Title: Requiring ALM Policies A Supervisory Perspective
1Requiring ALM Policies A Supervisory Perspective
- Asset Liability Management for Insurance
CompaniesHosted by the Lithuanian Insurance
Supervisory CommissionVilnius, April 16th, 2004 - Raoul Berglund, FASF, CEFA
- Introduction to the legislative background
- International framework
- Definition of ALM
- EU directives and ALM
- IAIS Supervisory Standard 4
- The approach adopted in Finland
- Best practice
- The liability report
- The investment policy
- Applied ALM techniques
3AGENDA (cont.)
- Organisation of ALM
- Supervisory issues
- The future
- Solvency II
- A simple ALM example
41. Introduction to the legislative background
5International framework
- Definition of ALM
- Asset Liability Matching gt Asset Liability
Management - There is no unique definition of ALM. The
following definition is given by the Society of
Actuaries - Â Â
- Asset Liability Management is the on-going
process of formulating, implementing, monitoring
and revising strategies related to assets and
liabilities to achieve financial objectives for a
given set of risk tolerances and constraints.
6International framework (cont.)
- EU directives and ALM?
- No specific reference to ALM exist.
- However, indirectly some basic ALM concepts are
addressed. - Requirement to cover the technical provision by
assets (Directives 2002/83/EC article 20 and
92/49/EEC article 15)
7International framework (cont.)
- The four pillar requirement (Directives
2002/83/EC article 22 and 92/49/EEC article 20) - Â
- The assets covering the technical provision
shall take account of the type of business
carried on by an assurance undertaking in such a
way to secure the safety, yield and marketability
of its investment, which the undertaking shall
ensure are diversified and adequately spread. - Â
- Categories of authorised assets to cover the
technical provision (Directives 2002/83/EC
article 23 and 92/49/EEC article 21)
8International framework (cont.)
- Rules for investment diversification (Directives
2002/83/EC article 24 and 92/49/EEC article 22) - The home Member State shall lay down detailed
rules fixing the conditions for the use of
acceptable assets. - Â
- Assets covering technical provisions must be
diversified and spread in such a way as to ensure
that there is no excessive reliance on any
particular category of asset, investment market
or investment. - Â
- Investment in particular types of asset which
show high levels of risk, whether because of the
nature of the asset or the quality of the issuer,
must be restricted to prudent levels. - Â
- etc.
9International framework (cont.)
- IAIS Supervisory Standard 4 (Supervisory Standard
on Asset Management by Insurance Companies) - Â
- The Board of Directors should be responsible
for the formulation and approval of the strategic
investment policy, taking into account of the
analysis of the asset/liability relationship, the
insurers overall risk tolerance, its long-term
risk-return requirements, its liquidity and its
solvency position. - (Of interest is also the IAIS guidance paper
Stress Testing By Insurers)
10The approach adopted in Finland
- The EU Directives have been implemented as such
(the four pillar requirement etc.). - Â
- A separate decree on assets covering the
technical provision has been giving (legislators
view on asset diversification). - - Very detailed gt deep complexity
- - Non-flexible gt do not cope very well with
new complex investment products and investment
strategies. - Â The Finnish Insurance Company Act stipulates
that every insurance company must have an
investment policy and furthermore that the
obligation of the Insurance Supervisory Authority
(ISA) is to give regulations concerning the
contents of the investment policy.
11The approach adopted in Finland (cont.)
- As the directives, the current Finnish
legislation or regulation contains no specific
reference to ALM. - Â
- The Insurance Companies Act, however, indirectly
stresses some basic ALM concepts. - Â
- Factors that influence the solvency of an
insurance company must be managed with respect of
safeguarding insurance consumers interest by
taking into account possible variation of
earnings and expenses and other relevant factors.
12The approach adopted in Finland (cont.)
