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Enlightened leaders. Social responsibility. Unreasonable disparities. Exclusion vs inclusion ... Enlightened leaders. Single issue based groups. Women's groups ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Final Report
  • 20 November 2002

Workshop context
  • The United Nations Millennium Declaration is a
    landmark document for a new century .(we are)
    initiating a Millennium Campaign to make the
    commitments better known throughout the world.
  • As part of this, the United Nations system will
    work with national governments, civil society,
    the international financial institutions and
    other partners to produce a series of regular
    national reportsto measure and monitor progress
    towards achieving the MDGs on a country by
    country basis. Our hope is that, in this age of
    democracy, annual reporting will force action.
  • It is not at the United Nations, or by the work
    of the organization's officials,that the goals
    could be achieved. They have to be achieved in
    each of its Member States, by the efforts of
    their Governments and peoples.
  • Secretary General Kofi Annan

This document.
  • Reports on the workshop convened in London on
    29/30 October to help develop a common
    understanding of, and begin to put a shape on,
    the Millennium Campaign.
  • This workshop involved a broadly drawn group of
    19 participants from 13 UN organisations, plus
    Social Watch. Their responsibilities covered
    policy and partnerships as well as communications
    and campaigning.
  • It was hosted, facilitated, and reported on, by
    Chris Baker and Wendie Stone from TBWA\London.
  • They also conducted a number of interviews (as
    well analysis of what has been said in public and
    the media) a synthesis of this formed an
    important input to the workshop and is covered in
    this report.

An excellent example of the power and practical
value of working together.
  • Because of the new challenges presented by the
    Millennium Campaign, this workshop necessarily
    involved a disparate group of people,
    representing a broad range of organisations, most
    of whom did not know most others at the start of
    the workshop, with little or no experience of
    working together.
  • There was genuine concern that the group would
    not gel and that the workshop could end up
    focusing more on the differing perspectives and
    roles of the different organisations represented,
    rather than make genuine progress on mapping out
    a way forward.
  • These fears were not realised and participants
    own words about the workshop (see next page), as
    well as the collaborative output summarised in
    this document, are a testament to the power of
    working together.
  • Just as important as the hard output was that
    this workshop made an important contribution to
    developing the personal relationships and shared
    ownership of a task that successful partnerships
    are based upon.

What participants said about the workshop.
  • Better focus of what the campaign is all about
    and work-streams of the campaign unit
  • Im impressed by the daringness of people we
    have come together, without inter-agency
    posturing, to believe we could make a difference
  • We came up with a daring mission statement
  • Genuine search to get to an understanding as a
    collective not a group of individuals
  • Reinforced my enthusiasm
  • Open discussions about partners, work streams
    and practical things to do
  • Cleared some of the fog
  • Found a way to link goals and think of the
    campaign as a whole
  • We can be more effective partners now we
    understand each other
  • Group openness and frankness
  • We can now mainstream and internalise in our own
    organisations and as a part of the whole

  • 1. Workshop objectives
  • 2. Synthesis of themes emerging from the
    pre-workshop process
  • 3. Millennium Campaign vision
  • 4. Millennium Campaign initial work-streams
  • 5. Campaigning, at the country level and global
    level early thinking from the workshop
  • Annex I. Agenda and list of participants
  • Annex II. Pre-workshop headlines
  • Fuller extracts from pre-workshop analysis and
    interviews are provided as a separate document

1. Workshop Objectives
Workshop Objectives
  • To develop a common understanding of the
    Millennium Campaign and key constraints and
    opportunities affecting its success
  • To develop the strategic framework for
    approaching the Millennium Campaign across the UN
  • key campaign themes and mechanisms
  • the role of each stakeholder (including UN
    agencies, individually and collectively, building
    on the core expertise and existing plans of each)
  • To recommend the key short-term focuses for the
    campaign the substantive issues to be focused
    on over the next 12-18 months, and up to 2005
  • Develop a consensus on how we can communicate
    consistently and effectively about progress (or
    the lack of it) in terms of achieving the goals
  • Begin to identify ways, via focus provided by the
    Millennium Campaign, we can work together more
    collaboratively and effectively, both within the
    UN system and in our external connections

