scalable Information Management
- Geographic Data Management Network
Sengupta AINS 2003
16Scalable Information Management
17Distributed Implementation in Action
Movie of our Implementation 4 agents on 4
laptops over a wireless LAN
19Detailed Slides
20Results Tracking the California Aqueduct
- The average error of the position of the vehicle
from the curve was 10 meters over a length of 700
meters of the canal.
21Results Canal Following
- The road detection algorithm runs at 5 Hz (takes
lt 200 ms) or faster on the PC104 (700 MHz, Intel
Pentium III). - No visible error was found from video sequences
of over 100 frames containing the canal
22Flying Low
- Helicopter pilots fly low
- Find the freeway and follow it
- FAA requires see and avoid
- obstacles and aircraft
23Obstacle Avoidance is a Constraint Not a
MissionApproach Safe Set-theoretic
- Assume capabilities of the airplane
- Compute an unsafe set
- When in the safe set, execute the mission
- On the boundary execute the obstacle avoidance
control - Assume obstacles are
- Sparse
- Stationary
- Rectangular
24As the UAV avoids an obstacle it slides on the
boundary of the unsafe set
25Analytical Solution
y (m)
x (m)
- The analytical solution can be calculated in 5 ms
26Cal UAV Target CapabilitiesObstacle Avoidance
- Simulation testing of Control
- Flight through Manhattan model (300 feet)
27Related Work
- Vision-based obstacle avoidance has been studied
primarily in the context of mobile ground robots. - Lenser 03, Ohya 00, Lorigo 97,
- Vision based navigation of UAVs
- Saripalli 02, Shakernia 02, Furst 98 Landing
with known markings - Sinopoli 01, Doherty 00 Visual landmark
navigation (terrain avoidance) for helicopter - Ettinger 02, Pipitone 01, Kim 03 Pose
estimation for aircraft - Obstacle/Collision Avoidance for UAVs
- Mitchell 01 Aircraft avoiding known aircraft
- Sigurd 03 Aircraft with magnetic sensors
- Sastry 03 Helicopters avoiding known
helicopters/obstacles - How 02 MILP for Obstacle Avoidance
- Vision based obstacle avoidance
- Barrows 03 Biomimetic reactive control
28Related Research
- Ground robots
- Fixed baseline stereo JPL, many others
- Monocular map construction Lenser (CMU), Kim
(Berkeley) - Cooperative stereo - CMU
- Optical Flow
- Helicopter ground following Srinivasan/Chahl
(Australia) - Corridor following - USC helicopter
- Micro UAV obstacle avoidance Centeye
- UAV depth map construction
- Lidar CMU Helicopter Project, Sastry (Berkeley
Helicopter Project). - Vision high precision IMU Bhanu (joint with
Honeywell) - Stereo Vision
- GT Helicopter
29Requires DepthTypically use Stereo Vision
- Given the image coordinates of a feature in one
image - if one can find the image coordinates of the
feature in the other image (feature matching),
and - if one knows the rotation and translation of the
two image planes then one knows the world
coordinates of the feature (Ego-motion
30Problem with Depth Estimation by Stereo Vision
Increased accuracy requires increased camera
31Accurate Depth Estimation is a Problem
- Range error due to pixel errors is
- UAVs flying at low altitudes must autonomously
avoid obstacles - Strategy
- Segment the image into sky and non-sky
- Non-sky in the middle ? OBSTACLE
- Strategy 1
- Aim at the sky
- Strategy 2
- If it looms faster than a threshold and is in the
middle ? AVOID - Else do NOTHING
33Segmentation at Moffet Airfield
- Results for multiple regions found (only largest
regions shown, dark blue represents all small
34Sky Segmentation
35Vision Processing
- Classification balloon/horizon correctly found
in 90 of images - Time results 2Hz (120ms SVM, 200-600 ms
36Obstacle Avoidance Next Steps
- Loom 4 pixels/second asuming a 70deg FOV camera
with 320 pixels, Speed 20 m/s - turn radius 100 m, processing delay of 0.5 s,
safe avoidance distance of 10 m, the minimum
obstacle size is about 2.5 m
37Theoretical Work and Tool Development
38Resource Allocation Algorithms for Multi-vehicle
Systems with Nonholonomic Constraints
39Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
- Vehicles V v1,v2,...vn, Targetst1,t2...tm,
