Title: CSA Decision Briefing Part 1 of 2
1CSA Decision BriefingPart 1 of 2
23 Jan 01
Obtain CSA decision on Army Development System
XXI Task Force recommendations.
- ADS XXI Summary
- Recommendations
- Warrant Officer Personnel Management System
- Enlisted Personnel Management System
- Systems
- The Way Ahead
3What The Challenge
MOS Management Challenges
Distribution by MOS and grade poses challenges
Force Structure Allowance
Operating Strength Total Strength - TTHS
Study and analysis Determine necessary
changes Design an implementation strategy
ADS XXI Mission
4When / Where
26 initiatives
Phase I Problem Definition
Phase III Modeling/Analysis
Phase IV Decision Making
Phase II Research
Phase V Reconciliation Phase VI Implementation
5Why Understanding and Planning the Transformation
The Warrant Officer and NCO Corps of the
Objective Force
Career Timeline
6ADS XXI Summary
ADS Definition A holistic system concept
combining officer, warrant officer, soldier and
civilian development systems. Consists of the
character development, performance evaluation,
leader development and personnel management
- OPMS XXI Final Report
Refine leader development and personnel
26 Initiatives
- Align warrant officer inventory
- and structure
- Provide agility and versatility to
- enlisted personnel management system
- Modernize personnel business practices
13 for CSA Decision
11 Approved by VCSA 20 Nov 00
2 Withdrawn
Recommendation 1. We continue reconciliation
/ implementation of VCSA-approved initiatives 2.
CSA approve 13 remaining initiatives
7Recommendations Summary
VCSA Approved
For CSA Decision
- Rollback AC WO grade structure
- Assign AC WOs by grade
- Develop a WO tenure program
- Expand technical WO accession base
- Access technical WOs at 5 - 8 yrs of AFS
- Promote Senior WO applicants (SFC above) to
- CW2 upon graduating WOBC
- Educate officers NCOs on role of WO
- Tailor technical training to units
- and assignment
- Publish professional development
- and update other WO policies
- Provide force development
- specialty training to WOs in those
- positions
- Account for ASIs
- Refine NCOES
- Review and publish prof
- development objectives
- Civilian degree builder program
- MOS entry requirements
- ASVAB composites
- Adopt a reasonably equitable
- Multi-skilled soldier
- Combine MOSs with similar functions
- Quantify MOSQ
- Provide senior NCOs with experienced
- trainers/educators
- Provide leadership development feedback
- Structured self-development
- Select standbys for promotion
- Accelerate classification
- documentation process
8WOPMS Recommendations
9Fit Structure and Inventory
Allocate senior WO expertise to Army
Increases senior WO inventory
Requirements based by MOS
Develop a WO Tenure Program
Avn Tech
CW5 4.3 3.7
CW4 18.8 18.9
CW3 23.3 22.4
Assign AC WOs by grade
Aggregate Sustainable Structure
CW2 53.5 55.1
CW5 3.4
Documented Grade Structure
CW4 13.4
CW3 24.7
Rollback AC WO grade structure
CW2 58.5
Average Grade distribution Matrix (AGDM)
10Rollback AC Warrant Officer Grade Structure
Recommendations Validate warrant officer
requirements and constrain to a sustainable grade
matrix. (1) Approve the Total Warrant Officer
Study recommended Average Grade Distribution
Matrix. (2) Validate warrant officer requirements
to standards of grade. (3) Align the active
component warrant officer requirements with the
approved AGDM.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost Existing
- Programmed Dollars
- Start up FY01
- Sustainment FY02-05
- Lead Agency ODCSPER
- Time FY01-05
- Comments
- Sustainable structure is the right thing to do.
- Every warrant officer who meets the standard
should be promoted without any constraints
imposed by structure. - This should be a proponent concern.
- AVN proponent advocates a trapezoid to increase
the number of senior warrant officers in AVN
11Assign AC Warrant Officers by Grade
Recommendation Assign senior warrant officers
by grade.
- Resource Requirement
- Estimated Cost Existing Programmed Dollars
- Start up FY 02
- Sustainment FY02-04
- Lead Agency ODCSPER
- Time FY02-04
- Comments
- Recommend we retain assignment and readiness
reporting by grade band. - ARNG nonconcurs because of state force
12Develop a WO Tenure Program
Original Recommendation Submit legislative
action to amend Title 10, USC, Section 580 to
exclude warrant officers in grade CW4, who have
twice failed selection for promotion, from
involuntary retirement or separation.
