Title: Agenda, Tuesday
1Agenda, Tuesday
- Recap Comments
- Update to open issue items
- Joint Staff Officer Training, 06-001
- Integrated Operations Training, 06-002
- Learning Management Systems Employment, 06-023
- Insufficient ADL Resources, 06-013
- TC AOA Alternative 5, 06-004
- Immersive Learning Environment System, 06-021
- New Issue Items
- Way Ahead
2Summary Remarks
- Solution to training deficiency is more than
joint education and doctrine. Its partially
service based, its cultural, its personnel
systems. - Individual and staff joint training are based on
JMETs. Mission ready is ready to perform
day-to-day (and JTF) tasks that support JMETs. - There is a need to manage expectations, and
select the right people that can provide
capability to fulfill a requirement. - Leadership is the key element to a successful
individual and staff joint training program.
3Summary Remarks
- Capabilities On-hand
- JTFSs x3
- Capabilities Desired
- Strategic/Operational thinkers
- Strategic/Operational writers
- Training for specific billets
4Staff Officer Task Analysis Update
- Part 1 - Site visits to all Combatant Commands
- - Discussions with joint staff officers
- - Discussions with senior leadership
- - Initially identifies 12 competencies
- Part 2 - Staff Officer and Leader Surveys
- - To validate the initial competencies
- - Presently being developed
- Final Report due in March 08
512 Competencies
- 1. Exhibits with a high level of proficiency the
skills, behaviors, and attributes required of a
Combatant Command staff officer - 2. Able to write, read, and conduct research at
an advanced level appropriate for work
performance at an executive level - 3. Understands the organization and missions of
the Combatant Commands - 4. Able to communicate effectively at executive
levels and across a diverse workforce - 5. Able to build constructive work relationships
- 6. Knowledge and understanding of US government
agencies (State Department, Department of
Justice, Department of Homeland Security,
Department of the Treasury, etc.) and their
relationships with the Combatant Commands
612 Competencies (2)
- 7. Advanced knowledge of parent Service
organization, capabilities, and business
practices - 8. Knowledge and application of Joint information
and processes - 9. Knowledge of law enforcement and legal
requirements affecting the Combatant Commands - 10. Able to maximize technology software and
hardware capabilities - 11. Able to work collaboratively with and
effectively manage a diverse workforce
(civilians, contractors, guard and reserve,
interagency, and multinational personnel) - 12. Able to effectively participate in exercise
preparation/ planning
7Joint Staff Officer Training
- Issue 06-001 Combatant command / Component / JTF
Staff Training. Need basic joint training, to
include Integrated Operations, for individuals
assigned to Joint staffs. - Discussion Majority of permanent and individual
augmentee personnel arrive unprepared to assume
joint staff duties and there is no established
process for maintaining currency of personnel.
Solutions may include JPME I/II, Web Based
Training (JTF 101), resource specific training AO
course (indoc) and OJT. - Endstate Establish Joint Individual Learning
Continuum that meets individual joint training
requirements prior to joint duty assignment and
sustains preparation and competence throughout
professional career through combination of
education, training and self-development. Joint
training programs systematically update learning
objectives and courses to keep up with the
rapidly changing joint environment. - POAM JKDDC JMO execute FY07 08 PEPs for
development, updating and distribution of
web-based individual training services, knowledge
and courseware. Combatant commands develop and
provide tailored joint staff instruction
leveraging Joint Training Facilitator Specialists
(JTFS). JS J7 Joint Learning Continuum study
phases I II identifies current / emerging
training requirements. Ensure deployment orders
require appropriate courses. - OPR USJFCOM OCR JS J-7
APR 07
SEP 06
SEP 07
DEC 06
MAR 07
MAR 08
SEP 08
JTFS develop tailored instruction for assigned
FY07 courseware deployed Learning Continuum
update at WJTSC 07-2
Portal Deployed with links to JPME Resources and
9 Interagency Courses IAP course transitions to
Required courses updated process in place to
ensure currency
JKDDC Program Execution Plan (PEP) Approved
JTF 101 updated and posted on LMS
Learning Continuum Update at WJTSC 07-1
All assigned personnel receive required training
8Integrated Operations Training
- Issue 06-002 Individuals assigned to combatant
command staffs are not formally trained on
doctrinal interagency coordination tasks and
continue to execute integrated operations in an
ad hoc fashion. - Discussion National strategic guidance requires
USG personnel to plan, coordinate and implement
integrated operations. There is a need to
develop and implement an integrated DOD-wide
interagency training program, to provide
personnel integrated operations training to
accomplish missions. - Endstate An integrated DoD-wide interagency
coordination training program supports combatant
command integrated operations requirements and
incorporates both content as well as throughput
requirements and tracking for personnel.
