Title: Background Consensus
1HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Background Consensus
- Managing for Development Results
- fosters evidence-based decision-making
- a strategy that applies to the management of all
development resources in a country, with the
management of aid being a part of it. - focuses on the pursuit of development objectives
- needs to be seen as a country system
2HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Brief overview of Africa Regions Performance
- Progress has been made, albeit slowly, in
developing MfDR systems in - Africa. Improvement has been registered with 71
of 31 African countries - surveyed having taken action towards achieving
good practice or better - compared to 54 three years earlier.
- Performance Assessment Frameworks
- MfDR Community of Practice
- Leadership and Accountability
- Planning and Budgeting
- Statistics
- Civil Society Organizations
- Cross- cutting Issues
- Major continental Initiatives Little results
from NEPAD
3HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Sharing Experiences Senegal
- Applications and key achievements
- Challenges
- Key Lessons LearntÂ
4HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Key Issues Emerging from Discussions
- The importance that performance assessment
frameworks include gender equality and
human rights perspectives - The importance of considering institutional
strengthening as a critical parameter. - The need to have indicators that allow the
measurement of actual impacts on
individuals and their living standards - The need to overcome the lack of links
between existing national MfDR systems - On NEPAD There are gaps between national
systems and pan-African systems and
monitoring progress is therefore - particularly difficult.
5HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Key Issues Emerging from Discussions
- The issue of human solidarity is very important
and should be further addressed in MfDR - The need to improve countries capacity to link
the annual reviews of development strategies
and programs to budgets. - Better MfDR systems and capacity will not only
increase aid effectiveness, it will also
facilitate a scaling-up of total aid - There is a lack of a mechanisms that look on
impacts in our systems - The need for more participatory approaches in MfDR
6HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Suggestions on issues to be brought forward
towards Accra - On country capacity
- Donors should commit more to strengthen local
capacities to conduct evaluations and
monitoring and they should play more a
catalyst role in our development process - Donors and partners should jointly increase
the use of local resources as a means to
strengthen local capacity - Donors should harmonize their support to the
development of MfDR in partner countries - Â
7HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Suggestions on issues to be brought forward
towards Accra - On systems
- System improvement issues should be linked to
capacity issues. In this context, one must
encourage the improvement of existing
systems - Systems that we are using today were mostly
set by donors, the actual need is to start
using those systems in smarter and creative
ways, not keep assessing the present situation - Donors should help us identify the gaps in
systems and help us fill those gaps. This
would also constitute a firm commitment to
use the systems once the major gaps have been
8HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
- Suggestions on issues to be brought forward
towards Accra - On assessing country capacity in MfDR
- There must be mechanisms in place to include
specific issues such as gender and parliament
in assessing capacity - More attention and efforts should be devoted to
statistical capacity - Â
9HLF3 - Africa Regional Preparatory Meeting
Kigali Round Table 4 Managing for Development
Suggestions on issues to be brought forward
towards Accra On cross cutting issues Three
gender related indicators, developed by
UNIFEM should be considered for inclusion into
the performance assessment frameworks Â