Angles of approach ?1, ?2... ?m - Assign a cycle Pi for each vehicle starting and
ending at vertex vi such that Ui PiV. A cycle
Pi is a ordered sequence of vertices ti1,...tik
for the vehicle i to visit - Assign paths for each vehicle that satisfy the
non-holonomy constraints for the given sequence. - The objective is to minimize ?Cost(Pi)
40 - Resource Allocation or Vehicle-Target Assignment
- Given a collection of targets that need to be
serviced and a collection of vehicles, how do you
assign vehicles to targets ? - 1-1 Vehicle Target Assignment
- Vehicle-Target Path Planning
- More targets than vehicles
411-1 Vehicle Target Assignment
- Solution to the relaxed linear programming
formulation is a feasible solution for the
assignment problem - Total unimodurality
42Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
- Traveling salesman problem if number of vehicles
1 and no kinematic constraints - Asymmetry, that is dij ? dji but satisfies
triangular inequality - c-Approximation algorithm cost of the solution
is atmost c times the optimal value - Approximation algorithms for asymmetric TSP
- Based on the number of points visited 0.99log(n)
- Markus Blaser (2002) - Based on the ratio of the distances dmax/dmin -
Kumar and Li (2002) - Single vehicle problem with non-holonomy - Bullo
et al, 2005 - Multi vehicle problem with heuristics Zhijun et
al, 2005 - Asymmetry with kinematic constraints can be
bounded if the euclidean distance between the
points are reasonably apart, d 2R - Sensor footprints are at least of the order of
the minimum turning radius. - Basic idea
- Solve the problem assuming the distances are
Euclidean - Using the sequence for each vehicle, assign paths
that satisfy kinematic constraints
43Motion Planning
- Find the minimal distance path joining ( x1,y1
,?1 ) and ( x2,y2,?2 ) subject to kinematic
44Algorithm for Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
45Algorithm for Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
46Algorithm for Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
Find the Eulerian walk for each subtree and
reduce it to a TSP tour for each vehicle 2
approximation algorithm because the cost of the
multigraph is 2Cost(MST)
47Algorithm for Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
48Algorithm for Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
49Algorithm for Vehicle Target Path Planning Problem
- Theorem The approximation algorithm has a bound
of 2ddubins/deuclidean 6 - Further the distance between the points, better
the bound is - At best it could be 2
- Angles of approach for the targets were given
- Addressed the problem of resource allocation in
the context of unmanned aerial vehicles - Algorithms for multiple vehicles satisfying
kinematic and fuel constraints. - Tighter bounds for the algorithms
- Future work could address vehicles with fuel
constraints, targets with precedence constraints
51Embedded Software Tools for Collaborative Control
52With the advent of Digital Computing Control
linked to the Synchronous Model of Computation
Caspi P. Embedded Control From Asynchrony to
Synchrony and Back, EMSOFT 2001
53SIMULINK F14 Control System
54F14 aircraft model
55Analog Autopilot
56Digital autopilot
57Extend Control Design Tools to Networked
Develop code for swarm of UAVs for collaborative
control. The code is developed on the same
high-level, easy to use tools used to develop the
F14 control. The code is automatically
distributed across the different UAVs and it
behaves as expected.
58Distributing the Synchronous Model
Cascade Composition
Berry 91
Feedback Composition Fixpoint Semantics
- Both order and timing would have to be enforced
across networks
59The Logical Order can be enforced Without
Scheduling! Zennaro, Sengupta EMSOFT05
- Implementation problem given a map ? from RA to
STS traces we want an implementation map ? such
that, for all STS s and RA r the following
holds - (r ?(s) ? r?t) ? s ? ?(t)
- Modularity preservation we seek a composition
operator xRA with respect to which ? is a
monomorphism between (STS, xSTS) and (RA, xRA).