2. Synthesis of themes emerging from the
pre- workshop process
Synthesis based on..
  • Some of the things people have said, in public
    and in the media
  • Some direct extracts from interviews with Michael
    Doyle, Eveline Herfkens, Carol Bellamy, Mark
    Malloch Brown, and Thoraya Obaid
  • These included as an appendix, we focus here on
    our synthesis of the key themes emerging from
  • The positive difference(s) the Millennium
    Campaign can build on
  • Challenges and obstacles to overcome
  • Campaign planning - operating principles
  • Campaign planning - key audience

The positive difference(s) the campaign can build
  • Clear, measurable, time bound, comprehensive
  • Unprecedented level of government endorsement (if
    not yet real buy in/ action)
  • One set of inter-related goals, one framework,
    agreed by all UN member states
  • Hits the international mood no more summits,
    a framework for action
  • Common framework for action and partnership new
    way of working
  • People-centred strong social and political as
    well as economic dimensions
  • Powerful tool for both mobilization and
    accountability (Bono and ONeil)
  • Goals/ accountability for North as well as South
    (basis for a Global Deal)
  • The power of data and new thinking strong
    analytic foundations

Challenges and obstacles to overcome
  • Cynicism and scepticism culture of failure and
    looking back not ahead
  • Whats new? much about the individual goals is
  • Creating local ownership, commitment, and
    political will -- not deliverable if the MDGs
    are seen as a centralized UN owned initiative
  • Unavoidable political dimension/risk (and how to
    manage it)
  • Silo mentality demands a new working model (UN
    and beyond)
  • Not yet internalized by UN agencies
  • Remaining trapped in the old North/South ODA/debt
    relief/trade haggle
  • Fragmentation 8 goals, myriad individual
  • Lack of clarity Campaigning for MDGs vs.the
    MDGs are the campaign

Campaign planning - operating principles
  • Bottom up, decentralized, locally owned (UN
    supported, not UN controlled)
  • Stimulate debate, non prescriptive foster home
    grown solutions
  • Encourage society to talk to itself people
    speak not UN speak
  • Maintain MDG as a package need multi-goal
    campaigning themes
  • Underpinned by a unifying big idea (more likely
    to reside in the Declaration than the MDGs)
  • Pooling of resources/use existing networks to
    scale up intervention
  • Be realistic but positive motivate, inspire,
    and give courage.
  • Develop a shared campaign framework which is
    simple, clear, flexible

Campaign planning need for a bottom up mindset
MDG targets and indicators (outcomes more than
Global underpinning/campaigning Shared vision,
global dimension/big idea, UN system
Campaign planning key audiences/inter-relationsh
Millennium Campaign
National government (esp. finance and other
relevant ministers
3. Millennium Campaign Vision
Lets not forget our hopes and fears (from the
start of the workshop)
  • Hopes
  • Clearer idea of campaign at global and country
    level what launching/ who to/what should we
    tell them
  • Articulate a vision that brings people/ other
    actors/partners in
  • Articulate a vision that crosses sectors
  • Forge belief that we can become a mobilising
    force for political action
  • Build on opportunity provided by MDGs to do
    something different
  • Be inspired
  • Fears
  • Come up with answers that lose sight of
    importance of working at country level
  • Forget that we are a small part of this and that
    we need others
  • The Millennium / MDG Campaign is too complicated,
    too overwhelming to find a way to express it
  • Become bogged down in UN-ese, rhetoric and
  • Lose sight of 8 goals
  • Becomes a UN project, not an inspiring way to
    change the world

An emerging consensus through the workshop..
  • The Millennium Declaration is broader, more
    inclusive, and more inspiring than the MDGs
  • The MDGs are outcomes (and a focus for mutual
    accountability) not inputs
  • The campaign should be rooted in the Declaration,
    the MDGs are the means of keeping the score (as
    well as a way of focusing both the resulting
    actions of the Campaign and the hard outcomes it
    is working to achieve).

