Title: Thinking about Collaboration
1Thinking about Collaboration?
- Fasten your seatbelts for the Drive of Your Life!
2Data driven?
- In a study conducted by Colorado's Library
Research Service (LRS) - Achievement test scores averaged 8 percent
higher in elementary schools and 18 to 21 percent
higher in middle schools when library media
specialists collaborated with classroom teachers
3Pit stop
- Learn from the experts
- Indianapolis media specialist, Leslie Preddy,
discusses the benefits of collaboration for
educators and students in Collaborating for
Student Success (Access Learning, Oct. 2003)
4Get behind the wheel
- Benefits
- Instructional support
- Varied experience
- Broad array of resources
- Opportunity to better assist students
5Start your engines
- Planning
- Select or design a unit
- Divide responsibilities
- Create a timeline
- Determine assessment strategies
- Collaboration Planning Sheet
- from Indiana Learns (IDOE)
6Test drive a sample unit
- Background
- 8th grade Language Arts students begin a guided
inquiry into career choices. The unit serves as
an introduction to the basic research process.
Students will select a topic, locate and
synthesize information, and create a final
project to present their career to the class.
- Indiana Academic standards
- 8.4.4 Plan and conduct multiple-step information
searches by using computer networks - 8.4.5 Achieve an effective balance between
researched information and original ideas - 8.7.12 Deliver research presentations
- Information Literacy standards
- Standard 1 Access information efficiently and
effectively - Standard 3 Uses information accurately and
creatively - Standard 4 Pursues information related to
personal interest - Standard 9 Participates effectively in groups to
pursue and generate information
8Sharing the load
Language Arts Teacher Introduction to
research Project overview (process,
expectations, grading criteria) Information
synthesis Evaluation of final product
- Media Specialist
- Locating career resources
- (websites, databases, print materials)
- Computer lab instruction
- (Drive of Your Life, searching the Internet,
using OPAC)
Both Student guidance and encouragement Determinin
g assessment strategies Source citation Process
9Integrating technology
- Primary Resource
- The Indiana Youth Institutes
- Drive of Your Life
- http//www.driveofyourlife.org/educator
- Sample guide and process assessment
- Sample lab instruction tool
10Where are we headed?
- Following Drive of Your Life, students choose
one focus career. With the help of the teacher
and SLMS, students generate a list of five
questions or areas of interest to explore and
begin a KWL to determine what additional
information is needed. - KWL
11Differentiating instruction
- Adapting to reach a diverse population
- Offer a variety of resources
- Present a list of project options
- Allow students to work in teams
12Paving the way!
- A real world connection
- Students create a 5 year timeline.
- With the information acquired, students are
ready to map out necessary high school courses,
training opportunities, and corresponding work
experience that will prepare them for their
chosen careers.
13Whats next?
- An extension activity
- The Indiana Youth Institutes
- Trip to College
- http//www.triptocollege.org
14Sources cited
Collaborative Unit Planning. Indiana Learns.
lt http//www.indianalearns.org/downloads/Page33P
lanning.pdf gt Correlation of the information
Literacy Standards and Indianas Academic
Standards for English/Language Arts. 2001.
Indiana Department of Education. lt
ons.html gt Drive of Your Life. 2005. Indiana
Youth Institute. March 2006 lt
http//www.driveofyourlife.org/launch.html gt.
KWL. Teach-nology. 2006.lt http//www.teach-nolo
gy.com/worksheets/graphic/kwl/ gt Preddy, Leslie.
Collaborating for Student Success. Access
Learning. 2003. Cable in the Classroom
Online.http//www.ciconline.com Starr, Linda.
Strong Libraries Improve Student Achievement.
2005. Education World. lt http//www.educationwor
ld.com/a_admin/admin/admin178.shtml gt Trip to
College. 2005. Indiana Youth Institute. March
2006. lt http//www.triptocollege.org gt
15Project options
- PowerPoint presentation
- Interview someone in the field
- Recruiting brochure or commercial
- Script a mock job interview