Deployment systems ensure personnel
deployment/assignment orders contain
assignment-appropriate pre-deployment training
for integrated operations and provide adequate
lead time to accomplish such training. OSD and
JS provide combatant commands with trained senior
leadership and staff officers prepared to
accomplish interagency coordination. - POAM OSD/PR develop a long-term integrated
operations training strategy, building on its
short-term PRT work. JKDDC courses available for
stakeholder requirements. JS J7 operationalizes
the Learning Continuum with JKDDC LMS support. - OPRs JS J7 and OSD (PR) OCRs Combatant
commands, JS J1, Services
MAR 07
OCT 06
SEP 07
JAN 07
APR 07
JKDDC update course development plans. LMS
Implementation update.
- Identify available and planned JKDDC courses
- Identify additional courses
- for certification
COCOMs provided feedback to JSAP 00329-06.
OSD Strategy Concept brief to SLRT. WJTSC 07-2
Individual/Staff Training WG discuss requirements
JKDDC deploys interagency training via LMS
9TC AoA Alternative 5
- Issue 06-004 Combatant commands lack support to
adequately meet individuals / staffs and JTF and
functional component HQ staff joint training
requirements. - Discussion Combatant commands identified
requirement to source an organic training and
exercise capability in order to conduct and
manage combatant command specific training,
identify combatant command individual/collective
training requirements and track and manage
individual/staff joint training and readiness. - Joint Training Facilitator Specialist (JTFS)
support provided via TC AoA Alt 5 to the
combatant commands (one each initially). Council
of Colonels (COC) unanimous decision to provide
additional contracted support (total of 3 JTFS)
to each combatant command, except USJFCOM. - Combatant commands use JTFS to focus JKDDC
development and USJFCOM-developed innovative
lightweight simulations and tools to resolve gaps
between JTP identified training requirements and
existing collective and individual capabilities.
JKDDC products are now addressing requirements.
Centralized development of combatant command
specific modules at USJFCOM can adequately
capture unique requirements that support a formal
individual training program. JKDDC should address
job-specific individual AO training as well as
joint education. - Endstate Combatant commands fully resourced
(personnel and tools) to support individual/staff
training. - POAM JS J7 support combatant command JTFS
requirements. USJFCOM deliver initial use cases
for Alt 5 tools. - OPRs JS J-7/OSD(PR) OCR USJFCOM
AUG 07
SEP 06
FY 08
DEC 06
SEP 07
USJFCOM executes Alt 5 tool use cases
USJFCOM solicit combatant command input on Alt 5
tool use cases At Individual Trng WG _at_WJTSC 07-2
FY07 funding for addl Positions MIPRd to JS J7
FY06 funded Addl Positions (1 per COCOM)
Delivery Order Issued for addl JTFS positions
10Immersive Learning Environments (ILES)
- Issue 06-021 Requirement for Large Scale Use of
Online and On Demand Individual and Group
Training, Mission Planning and Rehearsal
Capabilities. - Discussion ILES is an OSD funded effort to
resolve the immediate need for an education,
training, and mission rehearsal capability that
supports both DoD and interagency partners in
meeting a new set of homeland defense
requirements. Our shortfalls include a lack of a
common training and exercise tool which limits
opportunities to train with partners and a
knowledge gap between individual training and
large scale exercise or real-world events. NORAD
and USNORTHCOM and JFCOM are hosting the
development of the ILES prototype to fill these
missing capabilities. ILES is a flexible,
on-line, and distributed training and mission
rehearsal capability that covers the training
life cycle from beginning to end. Successful
tests / evaluations have been conducted and ILES
can significantly shorten the JELC while
improving knowledge/capability. System evolution
facilitates joint and Interagency training,
mission planning, rehearsal, and COA analysis. - Endstate A solution that supports the training
and operational requirements of the joint,
interagency, multinational communities, and Joint
Knowledge Development and Distribution Capability
(JKDDC) users. The solution(s) may include both
an ILES centralized web-based architecture
integrated within the JKDDC Joint Knowledge
Online Portal, and a decentralized and
interdependent approach where ILES is controlled
by multiple cooperating organizations, with the
end state in either case to provide a dynamically
scalable, distributed, collaborative exercise
environment to provide on-demand individual and
small group training. - POAM Collaborative technical evaluation of
potential solutions by stakeholders. Deploy
web-based prototype. - OPR USJFCOM OCRs JS J7 USNORTHCOM
SEPT 07 JUN 08
JUN 08
FEB 07
MAY 07