The MDGs outputs to the Millennium Campaign
By 2015 all 191 United Nations Member States have
pledged to
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
48 indicators
Achieve universal primary education
Promote gender equality and empower women
18 targets
Reduce child mortality
Improve maternal health
The MDGs 8 goals, 18 targets and 48 indicators
provide themes for programme action and programme
measurement at a country level
Combat HIV/Aids, malaria and other diseases
Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development
The MDGs relate to inextricably interwoven social
and economic effects
Vision is the glue needed to inspire and unite
actors around the diverse (but inter-related)
factors confronted by the Millennium Declaration
and its MDGs
  • Themes/mechanisms for advocacy, engagement and
    enrolment with different audiences and actors in
    specific and varying national contexts
  • How can the Millennium Campaign bridge boundaries
    and engage many different actors and audiences?
    How can we talk about the MDGs in way that is

A view from outside the UN system..
  • The power of the obvious is enormous. The
    Declaration is obvious -- you make commitments
    and keep the scoreits about time
  • They (the Declaration and MDGs) have the
    potential to capture the imagination and mobilize
    peoplebut people have to be allowed to own them,
    the UN must not treat them as their own property.
    Coalitions are already forming around them. They
    add value, because there is added value in being
    part of something bigger.
  • The UN underestimates the power of the worldThe
    Declaration is very empowering and encouraging
    for people it lends support and weight to what
    people are already struggling for..that another
    world is possible.

  • Roberto

The vision to inspire and unite actors
  • How can we talk about the MDGs in a way that is

The bigger picture/broader aspiration
The new news/ reason why
is possible
Another world.
The UNs role in achieving this vision
  • UN Reporting
  • Data/Monitoring/Analysis
  • Reporting who / how
  • What needed to achieve goals
  • Who falling short
  • Who needs to be involved

Make situation transparent so people of the world
can rise up/be aware at the local level
Provide choices at analytical level of what can
be done
Millennium Campaign Vision
  • Workshop Provisional (high consensus)
  • We are the force for change which will make the
    Millennium Declaration a reality.
  • We stand for a (new) deal between and within
    nations founded on mutual accountability
  • We aim to energise people and governments to make
    the world a better place

Suggested Refinement We are the force for change
which will make the Millennium Declaration a
reality by championing the deal , founded on
mutual accountability between and within
nations, we will energise people and governments
to make the world a better place.
Some comments on the Vision.
  • Represents a strategic underpinning consistent
    with the global theme of Another world is
    possible which emerged during the workshop.
  • First draft began we are a catalyst but strong
    feeling that we must take a much more proactive,
    campaigning stance to overcome scepticism and
    inertias thus we are the force for change
    was endorsed by the group
  • and within nations. plus avoidance of the word
    global reflects need to drive local ownership
    of the campaign.
  • Some discussion (unresolved) about whether we
    refer to the new deal or simply the deal on
    reflection we favour the latter as it represents
    something which is more final, permanent, and
  • Deliberately framed in context of the Millennium
    Declaration rather than MDGs, but the MDGs have a
    clear role within this vision helping to make
    the Declaration and the changes sought more
    concrete, as well as guiding specific action and
    the parameters for accountability.

Millennium Declaration Values and Principles
set the tone for the Millennium Campaign
  • Millennium Campaign Vision
  • We are the force for change which will make the
    Millennium Declaration a reality
  • by championing the deal , founded on mutual
    accountability between and within
  • nations, we will energise people and governments
    to make the world a better place.

Values and Principles underpinning this
Vision Primary values Justice, Equality,
Dignity, Solidarity Secondary values Freedom,
Equity, Tolerance, Shared responsibility/partnersh
ip, Respect for nature,
This Vision will help guide and organise both
campaigning and working together, both within the
UN system and beyond.
  • There were many excellent ideas and insights on
    both local and global campaigning which emerged,
    albeit in a fairly unstructured way we have
    aimed to organise these (in the context of the
    vision) in this report.
  • In terms of working together it became clear
    that the first step was to have a focus to engage
    around participants were very positive about
    this vision and could immediately see how this
    (plus starting to flesh out the campaign
    work-streams captured in the next section)
    would facilitate both collaborative working and
    independent progress towards a common aim.
  • Although primarily a UN system group it is worth
    noting that the initial springboard for the
    vision --- the message that Another world is
    possible came from the one non UN participant,
    Roberto Bissio.

