Title: February 1024
1- February 10-24
- Pre-Registration
- 2009-2010 School Year
2Credit Requirements to Graduate
- English 4 must take all four years
- Foreign Lang. 2 in the same language
- Theology 3 must take all four years
- Mathematics 3 4 strongly recommended
- Science 3 4 strongly recommended
- Social Studies 3 World Civilization, US
History, 1 elective - PE ½
- Health ½
- Performing Arts 1 ½ must meet speaking
requirement - Electives 4
- 24
3Course Codes
- Each course code begins with a department code.
Department codes are as follows AArt,
BBusiness, CScience, EEnglish, FFrench,
GGerman, HHumanities/Performing Arts,
KResource, LLanguage Arts, MMathematics,
NComputer, OPE/Health electives, PPE/Health
for freshmen, R Theology, SSpanish, TSocial
Studies, and UChoir/Music/Band - The first digit after the Department code
indicates the year in which the course is taught.
Numbers greater than four indicate special
course sequences. - The last digit indicates the Level of Difficulty
- Example M32
- MMathematics 3junior year 2Honors Level
4Level of Difficulty Codes
- 0 AP College Board courses
- 1 Advanced Level
- 2 Honors Level
- 3 Academic Level
- 4 Traditional I
- 5 Traditional II
- 9 Non-ranked classes
5Pre-registration Materials
- The Catalogue of Courses can be found online at
www.trinityrocks.com. Students will be mailed a
Program of Studies , and a Course Request Form. - Students should refer to the Catalogue of Courses
and the Course Request Form to note required
courses and courses of interest.
6Completing the Course Request Form
- PRINT your STUDENT ID on the first line
- PRINT in the column labeled PRESENT COURSE the
course code for each of your present courses - MEET with each of your present teachers. They
are to complete the course recommendations for
PORTION) Please PRINT clearly Student number
_____2011000__________ Student name ____Doe ,
(MI) PRESENT 2008-09
8Specialized Courses and Electives
- NOTE Specialized classes such as Art,
Photography, Forensics, Print Journalism,
Broadcast Journalism, Music/Choir/Band Classes,
Computer Classes, First Aid, and Social Service
Independent Study need to be approved by the
teachers of those courses. - For other general electives see your English
teacher. Make sure math and science courses are
at the same level.
9Alternate Courses
- It is very important for juniors and sophomores
to list one full credit alternate course and two
half credit alternate courses on the bottom of
the Course Request Form. In the event that first
choices are not available, this will give you
some say in which alternate courses are used as
10Listed below one full credit elective and two
semester electives as alternate classes
We approve of this curriculum for our
son. Parent Signature _________________________
_____________________ Date ____February
21,2009_____________ Following the teacher
recommendations above, parents must request
courses using PowerSchool online Class
Registration. PowerSchool Class Registration
must be completed between the dates of Feb. 10
and Feb. 24. After completing the online Class
Registration, this completed form with a parent
signature (1) and a 75 pre-registration fee (2)
must be returned to Academic Services on or
before Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009. If returned
after Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2009, the
pre-registration fee will be 100.
11PowerSchool Class RegistrationNew this year!
- After meeting with your teachers to get class
authorizations, you and/or your parents must go
online to input your course selections. - Go to www.trinityrocks.com, click on Current
Parents or Current Students and then click on the
link for Pre-registration and Course Requests.
Login using the appropriate username and
password. On the Grades and Attendance page
click on the icon for Class Registration.
12Class Registration
- Read and follow the directions to complete your
course requests, choosing the appropriate course
from each drop down menu. - For some elective courses you will be asked to
type the course number (i.e. A21) in the box
provided. You must separate course numbers with
commas. Type course numbers in the box provided
separate course numbers by commas, DO NOT HIT
SELECTION. - When you have made all your course requests you
must click on the submit button at the bottom of
the page. Requests are not saved until the
Submit button is clicked.
13- Heres what your course request screen may look
like. There will be several drop down menus to
select classes in each category.
14(No Transcript)
15Completing the process
- You must select 6, 6 ½, or 7 credits.
- If you select too few credits or too many credits
you will be directed back to the course request
screen. - If correct, you will be taken to a course
requests view screen.
16Completing Pre-Registration
- The final steps to completing the
pre-registration process are - Get a parent signature on the completed Course
Request Form, verifying approval of courses
recommended. - A 75 fee must be paid with the registration
form. (100 if late) - Mail the signed Course Request Form and fee to
the business office or return both to Academic
Services by February 25.
- What should juniors and seniors be most concerned
about in trying to meet graduation requirements?
Of most concern to juniors and seniors should be
making sure they get the total of three theology
credits, the third required social studies
requirement, and the 1 credit of performing arts
½ of which must satisfy the speaking
requirement. - Which courses satisfy the speaking component of
the performing arts credit? Most students will
take Communications Skills. However, the
following courses may be substituted for
Communication Skills and fulfill the speaking
requirement Band, Introduction to Theatre, Jazz
Band, Broadcast Journalism, Freshman Chorus,
Chorus, Freshman Band, Advanced Choral Music,
Forensics I, Forensics II, Acting I and Acting
18FAQs (cont)
- I only need 5 credits to make the 24 required for
graduation. Can I just register for 5 classes
and leave school early in the afternoon to go to
work? No, all students must pre-register for 7
class units, one complete unit of which may be a
resource. (2 semester classes 1 unit) - Will I get all the classes that I pre-register
for? Over 90 of the classes requested are
successfully scheduled. However, staffing
requirements may mean that not all classes listed
in the Course Catalogue will be offered next
year. Additionally, time period conflicts may
prevent some students from getting requested
classes. This makes your alternate course
selections very important.
19FAQs (cont)
- Can I take more than one resource period? You can
only have one resource period in any one
semester. It is possible to take both K79 (first
semester) and K89 (second semester). - Who do I see if I want to change LODs for next
year? The place to begin would be with your
current teachers. Inform them that you are
interested in making a move for next year. Next
talk with your counselor. They will be able to
gather recommendations from several of your
teachers. Teachers and counselors will then make
recommendations on the pre-registration forms and
to the appropriate Dean of Studies. Moves into
the Traditional Program or into the Advanced
Program require that Ms. Linda Whitworth,
Director of the Traditional Program or Mr. Frank
Ward, Director of the Advanced Program be
included in the discussion.
20FAQs (cont)
- How many theology classes do I have to take?
Graduation requirements include 3 theology
credits for graduation. Sophomores and juniors
to-be must sign up for two appropriate semester
theology classes. - Who has to take Composition? Students in E32 or
E33 must also take E52 or E53 Composition.
Exceptions include students in E72 Creative
Writing, E51 Print Journalism, and H21/31
21Mission Accomplished
- With pre-registration behind you, set your sights
on a successful completion of this school year.
Conferences and winter break are right around the
corner. Spring break will be here before you know
it. Finish the final quarter strong. Top off
the year with outstanding performances on your
final exams.