NOV 06
AUG 07
JUL 08
JAN 07
NOV 07
FEB 08
Prototype Development Complete
Functional Testing of ILES in USJFCOM IA Training
ILES Phase IV PMP Approved
N-NC SIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 5 Exercise Validation
ILES Distributed As Program of Record to COIs
Functional Testing of ILES in N-NC CMD CTR
N-NC NIPRNet Install
N-NC Spiral 67 Exercises Train the Trainer
Program USJFCOM Spiral 67 Exercises
Web-based Testing of ILES in USJFCOM IA Training
11LMS Employment
- Issue 06-023 Use of multiple Learning
Management Systems (LMS) inhibit the ability to
integrate training and personnel records and adds
unnecessary complexity to integration with JTS
and DRRS. -
- Discussion Joint standard(s) must exist for the
identification of requirements dealing with data
needed for a consistent, interoperable tracking
of learner profiles, competencies or training
records. Multiple LMSs are being used across the
Joint Community. Each LMS has different
requirements dealing with learner profiles,
competency tracking and training record
management. Implementation must consider
combatant command inputs to LMS data base and
functions percentage of combatant command
-specific learning modules to be hosted on LMS
combatant command permissions to manipulate LMS
and JKDDC responsiveness to change inputs - Endstate Universal Joint LMS in use potential
savings in terms of course development
standardization across combatant commands - POAM Employ JKDDC LMS for combatant commands
maximizing JKDDC assets to enhance combatant
command staff training. Fund a multi-combatant
command LMS. Develop standards to address
ontology, taxonomy, metadata, personnel tracking,
security methods, interoperable learner profiles,
and competency and training records for Joint
community. - OPR USJFCOM
APR 07
OCT 06
SEP 06
NOV 06
DEC 06
JAN 07
SEP 07
JKDDC AtlasPro LMS (GOTS Product) Deployed on
Production Server With JKO roll-out
JKO Content Management System Architecture
Universal LMS Decision?
JKDDC Program Execution Plan (PEP) Approved
Solicited LMS functional capabilities from
Conducted LMS Comparison
Selected AtlasPro LMS Installed on Development
Conduct Functional Testing of LMS
12Insufficient ADL Resources
- Issue 06-013 Combatant command staffs not fully
trained to joint mission requirements. Immediate
assistance needed in obtaining web-based
resources to meet joint mission training
requirements - Discussion E-learning content produced by JKDDC
is conventional web-based instructional
course-ware. Service knowledge portals produce
content labeled as knowledge objects, but
content is not yet systematically packaged for
reuse. Some combatant commands have largely
unfunded ADL programs. - Endstate A timely, collaborative process that
ensures JKDDC courseware development supports
combatant command joint mission training
requirements IAW established DOD quality
standards (i.e. SCORM compliant). All JKDDC
content will be registered in the ADL-R for
searchability and reusability. - POAM Recommend joint training shortfalls be
identified as urgent readiness need. T2 funds
for JKDDC be increased by 10M per year to
address combatant command joint knowledge
development and distribution needs through
requirements-based approach. Move to more rapid
techniques involving real world mission planning,
analysis and rehearsal. Focus on rapid
development of a common set of joint tools,
standards and specifications to provide immediate
support to joint war fighter needs. - STATUS JKDDC Stakeholders/PAT process determined
FY07 requirements for development and cleared the
backlog of FY03-06 requirements. - OPR USJFCOM OCR JS J-7
APR 07
SEP 06
SEP 07
OCT 06
JAN 07
AUG 07
125 Courses Available via JKO NIPR Portal
JKDDC LMS/Portal Online 102 courses
JKDDC Program Execution Plan (PEP) Approved
FY07 DL CW Requirements Identified Approved
Backlog and FY07 CW in Development
WJTSC 07-2 WG update POAM
JKDDC JKO Internet Portal Online
13New Issue Items
14Issue Management Guidance (How to Display POAM)
- Issue 07-xxx Identifies year generated and
number of issue (Does not change). Describes
joint training capability / requirement that is
adversely affected and requires resolution. - Discussion Describes the issue / problem in
sufficient detail to develop potential solutions
(Does not change) - Endstate The desired solution to sustain /
increase joint training capability / readiness
(May change based on development of POAM) - POAM Description of the possible steps to
solve an issue / problem. POAM will be
visually displayed on a timeline at the bottom of
the slide using the following symbology (To be
refined and developed by OPR / OC - OPR/OCR Identified office responsible to
coordinate and implement a solution (Does not
change) - EXAMPLE
Used to depict and track major actions that must
occur to resolve an issue / problem.
