Title: Lesson Input Method
1Lesson Input Method
Which input method to use
Communicator supports several different input
methods. The way the user select buttons can be
divided into two groups direct and in-direct
If you are using MyTobii eye control then select
mouse as input method. Mouse dwell is built-in
the MyTobii software. If switches are connected
through a 3rd part switchbox then select
key-controlled scanning. If switches are
connected through a P-Box then select
switch-controlled scanning. If a switch is
connected through an outlet in a mouse or mouse
buttons are used as a switch, then select
mouse-controlled scanning. On the next page you
can find the suggested approach. If you are
setting up the input method for a specific user,
it is recommended that you chose one of the five
different input methods (1-5) and then proceed
with how to adjust the scan settings. To use
Auditory scanning, see How to use Audible cue in
the Lesson Speech and sound.
Direct selection the user selects by pointing
and performing a click or using dwell (automatic
click). Input devices are mouse, trackball,
joystick, touch screen, head mouse, MyTobii eye
control. Input methods in Communicator for these
devices are Mouse or Mouse dwell. In-direct
selection the user has to use a strategy that
implies several actions or steps to select a
button. Input devices are switches or
keyboard. Input methods in Communicator for these
devices are Switch-controlled, Key-controlled,
Mouse-controlled scanning.
2Lesson Input Method
Suggested approach
How to adjust the scan settings
How to use mouse click as input
How to define scan groups
How to use mouse dwell as input
How to use switch-controlled scanning
How to use key-controlled scanning
How to use mouse-controlled scanning