4. Millennium Campaign -- initial work-streams
Workstreams 1. Providing information and
  • Guardian of the overall Millennium Campaign
    Vision and focus for generation of globally
    relevant messages to underpin global and local
  • MDG (and/or Millennium Campaign) branding /
    identity, plus core MDG communication materials /
  • Connector role knowing what the UN (and
    other global) agencies know about campaigning,
    specifically what they are doing around the
    MDGs, and pooling / sharing this knowledge
  • Listening Post role what does society in each
    country think is important (social issue
    footprint for each country, based on feedback
    from local UN reps, CSOs , public polling etc),
    including monitoring ongoing public/ political
  • Resource Centre source of existing and
    emerging (Millennium Project) knowledge and
    information relevant to achieving MDG outcomes
    (website, help desk, clearing house) for both
    civil society and governments

Workstreams 2. Active campaigning
  • Networking identify, link, support key issue
    based CSO/NGO networks (pan-national plus key
  • Pump priming input / communications to ensure
    national reports realise their potential to
    stimulate national debate around the MDGs (help
    generate best practice cases by assisting in
    selected countries)
  • Encourage (via third parties) analysis of, and
    reports on, national accounts from an MDG
  • Develop ongoing campaigning around annual global
    reports and relevant global and regional events
    and forums.
  • Global and local campaigning around key
    Millennium Project outputs
  • Focus for global awareness / media events (
    eg.Live Aid, MTV type events)
  • Supporting resource generation from donor
    countries (incl. Foundations and public) and
    Corporates develop targeted fundraising
    hooks linked to MDG outcomes

5. Campaigning at a country level and a
global level, and to different audiences early
thinking from the workshop
Campaigning early thinking from the workshop
  • Campaigning principles, themes, and hierarchy --
    global and local
  • Campaign tactics -- different routes to
    engagement for local audiences
  • Audiences, priorities and messaging

How far to go? There are questions others will
have to answer.
  • The level of political risk the UN system is
    prepared to accept for itself and its partners?
  • Data standards for MDG reporting (response to
    national government manipulation / spin)?
  • How far can we go in terms of naming and
    shaming (or even encouraging third parties to do

Campaigning Principles
There are many routes to engagement which need
to be pursued in parallel, held together by a
common vision rather than rigid process.
  • Primary focus is to encourage / facilitate local
  • Listen / understand what is important in each
  • Think of the MDGs as outcomes not inputs
  • Campaign around inputs (whatever is necessary to
    deliver MDG outcomes in a given country), using
    MDGs as the rationale for these inputs
  • Dont campaign for the MDGs, but ensure they are
    always there as the rationale and measurement
    tool / target outcomes
  • Promote partnerships globally and locally
  • Our role is providing the data and stimulating,
    rather than controlling, debate -- any attempt to
    adopt a top down, linear approach focused on UN
    channels would be destined for failure.

Key Campaign Themes
Another World is Possible
Campaign Hierarchy
  • Outcomes (MDGs as a focus for measurement)

Achievability sense of plan inputs tailored
to relevant MDG outcomes
Campaign themes (global and local)
Underpinning vision Another world is possible
Campaign Hierarchy
  • (Monitor and report on) Outcomes (MDGs)

Achievability sense of plan inputs tailored
to MDG outcomes
Driving social engagement
Campaign themes (global and local)
Social responsibility
Commitments and promises
Mutual advantage
Enlightened leaders
Campaigning tactics
  • Many routes to engagement to be pursued in
  • Our primary role is providing data and analysis,
    and stimulating debate through doing this.
  • We cant, and dont want to, control debate any
    attempt to do so via a top down, linear approach
    via UN channels would be destined to failure.
  • Three main types of engagement-
  • Reaching local audiences at the global level
    (e.g. via global events).
  • External stimulus at the local level (e.g.
  • 3. Stimulus originating from within a country
    (the most important but hardest task for us).

Tactics -- reaching local audiences at the global
  • Prominent presence / campaigning around the
    global events calendar (incl. Major regional
  • UN Agency Exec. Boards / Governing Councils
    each agency to ensure that MDGs are a standard
    agenda item.
  • Global media events (e.g. Live Aid).

Tactics -- external stimulus at the local level
  • Profile raising visits / missions from MC
    leaders,UN Agency Heads, ambassadors.
  • Encourage Foreign Ministries of key countries to
    brief Embassies to promote / use MDGs in local
    dialogue (e.g. Donor country embassies in
    developing countries).
  • Regional / sub-regional reports materials to
    help stimulate media coverage and debate about
    how a given country is performing versus its peer
  • Use global CSO networks (e.g. Society for
    International Development) to leverage local
    networks e.g. via local MDG focused CSO
  • Leverage existing relationships between
    Millennium Campaign personnel (and from other UN
    Agencies) and local CSOs / Issue-based networks.

