Title: RegisterLogin
1eMetro Milwaukee Nights Kiwanis
You should create a username on the website
(please use your real name) so that you can
comment on posts and add content.
Register You only need to use this link once, to
set up your own login for the site
Login Once you have a username/password, you will
be able to login to create articles, enter
comments, etc
3Logging In
When you login, you will be brought to the
administration area of the site.
View site Click here to return to the main/public
view of the site at any time.
Write Use this option to write an article for the
Profile Use this link to manage your user profile
(including changing your email or password)
Manage Using this option, you can edit articles
that you have written, and view all posts,
comments on the site in one place.
4Writing an article
Most of the steps involved with writing an
article are very similar to functions you would
find in Microsoft Word, with a few exceptions.
1. Give your article a title
3. Pick a category for your article (click the
symbol to open this list if its not already open)
2. Write your article here
Save your article as a draft
Spell checker
Publish posts your article to the site
Choosing a category for your message allows
lookup of articles by ummm, category. ?
Our current category list
6Uploading files
You can also upload files (including pictures) to
include in your article.
File Click Browse to locate the file on your
PC Title Give your file a title that you want to
see displayed online Description (optional) You
can add a longer description of the
file Upload Click to upload the file
7Uploading files (continued)
The file has been uploaded, and is viewable from
the Browse All tab
Left-Click once on the file name to get the
following options
Click Send to editor to add a link to this file
to the post you are writing.
8Uploading files (continued)
A link to the file is now part of your article.
9Commenting on a post
All registered users can add comments to existing
Click here to view the comments or add a new one.
You can also click the article title to view the
article and comments on a single page.
10Commenting on a post
All registered users can add comments to existing
Existing comment(s)
Add a new comment here Click Submit Comment to
11Email Lists
- Club list
- kiwanisclub_at_googlegroups.com
- http//groups.google.com/group/kiwanisclub
- Board only
- kiwanisboard_at_googlegroups.com
- http//groups.google.com/group/kiwanisboard
Note Your email must be subscribed to the list
in order for you to send a message to it (this
prevents mean people from spamming us)