Used to depict actions on the timeline that have
been completed.
Action complete
End state achieved
Action milestone
MAY 06
MAR 07
SEP 06
SEP 07
JUL 07
DEC 06
Funding proposal drafted
Funding proposal staffed
Funding proposal approved
Funding identified
Funding provided to COCOMs
15Previous Summary of Combatant Command Requirements
- LMS Licenses and enhancements
- Training Development hardware/software
- Course developer, system administrator
- Rapid Instructional System Design Capability
- Rapid Scenario Inject Development Capability
- Global Learner Information Profile Service
- Learning Laboratory and Training Exercise Control
Center - JKDDC, JLLIS enhancements
- Responsive Simulation System (emulate NPES, PDSM,
C2BMC) - JTIMS enhancements (Data exchange LMS, master
training calendar)
16Additional Support Requirements
17Way Ahead
- OSD lead discussion of complete problem A-1,
ed, trng (not just a training solution) - Leadership commitment/buy-in
- Strategic thinking
- Command specific training
- Integrated Learning solution combining Joint
Education, Joint Training, Joint Experience,
Self-development - LMS System of systems vice single product
- Determination of baseline competencies
- Definition of qualified
- Standardization of staff processes
- Integrated Operations are a two way street
(increase two way traffic) - Continue to refine capability to refine ability
to capture joint experience (services) - Continue to push joint ed/trng lower (O-3/4
18Way Ahead
- Determination of baseline competencies
- Recommend standardized staff processes
- Potential use of JSAP model
- Joint command orientation
- Formal OJT
- CAT Training within the Combatant Command
- Integration of JOD/JOM
- Combatant Command define capability requirements
for duty positions - Task analysis - individual billet/JMETLs
- Pre-requisite training for joint assignments
- Modeled on IA training
- Definition of qualified
19Integrated Operations Education
- Issue 06-003 Personnel assigned to combatant
commands not formally educated or trained to
accomplish doctrinal interagency coordination
tasks staffs execute Integrated Ops ad hoc. - Discussion National strategic guidance requires
USG personnel to plan, coordinate and implement
interagency operations. There is a need to
develop and implement an integrated DOD-wide
interagency learning program, to provide
personnel doctrinal orientation to accomplish
missions. - Endstate An integrated DoD-wide learning program
based on doctrinal guidance in JP3-08 supports
combatant command interagency coordination
requirements and incorporates both content as
well as throughput requirements and tracking of
personnel. Deployment systems ensure personnel
deployment/assignment orders contain
assignmentappropriate pre-deployment learning
for integrated operations and provide adequate
lead time to accomplish such learning prior to
arrival at joint assignments. JS and combatant
commands staffed with trained and educated senior
leaders and staff officers who can accomplish
interagency coordination/integrated operations. - POAM
- Service/Joint JPME schools continue to support
doctrine-based learning in Interagency
Operations. - USD/PR and JS J1 develop personnel management
processes that support enhanced throughput,
assignment, tracking, incentives, and appropriate
learning prior to arrival to any joint
assignment. - USD(P) codify Integrated Operations via a DoDI.
- Develop a JKDDC based training course based on
JP3-08 supplement to existing training via the
Combatant commands, Services, JS J7
AUG 08
MAR 07
NOV 06
JUL 07
DEC 06
JAN 07
AUG 07
MECC Working Group
JSJ7 JSAP 00329-06 for inputs
Suspense for inputs
JQS DoDI and CJCSI staffing
Develop web-based training on JP3-08
DoDI on Integrated Operations
JFEC / SAE introduced.