Hyperlinks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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As we've already discussed, hyperlinks, or 'links,' are what separate XHTML from ... div id='footer' Place footer contents here /div Links on the Web. 23 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hyperlinks

  • Fall, 2008
  • Modified by Linda Kenney
  • 2/20/08

Overview of links on the Web
  • As weve already discussed, hyperlinks, or
    links, are what separate XHTML from most other
    markup languages and make the Web a web.
  • Links are simply connections between Web
  • You may find it helpful to think of a link as an
    active cross-reference.

Overview of links on the Web (cont.)
  • The overwhelming majority of Web pages are
    visited as the result of the user following a
    link from another Web page.
  • Understanding links is absolutely central to
    becoming a Web author.
  • Once we understand links and how to create them
    we will be able to design and build Web
  • Remember, a web presentation is a collection of
    related Web pages. A useful Web presentation
    requires the use of links to implement the
    connections among its component pages.

Anatomy of a link
  • A link has a label and a destination.
  • The label is the part of the link that is visible
    to the user within the Web page.
  • In many cases, this is the blue, underlined text
    that the user clicks on in order to activate the
  • The destination is the resource to which the link
    will take the user when activated.
  • In the vast majority of cases, the destination of
    a link is another Web page.
  • But it might also be a file to download, a sound
    or video to play, an image or Acrobat file to
    display, or any number of other possibilities.

Creating a link
  • To create a link, you use the ltagt element to
    establish the source anchor for that link.
  • The ltagt element is an inline container element,
    so it does not imply a line break and requires an
    end tag.
  • It will surround the page content that will be
    used as the links label.
  • Often, the contents of the ltagt element will be
    text, but image elements may also be included.

Click here
  • When constructing a link to another page, HTML
    authors often use sentences like "Click here to
    learn about the moon." Unfortunately, they choose
    to make the words "Click here" the link, and for
    people using voice output software this can be
    extremely confusing and uninformative.
  • This is because screen readers are typically
    designed to move through Web documents one link
    at a time.
  • Writers are advised to incorporate meaningful
    words into their links.
  • From
  • http//www.utoronto.ca/atrc/rd/library/papers/acce

Creating a link (cont.)
  • For most links, the destination anchor is assumed
    to be the top of another Web page.
  • The destination anchor for the link is specified
    by assigning the URL of the destination page to
    the ltagt elements href attribute.
  • Example
  • lta href"http//www.yahoo.com/"gt Yahoo!lt/agt

Links to remote resources
  • Resources which are not part of our presentation
    are considered remote resources.
  • Any link whose destination anchor is within
    another presentation is a link to a remote
  • When specifying the destination of such a link,
    we must use an absolute URL.

ltpgtSee the lta href"http//pubpages.unh.edu/ltv6/
cs403/"gtCS403 homepagelt/agt for additional
Links to remote resources (cont.)
  • An absolute URL is a full and complete URL that
    contains all the information needed for the
    browser to retrieve the specified resource.
  • The only way to specify remote resources is with
    absolute URLs.

Links to remote resources (cont.)
  • The most error-free way to obtain the absolute
    URL of a remote resource is to display that
    resource in a Web browser.
  • Select the absolute URL in the browsers location
    bar and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Then, return to your text editor and paste the
    URL stored in the clipboard into your XHTML
    source as the quoted value of the ltagt elements
    href attribute.

Links to local resources
  • Its impossible to create a Web presentation
    without using links to local resources.
  • Virtually all Web presentations consist of
    several pages that are under the control of a
    single author or organization.
  • From the perspective of any of these pages, all
    the others would be considered local resources.
  • Using relative URLs whenever we access a local
    resource creates presentations that are more
    flexible and more portable.
  • All links to local resources should use a
    relative URL as the value of their href attribute.

ltpgtWhen you are ready, place your lta
Links to local resources (cont.)
  • Links to local resources are often referred to as
    navigational links, since they allow a user to
    navigate among the pages in a presentation.
  • Since navigational links are the tools that users
    will use to delve deeper into and explore your
    presentation, you should carefully consider the
    label and destination of each and every one.