- This statement can be taken, however not
officially done so by the legislator, as a
requirement of implementing a comprehensive ALM
approach. -
- ISAs regulation requires that the appointed
actuary must to the Board of Directors give a
written statement about the requirements that the
profile of the liabilities impose on the assets. - Â
- The appointed actuary must also give a written
statement to the Board of Directors that the
investment policy fulfils the requirements
imposed by the liabilities.
13The approach adopted in Finland (cont.)
- The basic ideas with the appointed actuarys
statements are that the first statement reflects
the bridge from liabilities to assets and the
second one the bridge from assets to liabilities.
- Â
- The reports given by the appointed actuary
together with the investment policy approved by
the Board of Directors forms an ALM policy
142. Best practice
15The liability report
- Life insurance liability usually have a longer
maturity, contains more guarantees and embedded
options and tend to be more dependent on economic
and financial market performance than non-life
insurance liability. - Therefore the actuarial report of the liability
is of greater importance in life insurance. - The best reports do not only consider what
requirements the liability as such impose on the
investment activity, but also the enterprise wide
factors and objectives that pass requirements on
the investment activity through the existence of
16The liability report (cont.)
- Segmentation of liability by
- Product
- Product design can have material effect on ALM
- Maturity
- Expected maturity or contractual maturity?
- Ability to surrender (life)
- Sticky liability vs. floating liability
- Currency
- Inflation
- Claims inflation (non-life)
- Inflation linked benefits (life and non-life)
- Technical interest rate
- Guaranteed interest rate (life)
- Discounting (non-life)
- Other guarantees
17The liability report (cont.)
- Embedded options (life)
- Guaranteed minimum payoffs unaffected by changes
in market interest rates - Option to change a fixed rate policy to a
unit-linked policy for a certain period - etc
- Required return
- Technical interest rate
- Bonus strategy (life)
- Shareholders required return
- Premium reductions (non-life)
18The liability report (cont.)
- Cash flow projections
- Undiscounted prudently estimated contractual
projections (traditional assessment) - Market value projections (fair-value like
assessment) - Solvency
- How much investment risk can be taken without
jeopardising insurance consumers interest? - Prudent management of an insurance company
includes setting own risk tolerance and solvency
limits, which should be higher than the statutory
ones and in accordance with a long run continuity
of the company.
19The liability report (cont.)
- Liquidity requirements
- Under normal circumstances liquidity is no
problem (upfront premiums). - How much should at least be kept in money market
in order to smoothly cover expenses and unusual
market behaviour that might occur? - Assets that cover the technical provision
- The growth of liabilities vs. available assets to
cover the liabilities - How much investment risk can be taken?
20The liability report (cont.)
- Diversification of assets
- The statutory rules
- Elimination of possible risk concentration
- Assessment of the most significant liability
risks - Classification of risks
- Uncertainty of made assumptions
21The investment policy
- According to the latest regulation by the ISA the
Board of Directors is responsible for formulation
and approval of the investment policy and it
should cover at least the following areas - General principles for the investment activity
- objectives of the investment activity
- the investment return in the short-term and in
the long-term - the principles of diversification, liquidity and
counter-party risks - the principles for the use of derivatives
- the board of directors should annually evaluate
- the risks involved in the investment activity
- the requirements that the profile of the
liabilities impose on the investment return,
liquidity, currency position - overall risk tolerance in the short and long-term
- the development of the solvency
22The investment policy (cont.)
- Establishment of limits applied to the investment
activity - The board of directors must in line with the
decree on assets covering the liabilities decide
the exposure limits for both individual
securities and different asset categories. - Cumulative limits for different risks must also
be established, which includes for example risks
taken by derivatives. - Guidelines for the use of possible hedging
strategies as part of the general portfolio. - The management of the currency position must also
be included.
23The investment policy (cont.)
- The organisation of the investment activity,
delegation of power and reporting - The board of directors must decide which of the
investment decisions are delegated and which of
them are not. - The board of directors should also see to that
the reporting of the investment activity is
frequent and done in writing. - The investment policy must also contain a
clarification of the use of external asset
management service.
