Title: Maximising Accountability Around Technical Cooperation
1Maximising Accountability Around Technical
LenCD Conference
3 5 October 2006 Nairobi
Tessa MacArthur, Governance Adviser LS Nagarajan,
Policy Officer Donor Policy and Partnership
Team, DFID
Mutual Accountability An Overview Role of
Technical Cooperation Issues / Challenges Good
Practices Discussion
3Mutual Accountability An Overview
- Recognises the need for Donors to be equally
accountable - Facilitates country-led approach
- Participatory
- - Common ME framework
- Options for setting up Independent Monitoring
Group - eg. Tanzania
- Making aid more predictable
4Mutual Accountability An OverviewContd
- International Forums addressing Mutual
Accountability - Besides Paris Declaration
- Economic and Social Council
- OECD DAC Donor Peer Reviews
- Global Monitoring Report (World Bank / IMF)
- Regional Forums include
- Africa Partnership Forum
- Africa Progress Panel
5Role of Technical Cooperation
- Growing vision for a mutual domestic
accountability approach - Inadequate human and institutional capacity, both
in quality - and quantitative terms
- An important input but not an end by itself
- - Provision of expertise to enhance capacity
- General Criticism
- - Lack of sustainability of enhanced
capacity - - Cost ineffectiveness
- - Unresponsive to priority needs of the
recipient country - Challenges
- - Donor acct rather than domestic or mutual acct
- Donor responsibility rather than Shared
- Coherent systems / national policies
- Influencing donor partners for more harmonisation
Mutual Accountability Level Playing Field
Harmonised Framework
Partner led
Other Aid Instruments Partner Govts leverage
Paris Agenda Other International / Regional/
Country Mechanisms
8Good Practices
- DFIDs How to Note on Technical Cooperation
- - Draws on our commitment to White Paper and
Paris Declaration and our Policy on
Conditionality - Intensive analysis of good practices across
various regions
9Good Practices Contd
- Identification and Design
- - Importance of Demand
- - Analysing political economy problems
- - Transactional vs Transformational
- Mutually Agree on clear outcomes with shared
accountability - Consider options for pooling to increase domestic
accountability (TC in national plans, budget etc)
10Good Practices Contd
- Procurement -
- Inclusive process involving
- Partners
- Skill mix / Untying
- Exploring options for TC to be
- procured and managed by
- Partner
11Good Practices Contd
- Monitoring Evaluation -
- To move away from Project Implementation Agencies
- To be led and managed by the Partner
- Outcome based
- Recognising importance of Paris for overall
monitoring of TC good practice at country level
and transparency - Better statistical reporting on TC through DAC
- Mutual Accountability reinforces donors
- responsibility for development outcomes
- TC acts as a catalyst in the process of
strengthening - capacity
- As set out in the How to Note, TC can be
provided in - a way that supports both mutual and domestic
- accountability
- To deliberate on
- Key observations
- Existing gaps in the current context of
strengthening Mutual Accountability and how TC
could complement and support domestic
accountablity - Three key areas that needs to be focused as
priorities in DAC / LenCD forward work on TC