Taking Action on Climate Change and Peak Oil - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Taking Action on Climate Change and Peak Oil


This is grim stuff but since we are looking at a 100 year time line we have time ... If things are not as grim as I am predicting we will still have become self ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: action | change | climate | grim | oil | peak | taking


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Taking Action on Climate Change and Peak Oil

Taking Action on Climate Change and Peak Oil
  • The First Branch Sustainability Project

Who we are
  • Learning to live better with out fossil fuel.

Taking your pulse
  • How many of you think
  • Climate change is real?
  • Are undecided?
  • Do not think it is happening?
  • That mans activities have a significant
    influence on it?
  • Are undecided?

Taking your pulse
  • Think it is an immediate crisis that needs
    dealing with now?
  • Will you commit to telling you tell friends and
    neighbors that?
  • Want more information?

Proposed Addenda for acceptance
  • A better understanding climate change and climate
    change. 15-30 minutes
  • What is our typical VT household fossil fuel
    usage now? 3 minutes
  • Personal and community actions that you or groups
    of us could adopt. 15 minutes
  • Taking your pulse again 10 minutes
  • Are you ready to set the goal of taking The first
    Branch to carbon neutral by 2020?
  • Are you ready to help?

Steps to take us to a fossil fuel free life
  • Where can the biggest immediate savings in fossil
    fuel usage be had?
  • What do we need to do to position our selves to
    make even more complicated changes in the
  • This can be a business opportunity, fun and a
    community building activity)
  • Brainstorm
  • Prioritize
  • Set up working committees.

  • 40 minutes

Climate change and energy policy as I see it
Climate Change
  • Man is responsible for burning sever hundreds of
    thousands of years of stored sunlight in less
    than 50 years by fueling our economy with fossil
  • CO2 levels are now one third higher than at any
    time in the last 400,000 years (before man and
    since the dinosaurs).

  • The temperature effect of this has not yet been
    felt. It takes app 100 years for new atmospheric
    CO2 to come into equilibrium with the earth.
    Scientists have tended to be very conservative
    with the magnitude of the projected results for
    fear of not being believed.
  • If we carrying on with business as usual by
    continuing to burn fossil fuel the Stern report
    is projecting 3.6?F 5.4?F over the next 50

(No Transcript)
The bad news
  • I believe that just the 80ppm of CO2 already
    released could take us well beyond the 2 degree
    C predictions by the end of the century. The
    Stern reports that a 5.4 degree F (3 degree C)
    would result 20- 50 species extinction. Climate
    change-warming is in its infancy but we are
    seeing the hallmarks of it in extreme weather
    events record wetness in spring and summer of
    2006, record warm fall and record breaking storms
    across the country in January.
  • None of this takes into account the positive
    feedback loops that could cause major step
    changes. This is grim stuff but since we are
    looking at a 100 year time line we have time to
    get busy and make a difference.

The good news
  • We can get completely off fossil fuel. If things
    are not as grim as I am predicting we will still
    have become self-sufficient with more s staying
    here and will not have a need for as much
    military nor as distorted a foreign policy.
  • More on this later.

Energy supply
  • 80 of the worlds energy comes from oil, natural
    gas and coal.
  • Most of our transportation is now done with oil.
  • In 1970 the US went from an oil exporter to an
    oil importer as our fields stopped keeping up
    with our demand (Peak Oil).
  • In 2004 we imported 75 of the oil we consumed.

What is Peak Oil
What is Peak Oil?
  • Peak Oil is the point at which we can no longer
    increase the amount of oil we pump from a
    particular region (be that the United States,
    North America, or the Earth).

Hubberts Curve
  • Based on his model, in 1956 geologist, M. King
    Hubbert predicted that oil production in the US
    lower 48 states would peak in the early 1970s.

Cant We Just Find Some More?
  • Its highly unlikely
  • Peak discovery typically precedes peak production
    by 25 to 40 years
  • World oil discovery peaked in the mid-1960s and
    has been declining ever since

Source Post Carbon Institute
SoYou Cant Produce More OilIf You Havent
Found It!
Oil Discovery (3 year average past and
projected 1930-2050
Tight supplies high prices
  • A 5 change in oil and gasoline usage will result
    in a dollar a gallon change at the pump. This
    can have a profound effect on our personal
    finances and the economy as a whole.