24The investment policy (cont.)
- The investment policies typically pay extra
attention to the EU four-pillar requirement - Safety
- The volatility of the investment risk should be
kept within available solvency buffer imposed by
the solvency requirement or by the insurance
companys own target. - The safety requirement on assets and the required
return from assets covering the technical
provision must be kept in balance. - An assessment of the insurance companys risk
tolerance with respect of both the solvency and
the assets that cover the technical provision
should be made.
25The investment policy (cont.)
- Yield
- The basic yield requirement (average guaranteed
interest rate, average discount rate etc.) - The yield requirement set by the competition
(bonuses, premium reductions etc.) - The yield requirement set by the shareholders
- The yield requirement and the safety requirements
must be coordinated. - Liquidity
- Liquidity of assets (limitation for non-liquid
assets) - Liquidity requirement set by the technical
provision (unfavourable claims development)
26The investment policy (cont.)
- Diversification Â
- Avoiding risk concentration
- Currency position
- The regulatory principles of asset
diversification - The asset allocation should be dependent on the
level of solvency and the profile of the
27Applied ALM techniques
- Conventional strategies (deterministic approach)
- Segmentation of products
- Specific assets back specific products
- Gap buckets
- Matches assets and liabilities by maturity.
- Duration immunisation strategies
- Seeks to match duration of asset and liability
cash flows. - Inflation immunisation strategies
- Seeks to match the inflation risk of assets and
liabilities. - Cash flow matching
- Seeks to exactly match asset and liability cash
flows. - Efficient asset portfolio (mean-variance theory)
- Classical minimum variance asset portfolio
optimisation with different constraints
(allocation, shortfall, liability growth etc.)
28Applied ALM techniques (cont.)
- Modern strategies (commonly a stochastic
approach) - Cash flow analysis
- Seeks to analyse the uncertainty of asset and
liability cash flow estimates. - Duration and convexity analysis
- Seeks to analyse the sensitivity of assets and
liabilities to interest rate changes (beyond
parallel shift - key rate sensitivity). - Stress testing
- What if analysis.
- Value at Risk
- Tries to capture the loss (income statement,
investment etc.) for a given confidence interval
over some time period. - Expected shortfall (conditional tail expectation)
- Tries to capture the expected loss (income
statement, investment etc.) for a given
confidence interval over some time period. - Value creating strategies
- Tries to increase economic value (the absolute
amount of value added to shareholders over a
period of several years.)
29Applied ALM techniques (cont.)
- Efficient economic value strategies
- Seeks the efficient (minimum variance) economic
value asset strategies given a company's
liability profile and business plan. (The
evaluation is commonly based on consistent
valuation of asset and liabilities).
Economic Value
Minimum variance strategy
Same risk higher economic value
Current strategy
Same economic value less risk
30Applied ALM techniques (cont.)
- Stochastic simulation
- In many cases the complex nature of the products
of an insurance company mean that the ALM
objectives cannot be solved using a deterministic
formula approach. - Pre-defined scenarios do not help to quantify the
level of risk and some less obvious dangerous
scenarios may be overlooked. Projecting the
companys results based on a large number of
stochastic economic simulations therefore add
extra value. - The most comprehensive models allow for the
interaction between assets and liabilities and
the ability of the company to take corrective
action by changing for instance the asset
allocation or bonuses in adverse scenarios.
31Applied ALM techniques (cont.)
Parameters (mortality etc.)
Parameters (asset values etc.)