We want this operator to be implementable across
a network
60What is currently available
- Simulink / RealTime Workshop currently does NOT
support distributed implementation - It has been proved that some modular synchronous
systems can be compiled while preserving
modularity in a distributed environment - Benvenieste, Caillaud, Le Guernic
Compositionality in dataflow synchronous
languages specification and distributed code
generation, Information and Computation, col.
163, Nov 2000, Academic press - Non finite system representation theoretical
settings - Tools for the automatic distribution of Simulink
programs over TTA networks - P. Caspi, A. Curic, A. Maignan, C. Sofronis, S.
Tripakis and P. Niebert. From Simulink to
SCADE/Lustre to TTA a layered approach for
distributed embedded applications, ACM-SIGPLAN
(LCTES'03), 2003 - Cannot be ported to non-TDMA networks
61What is currently available
- Tools for the automatic distribution of
synchronous systems - A. Girault, C. Menier, Automatic production of
Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous
Systems, EMSOFT 2002 - ESTERELLE / Lustre
- Modularity is not preserved
- Techniques for distributing synchronous systems
- J.Romberg, A. Bauer. Loose synchronization of
event-triggered networks for distribution of
synchronous programs, EMSOFT 2004 - Focus on timing constraints
- Modularity is not preserved
62What is currently available (Our work)
- Tools for the automatic distribution of
synchronous systems - M. Zennaro, R. Sengupta, Distributing Synchronous
Systems with Modular Structure, CDC 2004 - M. Zennaro, R. Sengupta, Distributing Synchronous
Programs Using Bounded Queues, EMSOFT 2005 (to
appear) - M. Zennaro, R. Sengupta, Distributing Synchronous
Programs Using Bounded Queues, a coordinated
traffic signal application, Research Report,
UCB-ITS-RR-2005-4 - Simulink (single rate, fixed-time discrete
solver) - Modularity is preserved
63BDSP library contd
64Relevant Papers
- S. Rathinam, R. Sengupta, S. Darbha, A Resource
Allocation Algorithm for Multi-vehicle Systems
with Non-Holonomic Contraints, Submitted to the
IEEE Transactions of Automation Science, June
2005. - S. Rathinam, Z. Kim, A. Soghaikan, R. Sengupta,
Vision Based Following of Locally Linear
Structures, Submitted to the 44th IEEE conference
on Decision and Control 2005, Spain. - M. Zennaro, R. Sengupta. Distributing Synchronous
Programs Using Bounded Queues. To appear in the
Proceedings of EMSOFT 2005, Jersey City, USA. - McGee T., Sengupta R., Hedrick J.K. Obstacle
Detection for Small Autonomous Aircraft Using Sky
Segmentation. In proceedings of the International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, April
2005, Barcelona, Spain. - Frew E., Sengupta R. Obstacle Avoidance with
Sensor Uncertainty for Small Unmanned Aircraft.
In proceedings 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, December 2004, Paradise Island,
Bahamas. - Rathinam S., Sengupta R. UAV Navigation in an
Unknown Environment, 43rd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, December 2004, Paradise
Island, Bahamas. - Zennaro M., Sengupta R. Distributing Synchronous
Systems with Modular Structure. In Proc. of the
43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
December 2004, Paradise Island, Bahamas. - Frew E., Spry S., Mcgee T., Xiao X., Sengupta R.,
Hedrick J. K. Flight Demonstrations of
Self-Directed Collaborative Navigation of Small
Unmanned Aircraft. To appear at AIAA 3rd Unmanned
Unlimited Technical Conference, Workshop,
Exhibit, Chicago, IL, September 2004. - Rathinam S., Zennaro M., Mak T., Sengupta R. An
Architecture for UAV Team Control. 5th IFAC
Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles,
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2004
65Relevant Papers
- Frew E., Kim Z., Howell A., McGee T., Rathinam
S.,Xiao X, Zennaro M., Jackson S., Morimoto M.,
Hedrick J. K., Sengupta R.. Stereo-Vision-Based
Control of a Small Autonomous Aircraft Following
a Road. Second Annual Swarming Conference,
Crystal City, MD, June 2004. - Frew E., McGee T., Kim, Z., Xiao X., Jackson S.,
