- Dr. Ramesh Mehay
- Programme Director, Bradford VTS
based on the work of Dr. Linda Gask,
Psychiatrist, Manchester
2A Os
- Aims
- To help you
- gain a deeper understanding of patients who
somatise and - feel better about dealing with them
- Objectives
- At the end of this session, you will be able to
- define somatisation
- list the 4 key stages in managing patients who
somatise - list some practical techniques in each stage
which may aid the consultation
3What is Somatisation?
physical symptoms
Emotional Distress
4Did you know.
- Unexplained physical symptoms occur
- General population 80 per week
- Primary Care 25
- Secondary Care 50
- So you cant have a diagnosis all the time!
- But wont patients think youre stupid?
- Surely thats what patients want to know?
- Dont worry..... Youll feel better by the end of
todays presentation.
5This case says it all....
- A 27 year old woman had been looked after by one
GP throughout her life. - Her patents had separated, her father being an
alcoholic, and there was some suggestion that she
had been sexually abused by her step-father. - She herself tended to form abusive relationships
with a succession of violent males, her main
outlet being frequent consultations with her
doctor with bitter complaints of symptoms in a
variety of body systems. - Although the GP viewed her as one of her heart
sink patients, and never felt that she was
achieving much progress, she managed o contain
her with only infrequent symptomatic treatments
and simple investigations. -
6- While her usual GP was on holiday she consulted a
locum, complained of pelvic pain and in great
distress. She was referred to the local
gynaecologist. - At the hospital, where she saw a succession of
junior doctors, various medications were tried to
no effect and eventually a hysterectomy was
performed. - The patient then complained that her pain had
actually got worse. - A psychiatric referral followed, and a diagnosis
of somatisation disorder was made, but the
patient was entirely unwilling to engage in any
form of psychological treatment and spoke of
suing the gynaecologist. - Taken from chapter 9, Somatic Presentations of
Psychiatric Disorder, Hughes Outline of Modern
Psychiatry, 4th Ed, Barraclough Gill (1996)
7The usual things GPs do
- Reassure
- Advise
- Prescribe
- -eg analgesia, abx, antideps (symptomatic Rx)
- Refer (to secondary care)
- - 30-70 no physical pathology (Bass, 1990)
- Investigate
- -eg blood tests, scans, xrays, endosc.,
laparosc. - Operate
- -proportion of appendicectomies with normal
histology (Fink, 1992)
8Why Deal With Somatisation
- Work out some reasons in groups flip chart
9Lets get stuck in....
- Consultation 1 lady with abdo pain, 27 y old,
recurrent presentations with the same thing! - Have a go.... lets see how you get on
10Three Questions (optional)
- In groups
- How did you get on with this patient?
- Try also to think of a dysfunctional consultation
you have had with a patient with medically
unexplainable symptoms. - What did you do?
- Why was it bad from your point of view? (DOCTOR)
- Why do you think it was bad from the patients
point of view? (PATIENT) - Discuss Flipchart views
- Negative feelings from heart sink patients in
general - Difficulty in trying to negotiate agendas. I
know it is depression why wont they just
accept it? - I dont believe them - Havent they got anything
better to do? They dont really have pain! - PATIENT REASONS
- I know what they all think of me!
- Not feeling understood
- Doctor doesnt believe me!
- Doctor decides for me without consulting me
12GROUP TASK (optional)
- Why are emotional problems presenting as MUS not
always recognised or treated as such? - Might be helpful to think in terms of doctor
reasons and patient reasons
13Why are somatic symptoms so difficult to pick up?
- Doctor reasons
- Skill in detecting cues varies
- Medical training ? organic approach and single
diagnosis - Concern about missing an organic cause
- Clouding by the presence of other organic disease
14Why are somatic symptoms so difficult to pick up?
- Patient reasons
- Patients give little indication that there is
anything psychologically wrong - Patients may be unaware of psychological basis
for symptoms - Patients want their physical symptoms to be taken
seriously - Patients may feel it is inappropriate to discuss
psychological difficulties - Stigma of mental illness remains very powerful
15What doesnt work.... (optional)
- Denying the reality of the symptom
- Implying imaginary disorder/psychological
stigmatisation - they dont know, but they cant tell you that.
So they say its nothing - its not bloody psychological. Im not off my
trolley. She thinks its all in the mind - Unresolved explanatory conflict
16So, if u offer a bad explanation (optional)
- to tell them its nothing doesnt wash!
- they simply lose faith in you and go elsewhere.
- I dont tell her now. I think shell just
laugh - Ill only see him now if its an emergency like
the kids or something. - Remember, patients are experts in their own
17Key Slide Explanations that do help (optional)
- Legitimising the patients suffering
- Removing blame from the patient
- Helping the patient to understand the problem
- GP sanctions patients own explanation
- its interesting that you thought it might be
irritable bowel when you looked stuff up on the
internet. I was think that too. - Tangible mechanism
- he explained about tensing myself up so the
neck muscles stiffened resulting in the pain - Good explanations maintain the dr and patient
link and makes sure youre both on the same
- Negative feelings from heart sink patients in
general - Difficulty in trying to negotiate agendas. I
know it is depression why wont they just
accept it? - I dont believe them - Havent they got anything
better to do? They dont really have pain! - PATIENT REASONS
- I know what they all think of me!
- Not feeling understood
- Doctor doesnt believe me!
- Doctor decides for me without consulting me
19The Art of Reattribution
- 4 stages
- (1a) Neutralise your (Dr.) feelings then
20The Key Essence of Reattribution
- Physical symptoms are linked to psychological
issues in a way that patient and doctor find
acceptable - Approach is patient-led in the sense that
explanations fit with the needs of the patient
and their beliefs
22How to Neutralise Negative Feelings
- Recognise your feelings
- Inner dialogue vs knee-jerk response
- CBT approach
- Actively turning your negative around into a
positive - Get to know the patient as a person.
