Title: Richard Pitt
1 Richard Pitt Director of Interprofessional
2- Objectives
- To establish an IPL environment
- To identify a definition of IPL
- To identify ground rules
- To develop an appreciation of the
- different range of professionals
- To identify resources within group
- and available support
3 - To explore self-awareness of own
- professional identity challenging stereotypes and
attitudes. - To identify what health and social care
professions are not represented within the group
and identify what they would offer. -
4 Why Interprofessional Learning/ Working?
5- Drivers
- Professional- General Medical Council
- Nursing Midwifery Council
- Health Professions Council
- General Social Care Council
- Policy - DoH 2007 Our NHS Our Future
- DoH 2006 Modernising Nursing Careers
- DoH 2001 Valuing People
6Reports - Kennedy 2001 Learning from Bristol
the report of the public inquiry
into children's heart surgery at the
Bristol Royal Infirmary 1984 -1995 - Laming
2009 The Protection of Children in England-
Progress Report - Commission for Healthcare
Audit and Inspection 2007 audit inpatient
healthcare services for people
with learning disabilities
7Multiprofessional Education is Occasions when 2
or more professions learn side by side for
whatever reason.CAIPE 1997
8Where two or more professionals, student or
qualified learn about, with and from each other
meaningfully to work together in the delivery of
quality health and social care.CIEL 2008
9 We are setting up sixty-two IP learning sets of
at least 3 professions in groups of maximum of
twelve. Learning Sets following face to face
meeting will then discuss via webCT, an academic
Face Book!
10 Feedback We will evaluate pre and post Learning
Sets and will be seeking 50 students to
participate in focus groups 30-45 minutes with a
free lunch.