Conducting a debate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Conducting a debate


various appeals: to authority, common practice; emotion; flattery; pity; tradition; ridicule ... Appeal to flattery. One for the road ...? Exercise 5 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conducting a debate

Conducting a debate
  • Eileen Tuimalealiifano
  • Associate Professor
  • Centre for Flexible Distance Learning

Benefits of debating
  • Develop critical thinking by helping students
  • know that topics can be looked at from different
  • understand how perspectives are acceptable on the
    basis of how well reasoned they are
  • Develop skills in
  • a collaborative approach to achieving your
    learning objectives
  • research
  • developing an argument

What is a debate?
  • an argument or discussion defending different
    opinions/views about something
  • a formal and structured presentation involving
    two teams of speakers presenting opposing views
    on a topic and competing for the more convincing
    argument. A panel of judges decides the outcome
    of the argument!

Features of a good argument
  • presents a clear insightful position on the
  • develops the position with compelling reasons,
    evidence and/or persuasive examples
  • is a well-focused well-organized analysis,
    connecting ideas logically
  • expresses ideas fluently and precisely, using
    effective vocabulary and sentence variety
  • demonstrates a good command of the formal aspects
    of language

What do you think?
  • If any member of the board retires, the company,
    at the discretion of the board, and after notice
    from the chairman of the board to all the members
    of the board at least 30 days before executing
    this option, may buy, and the retiring member
    must sell, the members interest in the company
  • I had a four hour meeting with Quality Office
    yesterday and realised later that as I was
    following through on some of the actions to be
    done, I noticed that there were a couple of work
    in progress statuses beside the things you were
    asked to follow up on from the meeting and when I
    queried the revised course proposal
    documentation, I was told that they were still
    waiting for your response

Some comment fallacies in argument
  • against the person ad hominem
  • various appeals to authority, common practice
    emotion flattery pity tradition ridicule
  • claiming that the conclusion is true begging
    the question
  • generalisation from a biased sample
  • confusing cause and effect (because they usually
    occur together)
  • distraction from the issue red herring
  • Slippery slope one event will automatically
    follow another
  • two wrongs make a right

Some practice exercises!
  • Exercise 1
  • "I think there is great merit in making the
    requirements stricter for graduate students. I
    recommend that you support it, too. After all, we
    are in a budget crisis and we do not want our
    salaries affected."
  • Red Herring

Practice contd
  • Exercise 2
  • It is claimed by some people that severe illness
    is caused by depression and anger. After all,
    people who are severely ill are very often
    depressed and angry. Thus, it follows that the
    cause of severe illness actually is the
    depression and anger. So, a good and cheerful
    attitude is key to staying healthy
  • Confusing cause and effect

More practice
  • Exercise 3
  • Bill "I believe that abortion is morally wrong."
    Dave "Of course you would say that, you're a
    priest." Bill "What about the arguments I gave
    to support my position?" Dave "Those don't
    count. Like I said, you're a priest, so you have
    to say that abortion is wrong. Further, you are
    just a lackey to the Pope, so I can't believe
    what you say."
  • Ad hominem

Another one
  • Exercise 4
  • "That was a singularly brilliant idea. I have
    never seen such a clear and eloquent defense of
    Plato's position. If you do not mind, I'll base
    my paper on it. Provided that you allow me a
    little extra time past the deadline to work on
  • Appeal to flattery

One for the road ?
  • Exercise 5
  • After leaving a store, Jill notices that she has
    underpaid by 10. She decides not to return the
    money to the store because she feels that if she
    had overpaid, they would not have returned the
  • Two wrongs dont make a right

Presentation skills the drama!
  • Good speech articulation and voice
  • volume, speed, diction, modulation
  • Good body language
  • posture, gestures, facial expression, eye
    contact, mannerisms
  • Engaging the audience
  • enthusiasm/animation
  • eye contact
  • Interest
  • energy

Presentation practice
  • You are debating the topic
  • Marijuana should be legalised
  • Here are some debate statements on the topic
  • The main reason that marijuana is a problem is
    because the forbidden is sweet. Make it legal
    and I guarantee many will lose interest.
  • Marijuana, like tobacco, is a choice to forbid
    it is to deny peoples right to choose!
  • As it is, the psychiatric hospital is filling up
    with victims of illegal marijuana smoking. Can
    you imagine what the statistics will be like if
    it became legal?

The formal debate structure
  • The topic
  • - usually an affirmative statement
  • The teams
  • - the affirmative side (defends the topic)
  • - the negative side (opposes the topic)
  • - 3 speakers each
  • The form of the presentation
  • - argument

Structure contd
  • managed by a chairperson
  • occurs within a timeframe
  • - limited speaking time for presenters

Order of presentation role of each member of
the debate team
  • First speaker affirmative introduces team, and
    approach to topic defend
  • First speaker negative introduces team roles
    defend rebut
  • Second speaker affirmative defend rebut
  • Second speaker negative defend rebut
  • Third speaker affirmative rebut defend
  • Third speaker negative rebut defend
  • First speaker negative summing up
  • First speaker affirmative summing up

The role of the judges
  • to evaluate and assess how well each team and
    each member has demonstrated the capacity to
  • construct (content and structure of your
    position) and
  • present (delivering your content)
  • a well-reasoned and convincing argument
  • work as a team
  • - weaken the defence of the opposition

The role of the Chairperson
  • Know the order and flow of the debate process and
    conduct it accordingly
  • Invite the speakers to speak in their turn
  • Keep the time limit
  • Discipline might be necessary sometimes!
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