- Comments
- Upward mobility must be retained. Must
identify a time frame and maintain mechanisms for
quality checks. - We cannot lose qualified WOs because of the
structure pyramid.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost Existing Programmed Dollars
- Start up FY01
- Sustainment FY02 and beyond
- Lead Agency ODCSPER
- Time FY01-FY05
- Must expand this issue to include 2XNS to CW4,
this will provide job security for all senior
warrant officers. AVN CTR - Very supportive of efforts to change
legislation for warrant officers on both
promotions from CW3 to CW4, and CW4 to CW5.
Revised Recommendation, Change DA Policy and
Title 10, USC, to develop a WO tenure program at
13Accession and Technical Expertise
Increases CW4 inventory
Presently accessing _at_ 10 - 11 year AFS results
in WOs retiring as CW3 (20 - 23 yrs)
Access technical WOs _at_ 5 - 8 years of AFS
Tailor technical training to unit assignment
- Distance Learning
- Industry
- Academia
Access from VOTECH schools and colleges for
shortage MOSs
Expand technical WO accession base
Expand feeder MOSs
14Expand Technical WO Accession Base
Recommendation Recruit warrant officers for
selected technical specialties from non-feeder
enlisted MOSs, vocational schools, and community
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost Existing Programmed Dollars
- Start up FY01, 4.2M
- Sustainment FY02, 4.2M
- Note FY03-08 4.2M
- Lead Agency TRADOC
- Time FY01- FY03
- Comments
- WOs need a dynamic recruiting effort. Look at
the desire of an individual and balance with
education. - Need to take a hard look at where we need to
create additional WO specialties. - Look closely at VOTECH recruiting, prefer
experienced NCOs. - Concerned about the experience level of those
coming from tech schools.
15Access Technical WOs at 5 - 8 Years of Active
Federal Service
Recommendations (1) Target warrant officer
accessions to applicants with five to eight years
of AFS by requiring boards to select all fully
qualified applicants in that range before
selecting applicants with more than eight years
of AFS. (2) Streamline the accession application
to appointment process through automation.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost Existing Programmed Dollars
- Start up FY01
- Sustainment FY02-15
- Lead Agency ODCSPER
- Time FY01-FY15
- Comments
- Need reserve component language that would
equate to eight years of AFS. - Five years does not seem to be an appropriate
amount of time to develop the necessary
experience level to be a proficient warrant
officer. In addition, selections should be based
on best-qualified period. - Agree with earlier (5-8 years) warrant officer
accessions as long as applicants with more than 8
years AFS are not excluded. Concerned that we may
not select best qualified.
Educate officers NCOs on role of WO
Include in DA PAM 600 - 3
Provide force development specialty training to
WOs in those positions
Publish professional development and update other
WO policies
Promote senior WO applicants (SFC above) to CW2
upon graduating WOBC
Increase accession base for shortage MOSs
17Promote Senior WO Applicants (SFC Above) to CW2
Upon Graduating WOBC (Tech WO)
Recommendation Promote new accessions, who
previously held the rank of SFC and above, to CW2
after graduation from the proponent Warrant
Officer Basic Course.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost Existing
- Programmed Dollars
- Start up FY01, 0.8M
- Sustainment FY02, 0.8M
- Note FY03-08, 4.8M
- Lead Agency ODCSPER
- Time FY01-FY03
- Comment
- Real issue is WO pay table.
- Nonconcur with promotion to CW2 for newly
appointed E7-E9 in tech MOS.