Tactics -- within country campaigning
  • Potential offered by local UN (and IFI) teams
    will vary considerably by country need to be
    involved/informed but should not be regarded as
    the only (or even main) focus for engagement at
    the local level.
  • Core role of the local UN team should revolve
    around the national reports putting the data
    and analysis out there and letting nature take
    its course (i.e. leave social mobilization to
  • Leave most local campaigning, analysis and
    editorializing (e.g. analysis of national
    accounts from an MDG perspective) to local civil
  • Treat local civil society as partners not
  • Infant Breast Milk campaign a good model.
  • Treat MDGs as the scorecard not the campaign.

Tactics -- within country campaigning (contd)
  • Local civil society (including local authorities,
    labour organisations, faith groups), the key
    group to engage important gateway to
    Parliamentarians, media, other opinion formers,
    and the general public.
  • Acknowledged area of weakness for the UN system
    (better contracts with government than with CSOs)
    -- key role for the Millennium Campaign Unit in
    terms of networking (implications for the
    profile of people employed).
  • Often CSOs are already socially mobilized our
    role is not mobilization, rather to ensure that
    existing social mobilization campaigns have the
    information and technical support to take the
    Millennium Declaration / MDGs on board and
    actively use them as part of their campaigning.

Tactics -- within country campaigning (contd)
  • National reports provide a key focus for local
    campaigning and debate unlikely, in themselves,
    to be vehicle for social mobilization, but they
    should be food and drink for those who are
    already mobilized.
  • WHO experience is not to underestimate the value
    of substantive papers, to stimulate engagement
    (including commissions set up by Government)
    Millennium Project outputs may often fit the
    purpose, and represent important campaign
  • Remember -- nothing stimulates government action
    more than comparison with close neighbours/
    countries they see as being in their peer group.

Local Campaigning Audiences
Private sector
Social sectors
Trade unions
UN Internal Audiences
Religious groups
Social sectors
Indigenous groups
Rural community
Enlightened leaders
Uniformed services
Civil Society Groups/ NGOs
Financial institutions
Corporate sector
General public
Young people
Local Campaigning Priorities
Private sector
Social sectors
Trade unions
UN Internal Audiences
Religious groups
Social sectors
Indigenous groups
Rural community
Enlightened leaders
Uniformed services
Civil Society Groups/ NGOs
Academia (donor countries)
Financial institutions
Corporate sector
General public
Issues based groups
Womens groups
Single issue based groups
Social revolutionaries
Aids groups
Enlightened leaders
Childrens groups
Young people
Local Campaigning Priorities
Private sector
Social sectors
Trade unions
UN Internal Audiences
Religious groups
Social sectors
Indigenous groups
Rural community
Enlightened leaders
Uniformed services
Civil Society Groups/ NGOs
Academia (donor countries)
Financial institutions
Corporate sector
General public
Issues based groups
Womens groups
Single issue based groups
Social revolutionaries
Aids groups
Enlightened leaders
Childrens groups
Young people
Messaging to Governments
  • Objective campaign to convince donor
    governments to act
  • You are part of the deal
  • You are responsible fort he future development of
    our children / the world
  • Urgency MDGs we have to act now
  • Another world is possible if you maintain your
    commitment and keep your promises
  • Messages that demonstrate commitments are being
    kept north and south towards a common goal
  • Give the MDGs a framework with the widest
    possible legitimacy MDGs are the biggest thing
  • This is not your Dads campaign its not the
    old argument its different
  • All local failures need to be shaped communicated
    in failure to reach the global MDGs
  • There is no such thing as a local problems they
    are global problems

Messaging to Media
  • Objective campaign to drive awareness and help
    capture all peoples imagination
  • A promise has been made
  • You are part of the deal
  • Take sides. The world has struck a new deal,
    what can you do?
  • Freedom
  • From poverty
  • From gender inequality

Messaging to CSOs / NGOs
  • Objective campaign to galvanize our closest
    advocates to frame their arguments in this
    broader context to enrage activists and social
  • Campaigns to legislators linking MDGs to their
  • Reframing the country reports

Annex I. Agenda and List of Participants
Outline Agenda
  • Day One
  • The What of the Millennium Campaign
  • Introductions
  • Operating principles, shared visions, short-term
  • Key campaign themes and mechanisms
  • Day Two
  • The How of the Millennium Campaign
  • At the country level
  • The role of the UN, individual agencies and other
  • Campaign Vision

