Title: Learning
1Learning Teaching
Health for life Primary schools programme 5/60
Nutrition! (Healthy eating in registration?)
Moodle available to parents
Parental perceptions
Engagement In school
Aspirations Wider opportunities Available Lifelo
ng learning
Parental Input from school
Relating teaching to students interests
Structure of learning in a day - do we need 1
hour blocks?
The bigger picture The results in life of good
Rewards celebration
Attitude to learning
Using Moodle virtual staffroom/forum
What does a good/outstanding teacher do?
(Coaching) Improving Support for staff to boost
their skills/ repertoire Ideas Day
Central area for this
Do all staff know what good learning looks like?
Videoing staff for role models
Do students know what good learning looks like?
Exploiting technology more (use of MOBs?)
Improving students ability to reflect on how
they learnt in a lesson
Linking learning Transferring skills
Risk taking!
Consistent staff approach
- Revisit?
- Plenaries
- (speed dating)
- Differentiation
Consistent approaches X-curricular, exploiting
ICT to make this happen - Moodle
Switch plenary
Understanding learning styles types of learners