Title: Research Higher Degrees
1Prepared by Tony PattiFaculty of ScienceApril
- Research Higher Degrees
- Induction Seminar
- 2008
2Prepared by Tony PattiFaculty of ScienceApril
Welcome! Organisational Structures and Key
People Responsibilities as Research Students
Requirements of Research Students
3Faculty of Science
Welcome to the Team! Research (HDR) Students are
the Key People in maintaining this Facultys
Reputation and success in Research Be
professional, plan, communicate, participate,
network, work hard, travel, enjoy this stage of
your life at Monash
4Organisational Structure
HDR Higher Degree by Research
Your School
MRGS Monash Research Graduate School
Faculty Office
- At School Level
- Supervisor(s)
- Resources and Infrastructure for
- your Project (equipment, consumables, travel
funds, etc) - Supportive and Stimulating research
- environment (a research team, seminars, etc)
- Other important people in your School
- Postgraduate coordinator
- Research Student Administrator
- Head of School
- Fellow students and staff
6Key People - Supervisor
- Your supervisor(s) are key people for
- Giving guidance for your project
- Providing or facilitating access to
- necessary resources
- Providing opportunities for networking
- Giving you general support in many ways
7Key People - Supervisor
- Supervisors have Responsibilities to you
- Clearly spelt out in the Monash University
Doctoral - Regulations and these also apply to the
faculty - Masters Degree Regulations
- See
- http//www.mrgs.monash.edu.au/research/doctoral/in
dex.html - http//www.sci.monash.edu.au/postgrad/mscresearch.
8Supervisor - Student relationship
- Postgraduate Students have Responsibilities too!
- Also spelt out in the Monash University Doctoral
- Handbook and apply to the faculty Masters
Degree - Regulations
- http//www.mrgs.monash.edu.au/research/doctoral/in
dex.html - Candidate Responsibilities include
- Proper conduct
- Adherence to University regulations
- Keeping good records of original data
- Other important people in your School
- Postgraduate coordinators
- Dr Alison Green (School of Applied
Sciences and Engineering) - Prof John Hamill (School of Biological
Sciences) - Dr Andrea Robinson (School of Chemistry)
- Dr Peter Betts (School of
Geosciences) - Prof John Lattanzio (School of Mathematical
Sciences) - Dr David Paganin (School of Physics)
- Postgraduate Student Administrators
- Irene Hall
(School of Applied Sciences and Engineering) - Carol Logan
(School of Biological Sciences) - Monika Walker/Sharlie Cousland (School of
Chemistry) - Robert Oakley
(School of Geosciences) - Linda Mayer
(School of Mathematical Sciences) - Jean Pettigrew
(School of Physics)
10Structure - Role of the Faculty
Key People in the Faculty Office Mr Tom Keegan
Research and Research Training Manager Mr Brian
Walsh - Postgraduate Research Administration
- Intermission of Candidature (support)
- Confirmation of Doctoral Candidature
- (certain procedures required)
- Examination Processes
- Scholarships 1st phase (selection and
support) - Other general candidature issues
11Structure - Role of the Faculty
- Faculty HDR Student Seminars that complement
- MRGS exPERT seminars (see Seminar on
Increasing Your - Productivity on April 21st highly
recommended) - Travel Grants (recommendation financial
subsidy) - Note Overseas travel requires Travel Approval
from MRGS as well - as a Travel Plan that needs the Deans Approval
two separate documents submitted well in advance
of intended travel. - See Faculty Postgraduate Website
- http//www.sci.monash.edu.au/postgrad/index.html
12Structure - Role of the Faculty
- Research Degrees Committee - Faculty of Science
- Consists of
- One academic representative from each School of
the Faculty, generally the - Postgraduate Coordinator
- The Associate Dean Research (Prof Steven
Langford) - The Associate Dean Graduate Studies as
Convenor (A/Prof Tony Patti) - One postgraduate Student Rep elected from the
Faculty Postgraduate - Committee
- The Faculty Research and Research Training
Manager (Mr Tom Keegan)
13Avenues of Support for Raising Concerns
Supervisor Postgraduate Coordinator and/or
Student Representative on the Faculty
Postgraduate Committee Head of School
Associate Dean Graduate Studies
The Dean
14Monash Research Graduate School
Application Procedures Scholarships Travel
Grants Intermission of Candidature Reporting
absences overseas including conferences Annual
Reports Confirmation of Doctoral
Candidature Examination Process Provision of
Seminars Statistical support (exPERT
series) Formulate and oversee Policies,
Procedures and Rules Postgraduate Publication
Awards General Research Training Issues in the
15Requirements in First Year as an HDR Student
- Faulty of Science Requirement of all New PhD
students - - Research plan (typically a minimum of 1500
words) 3 - 6 months - after commencing.
- MSc candidates this is expected at 3 months
- All new PhD students will normally enrol
as - probationary candidates, unless already
holding a - Masters degree or for students in the
- School of Physics where initial enrolment
will be - in an MSc.
16Requirements in First Year as an HDR Student
- Confirmation of Candidature A University
Requirement - (through MRGS)
- All Science PhD candidates are required to have
their candidature - confirmed.
- Requirements include a written progress report
and an oral presentation - A recommendation for confirmation of candidature
comes from a - Panel that includes your supervisor(s).
- Confirmation of PhD candidature can occur after 9
months and - is generally completed by 12 months.
17Requirements in First Year as an HDR Student
- Annual Reports
- Also Required by Monash Research Graduate School
- Every year MRGS requires an Annual Report.
- This report will also be closely scrutinised
at the school level - and by MRGS. Annual Reports are normally due
in early August - Students in their first 6 months of candidature
are not required to - submit an Annual Report.
- The Annual Report is not the same as the
Confirmation of - Candidature report - but be smart in your first
18Requirements in First Year as an HDR Student
Please take it very seriously. Students whose
candidature is not confirmed due to poor
Performance will be asked to complete a Masters.
In extreme cases of very poor performance, your
Candidature can be terminated.
Ensure you have something to show for the first
year and there is a clear research plan for the
remaining two years. You need to convince the
Panel that you a capable research student
19Requirements in First Year as an HDR Student
For MSc Candidates The Faculty requires a
progress report after 9 months of candidature.
This report will be closely scrutinised at the
school level to assess your progress and identify
any problems. MSc candidates intending to
upgrade to PhD follow the MRGS Confirmation of
Candidature Procedures and should begin the
process after 9 months
20Factors influencing Success as a Research Student
- - Good Supervisor(s) Student
relationship - - Good planning of research projects
- - Organisation and focus
- Utilising resources and opportunities
- Writing as you go
- Remember Scholarships will only fund you for
- 3.5 years maximum for PhD (with 6 month
extension) - 2 years maximum for Masters (with 6 month
extension) - Candidature is for four years
- Complete in Good Time and have a Good Time!