Title: Lecture 4 Introduction to Power Estimation
1Lecture 4 Introduction to Power Estimation
- Signal Probability and Activity
- Parker-McCluskey algorithm
- Activity estimation with probability techniques
- Auto-correlation and spatial correlation issues
- Summary
- Michael L. Bushnell
- CAIP Center and WINLAB
- ECE Dept., Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ
2Need for Power Estimation
- Average power determines battery life
- Switching current Pavg Vdd2 C f
- Short-circuit currents
- Leakage and sub-threshold currents
- Must qualify power consumption of design BEFORE
it is fabricated - Change design at multiple levels of abstraction
if power consumption is excessive - Aperiodic signals estimate f by
- Signal activity A average signal
transitions/unit time - Also measures electro-migration, and hence,
reliability - Must determine A for internal node signals and
must estimate their capacitances
1 2
3Power Estimation
- Uses of power estimates
- High-level synthesis
- Logic synthesis
- Circuit synthesis
- Need to estimate glitching power
- Due to different delays in reconverging circuit
paths - Inertial logic gate delays can filter out
glitches - Represents 30 to 40 of the power wasted in
arithmetic circuits
4Example of Glitching Power
5Flows for Power Estimation
6Signal Modeling
- View signal as a stochastic process g (t) t
(- , ) - Takes values of 0 and 1, transitioning at random
times - Strict sense stationary if statistical properties
invariant of a shift in the time origin - Mean does not change with time
- If constant mean process has a finite variance so
that g (t) and g (t t) are uncorrelated as t
, called mean ergodic - Decaying autocorrelation
7Signal Probability and Activity
1 2T
- Probability P (g) lim g (t)
dt - Activity A (g) lim
- ng (t) signal transitions of g(t) in interval
(-T, T) - Model circuit primary inputs as mutually
independent mean ergodic 0-1 processes - P (g) becomes constant, independent of time,
called equilibrium signal probability - A (g) becomes expected transitions / unit time
- a represents normalized signal activity (A (g) /
clock frequency)
ng (T) T
8Example Signal Probabilities
9Parker-McCluskey Signal Probability Calculation
- Inputs Signal probabilities of all circuit
inputs - Outputs Signal probabilities of all circuit
nodes - Step 1 Assign a variable for each input and
logic gate - Step 2 Going from inputs to outputs, compute
symbolic probability of each gate output - Step 3 Suppress all exponents in symbolic
expressions - Premise Reconvergent fanouts make signals
correlated, and higher-order powers of
probabilities cannot be present in symbolic
expressions when primary inputs are independent
- y x1 x2 x1 x3
- z x1 x2 y
- P (y) P (x1 x2) P (x1 x3) P (x1 x2) P (x1
x3) - P (x1) P (x2) P (x1) P (x3) P
(x1) P (x2) P (x3) - P (z) P (x1 x2 ) P (y) P (x1 x2 ) P (y)
- P (x1) P (x2) P (x1) P (x2) P
(x1) P (x3) - - P (x1) P (x2) P (x3) - P (x1) P
(x2) (P (x1) P (x2) - P (x1) P (x3) - P
(x1) P (x2) P (x3) ) - P (x1)
11Binary Decision Diagram to Calculate Signal
- Shannons Expansion Theorem
- f xi f (x1, , xi-1, 1, xi1, , xn) xi
f (x1, , xi-1, 0, -
xi1, , xn) - Represents f in terms of its co-factors
- Traverse Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) from root
in depth-first traversal, with post-order
evaluation of P () at every node, to determine - P (f) P (x1) P (fx1) P (x1) P (fx1)
12Example BDD
13Estimating Signal Activity
- Probabilistic techniques
- Boolean Difference (Sellers)
- Symbolic Boolean method to calculate signal
activity - Requires an Extended State Transition Graph
(ESTG) to calculate activities for sequential
circuits - Use Chapmann-Kolmolgorov Equations
- Markov Probabilistic Process Model
- Need to use an approximate solution method
exact method is too slow - Approximate method is exact for tree-structured
pipelined circuits - Only gives lower-bound on activity, because the
method ignores glitching power - Due to use of zero-delay logic simulation model
- Inactive circuit parts still contribute
inordinately to power estimate - Due to assumption that even turned-off inputs
have 0.5 prob.
14Methods for Estimation of Signal Activity
- Statistical techniques
- Repeatedly simulate circuit with logic simulator,
noting switching activities at various nodes - Randomly-generated inputs
- Statistical mean estimation techniques with Monte
Carlo simulation - Glitching Power estimation
- Monte Carlo methods with probabilistic delay
models - Power Sensitivity
- Estimating minimum and maximum average power
- Power estimation with input vector compaction
15Methods for Estimation of Circuit Power
- Domino CMOS circuit considerations
- Circuit reliability issues
- Circuit-level power estimation
- High-level power estimation
- Power estimation using information theory
- Maximum power estimation
- Using automatic test-pattern generators
- Using steepest-descent gradient descent
- Using genetic algorithms
16Propagating Combinational Signal Activities
17Simultaneous Switching Problems
18Representing Sequential Circuits
19Typical State Transition Graph
20Extended State Transition Graph
- Represent each state with 2 present state bits
and one present input bit to facilitate correct
prob. calculation
21Unrolling of Sequential Circuit k Times
22Correction for Temporal Correlation
23Why Is Correlation a Problem?
- IT and ns20 appear to be independent
- No common ancestor node in graph
- But, ns20 is topologically dependent on node I0
(input) - I0 and IT are temporally correlated
- Gives erroneous power estimate unless we correct
for this - Define I as a temporally reconvergent node,
rather than a topologically reconvergent node
24Summary of Power Estimation
- Probabilistic techniques Not useful
- Only give lower-bound on activity, ignore
glitching power - Inactive circuit parts contribute inordinately to
power estimate - Major Problem unable to estimate glitching
power - Probability theory needs to be augmented with
Monte-Carlo analysis for power estimation