As things run out
  • As oil fields become depleted it takes more
    energy to extract the oil. It now takes 5 times
    the energy it did in 1930 and this energy cost
    for production will continue to rise as will the
    price of oil.
  • Natural gas may also be peaking. Julian Darley
    who wrote High Noon for Natural Gas thinks so.
    That leaves coal which delivers far more
    greenhouse gas per unite of energy delivered than
    the rest of the fossil fuels but there is
    approximately a 150 years supply. It takes app
    12 units of coal energy to deliver one 1930
    energy unit of oil.

Where is this taking us?
  • Oil and gas should be conserved for high value
    uses for the generations to come and we should
    create alternatives to our current supplies and
    consumption habits.
  • 14 of the average Vermont households income
    went to energy costs in August of 2004. In the
    spring of 2006 it was up to 25. As oil peaks it
    could go to 45.

Getting back in control
  • Conservation and development of other sources of
    energy will reduce demand.
  • Reducing our demand will level this curve out and
    replacing our use of oil and propane with locally
    grown products, conservation and renewables will
    make a positive impact on our pocketbooks as well
    as making a big dent in climate change. It is
    the moral and responsible thing to do

Taking your pulse
  • How many of you
  • Want to do something personally or as a community
    to move towards energy independence?
  • Feel that you need more information to begin
    taking action?

Personal actions you could take
  • House Envelope
  • Eliminate air leaks Install an auto setback
    thermostat to lower temps when
  • Consider making some rooms cool.
  • Curtain windows, especially north facing ones.
  • Close some outside doors for the winter and seal
    or insulate.
  • If less than 6 of attic insulation add more.
  • Consider replacing windows with energy efficient
  • Burn cord wood or pellets made of wood or grass.
    Pellet burning unites that replace the oil burner
    part of your furnace will be available.
  • If building new make it energy efficient.
    Properly designed they can save you a bundle over
    the life of the house.

  • Combine trips.
  • Improve your average fuel economy
  • Have multiple vehicles? Drive the one that gets
    the best mileage. Can you commute less? Bike or
    walk some places its good for your health as
    well. Cars are most inefficient when first
    started up.
  • Fly less
  • Plan ahead for a plug-in car or other alternative
    fuel vehicle.

Hot water
  • Add an insulating blanket to your current heater
    Heating with wood consider adding a hot water
  • A solar hot water heater will last the life of
    the house and can pay for its self in 10 years or
  • Old hot water heater move to a tank-less propane
  • Dont forget to use energy star appliances and
    low flow shower heads and faucets.

  • Conventional agriculture and the transportation
    to bring food to market uses 30 of Americas
    fuel. The average market basket travels 1,600
    miles, the average local food travels 45 miles.
    Buy from local low energy organic farmers and
    from local stores when you can.
  • Consider a growing box for winter greens and
    herbs. Grow some of your own veggies.
  • Put some local meat in your freezer.
  • Lay off the bottled water. Filter your tap water

  • Plan on costs to run over 24 cents per KWH when
    the current Vermont contracts run out.
  • Use compact fluorescents in all the lights that
    are on a lot. Each one will save a barrel of oil
    over its life.
  • Put power surge strips at your entertainment and
    computer centers and turn them off when not in

  • Turn off lights when you are not in the room.
  • Avoid electric space heating and water pipe or
    roof edge heaters that are on all the time.
  • Line dry your clothes at least some of them
  • Dish washers that run a hot water temperature
    booster eat power.
  • Borrow a watt hour meter from you electric
  • Look at the annual cost of operation tags when
    buying new.
  • Consider generating your own electricity

Further energy projects
  • Manage your land for the sustainable production
    of cellulose for heating pellets or for a
    cellulosic ethanol plant to produce
    transportation fuel.
  • Support the research and development of many new
    science technologies that show great promise but
    are as yet unproven. This can be done personally
    or by putting pressure on the federal government
    or on the state to join together with other
    states to make this happen.

Usage for average VT household
  • Heat 950 gallons
  • Transportation 720 gallons
  • Hot water 369 gallons
  • Fuel in our food 400 gallons

Reductions to target now
  • Tighten envelope 20 savings
  • Pellet furnace 0 gallons usage
  • Solar Hot water heater 70 savings
  • Wood stove loop 50 savings
  • Combine trips drive thoughtfully 25

Reductions to target later
  • Be ready for group net metering through education
    and sight surveys. Get projects that do not
    require group net metering started.
  • Community wind and hydro Make a plan and work
    with the government to make it doable. (5-10 year
    to execute)
  • Ethanol and pellet making track developments.

Areas that you want to focus on
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