Title: Project
1Authors Pieter Vandaele, Dick Botteldooren, Els
Van Zele, Josephina Lenaerts, Raoul Meuldermans,
Marc Van Overmeire Gerrit Vermeir
Distributed Development of a Virtual Science
Museum with Guide Applied to Education in
- cofinanced by the Flemish Ministry of Education
- http//educinno.rug.ac.be/wetenschapsmuseum
3Science museum
- Create ICT course material
- small learning objects, different levels
- flexible use
4Science museum
- Create ICT course material
- small learning objects, different levels
- flexible use
5Science museum
- Create ICT course material
- small learning objects, different levels
- flexible use
6Science museum
- Create ICT course material
- small learning objects, different levels
- flexible use
7Science museum
- Create ICT course material
- small learning objects, different levels
- flexible use
- What about effectiveness of material in improving
students insight? - What about student appreciation?
- How do they use the material?
- Student project to evaluate
- design Helmholtz resonator
- students are familiar with basic acoustics
- information needed to solve the problem on the
- first IT in education-experience for students
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error
1. Rote experimenter
Lab, experiment
Operation principle, illustration
Theory and equations
Central formula
Derivations, limits theory
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error 3. Meaningful experimenter
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error
Lab, experiment
Operation principle, illustration
Central formula
Theory and equations
Derivations, limits theory
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error 3. Meaningful experimenter 4.
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error 3. Meaningful experimenter
Lab, experiment
Operation principle, illustration
Central formula
Theory and equations
Derivations, limits theory
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error 3. Meaningful experimenter 4.
Theorist 5. Expert
1. Rote experimenter 2. Intelligent trial
and error 3. Meaningful experimenter 4.
Lab, experiment
Operation principle, illustration
Theory and equations
Central formula
Derivations, limits theory
- collaboration
- free exploration of material and use new insights
in practical application
- Oral exam
- to defend project
- to test insight in operation of Helmholtz
- Survey
- How did they cope with the project?
- What material did they use?
- How do they perceive their gained insight?
- How is their overall appreciation with IT in
- Design project
- Oral exam
- Survey
18Results - project
19Results - project
20Results - project
21Results - project
22Results - project
- Legend
- HR perception insight in operation Helmholtz
resonator - AI perception insight in acoustic impedance
- SP perception insight in sound propagation in
ducts - score score on oral exam question related to
project - not significant
23Results - project
- Analysis
- focus on applet ? only insight in problem at hand
24Results - project
- SP only was mentioned in pages concerning limits
of the theory
- Analysis
- focus on applet ? only insight in problem at hand
- focus on equations and derivation ? theoretical
- Analysis
- focus on applet ? only insight in problem at hand
- focus on equations and derivation ? theoretical
insight - strong neg. corr. not reflected in students
result, perhaps only these students realise the
complexity of the matter
25Results - project
- neg. corr. year score perception insight
- better students unsatisfied
- better students dont easily state to understand
something completely - they perform well in current system and dont put
much effort in an alternative project
26Results - IT in education
- negative correlation wish more ICT - performance
current system
27Results - IT in education
- students like self-assessment tools
- possibilities of hypertext to hide unessential
information, cross-link different topics not
estimated very high
- Analysis
- applets to explore influence of parameters are
highly appreciated
28Results - IT in education
- more students afraid to waste time
- it is more clear what has to be learned
- less students fear theyll have to work more
- Analysis
- in course context
- Students appreciated exploration and design
problem - majority students have the impression they have
gained insight - exploration stopped at earlier stage than hoped
for (study culture?) - Unexpected negative correlation performance
students in current system - appreciation of
project / IT - tuning seems appropriate
- appreciation may depend on context in which IT is
used - Structure!
30Thank you for your attention!