18Educate Officers and NCOs on Role of Warrant
Recommendations (1) Expand the current common
core courses for the OBC and CCC to include
information on the warrant officer recruiting
program. (2) Develop training support packages to
educate PLDC and BNCOC students on WO accessions
and opportunities, and ANCOC / USASMA students on
WO roles and responsibilities. (3) Include
identified warrant officer subjects into
respective OES/NCOES institutional courses.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost 30K
- Start up FY01, 30K for class development
- Sustainment FY02, NA
- Lead Agency TRADOC
- Time FY01-03
- Comments
- Not at PLDC. Use in BNCOC as an
awareness/recruiting tool. ANCOC and SMC should
address roles and responsibilities of the WO
program. - No, warrant officers are recruited by senior
leaders, not LTs and CPTs. junior officers are
more concerned with small unit leadership rather
than encouraging good soldiers to leave their
units. PCC is the right place for this type of
informational awareness. - (PLDC/BNCOC) absolutely not. PLDC is for making
soldiers into the best SGTs possible. We dont
need to be encouraging them at this stage to
aspire to be warrant officers. - Disagree with cramming warrant officer stuff
19EPMS Recommendations
20Adapting with Army Transformation
The Warrant Officer and NCO Corps of the
Objective Force
Legacy Force
Sustain Recapitalize
Objective Force
Objective Force
Tech Solutions
Interim Force
Initial BCT
First Interim BCT
First Unit Equipped Objective
- Combine MOSs with similar functions
- Larger / fewer MOSs
- Predictability
- Ability to optimize
- Leader prerogative in utilization
- Army flexibility in distribution
Career Timeline
- Multi-skilled soldier
- Focus on function performed
- Competency based
- Specialization focused to unit
- equipment
- Evolves with transformation
- Modular course design
- Use of ASIs
- Augment with self- development
21Multi-Skilled Soldier
Recommendations (1) Develop a competency-based
military occupational specialty (MOS) system. (2)
Incorporate MOS optimization in development of
multi-skilled concept. (3) Use multi-skilled
soldier concept as basis for long-term force
structure design decisions.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost
- Start up FY01, 1.2M
- Sustainment FY02, 1.2M
- Note FY03-08, 6.1M
- Lead Agency TRADOC
- Time FY02-08
- Comments
- Broader options good for recruiting and
retention. - Do not put too many skills into one MOS.
- End result of the effort should be to produce
best mix of skill sets required, not on reducing
the number of MOS. - Dont make soldier do multi, unrelated, complex
tasks. - Multi-skilled soldier should not reduce mission
requirements or number of soldiers in unit. - Ensure MOSQ enablers are in place for RC.
22Combine MOSs with Similar Functions
Recommendations (1) Task TRADOC to study cross
proponent MOS mergers. (2) Establish a database
of MOS knowledge to facilitate future studies.
Proponent action reduced MOS 241 191
Proponent action reduced MOS 241 192
- Comments
- Should remain proponent decision.
- 18X and 46R must be retained.
- It is critical for me to maintain the
management control over the assets to which I
have been held accountable.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost
- Start up FY01, 1M
- Lead Agency TRADOC
- Time FY01-08
23MOS Optimization
Number of MOSs reduced from 241 to 191
Merged into Existing MOSs
Merged into new MOSs
Added MOSs 13H
Old - Merged MOS
Old - Merged MOS
Old MOS - New MOS
Old MOS - New MOS
Approved MOS additions 13W, 27D, 56M, 68S, 79V,
91G, 91H, 91J, 91W, 91Z, 92S
02B 02C 02D 02E 02F 02G 02H 02J 02K 02L 02M 02N 02
T 02U 02Z
63E - 63A 63H - 63Y
63J - 52C 63S -
63B 63W -63B 67N - 67T 68H - 68G
68F 68N
44B - 44E 45B -
45K 45D - 63D
45E - 63A
Deleted MOSs 45N, 63N, 82C
73C 73D 73Z
71L75F 75H
Approved MOS deletions 13C, 13E, 14D,14L,16X,
23R, 24K, 35B, 35C, 42E,43M, 57E, 71D, 71G, 71M,
74G, 76J, 91B, 91C, 93F
45T 63T
88X - 88Z
35J 35N
52X 63G
24MOS Merger Possibilities
- Task TRADOC to study cross proponent MOS mergers
- Align specialties to Objective Force
Requirements and TRADOC Transformation - Role of Branches vs BOS vs Warrior
Development Centers vs OPMS Career Fields - Warfighting vs Institutional Requirements
Fix Responsibility and Eliminate
Redundancy Mounted vs Dismounted 19D / 11M /
11B Anti-Armor 19K / 11H Indirect Fire
11C Information Operations PAO (46) / SC (25)
CA (39)
Delineate Footprint vs Sanctuary Function
Hospital Cook vs Unit Cook Hospital Supply vs
Unit Supply Patient Admin vs Unit Admin Pwr Gen
Repr vs Fuel Elec Sys Repr EW Sys Maint Repr vs
Elec Maint Repr
Services vs Supply vs Transportation
25Quantify MOSQ
Recommendations (1) Establish a method to
monitor, evaluate, prioritize training output and
manage resource allocation. (2) Establish
quantitative minimum standard guidelines for
MOSQ. (3) Institute a risk base assessment
linking dollars to training proficiency by
linking Training PEG to MOS competency. (4)
Proponents electronically publish tasks, location
of training, and required level of proficiency.