Relative URLs
  • A relative URL contains only a part of the info a
    browser needs to access a specific resource.
  • The missing parts are assumed to be the same as
    they were for the resource that contains the
    relative URL.
  • In other words, when it gets a relative URL, a
    browser returns to the same location on the same
    server from which it retrieved the current page,
    and uses the relative URL to locate a new
    resource from that starting place.

Some additional examples
  • Lets use the following illustration

Parent directories (folders)
  • In a directory tree, every directory except the
    one at the very top has one and only one parent
  • The parent directory of a directory is whatever
    directory contains that directory.
  • In the directory tree below, public_html is the
    parent directory of pages, and pages is the
    parent directory of catalog.
  • We cannot get back to the parent directory of a
    higher directory simply by using its name.
  • When we use an explicit name in a path, that name
    is always assumed to be farther down the branch,
    never up.
  • To go up a branch of the tree, we capitalize on
    the fact that there is only one way up from any
    given location.
  • Each directory has one, and only one, parent
  • We dont need to reference it by its specific
    name we can use a generic name instead.
  • The generic name we use to specify the parent
    directory in a relative URL is ..
  • Type it as two periods with no space between
    them its typically pronounced dot-dot.

Examples using parent directories
  • Heres another version of the previous
    illustration that shows additional examples
    involving parent directories.
  • We can specify any local file from any other
    using relative URLs.

Opening link in a new browser window
  • Use target attribute
  • lta href "http//www.yahoo.com/" target"_blank"
    gt Yahoo!lt/agt
  • Opens the link in a newly spawned window, rather
    than replacing the web page the user is on, which
    at first thought may sound like a good idea as it
    doesn't take the user away from your site.
  • There are a number of reasons why you shouldn't
    do this however.
  • From a usability point of view, this method
    breaks navigation. The most commonly used
    navigation tool on a browser is the "back"
    button. Opening a new window disables this
  • On a wider, more general usability point, users
    do not want new windows to be popping up all over
    the place. If they want to open a link in a new
    window then they can choose to do so themselves.
  • From http//www.htmldog.com/guides/htmlbeginner/li

Email links
  • A link can allow the user to send an e-mail with
    their browsers built-in mail client.
  • To do so, use a URL with a mailto scheme
  • Although not necessary, its often useful to
    repeat the e-mail address as the link label so it
    remains useful even if the page is printed.
  • This also makes it useful even if viewed in a
    browser that has no built-in mail client.

ltpgtContact me at lta href"mailtoL.Kenney_at_unh.edu
"gtL.Kenney_at_unh.edult/agt. lt/pgt
FTP links
  • Links are also often used to download files from
    FTP servers.
  • To do so, use a URL with an ftp// scheme
  • Note that this is typically only used on FTP
    servers that support anonymous FTP access.
  • Since cisunix does not support anonymous FTP
    access, this technique cannot be used in your
    work for this course.
  • However, if you use a URL with an http// scheme
    to access a file that the browser cannot display,
    most browsers will give the user the opportunity
    to save that file to a local disk.

ltpgtlta href"ftp//someftpserver.net/pub/files/outl
ine.doc"gtDownload now. lt/agtlt/pgt
ltpgtlta href"http//someftpserver.net/pub/files/out
line.doc"gtDownload now.lt/agtlt/pgt
Destination anchors
  • You can think of each Web page as starting with
    an implied destination anchor.
  • When a link specifies the URL of that page as its
    destination, this implied anchor is at the top of
    the document .

http//pubpages.unh.edu/ltv6/pages/faq.html page
s/faq.html ../pages/faq.html faq.html
Destination anchors (cont.)
  • It is possible to specify other destination
    anchors within a Web page.
  • To do so, a fragment identifier is added to the
    end of the URL.
  • A fragment identifier always starts with a pound
    sign () and indicates a specific destination
    anchor within a page.
  • Fragment identifiers may appear at the end of
    both absolute URLs and relative URLs.
  • They may also be used as a complete URL if they
    are referencing a destination anchor elsewhere in
    the same document.