Stochastic economic scenarios producing (market
consistent) economic variables
Economic link
Liability projections producing simulations of
actuarial strategies
Asset projections producing simulations of asset
mix strategies
Multi-period decisions
Range of possible outcomes to be measured
Analysis of simulations in line with objectives
32Organisation of ALM
33Old Approach
- Business decisions at functional levels
- The actuarial department focuses on the
liability side of the operations and investment
department on the risk and rewards of alternative
asset strategies and asset classes. -
- The modern way is to integrate the various
aspects of both sides into an asset-liability
management with the goal to achieve financial
34Modern Approach
- Board of Directors / Top management
- Strong commitment and involvement
- Promote risk management culture
- Statement of principles and objectives with
respect of ALM should be documented and approved
by the Board of Directors
35Modern Approach (cont.)
- Recourses should be allocated to ALM
- ALM committee (investment committee?)
- Investment and actuarial matters around the same
table - Roles and responsibilities should be well defined
- Asset performance measurement vs. financial
objectives. - Top management should be present
- Strategic and tactical aspects
- Meetings should be held frequently (at least
monthly) and documented
36Modern Approach (cont.)
- Independent ALM group or function
- Technical aspects of ALM
- Assumptions and model architecture should be
documented well - Responsible for doing the projections
- Education requirement
- During the recent years the sophistication of ALM
has increased - ALM requires continuous studying, which should be
required and promoted
37Modern Approach (cont.)
- Reporting
- Risk management committee
- Top management
- Board of directors
- Frequency of determination (observed)
- Deterministic models usually annually (in
connection with formulating the ALM-policy - VaR and expected shortfall weekly to quarterly
(solvency and cover of technical provision) - Stress testing monthly to quarterly (solvency and
cover of technical provision) - Stochastic scenario testing quarterly to annually
(depends on market behaviour)
38Supervisory issues
39Regulatory aspects
- How should ALM be required? Different approaches
exist - Set a general requirement to perform ALM
- Wait and see how market practise develops
strategy - The development tends to be slow. Companies tend
to apply the same wait and observe strategy. - A highly flexible approach. Insurance companies
can develop their approach freely without
constraints. - Tends to create set of more variable approaches.
- Set a general requirement to perform ALM
companied with guidelines - An active role by the supervisors in setting
market practise. - Commonly the next step after some market practise
have been formed. - To some level it will harmonise the ALM
approaches taken by the insurance companies. - Requires some knowledge from the supervisors.
40Regulatory aspects (cont.)
- Set a general requirement to perform ALM
companied with a set of minimum requirements (and
a guideline) - Taking the earlier approach on step further.
- Set a detailed requirement to perform ALM with a
rather strict set up. - Dangerous!
- Is there a unique ALM approach that would be
suitable for all companies? - Smaller companies can get by with less
sophisticated methods. - Risk of driving the insurance companies all
together towards a sub optimal solution
(destroying value). - Requires extremely deep knowledge from the
supervisors and the legislators.
41Supervision of ALM
- Holistic supervisory approach is needed which
places significant emphasis on the
responsibilities of the top management. - Quality requirement of internal control and risk
management should be set. - Supervisors should have the power to assess the
quality of the ALM and its processes. - There is a need for forward looking supervision.
Supervisors should therefore promote the use of
different ALM techniques.
42Supervision of ALM (cont.)
- Insufficiently flexible supervisors could quickly
suffocate financial innovations in a rapidly
changing environment. - However, in areas where a wide range of practise
exist, it might be desirable to have a narrower
range of practise. - The applied ALM principles should be sound
- Practices that may be theoretically unsound
should be identified. - Supervisors should be able determine the correct
or a more preferable approach.
43Supervision of ALM (cont.)
- There is a need for guidelines both for insurance
companies developing ALM systems and for the
supervisors to be able to assess the
appropriateness of the systems. - To be effective the supervision of ALM requires a
substantial amount of effort and expertise.
44Supervision of ALM (cont.)
- In order to have a holistic and effective
supervision of ALM there is a need for a
supervisory ALM-team, with expertise in at least - investment,
- insurance mathematics,
- statistics,
- economics,
- IT and
- internal control.
45Supervision of ALM (cont.)