- Updated Recommendation,
- HQDA Define MOSQ
- TRADOC develop common soldier standards
- and standards by MOS and grade
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost
- Start up FY01, 241K
- Sustainment FY02, 92K
- Note FY03-08, 0.5M
- Lead Agency
- Standards, TRADOC
- Time FY02-07
- Comments
- HQDA needs to define MOSQ. Core of issue is
the need for a standards based Army. - TGOSC does allocate funding, but current
funding level is not enough. - Cant decrease tasks trained or constrain flow
to units.
26NCO Development
We will continue to develop those leaders
through study in the institutional schoolhouse,
through field experiences gained in operational
assignments, and through personal study. (The
Army Vision)
- Account for ASIs
- Discipline assignments
- Proper accounting
- Refine NCOES
- Appropriate level
- of education
- Facilitate attendance
- to PLDC
- Bench for SGM/CSM
- Provide leadership development
- feedback
- Structured self- development
- Civilian degree
- builder program
Review publish professional development
Provide senior NCOs with experienced
trainers/ educators
Nonresident certification (Distance Learning /
Civilian Schools / Industry)
27Provide Senior NCOs with Experienced
Original Staffing Results
Original Recommendation Modify the policy to
assign CSMs to designated positions in NTC, JRTC,
CMTC, USASMA, and other leadership positions
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost
- Start up 500K
- Sustainment 500K
- Lead Agency ODCSPER Lead, TRADOC assist
- Time FY01-02
Revised Recommendations 1. Assign SGM with
operational experience to CTC O/C and USASMA
faculty advisor duties. 2. Leverage retired
CSM/SGM as contracted USASMA faculty advisors
and CTC mentors. 3. Allow successful CSMs to
volunteer for SGM training positions(i.e. CTC
O/C, USASMA faculty advisor) and permit them to
request follow-on assignment as CSM.
900K annually
28Structured Self-Development
Recommendations (1) Adopt a program to
complement NCOES. (2) Proponents electronically
publish tasks, conditions, standards and training
support packages.
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost
- Start up FY01, 84K
- Sustainment FY02, 92K
- Note FY03-08, 0.5M
- Lead Agency TRADOC
- Time FY01-07
- Comments
- Dont make structured self-development required
or mandatory. - Should not be mandatory.
- Resources must be closely monitored.
Flexibility - Keep inventory shaped to
Select standbys for promotion (SFC-SGM)
Keep pace with MOS evolution
Adopt a reasonably equitable AGDM (AC)
ASVAB composites
MOS entry requirements
30System Changes
8 Life Cycle Functions
31System Changes
Standardized MOS codes
Accelerate classification documentation process
MOCS Process
Training Development
Combined Support for Integrated Total Army
Personnel Data Base (ITAPDB)
32Standardize MOS Codes
Recommendation Standardize MOS codes to
include - Skill Identifiers (Branch / MOS)
- Skill Qualification Identifiers (SQIs)
- Additional Skill Identifiers (ASIs) . . . to
eliminate duplication, gain greater efficiency,
and provide accurate identification of
qualifications and position requirements 15 O3
D 5P , 15 W3 D 5P, 15 E6 D 5P
- Resource Requirements
- Estimated Cost
- Start up FY01, 75K
- Lead Agency ODCSPER
- Time 4 Years
Comments None
33The Way Ahead
- WOPMS / EPMS XXI Implementation Team remains
dedicated to WOPMS and EPMS XXI through end FY02
(VCSA Memo, 1 Dec 00) - Transforms concepts to plans
- Transition execution routinely to functionals
- Support NCO and WO Blue Ribbon Panel
- Publicity Campaign
34ADS XXI Overall Findings
- No requirement for change
- Character development core values and warrior
ethos - Performance evaluation
- OERs and NCOERs
- Up or out quality management
- Leader development
- We are about leadership it is our stock in
trade - Institutional (education), Self-development,
Operational (training) - Personnel management requirements based by
MOS - Do not address
- Pay Compensation
- Inventory Shortfall
- Organization for Combat
peculiar tribal culture of its regimental
system, in which each regiment (branch) was a law
unto itself. A War to be Won
- Conduct a comprehensive study of the Warrant
Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management System
and recommend changes to ensure continued
readiness into the 21st Century.
(CSA Charter, 19 Nov 99)
- Following CSA decisionset in motion policy
changes required - (VCSA Extension, 1 Dec 00)
- Resource Summary
- FY01 FY02 FY03-07
- System 0.7M 0.0 0.0
- WOPMS 8.0M 6.9M 20.4M
- EPMS 6.0M 2.3M 10.0M
- TF Total 14.7M 9.2M 30.4M
- Initiatives are unresourced
Study and analysis Determine necessary
changes Design an implementation strategy
ADS XXI Mission