eview pages/faq.htmlExamReview ../pages/faq.html
ExamReview faq.htmlExamReview
Creating destination anchors
  • Most XHTML elements can be turned into
    destination anchors using an id attribute.
  • Certain rules govern the values of your id
  • The values of all the id attributes used in a
    single page must be unique.
  • The matching between a fragment identifier and
    the value of an id attribute is case-sensitive.
  • Avoid spaces and unusual characters in your id
    attribute values.
  • The pound sign () does not appear in the id
    attribute value. (It simply indicates the
    beginning of a fragment identifier in a URL.)

lth1 id"chap2"gtChapter Twolt/h1gt ltimg id"logo"
src"../images/logo.gif" alt"WidgetCo corporate
logo" /gt ltdiv id"footer"gtPlace footer contents
Creating destination anchors (cont.)
  • Commonly, however, when a destination anchor is
    needed, its created using the ltagt element with
    an id attribute.
  • If an ltagt element does not have an href
    attribute, it does not get rendered as or act
    like a hyperlink.
  • Instead, assuming it has an id attribute, it acts
    as a named anchor.

lta id"ExamReview"gtreview for the examlt/agt lta
id"logo"gtltimg src"../images/logo.gif"
alt"WidgetCo corporate logo" /gtlt/agt
Examples using fragment identifiers
  • Consider the examples in the following

Accessibility and links
  • Links present special challenges to disabled
  • To better accommodate screen readers, you can use
    a title attribute for the ltagt elements that
    define links.
  • The value of the title attribute should be some
    text that adds information about the link.
  • Many screen readers will read this text along
    with the link label.
  • Some graphical browsers will display this text as
    a tool tip when the user moves the mouse pointer
    over the link label.

Accessibility and links (cont.)
  • Links can also present challenges for users with
    limited use of their hands.
  • A user with limited use of their hands may find
    that its easier to navigate the Web using a
    keyboard than it is using a mouse.
  • The ltagt element can accept an accesskey attribute
    that will associate a keyboard shortcut with that
  • Use a single character as the value of the
    accesskey attribute.
  • The way in which browsers implement keyboard
    shortcuts varies, but Windows browsers typically
    use the Alt key in combination with the specified
  • The ltagt element can also accept a tabindex
    attribute with a value between 0 and 32767.
  • When the Tab key is used to move among the links
    within a page, those links with tabindex values
    will be selected according to the order of those

  • We now know how to create a wide variety of
  • Now we can begin to design and create actual Web
  • And that means we can truly consider ourselves
    Web authors.
  • Now its time to move on to some more advanced

Review questions
  1. Explain the concept of a hyperlink and why it is
    central to the Web.
  2. Why do we need to learn how to create hyperlinks
    before we can create Web presentations?
  3. How does the concept of an anchor relate to a
  4. How is the direction of a hyperlink determined in
    terms of anchors?
  5. Explain the role of the label and the destination
    in the context of a hyperlink.
  6. For what two purposes is the ltagt element commonly
    used, and why is it a container element?
  7. Distinguish between local and remote resources.
  8. Distinguish between relative and absolute URLs.
  9. How does a relative URL work, since it doesnt
    specify all the information needed to uniquely
    identify a file?

Review questions (cont.)
  1. What type of URL is most often used for local
    resources and why?
  2. What type of URL is most often used for remote
    resources and why?
  3. Explain the concept of a parent directory and
    explain how you would specify one in a relative
  4. Draw a directory tree of an imaginary Web
    presentation including images and Web pages. For
    each page, create a list showing how you would
    create links to every other page and how you
    would utilize each image. Use one of the images
    as the label for one of the links. Be sure to use
    only relative URLs.
  5. What is the role of a fragment identifier in a
    URL? How would you use one when creating a link?
    How would you define the destination anchor to
    which the fragment identifier refers?
  6. Explain three mechanisms that can be used to make
    links more accessible to disabled users.
  7. Write a link that would allow a user to send you
    e-mail when activated.

Key terms
  • Absolute URL
  • Anchor
  • Destination
  • Destination anchor
  • Direction
  • Directory tree
  • Fragment identifier
  • Hyperlink

Label Link Local resource Named
anchor Navigational link Parent
directory Path Relative URL Remote resource
XHTML elements presented
  • ltagtlt/agt
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