Morimoto, M., Rathinam R., Zennaro M. , Padial
J., Sengupta R. Vision Based Road-Following Using
a Small Autonomous Aircraft. IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2004. - Rathinam S., Sengupta R. A Safe Flight Algorithm
for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. IEEE Aerospace
Conference, Big Sky, Montana, March 2004. - Mahajan A., Ko J., Mak T., Sengupta R. GDMN An
Information Management Network for Distributed
Systems. 2nd IEEE Conference on Autonomous
Intelligent Networked Systems, Menlo Park, CA,
June 2003. - Lee J., Huang R., Vaughn A., Xiao X., Hedrick
J.K., Zennaro M., Sengupta R. Strategies of
Path-Planning for a UAV to Track a Ground
Vehicle. 2nd IEEE Conference on Autonomous
Intelligent Networked Systems, Menlo Park, CA,
June 2003. - Mahajan A., Ko J., Sengupta R. Distributed
Probabilistic Map Service. Proc. of the 41st IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, December
2002. - Ko J., Mahajan A., Sengupta R. A Network-Centric
UAV Organization for Search and Pursuit
Operations. Proc. of the 2002 IEEE Aerospace
Conference, March 9-16, 2002. - Zennaro M., Ko J., Sengupta R., Tripakis S. A
Service Network Architecture for a Multi-Vehicle
Search Mission. Proc. of the 40th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, December 4-7,
66Geographic Data Management
67Scalable Information ManagementTarget Map and
Risk Map
- Target distribution map
- P(A, N, t) probability of N targets of type t in
area A - Target distribution update
- Fuses measurements from different kinds of
sensors (SAR and EO) - Bayesian update
- Risk map computation
- Integral of threat model with respect to the
measure P(A, N, t) - Generates the value function for navigation
UCB Rathinam 2003
68Movie of Implementation
- 4 laptops over wireless
- One publisher per laptop
- Start with one publisher
- Three others come up
- Some die
- Data redistributes as publishers join and leave
69Movie of Implementation
Total data made of many data objects
- 4 laptops over wireless
- One publisher per laptop
- Start with one publisher
- Three others come up
- Some die
- Data redistributes as publishers join and leave
70Movie of Implementation
- 4 laptops over wireless
- One publisher per laptop
- Start with one publisher
- Three others come up
- Some die
- Data redistributes as publishers join and leave
71Movie of Implementation
- 4 laptops over wireless
- One publisher per laptop
- Start with one publisher
- Three others come up
- Some die
- Data redistributes as publishers join and leave
72Movie of Implementation
- 4 laptops over wireless
- One publisher per laptop
- Start with one publisher
- Three others come up
- Some die
- Data redistributes as publishers join and leave
73Data Consistency in the PublisherInconsistent
copies are detected whp
Wrong location copy 1
Data Location
Wrong location copy 2
74Data Consistency in the PublisherDrift in a 2-D
Markov Process
75Geographic Data Management NetworkSurvivable
Information for UAV Swarms
- The server backbone dynamically tracks the client
agent organization - Servers move in and out while the information
76Tracking the Agent OrganizationDynamic GDMN
backbone Control
- Design a distributed control algorithm for the
servers to partition the data and the clients to
minimize the total bit-meters (Kumar etal.) of
work done in the system and balance the load on
the servers. - Let the load generated in each client be bi. If
the locations of the points are denoted by pi and
the location of the servers are denoted by cj,
then the total cost is - ? bi ( min dist(pi, cj) )
- ? i ? j
- The control algorithm updates server positions to
reduce this cost
77 Simulation
- This example involves 100 clients and 6 servers
78Control algorithm
- In each sampling interval, each server
- Measures the positions and the traffic generated
by its clients - GDML routing protocols make the client set the
Voronoi cell - Calculates the weighted centroid of all the
clients it serves - Moves towards its weighted centroid
- Works well if the servers travel faster than the
clients - The algorithm is based on the k-means algorithm
(MacQueen ,1967 )