  • William Ryan -- UNFPA
  • Kemal Mustafa -- UNFPA
  • Gerardus van den Akker -- UNDGO
  • Anne Trebilcock -- ILO
  • Axumite Gebre-Egziabher UNHabitat
  • Dianne Spearman -- WFP
  • Turhan Saleh -- UNDP
  • Mark Suzman -- UNDP
  • Abby Spring -- UNDP
  • Marjorie Newman-Williams -- UNICEF
  • Gareth Jones -- UNICEF
  • Sue Markham UN/DPI
  • Loretta Sonn -- FAO
  • Andrew Cassels -- WHO
  • Jon Liden -- WHO
  • Robert Bissio Social Watch
  • Hans dOrville -- UNESCO
  • Zazie Schafer -- UNIFEM
  • Marika Fahlen UNAIDS
  • Chris Baker TBWA
  • Wendie Stone -- TBWA

Annex II. Pre-Workshop Headlines
Pre-workshop headlines and synthesis
  • (Based on some of the things people have said, in
    public and in the media, plus interviews with
    Michael Doyle, Eveline Herfkens, Carol Bellamy,
    Mark Malloch Brown, and Thoraya Obaid fuller
    extracts are included as an appendix to this
  • These were an input to the first morning of the
    workshop, and minor refinements have been made to
    the synthesis as a result of discussion and
    feedback when presented.)

Pre-workshop headlines
  • What is emerging is a new consensus that demands
    that we match mutual commitments and mutual
    accountability a political bargain being built
    around a partnership of self interest between the
    countries of North and South mmb
  • More about politics than economics(using) the
    power of data (to) drive political action. ..A
    recognition that the old solutions for achieving
    growth and production are not good enough,.its
    time to think out of the box. Put out the
    figures as a means of generating a debate rather
    than using it to lay out prescriptive solutions
  • The motif of Johannesburg was enough summits,
    now we want to get on with things. The MDGs,
    with their focus on implementation, action, and
    measurement very much hit the international
    mood. mmb

Pre-workshop headlines/contd
  • The goals themselves arent newThe difference
    is that this is the UN agendaa common agenda
    across agencies.. cb
  • The goals themselves are not different, they are
    the culmination and summary of recommendations
    emerging over a long period (the opportunity)
    is to have everyone working in the same
    direction, pooling our resources, not operating
    in our own compartmentalized boxes to
  • The UN system itself is a major barrier (with) a
    chronic desire to work in the old ways and a silo
    mentality mmb

Pre-workshop headlines/ contd
  • .The real work to be done is at the country
    level, making the MDGs central to life in each
    country to
  • its crucial that the UN dont own the
    MDGsthey need to be owned by the people, the
    governments, non-governmental organisations..
    .the home grown element is vital eh
  • Ministers of Finance havent got it
    yetbudgetary commitments have to be made, which
    is why it has to be a country driven process.If
    it is received as a top down UN driven process
    then you wont get buy in. They have to see them
    as their goals not the UNs goalsWe need local
    pressure currently its very, very, very
    centralized, it has to get decentralized cb

Pre-workshop headlines/ contd
  • ...We must find ways of letting each society
    talk to itself, not talk at them from outside
    must be totally locally owned, the community
    itself saying this is good for us, so lets get
    together and implement it to
  • .we need messages that are not UN or
    development speakthat my mother could
    understand cb

Pre-workshop headlines/ contd
  • Important to keep the goals as a package .
    There is commitment to the package as a whole,
    all are important, and there are synergies
    between them..their strength is that if you
    achieve one you are closer to achieving others
  • Campaign messages have to cut across goalswe
    cant be selective about goals, they are all part
    of one message of making life better in
    developing countries to
  • We need a number of campaigns under an overall
    campaign umbrella .its important to work at
    keeping the UN system together, and (also)
    leverage existing external networks (health,
    hunger, environment)..
  • To do this we need multi-goal themes mmb

Pre-workshop headlines/ contd
  • (Also) sell the big concept, the new Global
    Dealcentral to all of us, about the future of
    our world -- redefine all of our individual
    responsibilities as citizens mmb
  • .. Our intention is to have a political row
    about what is needed in country after country,
    year after year. Because out of these debates
    will come the energy and the demands and
    ultimately the results and, only if the people
    engage will we achieve the goals. mmb
  • Always giving bad news is de-motivating, it
    drives fatigue. We need to find ways to give good
    news, the story isnt that bad.we need to find
    good reasons to say great We need to
    motivate, inspire, and give courage eh
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