- However, very often the supervisors are
under-resourced, both financially and in terms of
experienced personnel - There is a need to share the knowledge of ALM
practices among practitioners and foreign
supervisors. - Does not include specific strategies for managing
the exposure or company confidential information
and in-depth technical solutions.
46The future
- Key changes compared to the current practise
- Discounting of liability by risk-free market
interest rates that reflect the time value of
money (risk-free interest rate curve). - Insurance liabilities are measured as the
expected present value of all future cash flows
arising from the contractual rights and
contractual obligations associated with the
insurance contracts. - Insurance liabilities should always reflect risk
and uncertainty and it should preferably be
reflected in the cash flows.
48IAS/IFRS (cont.)
- Thus,
- in principle the method should be a stochastic
approach (probability-weighted arithmetic average
of different cash flows at a given date), - deterministic methods might, however, give
results that fall within an acceptable range , - options and guarantees contained in contracts
must be valued (as already required by the
existing EU directives), - new calculation methods must be excepted and
applied replicating portfolio, simulation etc.
49IAS/IFRS (cont.)
Replicating portfolio of the assets
Technical provision according to current praxis
Market interest rate
50IAS/IFRS (cont.)
Replicating portfolio of the assets
Technical provision according to IAS
Market interest rate
51Solvency II
- Development of a new more risk-sensitive system
for assessing the overall solvency of an
insurance undertaking. - A risk oriented approach, which encourages
insurance undertakings to measure and manage
their risks - Should take into account international
developments (IASB, IAIS, IAA)
52Solvency II (cont.)
- Three pillar system
- I.Quantitative financial requirements
- regulatory capital requirements
- Internal models
- etc.
- II. Qualitative tools and strengthened
supervisory review process - Principles of internal control
- Principles for sound risk and financial
management - Principles for Asset-liability management
- Harmonised supervisory review process
- Harmonisation of early-warning indicators and
reference scenarios for stress tests - etc.
- III. Market transparency and disclosure
53A simple ALM example
- Assumptions
- Current market value of assets equals market
value of liabilities - Assets are thus sufficient to economically hedge
liabilities - The cash flows from assets and liabilities are as
54A simple ALM example (cont.)
Time period
55A simple ALM example (cont.)
- Thus,
- there exist a significant reinvestment risk,
- the asset duration is shorter than the liability
duration. - Assume the following hedging strategy
- A tailored overlay portfolio of interest rate
swaps that immunizes the asset/liability cash
flow from any changes in level or shape of the
interest rate curve. - The swap extends the duration of the asset
portfolio and sets it equal to the duration of
the liability. - The initial effect on the solvency position is
zero, since at inception the value of the swap is
56A simple ALM example (cont.)
Hedged portfolio
Time period
57A simple ALM example (cont.)
- In a fair-value world, if
- interest rates increase
- the unhedged portfolio would increase the
solvency margin and - in the hedged portfolio the solvency margin would
be unaffected. - interest rates decrease
- the unhedged portfolio would decrease the
solvency margin and - in the hedged portfolio the solvency margin would
be unaffected. - Hedging is rewarded.
- The reinvestment risk in the unhedged portfolio
should be taken into account in the solvency
58A simple ALM example (cont.)
- According the current accounting praxis, if
- interest rates increase
- the unhedged portfolio would decrease the
solvency and - in the hedged portfolio the solvency would
decrease even more. - interest rates decrease
- the unhedged portfolio would increase the
solvency and - in the hedged portfolio the solvency would
increase even more. - Hedging will not give any reward, on the contrary
it might punish. - The asset profile has no effect on the current
solvency requirement.
59A simple ALM example (cont.)
- Conclusions
- The current accounting praxis and the solvency
system does not create proper incentives for ALM. - The current solvency requirement is clearly
incompatible with the fair-value world. - The results of the Solvency II project will be of
utmost importance for the future development of
ALM (regardless of the accounting praxis).