- Focus on something that you like about that
person - Practising reattribution
- Shark vs. teddy bear vs. owl Angry vs. hugs n
kisses vs. wise intellectual process
23Feeling Understood
- History of the PC
- Clarification can you tell me a bit more about
the diarrhoea - Associated symptoms any other symptoms when you
got it yesterday morning eg sob, shakey hands - typical day
- Specific example could you just take me through
the last time you had it. What you were doing and
where you were so it gives me a sense of what was
happening and how it felt - Respond to emotional cues
- Assess mood you seem a bit down in yourself
- Assess severity of any depression (biological
features) - picks up emotional cues ?empathetic statement
so, whats made you really worried is that.
24Feeling Understood
- Explore patient health beliefs/ patients view of
the problem - Clarify extent of the worry eg 1-10 scale about
the cause of the symptoms - Does that scale increase when you have the pain?
- ?previous episodes of other symptoms
- Explore social and family factors
- Brief focussed physical examination
- For dr reasons to exclude physical causes
- For pt reasons to show them that you have taken
their symptoms seriously - Summarise what you find
25Broadening the Agenda
- Go through the three stages of broadening the
agenda - Feedback results of Ex/Ix
- It is important to state the abnormalities (eg
tenderness) and what you think it is - Rather and all the tests were normal say
well, we look at several things your thyroid
and blood count were normal. Your liver and
sugar tests were okay too - Acknowledge reality of symptoms
- Even if no physical reason for their pain.
- Reframing the complaint
- ie getting them to see their symptoms in a
different perspective. - Start off by summarizing all their symptoms
physically, psychologically and socially. - Then tentatively link them to the life events
theyve told you about. - I wonder whether What do you think?
- Remember, all suggestions should be TENTATIVE
26Making the Link
- ..between physical complaints and psychosocial
problems - Toolbox of Techniques
- How the symptoms might have occurred before
during stress - How depression can cause pain or lower the pain
threshold - How the symptoms can make you more depressed
the vicious cycle - How tension can cause physical pain (good for
neck/back pain or headaches) - How symptoms can be related to life events
- Keeping a Record
- Linking in the here and now
- Significant others
- ALWAYS Explain to have physical complaints when
you are actually suffering from emotional
problems is quite common. - These are a compendium of explanations use these
tools appropriately not all at once!
27CRUCIAL POINT Making the Link
LINK - they need to be contextualised to the specific
case. - Match what you say to what the patient has
already offered to you in the consultation - Use their own words as a starting point
- eg pressure rather than stress, mood rather than
28Negotiating Treatment
- Explore pts views (of what is needed)
- Acknowledge pt worries and concerns
- Amenability to
- -Antidepressant medication
- -CBT or other psychological therapies
- Problem solving coping strategies
- Relaxation techniques/Physical Exercise
- Specific plans for follow up
29Does it work?
- Yes and no
- Probably essential first step in engaging the
patient - Much better than an unstructured approach like
most GPs do
30Blackers Classification (1991)
- Grouped somatisers into three categories
- disguisers
- deniers
- dont knows
31Blackers Classification (1991)
- Disguisers recognise that they have a
psychological complaint but present to the doctor
with a physical complaint as a ticket of
admission. - Deniers tend to resist exploration of
psychological issues and often develop chronic
somatic illnesses. - Dont knows are aware of emotional or
psychological issues, but present with physical
symptoms because they are worried they reflect
physical disease.
32Blackers Classification (1991)
- Whilst reattribution may help with disguisers
and dont knows dealing with the deniers might
prove more difficult. - Deniers need empathy and full attention given
to the possible physical reasons for their
symptoms. Usually a long period of building up
the relationship with the patient will be
necessary, with regular appointments.
33Managing the fat-file patient (optional)
- What doesnt help
- Blanket reassurance that nothing is wrong
- Patients dont want symptom relief, but
understanding - Challenging the patient try and agree there is
a problem - Premature explanation that symptoms are emotional
- Positive organic diagnosis wont cure the patient
34What else can help (optional)
- One doctor dealing with the patient
- Clarifying areas you and the pt agree/disagree on
- Regular scheduled appointments
- Clear agenda setting during the consultation
- Limit diagnostic tests
- Provide clear model for the pt
- Involve the patients family
- Dont expect a cure
35Dealing with family (optional)
- Can be central in maintaining symptoms what do
the family want? - Involve family members who come with the patient
by - -Reinforcing explanations
- -Limiting further investigations
- -Explore their needs (the effect the pt has on
the family eg demanding etc)
36Recent Paper on Reattribution, 2008
- Reattribution training increases practitioners'
sense of competence in managing patients with
medically unexplained symptoms. - However, barriers to its implementation are
considerable, and frequently lie outside the
control of a group of practitioners generally
sympathetic to patients with medically
unexplained symptoms and the purpose of
reattribution. - These findings add further to the evidence of the
difficulty of implementing reattribution in
routine general practice. - General practitioners' views on reattribution for
patients with medically unexplained symptoms a
questionnaire and qualitative studyChristopher
Dowrick,1 Linda Gask,2 John G Hughes,1 Huw
Charles-Jones,3 Judith A Hogg,4 Sarah Peters,5
Peter Salmon,6 Anne R Rogers,2 and Richard K
Morriss7 BMC Fam Pract. 2008 9 46.
37Final Note
- Practise will real patients and videotape
yourself - Look at what you do
- Look at them with colleagues and get some
feedback - this is the best way to acquire new skills